Full disclosure: I’m pretty much a liberal Democrat. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to spend the next year throwing shade at every Republican presidential hopeful. There are some prospective GOP nominees that I will be taking seriously, like Rand Paul and Jeb Bush. Like, I think they legitimately have a chance to become the GOP presidential nominee and I’m interested in hearing what they have to say about a host of issues. But while Sen. Paul and former Governor Bush are certainly going to run, they haven’t announced yet. No, the honor of the “first to officially announce” belongs to… Senator Ted Cruz. Who is probably the biggest jackass/spoiler in the Republican field (not including Donald Trump for obvious reasons). Here’s how Ted Cruz announced (on Twitter!):
I’m running for President and I hope to earn your support! pic.twitter.com/0UTqaIoytP
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) March 23, 2015
Something nice: I’m glad that the stock images of American voters weren’t just white people. I also think it’s cool that he announced on Twitter, of all places.
But now that he’s officially running, people are like “Who is this guy?” So here are five helpful reminders.
1. He was actually born in Canada. He had Canadian citizenship up until a few years ago when he “renounced” his Canadian roots. While he can still “technically” run for president, considering the “birther” movement sprang out of the Republican-wingnut-held belief that Barack Obama was secretly born in Kenya (when he was in fact born in Hawaii) and ineligible for the presidency, this is just inconsistent messaging.
2. He was one of the biggest reasons for the 2013 government shutdown… which achieved nothing but give Ted Cruz more exposure.
3. People always compare Cruz to Joseph McCarthy, in looks and temperament.
4. Just last week, he screamed at a terrified child, “YOUR WORLD IS ON FIRE.”
5. He once unsuccessfully tried to smear a Vietnam veteran and war hero.
I don’t know about you, but I’m actually looking forward to seeing what Rand Paul and Jeb Bush do to Ted Cruz in a debate.
Photos courtesy of Getty.
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