
These are photos of Shailene Woodley on the set of Oliver Stone’s Snowden. She plays the exotic dancer girlfriend of Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s awkward Edward Snowden. They kissed in these photos, just FYI. Shailene’s wearing a wig that looks so much like her old long hair. Shailene looks cute with short hair, but her long hair was glorious. Some old hair photos are in the gallery.

Shailene has a new interview with Bon Appetit, which seems right up her alley. They usually do charming interviews about actors’ food habits. With Shailene, the charm has worn thin. She loves to talk about food in a smug way, sort of like the Goop of homespun remedies that everyone knew about already. (But Goop would never eat ants and june bugs — unless someone put a $4000 price tag on them, then she’d be game.) Here’s some wisdom from the McDonald’s-dissing lover of coconut oil. Her latest target seems to be craft services, which is the root of all food evil:

Fermentation is rad: “My favorite fermented foods are kraut and kimchi and kombucha, but the great thing about fermentation is that you can ferment just about anything. I sort of love that semi-rotten flavor, too. I make sauerkraut, kimchi and kombucha if I’m in a stable environment long enough to do it.”

Does she eat crafts services food? “It’s pretty much an absolute no. I bring my own food in the morning and at night. I go to work, then I come home and learn my lines, and then I’ll make dinner and use whatever I make for dinner as leftovers the next day. It usually has potatoes or sweet potatoes, a protein, and a vegetable. It’s an easy, quick thing to do every day, and then you can switch up the sauces depending on what you’re feeling like.”

This is gross: “I’ll definitely try almost everything. I was in Spain recently and there’s a Catalan dish that’s cooked with pigs’ feet. I ended up really loving it. It was so gelatinous and that felt so healthy for my stomach. It was good to have so much gelatin in there.”

Shailene knows coffee: “It’s my morning ritual. I put a little bit of coconut oil in there, too. It’s coffee, coconut oil, and butter. I’ll put some cinnamon or cayenne in there sometimes. I put it all in a blender because I want it to be latte-y. You’ve got to try it. People love it for a reason.”

Her latest home remedy: “I recently learned a lot about thyme. It’s really good for your respiratory system. In the morning, if you wake up and your respiratory system feels a bit off, thyme is a great cure for that. And, it’s an easy remedy, considering most of us have thyme in our kitchens. You make a tea out of it.”

She uses beets for lipstick: “It’s true and it’s totally awesome. Beets are amazing. If you roast them you’ll get a better lipstick. They’re not as potent and they don’t stain the same way if they’re raw. So I roast them first and then just dab a little of the juice on my lips with my finger.”

[From Bon Appetit]

Shailene also raves about bone broth again if you need to hear more on that topic. Man, why does she dislike craft services? They provide some increasingly healthy options on film sets. Bon Appetit even even did a cool feature about craft services last year. Shailene likes to know how her food is prepared, so I guess it’s a big deal to bring her own meals. She talks about GMOs in this interview too. She’s very concerned about putting anything into her body if she doesn’t know where it came from. She sounds exhausting.

The idea of beet juice as lipstick shouldn’t surprise me. Beets are awful. I feel the same way about beets as Shailene does about craft services.


Here’s Shailene’s 2013 hair. I forgot how addicted to highlights she was back then. She probably used lemon juice while she was sunning her vadge.


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN
