
Yesterday, we were inundated with Kim Kardashian interviews. Her Rolling Stone cover dropped and on Tuesday night, Kim sat down for a lengthy interview with the Commonwealth Club of California. Both interviews were pretty vapid, but there’s some additional stuff from the Commonwealth Club appearance that I wanted to cover. Like… Kim supports Hillary Clinton. And Kim has thoughts about gun control. Some additional highlights:

When asked if Hillary Clinton should be the first female president: “I hope so!”

How she felt about the SCOTUS gay marriage ruling: “Proud of Obama and proud to be an American.”

Gun control regulations. “If I could do something to change the world… I’m not really a gun person, and we do not have strict enough gun control laws.”

The family prayed about Caitlyn’s transition: “We all as a family prayed and hoped that people could understand it. Unless you’re actually going through it, you’ll never one hundred percent understand it. Caitlyn is so grateful for all of that. The reason we wanted to share our family story over it during a two-hour special was to show that every family member will have a different opinion or reaction to something, and that’s okay. Everyone has a different emotional transition to find their own way to support it. Caitlyn has helped me learn to be less judgmental. Through it all, I saw it might be difficult for some people, but that’s still okay.”

The feminist question, reworded: “I guess people call me a feminist, but I don’t like to put labels. I do what makes me feel comfortable. I never think what I say is the right thing, but I believe you should do what makes you feel comfortable.

Preparing her children for racism: “Kanye is very vocal and open with what’s occurred in his own life. And we’ll talk to our kids the way my father spoke to us. I think that when I was a teenager, my father knew or somehow put together that I was going to inevitably end up with a black guy and would make sure to tell me story after story about racial difficulties and how he always fought for the better. We always had friends of different races while growing up. Also, Kanye is very vocal, so I’m sure he’ll have a lot more to say to my kids.”

On Kanye: “I love most the way he loves, the way he creates, and the way he thinks. He’s such a good person and I love how he just stands up for whatever he believes in wholeheartedly and never backs down without a care for how it comes across. He’s taught me to just be me. I really used to care so much about how people thought of me, and he taught me to not care.”

[From The Daily Beast]

I’m surprised Kim actually said anything about guns. Her whole thing is not taking “controversial” stances on political issues. But maybe that just goes to show you – if even Kim Kardashian is coming out for stricter gun control, maybe it’s overwhelmingly a majority opinion.

Oh, as for Kim’s RS interview… I’m sure we’re going to be discussing it for days to come, mostly because of the somewhat offensive way Kim is described by the RS writer. Example: “She’s a jungle Aphrodite escaped from a forest of big-booty nymphs, with a mane as thick as a horses’s and as black as volcanic rock.” Er… jungle Aphrodite? The jungle of Armenia and LA? And here’s one more RS quote from Kim: “I’m obsessed with contouring. My nose is a completely different nose because of contouring.” HAHAHA. Girl, your nose is different because of multiple surgeries.

Photos courtesy of WENN.