Nylon magazine released its full Shailene Woodley interview from their April issue. This is the same talk where she tripled down on her dislike of the feminist label. The rest of the interview is new-agey. Shailene planned a day of “picking lemons and harvesting honey” with this journo. She got sick, so they drank tea together instead. Shailene revealed how some sort of mysterious creature was “attacking her small intestine.” She doesn’t go into detail (thank god), but I wonder if her illness is connected to gathering her own spring water. Just a thought? Shailene certainly didn’t pop any Advil for this ailment.
Shailene talks about her amazing bone broth invention again, and she drops another one of her discoveries. She likes to eat bugs now because they’re so “great.” More pro tips can be found below, and there’s a deep amoeba analogy for film sets:
Still hooked on bone broth: “I was laughing on the way here because I was worried I had beef broth breath.”
The diet of the future: “I’ve eaten ants and that was great. And June bugs, that was great. I think the future of food is in insects, so we’ll see what happens. If I could. I would grow a pair of wings and fly.”
Saving the planet: “Everyone could and should do a lot for the planet. I think you should find one small thing that works for you and dedicate and commit to that one thing every single day. When you leave the house just unplug your toaster, coffee machine, your TV, which doesn’t need to be on all day.”
More pro tips: “Don’t ask for a straw in a restaurant. Make it a goal not to drink out of plastic as much as possible. Turn the shower off when you’re washing your body and don’t waste the water. There are a lot of small things out there, you just find the one that works for you.”
Her take on movie sets: “Being on a movie set to me is one of the greatest things. I could sleep on set. It’s like 200 people, and everyone has their own story. Everyone comes from somewhere different, and yet they’re all there together collaborating …. It’s sort of like a living, breathing amoeba, how it’s constantly moving and shape-shifting. And without all of its parts, it wouldn’t be able to flourish.”
[From Nylon]
Bugs are the diet of the future, people. This is nothing new. Some people do eat bugs (not just chocolate covered grasshoppers) as a source of protein. Bugs are in plentiful supply with very little demand as a food source. The thought of eating them IS gross. But are insects any more icky than what happens (out of sight) in food production already? I try very hard not to think of these things during dairy consumption. What goes into producing cottage cheese or milk is pretty nasty. At least you see what you’re getting with bugs.
Here’s Shailene lugging a crockpot in NYC last week. She’s serious about bone broth.
Photos courtesy of Hilary Walsh/Nylon, Fame/Flynet & WENN
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