
During a Thursday appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, actress Scarlett Johansson gets a shock from her Avengers: Age of Ultron costar Chris Evans, and chats about being pregnant with daughter Rose, now 8 months, while filming the blockbuster film.

While she “wound never assume the title” of “supermom,” the actress admits, “I shot this film while I was pretty pregnant which is kind of crazy.”

When Ellen asked if she had any morning sickness, the new mom said, “No, I was really happy to be working. I never thought I would be working in that condition.”

Johansson added: “I was pretty big.”

When asked how they hid her baby bump, Johansson joked, “It just magically went away.” When Ellen pressed for details, Johansson simply said, “Movie magic.”

The perks of working so late into a pregnancy?

“Everybody had to be nice to me which was cool,” Johansson joked. “I felt like I kind of got a free pass.”

The host went on to shock Johansson with a surprise appearance from Chris Evans.

The surprise scare began when Ellen noted that Johansson is outnumbered by her male co-stars.

“There’s a lot of guys,” Johansson said. “I mean, now we have [Elizabeth Olsen] and [Cobie Smulders] both in it, which is helpful. I surround myself with like an army of women to kind of protect me against all the testosterone.” Then, she joked, “We’re talking about actors! They’re very delicate.”

Continue watching a clip with the costars below..