Tina Brown made it clear in her 2022 book The Palace Papers that she has no love for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. She’s especially bent out of shape about Meghan. Brown believes, as so many British people believe, that Meghan was an American upstart who didn’t understand “the rules” and wanted to be “the star” of the royal family. Brown consistently blames Meghan for the abuse Meghan suffered and the smear campaign waged against her. Brown constantly blames Meghan for “forcing” Harry to leave the UK, and Brown has made it clear that she believes Harry must come back to Britain because “there’s a Harry-shaped hole in the monarchy.” Well, Tina has a new Substack and she promoted it on the Ankler podcast. Wouldn’t you know, Brown once again trashed Meghan.

Tina Brown says “all of [Meghan Markle’s] ideas are total crap,” and thinks Prince Harry is a “naïve” “lamb to the slaughter. The former Vanity Fair and New Yorker editor dished on the couple to promote her new substack, “Fresh Hell.” The Ankler’s Janice Min asked the Brit wunderkind editor who took over New York in the ’80s about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex on the latest episode of the Ankler podcast.

Brown said of Harry’s defection from the royal family: “In England, they’re going to constantly make a career out of trashing Harry. But actually, the thing about Harry is he’s very good at being Prince Harry. And that’s the tragedy of all of this, is that he is the most talented member of the royal family, without doubt, in terms of being a prince, which is all he does know how to do… he’s really sort of flawless at it.”

As for Markle, she added, “I think he’s pretty much in the thrall of Meghan. The trouble with Meghan is that she has the worst judgment of anyone in the entire world. She’s flawless about getting it all wrong. She really is.”

Brown said of the “Suits” star turned American Riviera Orchard entrepreneur, “She’s a perfectionist about getting it all wrong. Her issue is that she doesn’t listen. She has all these people, asks them their opinion, and then doesn’t follow it. She does what she wants to do. And all of her ideas are total crap, unfortunately.”

She reckons of Harry’s worldview, “he’s so naïve and really unschooled in the ways of the world. Being Prince Harry means that I doubt if he ever booked a table in a restaurant. The army was great for him, and he was extremely good and competent in there. That really helped turn him into a real person.”

But with Markle, “he’s the lamb to the slaughter in this situation,” Brown said. “He was terribly impressed by Meghan. He thought that she knew all, she persuaded him that she was the savvy Hollywood wheeler-dealer who could come in and make them stars and all the rest of it. And he just sort of blindly followed her like a child, really.”

Brown says of Markle’s moves — and future, “unfortunately, she made every mistake in the book, and she’s kind of run out of road. I don’t know where Meghan goes. Harry could still, as I say, make a comeback. He’ll always be Prince Harry. He’ll always be the grandson of the Queen and the son of Diana.”

[From Page Six]

The narrative of “Harry is an innocent child manipulated by his Black wife” is ridiculous and blatantly racist at this point. It’s especially galling because we’ve all read Harry’s memoir. Spare made me realize how thoroughly Meghan followed Harry’s lead on all things royal. He was constantly giving her the wrong advice and she fell into several traps because Harry was trying to manage Meghan and everyone around her. Tina Brown refuses to admit the obvious, which is that Harry and Meghan make decisions together, and that they’re doing really well. Especially considering the Windsors and the media have worked together for five-plus years to destroy the Sussexes – Harry and Meghan are living their best lives in California, they have money and security and they’re raising their kids out of the spotlight. Brown makes it sound like they’re destitute and social pariahs. They are not.

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