There’s some insidious stuff happening in the American and British press right now, which speaks volumes about the panic in the British media, the British royal family and the British establishment. That panic is all about Netflix’s Harry & Meghan docuseries, the first three episodes of which drop overnight. The Washington Post has a very strange preview with the headline “Prince Harry and Meghan in Netflix documentary seek to control their story.” The piece was written by Karla Adam, WaPo’s London correspondent and William Booth, WaPo’s London bureau chief. Why are the London-based writers covering the Sussexes? Why is the docuseries being previewed through the lens of “British people are so mad about it.” Here are some particularly interesting parts:
British people are definitely centering themselves in the Sussex story: At the end of one of the trailers released by Netflix, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, looks at the camera and asks: “Doesn’t it make more sense to hear our story from us?” Some royal watchers here might say no, not really. In contrast to the United States, where the couple who quit their royal jobs and took refuge in California are looked upon somewhat warmly, members of the British public view the Sussexes with more hurt, more suspicion.
How can Meghan & Harry exist during the cost-of-living crisis? Some agree with Harry and Meghan’s take that the palace wasn’t supportive enough, that the tabloids were racist. But especially in a winter when soaring rents and heating costs are a recurring topic of conversation, people seem reluctant to extend much sympathy to the rebel royals — and don’t buy their argument that the Metropolitan Police should be responsible for their security when in Britain.
Christopher Bouzy spoke to the Post: He told The Post that he was interviewed for the documentary for two hours in March. “Based on what I know on targeted campaigning, it’s important for folks to understand what this couple has gone through. It’s important to get their side of the story from them,” he said.
Valentine Low also spoke to the Post: On the whole, the promotional material conveys “an incredibly strong sense of victimhood,” said Valentine Low, author of “Courtiers: Intrigue, Ambition and the Power Players Behind the House of Windsor.” “There is a reasonable debate to have” about whether the royal institution has done enough to support those who marry into it, Low said in an interview with The Post. “But [Harry] loses me when he says no one knows the full truth but them, implying they have a monopoly on truth. What about those women who say they were bullied by Meghan? They have a truth, too.”
Yeah, WaPo also quotes a particularly vile Spectator article about the Sussexes, as well as Piers Morgan (who is just vile, in general). Why is the Washington Post carrying water for the Windsors and the British racists? Why should the Sussexes silence themselves because of Britain’s cost-of-living crisis? The Valentine Low quote is especially noteworthy because the Windsors are dusting off the bullying bullsh-t right now. From the Mail:
A former Buckingham Palace employee who claims to have been bullied by the Duchess of Sussex has urged it to release staff from non-disclosure arrangements so they can reject Harry and Meghan’s ‘lies’ ahead of their Netflix series.
The former staffer, who signed a confidentiality agreement, has urged the palace to lift non-disclosure agreements so they can respond to ‘attacks’ from the Sussexes.
‘The only way to end it once for good is for us to be allowed to speak, and for the palace to firmly reject their lies,’ the former employee told The Times. ‘I certainly have chosen to remain silent out of respect for the crown, but if they keep attacking us and our characters, reputation etc. we need to feel we are equally supported by the Royal Family.’
Palace staff are said to be ‘seething with rage’ after the series trailers were released, a source told the newspaper. Royal sources have insisted it was ‘absolutely wrong’ to suggest the couple had been briefed against and insisted ‘unprecedented steps’ had been taken to support them.
One insider told The Daily Telegraph that royal staff were instead ‘bending over backwards to work with them’.
So, that’s where we are. The lazy, incompetent racist staffers are crying about how they need to be released from their confidentiality agreements so they can tell their stories about how Meghan made them cry by asking them to complete a task one time. The whole bullying “investigation” was settled a while ago too, and the palace never allowed Meghan to defend herself from the accusations, nor were Meghan’s receipts ever allowed to be part of the investigation. So, whatever. Pathetic, desperate lunatics waging a pathetic, desperate smear campaign. Still, I’m shocked that the Washington Post would carry water for Salt Island that way.
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