
Star Magazine says Carey Mulligan is preggo. Well, a lot of you predicted this. I threw it out there as a possibility last week, although at the end of the day, I just thought Carey Mulligan loved baggy, sacky dresses. But some of you insisted that Carey was trying to hide a small baby bump, and now Star Magazine says you guys were right.

The “I Will Wait” song is sounding on cue for Mumford & Sons singer Marcus Mumford, 28, and wife Carey Mulligan, 29. A source tells Star the couple is expecting a new bundle of joy.

“Carey and Marcus are thrilled to welcome their first child,” an insider tells Star.

But they aren’t planning on sharing the news for several more weeks.

“The thing with these two is that they are extremely private people,” the insider explains. Plus, they’re waiting until her pregnancy starts to show, the source adds.

The Mumford couple had been trying for a baby, but the good news still “took them by surprise,” the source told Star.

[From Star Magazine]

If it’s true – and I kind of think it is – then congrats to them. I don’t see Carey as one of those annoying “let me pontificate about how motherhood is the only important thing” moms. She won’t be doing pap strolls with the bump or the baby. Although it will get interesting later this year when she’s promoting Suffragette, a film that many believe will be a potential Oscar contender. Will she shill her bump a little bit for an Oscar? We’ll see.

You know what this reminded me of? We have barely heard anything about or from Keira Knightley. She must be due any day now too (like Sophie Hunter). Keira and Carey are good friends. They’re not, like, pregnancy twinsies or anything, but I would imagine that Carey and Keira’s babies will grow up together.

This was the terrible Dior dress that launched a thousand baby-bump rumors:


Photos courtesy of WENN.