Cosmo June '15 Cover

Zooey Deschanel’s cleavage on this Cosmopolitan cover though… I mean, WOW. I had no idea she was that busty. I guess that’s the good thing about pregnancy, right? Either that or Cosmo used some Photoshop magic to give her Barbie-doll-chest. Zooey covers the June issue of Cosmo, and she ends up discussing some hot-button issues, like whether she’ll do a photoshoot in a bikini after she has her baby, whether women are funny and whether we should #AskHerMore on the red carpet. Some highlights:

On achieving success: “I’m very focused. I work all the time, but I do what I love and I don’t care what people think of it. You don’t become successful by trying to be ‘a success.’ You become successful by doing things that give you pleasure. That’s a hallmark of mine.”

On not posing for a “body after baby” tabloid photo shoot: “Haven’t we all seen those pictures of a sexy new mom in a bikini after one month? I will not be that person. I’ve always gone my own course and never been someone who had the need to be super skinny. I like a healthy look. I don’t buy into that skinny-is-better mentality. I just eat healthy and work out and don’t worry about my weight too much. Actresses aren’t models, and most of them never wanted to be.”

On women in television: “It’s a good time for women on TV. We can be funny in our own way…and funny doesn’t mean just one thing. Funny isn’t just one-liners. It’s big personalities and individualism.”

On the #AskHerMore Twitter campaign during Awards season: “I’m all for people asking actresses more intelligent questions. Just because you’re wearing a nice dress doesn’t mean you don’t have any ideas. It’s a shame to reduce smart, talented women to clothes models. But you can be a feminist and femmy. I don’t see how those things contradict each other.”

[From Cosmopolitan]

At this point, I feel like I’ve ranted about #AskHerMore about a million times. If you’d like to read one of my month-old rants about it, go here. I have no problem with telling red carpet journalists that they should ask “important” questions to the ladies, in addition to asking them what they’re wearing. But I hate this Pollyanna act from some actresses, like the red carpet isn’t a multi-billion dollar industry, like they aren’t getting thousands of dollars in freebies with the understanding that they say a few sentences about the designer, the jewelry and the shoes. I hate this idea that red carpet show viewers need to listen to actresses talking about “the issues” or “their craft” rather a quick “Who are you wearing? Are you having fun? Is your mom your date tonight?” And I don’t see how a love of fashion and a love of red carpet shows is un-feminist either.

Photos courtesy of Yu Tsai/Cosmopolitan.
Cosmo June '15 Cover
Cosmo June '15 ZD 3