
Well, I’m just thankful that we finally have some new photos of Sarah Palin. I had been recycling old photos for all of our Palin posts over the past few months, so it’s nice to get some new pics. I have to say, Palin is looking healthier here. Sarah Palin came out last night for a “lamestream media event,” otherwise known at NBC’s big shindig for Saturday Night Live’s 40th anniversary. How does Palin justify this appearance with her anti-liberal-media stance?

Us Weekly points out that Sarah Palin actually borrowed this dress from Bristol Palin – you can see the side-by-side here. Bristol wore this dress to the White House Correspondents’ dinner in 2011, and Bristol let her mama borrow it. Sarah Palin said as much to Us Weekly: “I’m wearing all Bristol! Everything I have, I borrowed from Bristol. Her [bag], her dress. It’s something left over from Dancing With the Stars, but her shoes, she made me give her a deposit before I wore her shoes! She was like, ‘Mom, these are like red soles and you don’t mess with them unless you’re on the red carpet, otherwise you pay for them!’” So that bag is Bristol’s too? Some people said it was a bearskin purse?! It looks like real fur, but I’m not sure if it’s bearskin. We know Sarah Palin doesn’t give a crap about animal rights or anti-fur crusades, so… obviously.

Here’s the bit Sarah Palin did with Jerry Seinfeld. I don’t blame you at all if you want to skip ahead to the relevant portion – Palin shows up around the 6:15 minute mark. This whole skit was WAY too long. Palin asks Seinfeld how much money Lorne Michaels would give her to run for president in 2016 with Donald Trump as her running mate (for laughs). Seinfeld also cracked a joke about Brian Williams. Good.


Photos courtesy of WENN.