On Saturday, Queen Elizabeth II’s eight grandchildren (the ones we know of, in any case) did a special “vigil” for their gran. QEII’s adult children had done their vigil on Friday evening. These vigils only take about fifteen minutes, and they’re a sign of respect and contemplation… in full view of cameras and the endless Queue of mourners. The grandchildren’s vigil was organized specifically around Prince William and Prince Harry taking the “head” and the “foot” of the casket (or catafalque, a word we’ve learned this week). The other six grandchildren were positioned just so around the “body” of the casket. As with the Friday vigil, I do wonder if the Windsors have to practice all of these regimented mourning acts.

Zara Phillips-Tindall seemed to be walking with a limp, and she also seemed to lose a shoe as she walked up the stairs. I think Viscount Severn, the youngest grandchild, is a little bit too young for this kind of thing (James is only 14), and I feel so bad for Lady Louise. She’s supposed to be starting college at St. Andrew’s right now. Beatrice and Eugenie both seem pretty gutted. They were both very close to their grandmother.

I was going to say that all of the grandchildren looked and behaved with utter dignity, but it looks like Buckingham Palace handed Harry a huge insult. King Charles “requested” that Harry wear his uniform – because the Windsors were getting a massive amount of criticism for insulting veterans internationally – but when the Palace sent him his uniform, there was something missing:

Prince Harry wore his military uniform during a vigil for Queen Elizabeth II after getting special permission from King Charles III to wear it — but it may have come with a hidden insult. While both Harry, 38, and his brother Prince William, 40, wore the Blues and Royals No. 1 dress uniform “at the King’s request,” the outfit that Harry received from Buckingham Palace notably lacked a crucial piece of hardware: the late queen’s royal cypher, her initials “ER.”

William’s uniform, eagle-eyed royal watchers noted, sported the cypher on both shoulder epaulets. Harry’s did not.

“He is heartbroken,” a friend told the Sunday Times of London. “To remove his grandmother’s initials feels very intentional.”

So “devastated” was he, the friend said, that the prince nearly donned a morning suit to avoid the “humiliation.” One insider disputed the account, denying that an alternate outfit was ever under consideration — but admitted that the “ER” cypher had indeed been removed from Harry’s uniform.

[From Page Six]

Again, the pettiness and cruelty is the point. This family wants the world to see them shun and insult Harry for marrying a Black woman. The instituton wants the world to watch as they try to destroy this couple merely for walking away. If I was in Harry’s position, I would have worn a suit, but he’s probably just trying to get through these final days in the UK.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.