
In the latest instalment of YouTube sensation Whitney Avalon‘s Princess Rap Battle series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer alum Sarah Michelle Gellar stars as the iconic princess Cinderella while Whitney plays Belle.

SMG’s 5-year-old daughter Charlotte joined in on the fun. “My #Princess mtg the #Princesses #TeamCindy #PrincessRapBattle,” the proud mama, 37, Instagrammed the behind-the-scenes shot.

On Tuesday, the actress took to Twitter with a special message for her fans.

“What a week! Today is the 18th anniversary of Buffy #HappyAnniversary and tomorrow is the release of the #PrincessRapBattle,” she tweeted.

Then on Wednesday, SMG shared the video with the caption: “#PrincessRapBattle it’s time- Cinderella won for sure!! #TeamCindy @whitneyavalon.”

Check out the video below. Are you #TeamCindy or #TeamBelle?

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