I’ll readily admit to pegging Zoe Saldana wrong as a celebrity mom. Perhaps it’s still too early to judge whether or not she’ll be judgy, but so far, Zoe’s been chill. Perhaps that’s because she’s so exhausted by the task of caring for twin baby boys. Zoe and Marco Perego welcomed their sons in November and waited to announce the names, Bowie and Cy, in January. Zoe looked tired but glorious at the Oscars. She was a bit curvier than usual, but the extra few pounds looked nice on her frame.
Zoe’s been having a tough time. Yesterday’s episode of GMA detailed her struggle to get back into shape. Zoe didn’t appear on the show, but her trainer (Steve Moyer) popped in for her. You can see the (autoplay) clip here, which discusses Zoe’s 70-pound weight gain during pregnancy. Moyer talks about planks (which I hate-love) and other core strength exercises to rebuild the body. The segment points towards Zoe’s weekend Facebook post, in which she reveals her ongoing health issues and a struggle to get back into fighting shape:
As you all know, we welcomed twin boys last November. Yes, by far, the most amazing experience of my life, but also a very challenging experience when it pertains to my body. I’m sure moms across the world (and dads sometimes) can identify with what I’m about to say.
Your body changes dramatically, inside and out. You grow in places you never knew you could, and you are tired beyond belief. In some cases more than others, your body experiences a kind of trauma through childbirth that is difficult to explain unless you’ve had that experience. My case was like that, everything from my thyroid to my platelets crashed. Thank God, we are all doing great now, but my body was really bent out of shape after the boys were born. Bouncing back feels impossible, but I know it is important as a woman, and now a mommy, to not give up. I am determined to get my energy back and find balance for my body before these little guys start walking, and before I go back to work ….. my clock is ticking!
2 months ago I started my journey, and its been REAL- I’m not gonna lie- it is slow …. painful … and frustrating. But it is worth it.
And that is why I’m here… I know many of you have gone through this or are going through it as we speak. Let’s do it together. Let’s talk about it, hear each other out, and seek advice when we need it. I have my friend of many years and trainer, Steve Moyer that will be guiding me and sometimes training me for the next 2 months before I go back to work. I will be sharing with you what I do, what I eat and how I feel about it in hopes that it will be of any help to you. cool?
I started in January with Moyer. I was 160lbs (at the peak of my pregnancy I reached 185lbs). I had no flexibility, weak joints, and exercising was painful. We started with just walking, I think I only walked that first month. I did however change the way I eat. I began to make better choices with my food. Moyer was instrumental at this point. he gave me great tips of what to eat, how much water to drink, he even gave me some recipes of his own sometimes. It was important for me to learn this so I can do it on my own if I have to. I want to prove to myself that if I have the right determination I can do anything.
Crap, boys are up from their naps! gotta go!
I’m looking fwd to sharing this journey with you…
[From Zoe Saldana on Facebook]
GMA talks about how Zoe’s struggle “humanizes” her, and I agree. Before she became pregnant, Zoe came off as full of herself. Now she’s going through something that many mothers have experienced. The platelet crash and thyroid problems sound particularly scary, right? I don’t think Zoe’s positioning herself as a future internet curator. She’s not out to profit directly from mom-based products and discussions. Zoe’s already got her plate full with twins and three ongoing movie franchises. She’ll be doing more Avatar and Guardians and Star Trek flicks. Her goal is to return to her butt-kicking best, and it’s a lot of pressure. I feel for her having to bounce back from twins so quickly, but … Hollywood.
Zoe also talked to Us Weekly last week about how she’s not looking forward to leaving the twins for work. She said, “I’m pretty sure that every parent — not just every mom– would [take time off] as long as your work doesn’t suffer. But we have to pay bills and at the end of the day, I think that’s the best example we can set to our children.” Zoe says that it takes three people (herself, Marco, and a nanny) to take care of twins. Sounds exhausting.
Photos courtesy of Zoe Saldana on Facebook & WENN
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