Over the weekend, a British chef named Jameson Stocks went on GB News and lied his ass off. He claimed that he was approached by Netflix to “consult” on an unnamed lifestyle show. While Stocks said that Netflix didn’t confirm which show, he told GB News: “I already kind of knew who it was,” meaning the Duchess of Sussex’s With Love, Meghan. To drive home the whole point of his interview, he spent several minutes trashing WLM and Meghan personally. It was clear from the quotes that he had been fed a script, but what many people find galling is that he just blatantly lied about Netflix approaching him.

Despite many claims to the contrary, I cannot find one Netflix or Archewell person speaking on the record as a named source disputing Stocks. Page Six noted in their coverage that “sources close to production have told The Post that Stocks, 41, was never approached to be a part of the series.” They quote an “insider” who said: “Chef Jameson Stocks was not invited to participate in ‘With Love, Meghan,’ and any claims to the contrary are incorrect. Jameson himself doesn’t even know which show it was for—he noted ‘he thinks it was for this show,’” the source continued, while cautioning against “taking his assumption as fact.” While it’s great that a source/insider clapped back so quickly, I still hoped that someone would come out on the record. This guy ran straight to GB News and lied about being asked on as a consultant and performed a script trashing Meghan and the show. On Monday, Archewell/Netflix people went to Us Weekly too, and once again did not put their name to it:

Celebrity chef Jameson Stocks was not invited to make an appearance on Meghan Markle’s series, With Love, Meghan, Us Weekly can confirm.

Us can also confirm any claim to the contrary is incorrect as James stated that he did not know which exact show Netflix approached him for.

[From Us Weekly]

My only thought is that Archewell – which executive produced the show – is trying to clap back but they honestly don’t know if Netflix approached Stocks about a different show. That doesn’t change the fact that Stocks directly indicates that he was approached to consult on WLM and he turned them down because he “knew” the show was going to be bad/inauthentic/whatever-deranged-talking-point. I know Meghan has some new PR people and they’re being much more proactive – like that People Mag article about how she’s a great boss – but this is one of those moments where someone needs to come out and really push back on these lies. All it would take is an Archewell producer directly saying: “This is completely false.”

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Netflix.