
The opening episode of the new X-Files reboot, titled My Struggle, gave background on Agent Mulder’s history and personal journey. The final, sixth episode in the series will be a kind of bookend focused on Agent Scully. Fox released a two and a half minute clip of the final episode, My Struggle II (below), and it has a creepy feel, just like their initial episode with Mulder. Scully explains her purpose in the X-Files, her abduction and the fact that she found alien DNA in her own DNA. Then they make her face transform into an alien! It’s cool and it makes me excited to watch the rest of the show, even if the conspiracy theories have been too heavy handed for my taste.

E!’s Chris Harnick asks if Scully’s transformation is figurative or not and I have the same question. I also wonder if the initial ratings have been good enough to consider renewing the show beyond the six episodes that we’re getting now. The X-Files is doing extremely well in the ratings, and improves when DVR watching is factored in, so I have my fingers crossed. Almost everyone involved has said that they’re willing to do more if there’s interest and there’s definitely interest.

Without revealing too many spoilers, last night’s X-Files was a classic monster tale interspersed with a personal loss from Scully and some yearning between Scully and Mulder for what might have been with their son. Two more episodes is not enough.

Here’s the promo for episode 5 featuring a younger duo just like Scully and Mulder. It’s got Lauren Ambrose of Six Feet Under.



photos credit: Fox