The Sunday Times (of London) had yet another lengthy piece about the fallout from Netflix’s Harry & Meghan. Salt Island is not in full panic mode yet, probably because all of the bad stuff (for them) is in the second half of the series. Right now, the Windsors are in general ass-covering mode, lying constantly and trying to exert control over the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s narrative. What’s interesting is what the palace is deciding to nitpick about the series so far, like Meghan’s claim about how there wasn’t any “princess training.” Some highlights (via the Daily Beast):
William won’t watch the series: A friend told The Sunday Times: “He (William) says he will never watch it and I know he definitely won’t.”
Meghan’s princess training. A source described as “a total lie” the claim Meghan was left utterly in the dark over royal protocol. It’s “a total lie,” a royal source told the Times. “There was prep for everything, walkabouts—even though she was engaged to someone who’d done hundreds of them—clothes, everything. The level of support was intense.” The Times says that before they married in May 2018, Harry’s then private secretary, Ed Lane Fox, known as “Elf,” gave Meghan a 30-point dossier, with a full guide to the royal life she was taking on, with advice and contacts included.
Meghan’s niece Ashleigh: A royal source also told the Times that it was incorrect to claim, as Meghan did, that she was encouraged not to invite her niece, Ashleigh Hale, to the wedding. “That just didn’t happen,” a source said. “We never gave any advice, steer or guidance on who of her family or friends should or shouldn’t come to her wedding. I have a very clear memory of her [Meghan] saying that she had a niece who she would in other circumstances have liked to invite, but she didn’t want to invite her because it would have put her under intense scrutiny. It was not a question she put to us. We would never tell her not to invite her own niece to the wedding and we would never get involved in any management of personal relationships.”
Meghan & Harry’s engagement interview: Royal sources say that Meghan’s claim that her and Harry’s engagement interview with BBC presenter Mishal Husain was an “orchestrated reality show” was also untrue. “Every word of that interview was what they wanted to say. She controlled every micro-detail of how their engagement publicly went.”
Harry’s comment about how royal men don’t follow their hearts in marriage: An old friend of both brothers told the Times: “That was so cheeky, that’s a love match if ever there was one. Catherine doesn’t even fit the mould—she’s not an earl’s daughter or blue-blooded. The sadness is Harry was so close to Catherine.”
The Waleses and Sussexes will exchange Christmas gifts: The Times reports that William and Kate have bought Christmas presents for Harry and Meghan’s kids Archie and Lilibet, while Harry and Meghan have bought presents for George, Charlotte, and Louis.
I think the princess-training issue is probably a much more complicated one than either side will acknowledge. Meghan thought that there would be a book or actual lessons for everything involved with a public role, from dressing to waving to what to say at a reception, etc. What ended up happening is that they sent Susan Hussey and a bunch of decrepit old men to talk to Meghan and they gave her limited – and likely contradictory – advice. Meghan thought she would get actual lessons. What she got was a memo and a bunch of racists condescending to her.
What else? The Ashleigh stuff is interesting, I guess. I absolutely believe both things can be true at once, which is that Meghan was being told that it would be too controversial or too whatever to invite her niece AND Meghan was like “I need to protect and shield Ashleigh.” Meghan has done that with a lot of her friends too – there was and still is an overzealous, racist press looking over every one of Meghan’s connections and trying to find scandals or weaknesses to be exploited.
As for William and Kate’s “love match” – lmao. Sure. And while it’s true that Kate wasn’t an aristocrat and it’s true that no one in the royal family wanted William to marry such a lazy peasant, it’s also true that Kate “fits the mold” because she’s willingly a silent Victorian ghost who has subverted her entire personality to fit into the mold.
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