
I tend to think Tom Hiddleston is going to hit full “Cumberbatch” later this year, when he shows his range in three films that will all be released within a three-month period. Those films? Crimson Peak, High Rise and I Saw the Light. I tend to think ISTL will be of particular interest for potential awards-bait, depending on the reviews and whether Hiddles is seen as doing a particularly stellar job. What’s my point? That Hiddles is going to find himself in demand, even more so than he is already. Right now, I would say Hiddles is on the cusp – we’ll see how this year’s awards season goes, but it’s very likely that Hollywood will be taking greater notice of Tom in the months to come.

In the meantime, Tom is apparently attached (loosely attached?) to a sequel to Mel Gibson’s Braveheart. It doesn’t seem like Gibson has much to do with this film, currently called Lion Rampant. But according to the Sony Hack documents (now on Wikileaks), Tom is attached to play the lead, Robert the Bruce, in the “unofficial sequel to Braveheart.”

Thor actor Tom Hiddleston looks set to star in the highly-anticipated sequel to Mel Gibson’s 1995 classic Braveheart. According to emails exposed by WikiLeaks, the 34-year-old will take on the role of Scotland’s warrior king Robert the Bruce in the upcoming film, entitled Lion Rampant. Directed by David Mackenzie, the movie will be shot in Scotland and will also potentiality feature Jack O’Connell and Emma Stone.

Lion Rampant – described as the ‘unofficial sequel to Braveheart’ – is reportedly being made by Working Title, the British company behind blockbusters such as Four Weddings And A Funeral. Details of the highly-anticipated film were revealed when an email exchange between former head of Sony Entertainment Amy Pascal and Rich Klubeck, a senior partner in a leading American talent agency, were published. In the messages, he states that he is ‘pleased to share’ details of the Lion Rampant project. He also is said to specifically mention Hiddleston by name in connection with the role of Robert the Bruce.

In a subsequent email exchange between Ms Pascal and Eric Fellner – a Working Title producer, even more details about the film were revealed.

‘It is the story that follows on in history from Braveheart,’ he explained in one message. ‘It is an epic tale of action and romance.’

Mr Fellner then appeared to confirm Hiddleston and O’Connell’s roles in the film, however, hinted that Stone was not yet fully on board with the project. Nevertheless, he seemed determined to persuade the actress to sign up to the project: ‘We are out to get Emma Stone.’

If Lion Rampant does go ahead, the film will tell the tale of Robert the Bruce, who fought a series of wars with the English before leading his country to victory in the Wars Of Scottish Independence. Neither Hiddleston’s agent nor his manager were available for comment.

[From The Daily Mail]

The vibe I get is that this is more like “I want a pony” dream-casting for a project that hasn’t even been greenlighted. I checked IMDB – there’s no page or mention of Lion Rampant, and Emma Stone, Tommy Hiddleston and Jack O’Connell are not in any way officially connected to this film. And yes, it doesn’t seem like something Hiddleston should do – I know Braveheart was an Oscar-winning film and everything, but no one wants or needs a sequel.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.