An hour ago, I was truly sitting here, thinking about how we hadn’t seen Prince William and Kate at any events this week and how their “we’re stepping up” narrative had died a swift death. But here they are, at their first public event of the week (it’s Thursday). William and Kate stepped out in London to visit the Copper Box Arena, which was part of London’s build-up for the 2012 Olympic Games. William and Kate were made some kind of Olympic ambassadors that year and they attended various Olympic events. The event today was for Coach Core, which was launched through the Royal Foundation. Coach Core basically has experienced coaches going into disadvantaged communities and mentoring kids to be coaches themselves.
As for fashion, Kate wore a vintage Chanel blazer which… is not really the vintage Chanel piece I would have chosen for Kate, but I get why she picked it. It does have a very “Kate” vibe and it’s blue, so it matches her sapphire jewelry. What’s most interesting to me is the length on Kate’s trousers. First of all, she’s been wearing a lot of pants as Princess of Wales, likely because (you guessed it) she’s still copykeening Meghan. Usually, Kate puts her own keen stink on Meghan’s style by going with a shorter, ankle-revealing inseam. But look at this, Kate is wearing too-long trousers which “puddle” at her feet… just like Meghan. I hope all of the Derangers who cried about Meghan’s pant-length are also very concern-trolly about Kate’s pants.
Photos courtesy of Backgrid.
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