Do you love or hate Viola Davis in this dress? I can’t decide. [Go Fug Yourself]
Cristiano Ronaldo got sunburnt on a yacht. [Dlisted]
Prince Harry stretches, bites his lip, meets Samuel L. Jackson. [LaineyGossip]
Vintage Tom Hardy – he was such a chav. [Buzzfeed]
More photos from Nicki Minaj’s Cosmo shoot. [Popoholic]
I refuse to read this dying dog story because I don’t want to cry. [Starcasm]
Does Shia LaBeouf even work in movies these days? [Pajiba]
Khloe Kardashian & the Pinocchio Butt in blue. [Moe Jackson]
I really, really love Bill Nye. That’s all. [Uproxx]
Ricky Martin talks about being a single dad. [A Socialite Life]
Frankie Grande is going on tour. Seriously. [OMG Blog]
Bandeau bikinis are the worst. [Celebslam]
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