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Omid Scobie’s Endgame will be released tomorrow, but some outlets have gotten their hands on sanctioned excerpts or given special advanced access. I was lucky enough to read a copy over the holiday weekend, but I can’t use it as a source yet, which is why I’m going with reporting from other outlets. My “no spoiler” adherence to the NDA means that I’m going to try to give some context for this stuff, like the whole “Meghan named two racist individuals” story and “Meghan wants no part of the soap opera” story. Here are the secondary-source stories:

Meghan’s letters to Charles: Journalist Omid Scobie writes in “Endgame: Inside the Royal Family and the Monarchy’s Fight for Survival” that the Duchess of Sussex wrote private letters to King Charles III, in which she named the two people who took part in those “conversations,” per an advance copy obtained by Page Six.

Prince Harry knows he’s not getting an apology: Scobie quotes the Duke as saying: “I’m ready to forget. Get an apology or explanation? At this point, who cares, right?” But Scobie claims that conversely, the Duchess of Sussex had moved on and would not be extending such olive branches. Meghan, 42, “refuses ‘to dive back into the soap opera’,” he writes in extracts published in Paris Match magazine.

Prince William took down Prince Andrew: He says it was Prince William, 41, who orchestrated the downfall of his uncle, the Duke of York, at the height of the Jeffrey Epstein scandal, and who was able to convince his grandmother, Elizabeth II, of punishing her “favourite son”. Meanwhile, the King could not bring himself to hurt his brother. “[He] was in tears because he was afraid for Andrew’s mental health,” Scobie writes. “Charles leads with his head and his heart. William is colder. He wants the job done and he has no problem with casualties along the way.”

[From The Telegraph & Page Six]

What’s crazy about reading the “leaks” and excerpts, having read the book, is how much of this stuff was cherrypicked and left context-free because the British media is still so focused on all things Sussex. The story about Meghan and Charles writing letters to each other after the Oprah interview was a story revealed this year, just weeks before the coronation. What was fascinating is the context for Scobie’s big reveal that Meghan “named” two people – the context being, that Charles’s operation leaks like a sieve and some leaks are designed to punish Charles, not the Sussexes (or the Sussexes are merely collateral damage). But news at seven, Meghan knows exactly who said what and she had no qualms about naming the individuals privately.

As for the stuff about Harry understanding that he won’t get an apology versus Meghan not wanting to be drawn into the soap opera… those are two sides of the same coin. Harry is resigned to the fact that his father cannot and will not navigate tricky interpersonal relationships, and Meghan simply doesn’t want to engage with her in-laws’ nonsense anymore.

The William sections of the book are fascinating though. That’s all I’ll say for now!

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, Cover Images.

On Friday, the Princess of Wales stepped out in Barnet. She visited the baby bank called Sebby’s Corner. Sebby’s Corner provides diapers, baby essentials and birthday/Christmas gifts for children in need. Kate helped them set up their “Christmas grotto,” and her appearance there was also supposed to encourage people to donate funds, products or gently used items ahead of the holidays. Kate is also taking credit for creating Baby Bank Alliance, which seems to be a network for baby banks across the UK. Will and Kate love nothing more than bringing the gift of bureaucracy to smaller charities. You can see the Sebby’s Corner website here, it already seems well-run.

Shockingly, Kate did not show up empty-handed to the baby bank. That’s her thing, that’s her princess signature, showing up empty-handed to refugee centers, baby banks and food banks. This time, she brought fifty copies of her favorite children’s book, The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark. Which is nice, although I’m sure diapers, bottles and strollers probably would have been more welcome. Still, she didn’t come empty-handed so maybe this overgrown toddler is learning.

As for her outfit… the Meghan cosplay is off the charts, and what’s even worse is that Kate looks so much better when she does wear one of her “Meghan outfits.” Remember how the British press despised the fact that Meghan wore brown so often? Well, they’re full of praise for Kate’s “autumnal look.”

Meanwhile, Kate and William will be the royals in attendance at this year’s Royal Variety Show on November 30. They will be joined by Sweden’s Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel, possibly because Swedish pop star Zara Larsson will perform at this year’s Royal Variety. The awkwardness will be off the charts, I have no doubt.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

Omid Scobie gave an excellent interview to the Sunday Times this weekend, just ahead of the publication of Endgame on Tuesday. Scobie is absolutely trying to clarify some of the poorly-translated book excerpts which came from Paris Match, but he’s not on his back heel. Everything in Endgame is said with his whole chest, and as he writes in Endgame, he knows he’s burning a lot of bridges and he’s fine with that. It needed to be done. This Times piece is an interview, but it also summarizes some of the selected highlights from Endgame. Having read an embargoed copy of Endgame, I find it fascinating to watch which sections have been cherrypicked as super-controversial, meanwhile Scobie wrote about even bigger controversies which have (thus far) been ignored. You can read an archived copy of this Times piece here. Some highlights:

Did Meghan contribute to his book at all? “No, and I’m not her friend,” he says firmly. “I didn’t interview her for this book.” Nevertheless his perceived connection to Meghan has brought him racist abuse, social media pile-ons and death threats. “I’m very aware that I’m quite disliked in Britain. The way anything about me is said is as if I’m just the absolute worst person. I have mutual friends with [Meghan], and that definitely helps with getting information and breaking details,” he says, but, no, he’s not on the Sussex payroll. No, he’s not sleeping on the sofa at their mansion in Montecito.

The Sussexes are “in a good place”. “We have to remember that this is a couple that — this is just my own opinion — seem to have bonded over their shared traumas, experiences and battles that they’ve faced together against others. That kind of bond is much tougher to break than anything else.”

William’s machinations: William is a “hot-headed” company man who is “increasingly comfortable with the Palace’s dirty tricks and the courtiers who dream them up”. Scobie claims it is William who, through his loyal aides and press relationships, has painted his younger brother as mentally fragile. “The side of it that a lot of people don’t know, or within our industry have known but chosen not to report, is just how involved William has been in many of the things that have gone out about his own brother,” Scobie claims.

Kate is infantilized: Kate is portrayed as a woman terrified to do anything more than grinning photo ops. She reportedly had to be gently coaxed into appearing on Blue Peter in 2019. “In the coverage of Kate we infantilise her massively so the bar is always lower. The small achievements that we’ve seen from the Princess of Wales wouldn’t perhaps be noticed if it was from another member of the royal family, but with Kate it’s like ‘wow!’” Part of the Waleses’ strategy now, Scobie says, is to take Harry and Meghan on at their own game and focus on winning over the US. More trips, more press.

Crisis moment for the Windsors: “We are at this pivotal moment in time where the future of the royal family as we know it is in a crisis. That crisis being a lack of interest from young people, an apathy, a growing republican movement, questions over whether the family still uphold the morals and values of the crown that the Queen did such a great job of. But when you look at the cast of characters … it has been questionable.”

Royal jingoism: “To stay relevant, the system, in an almost Trumpian twist, leans on patriotism — even jingoism — to shore up its purpose,” he writes. It’s punchy stuff. “Rather than ever facing or confronting challenges of modern times, whether that is diversity or other social issues, the institution of the monarchy regularly turns away from that, and relies on support for things of the past as opposed to widening the following of the royal family,” he says.

William & Charles are out of sync, he says. “It would have been nice to see them come together on certain projects perhaps in the early years, to put on that united front, but they’re all working in silos.”

QEII’s people didn’t think Charles had what it takes: Before Queen Elizabeth II died, palace aides reportedly suggested that Charles didn’t have, in Scobie’s words, “the moxie or the vision for the family’s next chapter”.

Meghan’s next steps: One source in the book says she is working on “something more accessible … something rooted in her love of details, curating, hosting, life’s simple pleasures, and family”. A friend of Meghan’s told Scobie that the former actress is “busy working on creating something safe and timeless”. “I still don’t quite understand what that business project will be because, as I spoke to people while writing the book, it changed about five times. So we’ll see,” Scobie says. Her priority is apparently “business and philanthropy”, but since Netflix added Suits to its catalogue, the show that launched Meghan’s career has been a hit all over again. Scobie imagines there could be a cameo role for her in the coming spin-off, if she’d ever bite.

Whether Harry is sleeping in Montecito hotels: “I know a lot of people that know them, that are in their world, or their space, and I’ve just never come across anything of the sort,” he says, pointing out that the couple have a “massive guesthouse” at their disposal. “If you wanted to spend a night away, you don’t have to go as far as some janky hotel in Montecito town centre.” Harry’s British posho social circle back in Britain shrank when Meghan appeared and, Scobie says, “it only continues to get smaller as some of those friends, who were also friends with Prince William, have picked their sides”. He reportedly has a small group of pals in America. “The narrative that this is some friendless loser that now … is all alone and only has his wife to boss him around — it’s make-believe cartoon at this point.”

Could William be our final king? “It would take a lot to dismantle the British royal family. But could William be the last king as we know it? Absolutely.” He believes that the Windsors reduced to tourist attraction is a genuine danger, but that such a fate can be avoided if they kick into gear. “The book isn’t hammering the final nail in the coffin. It’s just a reality check.”

[From The Times]

Yeah, my takeaway from the book wasn’t that the monarchy will be done and dusted in the next decade, but that the left-behind Windsors can’t manage their way out of a paper bag, and they’re too busy tripping over their d-cks to notice that their relevancy, popularity and national/global standing diminishes with each year. There won’t be one atomic bomb which ends the British monarchy, it will be death by a thousand paper cuts. The “infantilized Kate” thing is correct, but I actually do think Scobie pulled his punches a little about Kate. He called her lazy, childish and hypocritical, for sure. But she’s a lot worse than that.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

We have a champion! NBC aired the 22nd National Dog Show on Thanksgiving Day (after the Parade). This year the short-in-stature but mighty-in-spirit Sealyham terrier won Best in Show, thanks to an outstanding performance by three-year-old Stache. I had never heard of the Sealyham breed of terrier, but the American Kennel Club tells me they were bred by a Welsh landowner in the 1800s who wanted the perfect terrier to drive off otters from the waters of his estate, named Sealy Ham. What a quintessentially British story. Anyway, Stache likely took this victory in stride, as it marks his 49th Best in Show win across many competitions. Damn, Stache is one helluva catch.

Stache, a Sealyham terrier, has won Best in Show at this year’s National Dog Show.

The cream colored male, with long hair sweeping down from his broad forehead, beat out six other finalists at the annual canine competition, hosted by the Kennel Club of Philadelphia and broadcast by NBC on Thanksgiving Day.

Stache, who is barely as tall as the judge’s knees, had to crane his neck to look at the silver platter he had just won. His handler, Margery Good, smiled broadly when accepting the award.

“He just gave a wonderful performance,” she said. “He stretched his little short legs and hands and flew around this ring.”

Stache defeated a group that included a German shepherd, a Great Dane, a Chesapeake Bay retriever, a Shih Tzu and an Azawakh, a hound originating from West Africa. A Dalmatian named Pumpkin won second place, known as Reserve Best in Show. Up to 2,000 dogs from across more than 200 breeds and varieties competed in this year’s event. There were only 165 breeds shown at the first National Dog Show in 2001.

Stache’s registered name is GCHP Goodspice Efbe Money Stache. He lives in Honey Brook, Pennsylvania, not far from where he picked up today’s prestigious award. Ahead of this win, Stache was the No. 2-ranked Terrier and No. 12-ranked All-Breed show dog in America. He has won 49 Best in Show prizes.

The American Kennel Club describes the Sealyham terrier as “brave and spirited, but not as spiky as small terriers.” It says they are sturdy and outgoing companions with a sly sense of humor.

It’s estimated that over 20 million animal lovers watched this year’s National Dog Show, according to Purina, which presented the show.

[From NPR]

I need more information on how this “sly sense of humor” manifests in Sealyham terriers. What, do they tie your shoelaces together under the table, throw a wink to the fourth wall and walk away? You can’t just drop in a descriptor like that and not give me examples! And for those who are wondering (like I did): no, Stache isn’t suffering from bangs trauma, the hair is supposed to be brushed down the forehead for competing Sealyham terriers. Congratulations to Stache and all the other finalists. Reserve Best in Show winner Pumpkin the Dalmatian really is a stunner with those rich spots and soulful face. Yaro the Azawakh is giving me real supermodel vibes, and seemed to trot along with an attitude of “I will SLAY next year.” And Comet the Shih Tzu, well, she just looks like a f—ing diva. And I mean that as a compliment.

Before then-Meghan Markle met Prince Harry, she was a successful working actress on a popular cable drama. She was happy, moderately famous, making good money and well-respected in her industry and beyond. She got free clothes, she ran in elite circles, she traveled by private plane, she could afford to give herself an eat, pray, love summer. After two years of living in the UK, the Duchess of Sussex was likely clinically depressed and lived some of the darkest moments of her life, including contemplating suicide after being targeted by a palace-authorized smear campaign. She left that country, painstakingly built a new life for herself, and has spent the past four years healing and thriving. But, according to Richard Eden, Meghan is nothing more than a Hollywood wannabe because the Windsors are “24 carat celebrities.”

Meghan Markle now looks more like a Hollywood ‘wannabe’ than a member of the Royal Family, says Richard Eden. Writing in the latest edition of his Palace Confidential newsletter, Eden suggests that, in moving away from Britain, the Duchess of Sussex has turned her back on a life of genuine celebrity. And that success no longer lies within her own hands.

‘While the Princess of Wales stole the show in a striking scarlet cape coat as she greeted South Korean president Yoon Suk Yeol at the start of his state visit to Britain, Meghan was courting the cameras on a red carpet in Los Angeles,’ he writes. ‘The contrast was striking. Members of the Royal Family walk down a red carpet when the other guests at a film premiere or theatrical first night have already taken their seats. But here was Meghan, who would have joined Catherine at the opulent state banquet at Buckingham Palace, instead walking down the carpet at the Power Of Women event.’

Unaccompanied by Prince Harry, writes Eden, Meghan ‘couldn’t have looked less regal… just another celebrity waiting to be interviewed by a reporter for Variety magazine. She posed for photographers like the wannabe starlet she once was, before being rushed along impatiently by another guest. Her interview emphasised that success is no longer in her own hands. She talked about the unnamed “exciting” new projects that her television company, Archewell Productions, “can’t wait to announce”. But if and when she does announce them will depend entirely on their paymasters at Netflix.’

It is all rather different from her brief time as a working royal, he writes – a time when the stars would line up to meet her, not the other way round.

‘Has there been any week in which it was demonstrated more vividly what the Duke and Duchess of Sussex threw away when they quit royal duties in 2020 to “find freedom” and find a fortune?’

[From The Daily Mail]

Eden is just loud and wrong, but one quick fact-check – while Little Red Flashing Hood was making a horse’s ass out of herself in a cartoonish red cape, Meghan and Harry were actually in Canada, checking in the upcoming Invictus Games, watching a hockey game and visiting local charities. Meghan did the Variety event on November 16th, well before Kate flashed the visiting Korean delegation.

As for the rest of it… the Windsors are so utterly desperate to BE celebrities and to have what Meghan already had before she even met Harry – a name, a career, celebrity friends, legitimacy and purpose. King Charles and Camilla literally did a stupid appearance on American Idol during coronation weekend. The Windsors were desperately trying to attach themselves to Meghan when she went to Beyonce’s birthday concert. They’re terrified of the fact that Harry and Meghan are already global celebrities on their own, and that they’re tight with famous and powerful people like Oprah, Tyler Perry, etc.

The part which offended me the most was “Meghan, who would have joined Catherine at the opulent state banquet at Buckingham Palace…” The Windsors were so racist and so scared of Meghan, they didn’t invite her to any state dinners, and at the few state functions she was invited to, they almost always shoved her in the back. In Eden’s delulu vision of “how things would have been if the Sussexes would have stayed,” I can guarantee that Charles, Camilla, William and Kate would have all thrown huge, public tantrums about the very idea of Meghan attending a state dinner. It’s also funny because Kate was far from the star of the Korean tour – after making an ass out of herself during the day, she was pushed off behind a gaudy candelabra at the state dinner. Meghan could have had all of this…

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images and Variety’s IG.

From CB: It’s Black Friday! There are always so many Christmas gifts and home products I want to get this time of year. Last week I got a Tineco iFloor 2 wet dry vacuum from Walmart for $99 and it leaks! It clogs up so easily with my dog’s hair and even when I clean it out it still leaves dirty water on my floor. It’s great for a few passes though so I am considering returning it and getting a Bissell Crosswave Pet Pro for 39% off for Black Friday. It’s on sale for $199 and it retails for over $329! Plus unlike the Tineco this cleans rugs. Here are some deals and some items that I’m looking at on Amazon. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving if you celebrate.

Fashion and accessories
Black Friday Deal Pre-loved Designer Handbags
Handbags, Ready-to-Wear & more from Luxury Designers
Up to 50% off Levi’s Men’s and Women’s Apparel
Up to 30% off Men’s and Women’s Fashion from Amazon Essentials and The Drop
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Up to 34% off THE GYM PEOPLE Yoga Leggings, Hoodies, and more
Up to 44% off New Balance Shoes and Apparel
Up to 55% off adidas Footwear, Apparel, and Accessories
Up to 54% off Champion Men’s and Women’s Apparel
Up to 44% off Under Armour Apparel, Footwear, and Accessories

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Up to 40% off Premium Beauty from Grande Cosmetics, Moroccanoil and more.
Up to 40% off Premium Beauty products from Elemis, Clarins, and more.
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Up to 44% off COSRX Skincare
Up to 34% off Cosmetics, Skincare and Haircare favorites from L’Oreal Paris
20% off Carol’s Daughter haircare sets
Up to 50% off Waterpik Oral Care
Up to 32% off Oral Care Products from Colgate, hum, and Hello
Up to 49% off Skincare Holiday Must Haves from Neutrogena, Aveeno, and more

Up to 50% off Ring Doorbells, Cameras and Bundles
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Up to 71% off Echo Smart Speakers and Free Smart Bulb Bundles
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Up to 39% off Samsung TVs and Soundbars
Up to 30% off Amazon Essentials Women’s Apparel
Up to 50% off Amazon Fire Tablets for the Whole Family
Up to 43% off Monitors from Samsung
Up to 38% off Handpicked PCs and Monitors from HP, Samsung, and more
Up to 42% off Anker portable power stations

Home and appliances
Deals on Holiday Décor
Up to 40% off Peloton Bike, Bike Plus, Guide, Accessories, and Apparel
Up to 45% off Roborock Robot Vacuums
Up to 47% off Cookware, Mini Refrigerators and Dutch Ovens from Goodful and more
Up to 44% off Ninja Grills, Blenders and More
Up to 30% off YETI Coolers and Drinkware
Up to 37% off Home Products from Amazon Brands
Up to 30% off KitchenAid Stand Mixers, Blenders, Toasters and more
Up to 50% off Games from Taco Cat, UNO, and more
Up to 42% off De’Longhi Kitchen Appliances
Up to 44% off Ninja Creami, Blenders, Air Fryers and more
Up to 46% off Instant Pot Air Fryers, Coffee Makers, and More

46% off shower steamers for spa aromatherapy at home

From CB: These shower steamers by Cleverfy are so nice smelling and I’ve reordered them several times along with buying them as gifts. The blue six count gift box is now on sale for under $14, which is 46% off the list price of $25. These are made with essential oils and are vegan and cruelty free. This listing has over 7,900 ratings, 4.3 stars and a C on Fakespot but I’m vouching for them! People love them as much as I do. “My mom loves essential oils and these steamers were the best gift for her. She said they were very calming and soothing for showering.” “I have a couple friends for whom I buy these shower steamers. They now ask if they will get more at Christmas or their birthday. Who am I to say no?”

50% off an Urban Decay Naked mini eyeshadow palette

From CB: I love the Urban Decay Naked palettes and have a couple of full size ones. You can get 50% off the Naked2 (matte) or Naked3 (shimmer) mini palettes. These are typically $33 but you can get them for under $17 this Black Friday! These would make great gifts and stocking stuffers. The Naked3 has 4.7 stars, over 2,700 ratings and a B on Fakespot. Reviewers say the pigment is excellent and the shadows have low fallout. “This palette is fantastic. Pigmented, long lasting, neutral colors that I think will look great on anyone. Have yet to be disappointed in Urban Decay’s products but I always wait to buy on sale because it’s on the pricier side.” “My everyday go to. I get so many compliments! This is the only palette you need!” Their full size palettes are also 50% off!

48% off a bestselling hyaluronic acid serum

From CB: Neutrogena hydroboost hydrating serum has a list price of almost $27 and is currently on sale for under $14. This would make an excellent gift for yourself or a friend. It’s oil free, noncomedogenic and is said to help skin retain moisture while reducing fine lines. This listing has over 18,000 ratings, 4.6 stars and the same score on ReviewMeta. People say they can really see results after just a couple of weeks. “I’m 52 and have used this for a while. Feels light weight and there is a noticeable difference to my skin . Brightens my skin and lines are less noticeable.” “I purchased this item along with the vitamin c as I am nearly 50 and need to start looking after my skin. I suffer with breakouts and quite large eye bags but only after using this for 4 days my skin now feels amazing. My eye bags and puffy eyes have nearly disappeared! I did not expect for my skin to look so much healthier after a few short days.” Their Rapid Wrinkle Repair Retinol Face Moisturizer with Sunscreen is also on sale for over $13 off!

50% off Lancome Lash Idole mascara

From CB: I always want to try luxury mascara but I can’t justify the price point. Lancôme Lash Idôle Lash-Lifting & Volumizing Mascara has a list price of $30 but is currently on sale for $15! This listing has over 2,400 ratings, 4.5 stars and an B on Fakespot. People say it’s expensive but that it’s long lasting and is great at extending lashes without clumping. “I was hesitant to spend $30 on mascara, especially one I had never tried, after having buyer’s regret about some less expensive brands. But wow. It’s worth it. The mascara goes on smoothly without clumping, and my lashes look and feel fantastic. ” “I never write reviews but this is an exception. I have sensitive eyes and usually end up with raccoon eyes two hrs after putting mascara on but not with this one. This stuff is awesome, lengthens like crazy and no transfer under eyes 10 hrs later.” Their waterproof eyeliner is also on sale for 40% off!

58% off comfortable sweat pants he’ll want to wear all day

From CB: My son loves his adidas tracksuit and I’m sure he would like another pair of pants for Christmas. These adidas men’s Tiro23 sweat pants are on sale for up to 50% off, with some sizes and colors under $30. These have 94 ratings and 4.5 stars on ReviewMeta. Reviewers say they’re warm, comfortable and have become their favorite pants. “Perfect for winter weather. I like how warm they are and comfortable. Nice fabric and great quality. Definitely buying more colors.” “I saw these online listed on sale so I snagged a pair for my husband. They’re his new favorite pair of lounge pants around the house!” Women’s pants are also on sale for 40% off!

33% off an air fryer you’ll use every day

From CB: My air fryer’s handle broke off after about five years so I’m looking for a new one. This air fryer by trusted brand Instant Pot is on sale for under $80 for the 6 quart size. It has a window so you can see your food as it cooks, and you can put the basket in the dishwasher for easy clean up. This listing has almost 24,000 ratings 4.7 stars and the same score on ReviewMeta. People say it cooks quickly, that it’s easy to use and clean and that they wish they bought it earlier. “I love this Air Fryer! I use it everyday!! There are just two of us and it is a perfect size. Cooks evenly and is fast! I cook everything from salmon to brussels sprouts to cake. I especially like how easy it is to clean with just soap and water with a sponge.” “Now that I have this, I wish I hadn’t waited so long. I find SO many things to make in this oven. It helps me avoid using my big oven. This saves energy, is easier to clean (by far), and is more effective in some cases because of the concentrated heat and air.” The Instant Pot Duo Pressure Cooker is also on sale for $69 off!

42% off an iRobot Roomba vacuum for a cleaner home

From CB: The iRobot Roomba 694 has a list price of $279 but is on sale for under $160. This would make such a great gift for a loved one. This has almost 20,000 ratings, 4.3 stars and a B on Fakespot. Reviewers say it’s great at cleaning both carpet and bare floors, that it has a large bin and that it’s excellent at picking up pet hair. “I am not sure how I did without one before. I can run it as often as I want and it goes over my throw rugs, my rug under my dinning room table. I especially love it for my laminate and tile floors.” “I can’t live without my Roomba. It runs Monday- Friday at 10am. Makes several trips back to empty then starts again until finished. I have one golden retriever and this handles the hair beautifully.” The iRobot Roomba Combo i5+ Self-Emptying Robot Vacuum and Mop is also on sale for $200 off!

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Did you know that the Duchess of Edinburgh has been on several royal trips and tours in recent months? You probably didn’t realize it because her trips have barely gotten any coverage whatsoever, not even in the British media. Usually, only one photographer comes to her foreign events, and that guy seems to be Sophie’s official photographer. And even then, her photos rarely make the Royal Family’s Instagram, nor Getty Images or any publication anywhere. This is all a good thing, according to the Daily Mail’s Kate Mansey. Sophie is exhibiting the kind of no-drama, low-energy, forgettable work of the crown.

While all eyes have been on the state visit to Kenya followed by the celebrations for Charles’s 75th birthday, some other royal appointments have attracted less attention. Sophie and Edward, in particular, are emerging as under-the-radar royals, taking the strain of important visits – many of them long haul – while other front-line royals are engaged elsewhere.

Last week, Sophie, Duchess of Edinburgh returned from a five-day visit to Canada, where she is Colonel-in-Chief of the Lincoln and Welland Regiment and Patron of two Toronto hospitals. Last month found the duchess in Ethopia with little fanfare and no huge entourage. Her private secretary Alexander Stonor and her Assistant Private Secretary Annabelle Galletley were the only ones to travel with her. Meanwhile, her husband Prince Edward, the Duke of Edinburgh has his own full itinerary, which has included recent visits to Turkey and Bahrain on official business. They are, in other words, extremely busy – even it it’s other members of the Royal Family who dominate the nation’s Instagram feeds.

There is plenty to do. In fact, With the Duke and Duchess of Sussex departing for a new life in America and the Duke of York out of the picture, Charles III’s slimmed-down Royal family is starting to look thinly spread. Thank goodness, then, for Edward and Sophie, who share much of the royal burden, often the less glamorous bits. At 59 and 58, respectively, they still have time on their side. Their children are more independent now they’re older, meanwhile. Lady Louise celebrated her 20th birthday earlier this month; son James, now the Earl of Wessex, is 15.

Could there be a future role for Lady Louise once she has finished her University degree? Given her poise and maturity – like mother, like daughter – we might hope so.

For it has only been eight months since Sophie became the Duchess of Edinburgh yet already she has done so much. It is clear that she is fast becoming one of the most important – and hardest working – members of the Royal family. She doesn’t always attract huge publicity for her work and she certainly does seek it, but it’s of huge value, all the same.

[From The Daily Mail]

It feels like Sophie’s post-QEII rebrand is to be the new Princess Anne. Anne just does her work quietly with little fanfare and Anne still, to this day, is the hardest working member of the family. The thing is, Anne has basically always been like this – she’s spent decades doing her work (meaningful work) and she’s earned the respect she gets across the board. Sophie is just… I don’t know, maybe it’s like I said, she’s trying a rebrand now that she can’t tell everyone that she was QEII’s favorite. Anyway, at some point, the family will have to reckon with the conundrum they created themselves: no one can outshine the monarch, even if the monarch is dreadfully unpopular and unlikeable. Charisma, sparkle, attention, good press, all of that must be punished. So this is what we’re left with – a bunch of elderly people having a mid-off.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

Wednesday, November 22 was the last day of the “window” for the New York state’s Adult Survivors Act. Meaning, it was the last day for survivors of sexual assault or harassment to sue the people who harmed them without running into any statutes of limitations. It’s more than likely that Cassie had that timeline in mind when she sued Sean Combs. Then, another victim came forward and sued Bad Boy Records’ former president Harve Pierre of harassment and assault. A former model has also sued Axl Rose, saying that he sexually assaulted her in 1989 in a New York hotel. And now this: a woman – going by Jane Doe at this time – has filed a complaint against Jamie Foxx.

Jamie Foxx has been accused of sexually assaulting a woman at a New York City restaurant, according to court records. The woman’s complaint, filed in New York Supreme Court on Wednesday, and obtained by PEOPLE, alleged that the incident took place in August 2015 at Catch NYC.

The alleged victim, referred to as Jane Doe, claimed she entered the establishment where she saw Catch Hospitality Group co-founder Mark Birnbaum seated “one table away having drinks” with Foxx, 55, whose real name is Eric Marlon Bishop.

Doe alleged that at approximately 1:00 a.m., she and a friend approached Foxx’s table to ask for a picture with the Academy Award winner. She claimed he replied, “Sure baby, anything for you,” and proceeded to take “several photographs.”

In the complaint, the woman alleged that Foxx “seemed intoxicated.”

She claims The Burial actor told her, “Wow, you have that super model body”, “You smell so good” and “You look like Nickie.” When she asked “Who’s Nickie?,” Foxx replied, “Gabrielle Union.” She alleged he then grabbed her by her arm and pulled her to the back area of the rooftop.

The court filing alleged that once she and Foxx were in a secluded area, he “placed both of his hands on her waist, moved them under her ‘crop top’ and began rubbing her breasts.”

She said she attempted to step away from him and noticed a security guard “some distance away who saw what was happening but walked further away.”

[From People]

The complaint goes into further detail, about how Foxx groped her genitals and he didn’t stop until Doe’s friend found her on the rooftop and got her the hell away. It’s so believable – a popular celebrity, drunk and partying, agrees to take a photo with a fan and then feels entitled to put his hands all over the fan. It truly happens all the time. Foxx’s spokesperson responded to the complaint/lawsuit:

On Thursday, a spokesperson for the actor, 55, told PEOPLE in a statement, “The alleged incident never happened. In 2020, this individual filed a nearly identical lawsuit in Brooklyn. That case was dismissed shortly thereafter. The claims are no more viable today than they were then. We are confident they will be dismissed again.”

“And once they are, Mr. Foxx intends to pursue a claim for malicious prosecution against this person and her attorneys for re-filing this frivolous action,” the spokesperson added.

[From People]

Is this malicious prosecution? A woman sues, the case gets dismissed, and the woman hops jurisdictions and refiles three years later? Eh. It will be interesting to see what happens here – Sean Combs settled with Cassie in record time, but from Foxx’s statement, I’m getting the vibe that he’s confident he won’t have to settle. For now.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate! We’ll be off on Thursday but we’ll have some posts on Black Friday. We hope everyone has a safe & happy holiday!

Fifteen years later, revisiting the first Twilight movie. [LaineyGossip]
Matt Bomer says there could be a White Collar revival!! [Socialite Life]
Guillermo del Toro’s great quote about the importance of having/buying physical media like Blu-Rays and DVDs. [OMG Blog]
I love that Jamal Hinton & Wanda Dench still have Thanksgiving together. [The Root]
This Irish show, Obituary, sounds amazing. [Pajiba]
Ariana DeBose, my woman king. [Go Fug Yourself]
Taylor Swift is staying in Brazil for Thanksgiving? [Just Jared]
Timothee Chalamet wore Junya Watanabe in Japan. [RCFA]
Timothee Chalamet also wore Prada in Japan. [Tom & Lorenzo]
Ralph Macchio & Jackie Chan are looking for the next Karate Kid. [Seriously OMG]
I really believe that Kanye West & Bianca Censori are done. [Hollywood Life]
Did Travis Kelce throw shade at Joe Alwyn? LOL. [Buzzfeed]

Note by CB: Get the Top 8 advance stories from Omid Scobie’s Endgame when you sign up for our mailing list! I only send one email a day on weekdays.

Photos courtesy of Element 5 Digital, Jed Owen and Virginia SImionato on Unsplash, Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.

Here are photos from last night’s state dinner/banquet at Buckingham Palace for the South Korean president and his wife. Day 1 of the state visit was full of the royal setpieces – a ride in a gold carriage, an enormous military parade and ride down the Mall, meeting Kate in her silly Red Riding Hood getup. Then this – a white-tie dinner, with King Charles cracking Kpop and Gangnam Style jokes.

The most notable stuff was the fashion and jewelry. Both Queen Camilla and the Princess of Wales wore new gown – Kate wore a custom Jenny Packham gown in white, with gold embroidery (you might even say it was part of her “golden thread” hahaha). She paired her look with white opera gloves because they’re all still shook about Meghan’s elegant gloves at QEII’s funeral. Plus, I would imagine the gloves cover up all of Kate’s persistent hand injuries and chronic bandage usage. Camilla wore a custom Fiona Clare gown in rich, red velvet. The sleeves, shoulders and bell-cuffs are entirely wrong on Camilla. The pirate-sleeve phenomenon is endemic for royal women.

As for the tiaras, I was wrong. I predicted that Kate would only be given one of the few tiaras she’s worn before, like the Lotus Flower or the Cambridge Lover’s Knot. But no, she wore the Strathmore Rose tiara, which used to belong to Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mum. The Strathmore Rose tiara was given to then-Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon when she married the then-Duke of York in 1923. The tiara has barely been seen in the past decade outside of one 2002 exhibition and this is the first time it’s been worn in decades, apparently. Kate also got to borrow a pair of QEII’s diamond earrings from the royal collection.

Meanwhile, Camilla wore QEII’s ruby-and-diamonds tiara, last seen at a state banquet in 2019, when QEII wore it when Donald Trump visited. It features 96 rubies “given” to QEII “by the people of Burma.” It’s also part of the deconstructed Nizam of Hyderabad tiara? As in, QEII had a famous diamond tiara – a gift! – deconstructed and then reconstructed with rubies? Something like that. Camilla probably wore it because she wanted something to match her dress.

Note by CB: Get the Top 8 stories about Will and Kate’s crumbling marriage when you sign up for our mailing list! I only send one email a day on weekdays.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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