Two years ago, rapper Waka Flocka Flame tweeted, “I am dead a** running for President in 2016.” Since then, he’s kept on rhyming and handed a swift smackdown and worthwhile lecture to those racist OU fraternity brothers. I didn’t think we’d be covering him again anytime soon, but now there’s some entertaining news. Waka has officially thrown his name into the 2016 Presidential race. Never mind that he’s only 28 years old, and a person must be 35 to run for either President or Vice President. Waka still filled out the official forms on 4/20 (“the best day of the year“). He filmed a very funny, f-bomb filled candidacy video for Rolling Stone. Here’s some excerpts about his platform:
Legalizing marijuana: “The first thing I’ll do as President is legalize marijuana. A blunt a day will take the pain away. You wake up, hit a blunt, go to work, you go to work, sh*t will be okay. You look around, things ain’t looking good, you roll the blunt, sh*t going to be okay. School work getting too hard? Don’t touch the blunt. Think about it. Wait ’till you get old enough.”
On education: “Education is important. We gotta start teaching these kids more reality. Trade skills. And they gotta learn my lyrics.”
On Congress: “I’m not wearing a suit when I go to the meeting. It’s f***ing irritating. Everybody’s got hot-a** suits on, arguing, sweating.”
Minimum wage: “I’m gonna raise minimum wage. I feel like all fast food restaurants should be paying $15 an hour, since In ‘n’ Out’s doing it.”
Women’s rights: “I feel like women’s got all the rights already. What else they want? My mother was my father and my mother, so she controlled the house. She raised me. She put food on the table. She kept lights on. Women are pretty tough. I feel like it’s not really rights for women, it’s more of a respect thing.”
His competition: “Hilary is my only competition right now because the women love her. She’s honest, and her husband is Bill, so it’s a tough one. I hope I make it.”
[From Rolling Stone]
Waka admits that he’s not very tolerant about people with big feet, and he’d outlaw dogs in restaurants. The part about women’s rights could be read the wrong way, but Waka’s making a point similar to Chris Rock’s assertion about how he grew up “in a matriarchal society. You never hear, ‘Women need to step up.’ No, it’s all, ‘You’re the greatest thing that ever walked the Earth.’” Waka’s saying his mother raised him and was very powerful and tough. He thinks she’s already asserted all her rights and deserves more respect.
This Presidential bid is hilarious even though Waka swears he isn’t joking. The best part is when Waka talks about how Hilary is his only real competition. He’s not wrong! Right now Waka’s winning on Twitter against Hilary, but dude has his work cut out for him. All those distracting blunts, man. Learn more about Waka’s campaign here.
Photos courtesy of Rolling Stone, Fame/Flynet & WENN
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