Shailene Woodley

Shailene Woodley stepped out in London for last night’s Insurgent world premiere. She didn’t make a major splash with this Ralph Lauren dress, which isn’t surprising. Shailene isn’t into clothes, makeup, or any of the usual movie star trappings. I’d still like to see her have more fun with the red carpet experience. This is a girl who doesn’t mind talking about her sunshine vadge but chooses conservative dresses almost every time. This dress isn’t awful. The back view and side view are actually lovely. From the front, it’s a non event. I think losing the crochet sleeve detail would have been a fine move.

Shai’s chemistry with Theo James here is nonexistent. They look so awkward together. To be fair, he doesn’t exactly ooze charisma on his own.

Shailene’s preparing for her role as Edward Snowdon’s girlfriend (Lindsay Mills) in the upcoming Oliver Stone movie. She spoke to E! about the NSA whistleblower and why she considers him a hero:

What’s a hero? “I define a hero as somebody, who against the judgment of other people, if they believe something will positively impact the world and they choose to do it and honor their integrity, that’s what I sort of consider a hero, no matter how big or mall a feat they create. And in that light, absolutely I think that Edward Snowden is a hero.”

Her words to Snowden: “You are the epitome of the word selfless. You did something knowing you wouldn’t be able to come home, knowing that your country would have very mixed feelings and yet your integrity on what you believe was right or wrong or should be public knowledge was more important to you than almost your own comfortability and the life that you had lived for so long. So I would like to say thank you to him.”

[From E! Online]

Since this is an Oliver Stone movie, the controversy factor should be high. Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays Snowden, and you can see him in character in this Facebook photo. Shailene is playing an exotic dancer in this movie. You can see photos of Lindsay Mills in action at the Mail. I can’t wait to read Shailene’s interviews about pole dancing.

Shailene Woodley

Shailene Woodley

Photos courtesy of WENN
