Why are they remaking Road House and why is Jake Gyllenhaal being cast in the Patrick Swayze lead role?! [Gawker]
I forgot that Joshua Jackson & Lizzy Caplan are doing a Fatal Attraction series. Damn, Joshua looks good in these photos. [LaineyGossip]
Travis Scott got a Las Vegas residency?? [Dlisted]
Check out gallerist Alex Tieghi’s LA home. [OMG Blog]
Tiffany Haddish wore a shiny satin Jonathan Simkhai. [RCFA]
Dr. Oz is creepy about and to women. [Jezebel]
Jennifer Lawrence got J.Lo’s memo about wide-leg jeans. [Go Fug Yourself]
Pete Davidson actually looks kind of cute here? [Just Jared]
Why didn’t Friday Night Lights become a huge hit in middle America? [Pajiba]
I think about this too much, how one person’s “19” looks & vibes totally different from another person’s 19. I think about it more with 22/23 year olds and who gets to be called a “kid” and who is called an “adult.” [Buzzfeed]
Republicans want to “purge” federal workers. [Towleroad]
Kim Kardashian’s “incredible” new photoshoot. [Egotastic]