
LaineyGossip has a good theory for why Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively are playing this stupid game with not announcing what they’ve named their baby girl. Just for the record, if you don’t want to announce your baby’s name, that’s fine. But don’t make it into a guessing game like you’re so clever. It’s pretty annoying. Anyway, Lainey’s theory is that Ryan is promoting The Voices and it’s not a big enough film to spill the tea on the baby name, and that they might wait until Blake is promoting The Age of Adaline in April to announce the name. Sounds possible. I bet Blake announces it on Preserve before then though.

Anyway, Ryan was on The Late Show last night (you can see the full interview here) and David Letterman grilled him on the baby name. Like, they spent the bulk of the interview talking about the name and playing this silly game. Once again, Ryan said they didn’t name the baby Violet: “People said that the name was Violet, which was a very pretty name. But, that’s Ben Affleck’s daughter’s name … we would never steal another celebrity’s baby name, so we went with Shiloh.” Ryan also dropped some hints: it’s a family name, it’s not Blake’s mother’s name and it’s “maybe kind of, yeah” a Biblical name. Bathsheba Reynolds. DONE. He also said this about Blake:

“It’s amazing. I’m not one for vomiting declarations of sentiment out across the airwaves, but when we had that baby, I fell more in love with my wife than I’d ever been in my entire life. I couldn’t even believe it. I used to say to [Blake], ‘I would take a bullet for you. I could never love anything as much as I love you.’ I would say that to my wife. And the second I looked in that baby’s eyes, I knew in that exact moment that if we were ever under attack, I would use my wife as a human shield to protect that baby. [As] the guy, I’m just like a diaper-changing facility hooked up to a life-support system. But my wife, she’s breakfast, lunch, and dinner. She’s a human Denny’s, all day long and all night long. Romantic right? She’s the most beautiful Denny’s you’ve ever seen, though.”

[From Us Weekly]

I’ll admit it, I liked what Blandy Reynolds had to say about Blake. I mean, of course he loves his wife. But it’s nice to hear him gush about her like this because we’ve never really heard that from him before. Oh well… I hope they’re a real love match. And I hope we find out this godforsaken baby’s name soon.

Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.