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Well, this is certainly something. On Tuesday, King Charles had a big unveiling ceremony for a new portrait painted by Jonathan Yeo. The portrait was commissioned by The Drapers’ Company, and it will hang in Drapers’ Hall in London.

This portrait is… incredible, honestly. Usually, royal portraits are pretty staid affairs, by the book and even kind of bad. One exception is Paul Emsley’s portrait of Kate in 2013, where he made her look like an un-Botoxed ghost haunting the royal family. Yeo’s portrait of Charles is both accurate (that genuinely looks like him) and avant-garde. The fact that this will probably be known colloquially as “The Bloody King portrait” or “The Tampon King portrait” or “The Charles-Burns-in-Hell portrait” is even more outstanding. It’s not a soothing, gentle painting. It’s not all about his Welsh Guards uniform or all of his pretend medals. It’s not about the trappings of royalty, nor is it meant to play to Charles’s substantial ego. He looks like he’s been doused in blood, or he’s in the pits of hell.

Apparently, Charles sat for Yeo four times, the first time before he was king. His final sitting was late last year. Camilla also got a look of the portrait before it was unveiled and she reportedly told Yeo that he had really “got” Charles. I mean, Charles did tell Camilla that he wanted to be her tampon.

Two things I will say – Yeo absolutely shaved a few years off Charles’s face. He also shaved some “sausage” off of Charles’s fingers.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Jonathan Yeo via Buckingham Palace.

It’s been two days since King Charles and Prince William’s handover event at Middle Wallop, where Charles officially made William the colonel-in-chief of the Army Air Corps. Prince Harry served in Afghanistan as an Apache pilot in the Army Air Corps. Harry trained for years to be able to fly Apaches, as he detailed in Spare. William doesn’t have the intelligence or patience to actually learn how to fly a complicated machine like the Apache. But William does have the audacity to try to “one up” his brother by posing in the Army Air uniform and posing for photos in the Apache. As I said, it’s been two days and I’m still astounded by just how poorly this scrambled-together event went, to the point where even the Mail’s military sources are sort of mocking William.

Getting to grips with the Apache helicopter was easy for ‘accomplished pilot’ Prince William – but Prince Harry demonstrated more flair and ‘Top Gun swagger’, experts have said. The heir to the throne, who is a former RAF search and rescue pilot and flew an air ambulance for two years, took control of the fearsome multi-million pound gunship on Monday, flying it from an Army airfield in Hampshire.

William’s debut came as he was made the Colonel-in-Chief of the Army Air Corps during a rare royal outing with King Charles, where he was welcomed by his younger brother’s former unit – the 662 Squadron.

Defence expert Philip Ingram, a former Colonel in British military intelligence, said getting to grips with the basics of an Apache would be relatively straightforward for ‘accomplished pilot’, William. But the veteran officer said there was a big difference between simply getting the state-of-the-art gunship off the ground and flying it into combat like Prince Harry did during his time in Afghanistan. And while William appeared confident behind the stick, a body language expert has claimed his younger brother appeared to have more ‘Top Gun swagger’ when he was in the cockpit.

Col Ingram told MailOnline: ‘There is a difference between flying it and fighting it – I have flown a Harrier Jump Jet where I was in sole control for a good 20 to 25 minutes – it was a two-seater – but the instructor was shadowing my every movement. William is an accomplished helicopter pilot so taking control and flying wouldn’t be difficult with an instructor’s supervision.’

[From The Daily Mail]

Basically, William did the same thing he did as an air ambulance pilot – he sat in the cockpit and made vroom-vroom sounds while the “co-pilot” did all of the work. It’s difficult to have BDE when you’re obsessed with copying everything your little brother did but you don’t want to put in any of the work. William really thought he could put on the uniform and sit bewildered in the cockpit and people would rush to say he was clearly “better” than Harry. It does beg the question… what do actual military figures think about all of this jealousy and pettiness coming from the heir? How do they feel about being used in the Windsors’ increasingly unhinged games?

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

Petronella Wyatt is a Telegraph columnist and general delusional-monarchist on demand. It’s been a minute since she’s written something about the Windsors. The last pieces (that I saw) were Wyatt’s musings on how the Sussexes’ titles shouldn’t be removed, that it was all a trap, and this very weird piece about how the Princess of Wales “saved” William and the monarchy. Well, Wyatt is back at it with this new Telegraph column: “I never thought I’d say this, but it’s time to bring Prince Harry home.” Just Harry, mind you. It seems that even delusional monarchists can see the writing on the wall, that the left-behind Windsors are not getting it done. Some highlights:

A minor republican awakening: These days, even Tories like myself are finding it hard to defend the hereditary principle. Personally, I have no taste for republicanism, due to my incapacity for envy. That emotion or weakness is quite absent from my makeup. In the face of other people’s good fortune, I am as inert as a deaf person at a recital. But a Starmer government will find the fact that the Royal family has more money and more privilege than the rest of us interesting. I increasingly feel that the future of the Royal family may depend on its ability to cheer the public, and what it lacks now is the requisite joyfulness.

The Windsors need pizzazz: The King and the Princess of Wales are effectively hors de combat, poor Camilla is 76, life bears heavily on William, and no one fancies a Pizza Express. The Windsors are in grave need of some pizazz. Readers may succumb to the screaming abdabs, but the royal left standing who has most star power is Harry. It is easy to blame him and his puerile book for the continuing rift with his father and brother, but some courtiers of my acquaintance hold William equally liable.

Prince William is equally to blame: Recently, I spoke to a former palace official who used to work for both princes before the good times stopped rolling. “There is a public misconception about William and Harry,” he told me. “It is William who was often the difficult one, and it is William who is preventing his father from having a proper reconciliation with Harry.” He continued, “This isn’t helpful at a point in time when the country would be buoyed up by seeing them together again, as would the King.” It wasn’t helpful last week when the only family member to greet Harry with warmth was Earl Spencer. When it comes to his brother, William’s disgruntlement can at times seem mildly pathological.

The youthful Sussexes! Yet where William is concerned, Byronic unhappiness has taken hold. I realise Harry has at times taken joy out of William’s life, and that he and Meghan can be a cause of irritation. It remains tempting to call the pair one-trick phoneys. But isn’t that what most royalling is all about? Phoney good will and faked enjoyment? Moreover, the Sussexes have youth and glamour, and the young regard them as a religion with no dilution of agnosticism.

Oh, even Wyatt understands that William & Charles look cruel: To many, Charles and William’s continued coldness towards Harry is beginning to look inhuman. It is important to remember that the Royal family is a microcosm for every family in Britain, and that a divided family, like a divided political party, has an intrinsic weakness. Affection of parents for children, and of children for parents and siblings, is capable of being one of the greatest sources of stability, as well as happiness.

The Sussexes are successful & the Windsors need H&M’s shine: Whether we like it or not, the Sussexes’ Nigerian tour has been a triumph and I cannot help but feel that a visible reconciliation between William and Harry would strengthen the unity of the House of Windsor and reassure the public of its commitment. The legacy of the Royal family is deeply intertwined with personal relationships. Entente would not only honour the past but also pave the way for a consolidated future, ensuring that the family’s values and traditions are preserved for generations.

A happy ending, water under the bridge? By nature, I think the King would be reunion friendly. According to royal sources, he comprehends that reconciliation is the best solution for both of them and that everyone likes an MGM happy ending that would jerk tears from Caligula’s eyes. As for being unkind about the family; isn’t it time to see that as water under Tower Bridge, as the late Queen might have done? …I thought I’d never say this, but it may be time to bring Harry home on probation, and for William to clasp his prodigal brother to his bosom, even if he has been a bit of an asp.

[From The Telegraph]

While Wyatt calls Charles and William “inhuman,” she completely skirts past everything that’s happened in the past week, with Charles’s very loud tantrum and one-sided briefing war/gaslighting campaign against Harry. She’s blanking on the fact that Charles and William scrambled to set up that extremely gross Army Air handover event, in which William gleefully cosplayed his brother in an attempt to “snub” and “humiliate” Harry. My point is that everything shifted in recent days/weeks and we’re no longer in the default storyline of “of course Charles wants reconciliation, it’s William who can’t get past it.” Charles and William are consumed with hatred and jealousy. Besides which, the Sussexes are not playing this stupid f–king game anymore. This whole “bring Harry back” thing is a fantasy – even if Charles and William were willing to reconcile (they are not), the Sussexes have showed the world that they don’t need the monarchy whatsoever.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

One of the most ridiculous “royal stories” of the past decade was all of the hand-wringing and lies about Queen Camilla’s title. When then-Camilla Parker Bowles married Prince Charles in 2005, Charles’s team swore up and down that Camilla would only go by the Duchess of Cornwall (and never the Princess of Wales) and that when Charles became king, Camilla would be known as Princess Consort. This was all done “out of respect” for Diana’s memory, and because Camilla was never popular or well-liked or respected by the British public. Charles’s office then spent years campaigning for Camilla to eventually be known as Queen Consort. That got a boost in 2022, when Charles and QEII made a deal which involved QEII “signing off” on “Queen Consort Camilla” in a written statement. I still believe that the statement was written by Charles’s office, and that Charles basically manipulated and threatened his mother into “signing off” on it.

Skip ahead and just months after QEII died, the new king sent out notices to the media that they should only refer to Camilla as “Queen Camilla” and never “the Queen Consort.” Charles got what he always wanted and he spent decades lying, harassing, manipulating and bargaining to get it. Camilla got what she always wanted too – let’s not pretend that this was all Charles. Camilla was dying to lord it over everyone and finally “win.” Well, the Times has a new, overwrought story about what happened behind the scenes between QEII’s death and the coronation to ensure Queen Camilla’s reign.

Of all the conundrums facing Buckingham Palace in the months before last year’s coronation, there was one that particularly divided opinion: should they — could they — drop the word “consort” from Camilla’s title? Far from being a fait accompli, The Times understands that there were differing views within the royal household on the matter.

Now, as the King and Queen approach the first anniversary of their coronation on May 6, courtiers have reflected on how Camilla was eventually crowned and presented to the world.
They say that in the weeks after the death of Elizabeth II, the plan was that Camilla would be known as Queen Consort to differentiate between the recently deceased monarch and the new King’s wife. As the months passed, however, and the coronation drew closer, some within Camilla’s office voiced their concern that it was a case of “now or never”.

While sources insist that the Queen herself was “relaxed either way”, there were those who started to gently lobby for the word “consort” to be dropped. Their argument was threefold: it was cumbersome, unnecessary and could set an unintended precedent for future consorts. For example, would it mean that the Princess of Wales would only ever be known as Queen Consort when the Prince of Wales became king?

It is understood that the Queen’s aides met with some resistance. In the King’s office, there was a certain amount of trepidation. How would the public react? And when would be the right time to make the change? A game of courtier chess would be required to strategise how any such change would play out. A royal source said: “There was never a fixed timeline for when or if this would happen and there were certainly differing views among courtiers within the household. Above all the Queen was relaxed either way and felt it would happen organically.”

At first it made sense to use the term consort to differentiate between the past and present Queens. Yet as time went on, rumblings began within part of the household that there could no longer be any confusion. As such, they argued, the word “consort” was no longer required. The overriding questions, sources said, were “how had the public interpreted the late Queen’s message on the topic” and “how would they react”.

[From The Times]

LOL, there’s even more at the Times piece about how carefully and cautiously Charles’s office and Camilla’s office approached this bum-rushed final game to force the British public to “accept” Queen Camilla. Please, Camilla cared. She was the one pushing for it to happen as soon as possible. She and Charles didn’t care about any “confusion,” as they regularly referred to her as “the Queen” in press releases and schedules just weeks after QEII died. The Times’s royal sources also claim that the British press led the effort to drop “consort” from her title, without mentioning that the press only did so on Buckingham Palace’s guidance and instruction. Anyway, Camilla has always been the master manipulator and she won. She’s the Queen Side-Chick.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

Here are some photos of Prince William today, Friday, visiting the Isles of Scilly. This is his first visit to the area as Prince of Wales and the Duke of Cornwall. Technically, the Duchy of Cornwall owns extensive real estate throughout much of Cornwall, including the Isles of Scilly. He walked on St. Mary’s Harbor, he chatted with local business owners, he picked up some “Cornish pastries” which he claimed were for his wife and children (but you know he’s probably going to panic-eat them himself while looking at the Nigeria photos on his phone). He also claimed to have taken a morning swim, which is probably a lot like his infamous Central Park run last year. Remember, this was his first night away from Kate in months.

Some days, I almost feel bad for Ol’ Huevo. You know he thought he looked charming and manly as he staggered down the boardwalk. What’s worse is that Huevo probably thought he would overshadow whatever the Sussexes were doing. The photos of H&M in Nigeria will make international headlines (and they’re the top story in Britain too), all while William just seethes. Speaking of, royal biographer Tom Quinn said words:

Mr Quinn told The Mirror : “Harry’s visit to the UK has done nothing to repair royal relations – Harry has been very publicly snubbed by his father and brother. Despite being stricken with cancer King Charles says he is too busy to see his son; Harry’s brother doesn’t even bother to issue an excuse.”

“He says nothing. It is as if Harry no longer exists. There’s been no obvious criticism from either side, but the silence from William is deafening.”

[From The Daily Mirror]

Considering that Harry didn’t make any public statement about his brother, I think it’s safe to say that Harry did not request any meeting with William. If we’re looking at Harry’s moves and the lack of statements, it also seems like Harry “said nothing” about William and the “silence is deafening” on the other side. That being said, Harry’s team confirmed to People Mag that Harry invited William, Charles and Kate to the Invictus service.

Also: “I hate Harry so much, I’m going to ignore him, point out that I’m ignoring him and make a point of scheduling events to look busy while Harry is in town” is not sending the message William thinks it’s sending.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

I’ve lost count of the number of British articles and commentary pieces angrily discussing the Spencer family. As we saw, the Spencers came out for Prince Harry and Invictus on Wednesday, with the Earl Spencer, Jane Fellowes and Lady Sarah McCorquodale (Harry’s uncle and aunts) coming out to the Invictus service. The Earl Spencer’s heir (Harry’s cousin) was also there, as were at least two other Spencer cousins. The British media had already gotten their prewritten narratives straight from Buckingham Palace: Solitary Harry, shunned and alone. They had to backtrack and admit that, actually, Diana’s side of the family came out for Diana’s youngest.

The Ephraim Hardcastle column in the Mail admitted that “Team Sussex” see the Invictus service as a win, because the lack of Windsors ensured that Harry carried the event on his own, and he did it well. The Windsors ended up emphasizing that Invictus is Harry’s baby, and the Windsors ended up looking spiteful, cold and petty. The Mail’s Jan Moir wrote an overwrought piece about it too, here’s the only important part:

Just when it looked like the Sussexes didn’t have a friend in London, just when it seemed as if Prince Harry would be shunned by his entire extended family every time he came to the UK — a one-man pestilence to be avoided like a contagion, sidestepped like a puddle, dodged like a bullet — something remarkable happened. Enter the Spencers.

And Prince Harry could not have been more delighted to see them. Inside the great cathedral, in almost biblical scenes of redemption, he hugged the Spencers, he kissed them, he fell upon their necks like the return of the prodigal son.

Indeed, we haven’t seen Harry looking so happy in public since he trundled down the waterslide at Thorpe Park, all those years ago. Yet underneath the bucolic bonhomie and the cheerful smiles, a thunder of advancing hooves could be detected, if you listened hard enough. For the Spencers were a cavalry galloping to the rescue.

One wonders what King Charles and Prince William might think about this high-profile intervention, which has the potential to cast them in a cold and unflattering light by comparison; the perennial bad cops to the Spencerian good cops.

Yet who is snubbing who in these endless, exhausting skirmishes of transatlantic royal snubs and non-speaks? The truth is that if his father and his brother won’t see him nor support his pet causes when he visits London, then Prince Harry has only himself to blame. Who could ever trust him again?

[From The Daily Mail]

Charles and William look cold, petty and mean BUT IT’S HARRY’S FAULT. How dare the Spencers not spend years smearing and marginalizing the Sussexes, to the point where the Sussexes had to set the record straight? How dare the Spencers support Diana’s beloved son instead of attacking him and scapegoating him? Did the Spencers not get the memo that Harry was supposed to look SOLITARY in the UK? How dare the Spencers remind everyone that Harry still has deep family ties in the UK, Spencer ties which go back centuries.

The Telegraph also did a piece on the Spencers showing up – man, they are SO mad. This piece is just history and it’s really obvious stuff too, like “the Spencers love Harry” and “Harry has gotten a lot of quiet support from the Spencers for many years.”

Embed from Getty Images

Embed from Getty Images

Photos courtesy of Getty, Cover Images.

Last November US Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy was announced as one of the leaders of a commission to study the impact of loneliness on all aspects of our well being. This appointment came on the heels of the World Health Organization (WHO) officially labeling loneliness a global issue. Sharon Stone is also working with WHO as an ambassador on this issue. Sharon, proving once again that she’s hotter than she’s ever been! In all sincerity, she’s an empathic advocate and I love that she’s doing this (especially while Hollywood still fumbles over giving her good parts). Sharon recently sat down with Alex Salmond on his Turkish TV show (Salmond is a former Scottish minister, just go with it) and talked about mental health, resilience, being kind to yourself, and bread baking:

Sharon Stone shared her own struggles with mental health in an emotional interview.

“We’re all trying to confront our demons and we’re all acting out — me too,” the actress, 66, told host Alex Salmond during an appearance on Turkish Tea Talk, a news program in Turkey.

The actress, who skyrocketed to fame in the 1992 thriller Basic Instinct, shared that she still struggles with her memory after suffering a stroke in 2001 that led to a near-fatal brain hemorrhage.

“It’s like the life that was this other person, that you can claim as your life but it doesn’t feel like, ‘Oh I was there, I did that.’”

“I didn’t remember all of it for a very long time, and I still don’t remember all of it,” Stone said, “but I get pieces of it back.”

Stone also talked about her work as an ambassador with the World Health Organization, and said that mental health is a problem “on a global level,” which she linked to the start of the Covid pandemic.

“Covid happened and we shut down the world and you had to be with just you,” the Casino star said. “Now that was great for people who wanted to learn to bake bread — the whole world wanted to learn to bake bread, right? Then people wanted to learn other languages. I wanted to get back to my painting.”

“But for those people who don’t like who they got to be with, one in 10 people on a global level are having a mental problem.”

Stone continued, “One in 10 on a global scale can’t handle that already.”

“The possibility of living with who you are as the only solid… people don’t know who they are.”

The mom of three said that the journey to improve mental health “must start with the individual” being kind to themselves while also having accountability for their actions.

“You must stand strong and when you blow it — okay, so what? That was two steps ago,” Stone said.

“You have to get back up and get yourself together and help whoever you think you bumped around, and keep moving forward.”

And, she added, it’s important to express “instant forgiveness for yourself. Instant forgiveness for whoever shoved you down.”

Then, she said, “Get back up and let’s go.”

[From People]

Not once during the lockdown days of the pandemic did I have the yen to learn how to bake bread or learn a new language. Does that mean there’s something wrong with me? (Don’t answer that). I was in New York for the duration, and it was pretty bleak here in those early months. Even as things changed so rapidly at the beginning, I knew that I could handle being with just me. I’d had a lot of practice at it (stop laughing), and I felt grateful, or lucky even that I had the kind of disposition that would be ok in isolation. Because I knew that wasn’t true for everyone. And what I learned after about two years of not seeing my friends and family in person was how even for me, someone content in her own company, my spirit lit up when with other people.

If you have 26 minutes to spare I highly recommend watching the full interview. Sharon is a trip, and I mean that as the ultimate compliment! She’s fascinating to watch, I think because of the way she straddles that line of “Is she nutty?” or “Is she brilliant?” (The answer is: yes.) The mantra of getting back up is talked about a lot (for good reasons!), but I appreciate Sharon also noting to be kind to yourself, and others, over our stumbles. You’re gonna have some unproofed dough along the way towards mastering your perfect loaf. (At least I think that’s right; I still know nothing about baking bread.)

Photos credit: Jeffrey Mayer / Avalon

Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt’s new movie, The Fall Guy is out in theaters on Friday, May 3. I’m really looking forward to seeing this movie! It looks like so much fun. As you know, Ryan is fresh off of his amazing Oscars performance of “I’m Just Ken,” as well as an endearing, hilarious stint hosting SNL. The biggest sketch of the night was a skit was called “Town Hall,” which featured Heidi Gardner as NewsNation host Bobbi Moore interviewing Keenan Thompson’s professor character about AI. Mikey Day and Ryan play two attendees who just so happen to look like Beavis and Butthead. The sketch went viral because of Heidi’s reaction to seeing Day in full Beavis costume and facial prosthetics.

I think by now, it’s pretty clear that Ryan is The One to commit to a bit, lol. He has apparently stepped out of his Ken Era and entered his Butthead Era. After walking the red carpet in a mint-green Gucci suit, Ryan changed back into his SNL Butthead costume and walked the red carpet a second time with Day, who was dressed in his Beavis garb. They posed for pictures and did interviews in character as regular guys Jeff (Day) and Dean (Gosling).

It appears Ryan Gosling and Mikey Day reprised their iconic Beavis and Butt-Head characters sooner than fans were likely expecting. The actor was joined by the Saturday Night Live star on Tuesday night at the Los Angeles premiere of Gosling’s latest movie, The Fall Guy. After the Barbie star initially walked the red carpet in a mint-green Gucci suit with his co-star Emily Blunt, Gosling later returned — only this time looking a bit different.

Gosling and Day posed for photos as their live-action depictions of Beavis and Butt-Head, the main characters from the hit ’90s adult animated series. Gosling was seen with a blonde wig and blue shirt with words that read, “Death Rock,” and Day had on a gray shirt with the word, “Skull.”

The duo first debuted the characters during a sketch on SNL on April 13, when the La La Land actor was hosting the sketch comedy show for the third time. The skit instantly became a hit among fans, garnering more than 13 million views on YouTube alone.

In the original sketch, SNL castmember Heidi Gardner played a news anchor interviewing a professor (Kenan Thompson) on the dangers of artificial intelligence. But Thompson’s character had trouble focusing on their conversation because he kept getting distracted by two audience members, Dean (Gosling) and Jeff (Day), who had a striking resemblance to the ’90s cartoon characters. However, Jeff and Dean insisted they didn’t know they looked similar to Beavis and Butt-Head, respectively.

During the skit, when Gardner first turned around to address Gosling, and then Day, she completely broke character, making for an even more memorable moment. The Nice Guys actor also struggled to hold his laughter throughout the sketch.

[From The Hollywood Reporter]

This is so freaking funny. At one point, Ryan and Mikey crashed an interview that Emily was giving. She played along so well that she had to have known what they were going to do. I wonder whose idea it was and why they ended up doing it. I love how while Ryan is serious about his acting work, he does not take himself seriously at all. It must make doing all of these PR events so much more fun to switch it up with a funny gag. You know Ryan Reynolds is watching all of this and plotting what he can get away with doing at this summer’s Deadpool & Wolverine premiere.

As far as the fashion goes, Kaiser posted about Emily’s sparkly orange Armani dress yesterday. I know the color is controversial, but I really liked the dress! I also really loved Ryan’s original mint-green Gucci suit. It fit him so well and he looked soooo good in it. Co-star Hannah Waddingham was also there in a tailored sky blue Alex Perry suit with matching Louboutins. She looked exquisite as always. I’m someone who favors brightly colored clothing, so I was particularly excited to see how colorful the movie’s three stars were dressed. We need more bright, happy colors this season.

Photos credit: Jeffrey Mayer/Avalon.red

In March Pierce Brosnan resolved that little misunderstanding he had with Yellowstone National Park. You remember, the “recollections may vary” moment where he originally pleaded Not Guilty to trespassing on a protected thermal spring area, despite photographic evidence to the contrary, so then he finally apologized, pleaded Guilty, and paid a fine? Well for this month’s installment of Shenanigans Going Down at Yellowstone National Park, I present to you Clarence Yoder and McKenna Bass of Idaho Falls, Idaho. While on an inebriated perusal of the park where Bass was behind the wheel of their car, Yoder exited the vehicle to interact with the wildlife. And by “interact with,” I mean he kicked one bison and further harassed a whole herd before he was stopped by his own injuries and the rangers stepping in. I call this episode, FAFO: Cattle Edition.

An Idaho man has been arrested on an alcohol-related crime and other related charges after he was accused of kicking a bison at Yellowstone National Park.

The man, 40-year-old Clarence Yoder of Idaho Falls, approached a bison within 25 yards on April 21 and was injured after he “harassed a herd of bison” and kicked an animal in the leg, according to a statement from the park.

The incident occurred on the West Entrance Road near the Seven Mile Bridge, 7 miles east of Yellowstone’s West Entrance. Rangers found Yoder and the vehicle’s driver, McKenna Bass, 37, also of Idaho Falls, near the West Entrance and stopped them in the town of West Yellowstone, Montana.

Yoder was hurt in the bison encounter, the park said, and was taken to a hospital with minor injuries, where he was evaluated, treated and released before being taken to the Gallatin County Detention Center.

He was arrested and is charged with being under the influence of alcohol to a degree that may endanger oneself, disorderly conduct as to create or maintain a hazardous condition, approaching wildlife and disturbing wildlife, the park said in a statement.

Bass was also arrested and charged with driving under the influence, interference for failure to yield to emergency light activation, and disturbing wildlife.

Yoder and Bass appeared in court April 22 and pleaded not guilty. According to Yellowstone, each violation can result in fines of up to $5,000 and six months in jail.

The incident remains under investigation, Yellowstone said.

The incident was the first report of a visitor injured by bison this year, Yellowstone said. The last reported incident was July 17, 2023 the only incident reported last year. Three incidents that caused injuries were reported in 2022.

[From USA Today]

I’m with the bison! For beef’s sake, we’ve decimated the species to practically nothing; leave them alone on their designated grounds! Yellowstone in particular is the only place in the US where bison have continuously lived since prehistoric times. You don’t assault and harass someone in their own home! Yes, I watched all four hours of the Ken Burns documentary, and my heart wept for how we’ve treated the shaggy, humpbacked beasts. I’m generally not a vindictive person, but I hope Yoder & Bass each get the full fines and sentences. They were a danger to themselves, the animals, and other humans they could’ve encountered. As a side note, is it me or do the names of these miscreants fit well with their roles in this story? Something about the cadence of McKenna Bass & Clarence Yoder is reminding me of Bonnie Parker & Clyde Barrow. Only instead of robbing banks, this duo were robbing bison of some peace and quiet! Good grief, between this and puppy/goat-killer Governor Kristi Noem, it really has been an abysmal week in animal news.

This isn’t the man in the story:

Header image credit Ralph on Pexels. Other images via Instagram/Tourons of Yellowstone

A few days ago, Kim Kardashian made a dramatic hair change. She went back to “icy blonde” and cut her hair/took out her extensions. The new hair color does nothing for her, but the point is that something happened recently which made Kim decide to give herself a big makeover. We’ve just learned what that something is – she and Odell Beckham Jr. apparently “fizzled out.” Kim did a “breakup blonde” makeover. I barely remembered that Kim and Odell were together, and they mostly avoided being photographed together. They were seen on Oscar night, after the Vanity Fair Oscar party. Kim also attended his blowout birthday party last fall. So they were dating (or whatever) for about seven months.

Kim Kardashian and Odell Beckham Jr. are going their separate ways.

“It’s over and just fizzled out,” a source tells PEOPLE of the pair, who were first linked in September 2023.

The split comes after the SKIMS founder, 43, and the Baltimore Ravens wide receiver, 31, were spotted exiting the 2024 Vanity Fair Oscar Party together in March. At the time, a source told PEOPLE that they were “hanging out pretty much all night once he got there.”

“There wasn’t a ton of PDA like some of the other couples, but there was a lot of touching, and they were right near each other the entire time,” the insider added. “They were careful about not being too all over each other, but there was lots of chemistry, and they left together.”

[From People]

TMZ got the breakup confirmation at the same time as People Mag – thank you, Kris Jenner. TMZ’s sources say that Kim and Odell have just phased into a friendship and there’s no bad blood (ha). They still respect each other, no one’s bad-mouthing anyone. Which sounds fine – Odell was seen out with another woman a few weeks ago, so maybe that was it. Or maybe they were never super-exclusive in the first place. Kim making sure that everyone knows she’s single ahead of the Met Gala is so funny. Is she going to try to find a new boyfriend there?

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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