It’s more than likely that the Prince and Princess of Wales delayed making any big staff shakeups until after the one-year death-anniversary of QEII. But the timing of Kensington Palace’s announcements this week have felt like Prince William is desperately and furiously trying to hijack as many headlines as possible during the Invictus Games. Soon after KP staffers “excitedly” briefed Richard Eden at the Mail about their big plans to hire a Top CEO for KP, those same staffers ran to the Telegraph with another story: William is prioritizing mental health within the Duchy of Cornwall. This new initiative – if that’s what it is, because it’s not entirely clear – was packaged with William and Kate visiting the “We Are Farming Minds” charity at Kings Pitt Farm in Hereford on Thursday.
The Prince of Wales has announced that he will put mental health schemes at the heart of his approach to running the Duchy of Cornwall. The move marks the first significant change from how the estate, which generates an annual income of some £24 million for his family, was run by his father. His new strategy will aim to provide mental health care and support for all tenants of the 130,000-acre estate he inherited on the death of his grandmother.
The Prince, also the Duke of Cornwall as heir to the throne, became one of the country’s largest landowners upon inheriting the Duchy, and has been particularly focused behind the scenes over the last year on its management.
A mental health initiative was a natural implementation to be made, since it is known to be a topic he is very passionate about, described by sources as “his bread and butter”.
As part of their whistle-stop visit to Hereford on Thursday, the Prince and Princess will meet two Duchy tenants on Kings Pitt Farm to discuss the new strategy and their experiences living there. Sam and Emily Stables, who have been living at the farm for around eight years, set up a charity specifically to help farmers with mental health difficulties, called We Are Farming Minds. The charity has since grown rapidly to meet what had previously been an unmet demand and will be working closely with the Duchy to implement the new initiative.
“He has been thinking about how to take the lessons from Earthshot or from the Royal family’s work on mental health, and apply them to the Duchy,” the source said, adding: “He wants to mesh the best of all strands of his work to create more holistic support for tenants and landowners.”
“He wants to mesh the best of all strands of his work to create more holistic support…” This means he will take credit for other people’s work (We Are Farming Minds), wander around declaring himself “keen” and then he’ll get bored with it and find some fresh new project to compete with his brother. What happened to his big homeless project? Exactly. He’s already forgotten about it. What happened to his big cause of “ending racism in football”? Nothing. What happened to his big plan to use Duchy property to house homeless people? Forgotten. What happened to his job as FA President? He still hasn’t hosted any kind of reception for the Lionesses. What happened to his BAFTA presidency? He’s skipped so many BAFTA ceremonies.
Fashion notes: Kate wore a £375 grey blazer from Maje, plus black jeggings, a black top and brown boots. Girl did black pants + a black top two seconds after she saw Meghan wear that. Also, this is the same wig she wore to the rugby match in France – it’s her new “Meghan wig.”
On Thursday, the biggest fashion event of the week went down in London. The event was Vogue World, a kick-off for London Fashion Week, where celebrities, designers and royalty mingled and got an extensive preview of many new collections. I cannot even believe how many people came out for this – it had a more star-studded attendance than this year’s BAFTAs. This is the second Vogue World event (last year’s event was in New York) and they might want to keep it in London, given the turnout. Speaking of, Princess Eugenie walked her first carpet since giving birth to her second son back in May/June. Eugenie wore this Fendi couture look – it’s really striking and she looks great. She probably wanted to be more covered up and that’s fine. The color is wonderful on her.
Princess Beatrice was also there, with her husband Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi. Bea wore Richard Quinn, and I believe the gloves are built-in. I don’t hate the idea of Beatrice in a black-and-yellow pattern, but the execution of this dress is throwing me off a little. I think it should have been a full-length gown, and there shouldn’t be so much fabric on the bust. (Also: do you think Bea is on Ozempic?)
Emilia Clarke in Christian Dior. You know what? I like this.
Claire Foy in Moncler. It looks like a knockoff Vivienne Westwood which fell off the back of a truck. What this dress does to her boobs is a crime.
Letitia Wright in Prada. Genuinely love this.
Jenna Coleman in Rodarte. Literally a granny’s lace tablecloth.
I had my second bout of Covid last week. Thankfully, my case was mild and I just had a sore throat and congestion. I did have several friends reach out to share that their recent experiences were flu-like symptoms that lasted several days. The person who gave it to me caught it for their very first time, and 12 days after his positive test, he is still not feeling 100%. Be careful out there, friends, because you still never know how it’s going to affect you. Stay safe, take precautions!
I knew the guidelines had changed in recent months, but wasn’t quite sure what they are now, so I had to do some research on what to do. For anyone else who may not be totally up to speed, Yahoo has a compilation of what to do if you have Covid or are exposed to it, based on the CDC guidelines.
What to do if you test positive: While protocols have changed slightly since the pandemic began, there are still recommendations in place around testing positive for COVID-19. If you do test positive, you should stay home for at least five days and isolate from others in your home, according to guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
When to start the timeline: Day zero is the first day you develop symptoms, the CDC points out. If you had no symptoms but tested positive, day zero is the day you took the test — but you revert back to day zero if you later develop symptoms.
Isolate: The CDC recommends that you stay home and try to stay away from others as much as possible, even using a separate bathroom if you can. It’s also a good idea to avoid sharing personal items like cups, towels and utensils; if you need to be around others, wear a high-quality mask.
Seriously, stay home: While some people will dismiss their symptoms as a cold, it’s best to stay home from work, school and any of your other usual activities, Dr. William Schaffner, a professor at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, tells Yahoo Life. “You should recuse yourself,” he says. “You really don’t want to expose other people. You don’t know if your co-workers have diabetes or other high-risk conditions, or if they have someone at home who is in a high-risk group. Just shelter at home.”
When to leave isolation You can leave isolation after day five if you’ve had no symptoms or if you had symptoms but have been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication, the CDC says. But if your symptoms haven’t gotten better by day five, the CDC recommends continuing to isolate until you’re fever-free for 24 hours without medication or your symptoms start to get better. From there, it’s recommended that you wear a high-quality, well-fitting mask indoors until at least day 11 and that you avoid being around people who are more likely to get very sick from COVID-19. “Don’t go visiting your grandparents during this time,” Schaffner says.
If you need to leave isolation during the five-day period (which, again, isn’t recommended), Schaffner says it’s important to wear a high-quality mask and to try to avoid others as much as possible. “If you need to get groceries and no one else can get them for you, wear that mask and go at a time when there are fewer people at the store — early morning or late in the evening,” he says.
What to do if you’re high-risk: If you’re in a high-risk category (the CDC has a full breakdown of medical conditions that would classify you that way), it’s a good idea to call your doctor about getting on an antiviral medication like Paxlovid, infectious disease expert Dr. Amesh Adalja, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, tells Yahoo Life. “Paxlovid should be prescribed to high-risk persons within five days of symptom onset,” he says. “If Paxlovid is unable to be given, molnupiravir [antiviral medications] should be prescribed.”
Schaffner suggests testing more often if you’re in a high-risk group. “If you’re exposed and you’re high-risk, I recommend testing yourself starting from about day three after the exposure and testing on days four, five and six, if you can,” he says. If you get a positive test result, isolate and call your doctor about taking an antiviral medication.
What to do if you’ve been exposed: The CDC recommends that you start taking precautions immediately. That includes wearing a high-quality mask any time you’re around others inside your home or indoors in public and avoiding places where you can’t wear a mask indoors. You’ll also want to monitor yourself for symptoms of COVID-19 like fever, cough and shortness of breath, according to the CDC. If you develop symptoms, isolate immediately and get tested for the virus. The CDC recommends testing yourself on day six if you didn’t develop symptoms, but continuing to wear a mask for 10 days, even if the results are negative.
If someone you know has tested positive: Your friend should be isolating if they tested positive for COVID-19, Schaffner says, and you don’t want to risk exposing yourself and getting sick. If you want to help them by bringing them groceries or food, he says that’s not a problem — just leave it outside their door instead of going into their home.
Get vaccinated: “Getting vaccinated is one of the best ways to lower your risk of serious complications if you happen to get infected,” he says.
So there you have it. After three-and-a-half-years, a lot of this is common sense at this point. The CDC just approved a new booster, which I was going to get during my yearly physical next week, but I guess now I’ll wait until I’m eligible again. Although a lot of people seem to not be taking Covid seriously anymore, I do appreciate how most of us barely bat an eye nowadays when we see people wearing masks in everyday life. I’ve been wearing a mask while leaving the house for the past few days and never once felt out of place or uncomfortable.
I have experienced a brand new symptom that I did not have before: I’ve lost my sense of smell. It’s been weird, especially because when I cleaned my bathroom with bleach on Monday so my husband could use it again, his first reaction was to gag at how powerful it was. I never smelt it at all! I thought he was messing with me until I realized on Tuesday morning that I couldn’t smell my coffee. It’s so weird because I can still generally taste things! Anyone else having lingering symptoms this time around? Ah, Covid is crazy.
photos credit: Anna Shvets, Edward Jenner and Cottonbro on Pexels
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Paul Simon was at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) over the weekend to premiere In Restless Dreams: The Music of Paul Simon, a documentary by Alex Gibney. I know Gibney for his hard hitting docs like Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief and The Crime of the Century (about the opioid crisis). But somehow I’ve missed that he’s also directed music documentaries on The Eagles, James Brown, and Frank Sinatra. And now, of course, Paul Simon. Simon and Gibney participated in a Q&A while at TIFF, where Simon spoke candidly about his hearing loss:
Paul Simon may not yet have come to terms with the hearing loss in his left ear, but he is “beginning to.” The 81-year-old singer-songwriter talked about his ailment and ability to continue performing at a post-screening Q&A for In Restless Dreams: The Music of Paul Simon, which premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival on Sunday.
In the panel discussion alongside documentary director Alex Gibney, Simon told the audience “I haven’t accepted it entirely, but I’m beginning to,” when asked about his hearing loss.
“I play the guitar every day,” he added. “It’s the instrument that allows me to express myself creatively. But it’s also where I go for solace. If I’m feeling… ‘whatever.’ So it’s a very crucial thing to me. You know, something happens to you when you have some sort of disability that changes your awareness or changes how you interact with life.”
According to Simon there has been no improvement in his left ear, which has made a return to performing a challenge. “Usually when I finished an album I went out and toured with it, and then I have the opportunity to really investigate the piece. And then it evolves to another standard, and goes further,” he said. “Although a week from now I’m going to try and work with two guitarists who will play the parts that I played on the record, and see if I can sing the piece. I’m not sure how I can integrate my voice with the guitars.”
His ailment has not however kept Simon from composing new music. “I wrote a new song called ‘When I Learned to Play Guitar,’ but I don’t know if I’ll ever do anything with it,” he said at the TIFF premiere.
In May, the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame artist, half of American folk duo Simon & Garfunkel, opened up about his hearing loss during an interview with the Times. Simon said his hearing loss happened while he was penning music for his new album, Seven Psalms. “Quite suddenly, I lost most of the hearing in my left ear, and nobody has an explanation for it,” he said. “So everything became more difficult.”
Hearing loss among musicians is so prevalent, for obvious reasons. In the last couple years Dave Grohl and Huey Lewis have shared their hearing loss experiences, each one with his own devastating details. I started out thinking that it must be even more heartbreaking for a performer to lose a sense so innately tied to their craft, given the odds stacked against anyone trying to make it in the arts. But I was wrong about that, it’s not being a performer that makes the loss more intense. It’s being anyone who absolutely loves what they do being forced to watch it slipping away. My father was not in the arts, he was an academic. When he had a stroke last winter, it was painful for all of us, including him, to see how his mind was altered. He knew he’d lost the capacity to continue his work, and I think that realization is what drove him to let go. It was a mentality of “who am I if I can’t work anymore?” We lost him two weeks ago, on his 81st birthday. I couldn’t write the day he died, but I came back the day after. (Don’t worry, I took more than a week off from my day job.) I love being sassy here with you, and I figure the best way I can honor my father is to keep working on what I love doing. It’s not his fault that that happens to be sarcasm and laughing at public displays of stupidity.
Red dye No. 3 is a synthetic food coloring used in gummies, fruit cups, frostings, toaster pastries, candies such as Skittles and Peeps, and more. In fact, it’s reportedly used in nearly 3,000 different products. Parents and health professionals have long accused it of triggering behavioral issues, something that a study has confirmed.
The California Legislature just passed the California Food Safety Act, which bans the sale of food and drinks containing red dye No. 3 along with potassium bromate, brominated vegetable oil and propylparaben, three other harmful chemicals that are frequently found in processed foods. In light of the bill passing, parents and doctors are sharing stories about the effects red dye No. 3 can have on kids.
It can trigger irritability: Father of three Matt Parks tells Yahoo Life that he and his wife try to do their best to keep their children from having red dye No. 3. “We have noticed that when our youngest daughter has red food dye, her ability to regulate emotions becomes impaired,” he says. “She’s very easily agitated and upset — far more than normal. It’s gotten to the point where even she notices the change.” Parks says he has ADHD and notices that, when he has products with red dye No. 3, he feels more irritable and agitated. “It’s not a cause of those symptoms, but it does seem to be a trigger,” he says.
It can cause hyperactivity: Father of two AJ Yarwood also says his family tries to avoid red dye No. 3. “When our children consume products containing red dye No. 3, they tend to become more hyperactive and have difficulty focusing,” he tells Yahoo Life. “This can be especially challenging for our daughter, who already struggles with attention issues.”
It’s already banned from cosmetics: Yarwood says his family has come up with a list of common products with the dye to avoid, noting that the list keeps growing. “It’s frustrating to know that this dye is banned from cosmetics due to its harmful effects, yet it’s still used in everyday foods for everyone to ingest,” he says.
The claims aren’t just anecdotal: The chemical has been linked to behavioral issues in kids. Jamie Alan, an associate professor of pharmacology and toxicology at Michigan State University, says that studies on red dye No. 3 are limited and only show an association — not that red dye No. 3 actually causes certain health issues or behaviors. But Alan says it’s important to consider this: “Red dye offers no nutritional or positive impacts on health. There is only potential harm, although the jury is out on the amount of type of harm it may or may not cause. From a health standpoint, I can see benefits” to banning the dye in foods.
Docs love the idea of banning red food dye: Dr. Daniel Ganjian, a pediatrician at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, Calif., tells Yahoo Life that he “loves” the idea of banning red food dye. Ganjian says he’s seen kids act out after having candies with red dye No. 3. “It’s not just the sugar,” he says. “It’s just better not to have this ingredient.”
What can parents do now? If you’re able to, Alan recommends doing your best to avoid red dye No. 3, either by choosing dye-free foods or ones that use more natural coloring, such as beet extract. “I am concerned about parents who cannot easily access foods that are dye-free,” she says. “If your only options for food are foods that contain dye, then by all means feed your children.”
If Governor Newsome signs the bill into law, any foods containing these chemicals can no longer be sold in California, effective in 2027. That’s plenty of time for companies to loudly throw their tantrums and then come up with safer, alternate solutions, right? This isn’t the first time California has led the nation in making a big move. Back in 2021, it was the first state to require school children to get the covid vaccine. As for that last part about whether or not parents can easily access foods that are dye-free, I know I’m preaching to the choir here, but it would be great if we could just make healthier foods more affordable and accessible to everyone, so no one has to be backed into a financial corner when it comes to their health. I also think it’s interesting that red dye No. 3 was banned in cosmetics but we’re still able to put it into our bodies.
And just a side ponder, but I do wonder how the conservative mommy blogger crowd is reacting. On one hand, they hate the government for trying to help keep their kids safe through things like vaccinations and face masks. On the other hand, I’m sure they’ve been sharing all sorts of info-graphics about red dye being poison while calling for that no-good government to do something about it. What do they do now? First one to see a former high school classmate post outrage memes about banning red dye No. 3 to their social media has to report back, okay?
Photos credit: Lam Loi on pexels and via Kroger/Walmart/Environmental Working Group
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It’s not only actors and writers who are out of work amid their union strikes — it’s every member of the crew who makes production possible. You know how at the end movie credits you sometimes see “The making of this film supported over 15,000 jobs and involved hundreds of thousands of work hours”? Yeah, they’re all unemployed right now, and they’re being frank about the struggle. In July the WGA auctioned off experiences and memorabilia as a way to raise funds for striking writers. Now actors are following a similar model, only instead of raising funds for themselves, celebrities are auctioning off their time and possessions to benefit the crews who have been standing in solidarity with them. And there are some fun choices up for grabs:
In an effort to help crew members who’ve lost their healthcare due to Hollywood strike-related shutdowns, several actors — including Adam Scott, Natasha Lyonne, Lena Dunham, John Lithgow and Bob Odenkirk, among others — are offering experiences to the highest bidder in the Union Solidarity Coalition’s new eBay auction.
That’s right Scott to walk your dog (only if you’re Los Angeles-based), and according to the description, you can take photos and videos and even join him on the walk.
Lyonne and her dog Rootbeer have volunteered to help you work through the tricky New York Times crossword puzzle. Rosemarie Dewitt and Ron Livingston are offering to help one lucky couple adjudicate a relationship squabble where “rulings are final,” the description reads.
Perhaps you’re looking to dine with “real-life besties” Odenkirk and actor David Cross, who have made themselves available in New York or Los Angeles (or over Zoom) to join you and a friend for dinner. “Handmaid’s Tale” actor Ann Dowd, and Rachel Bloom are also offering meal-related experiences.
Lithgow, Dunham and Busy Philipps are putting forward more artistic experiences. You can commission Lithgow to paint a watercolor portrait of your pet, or hire Dunham to paint a mural inside your home. Or brush up on your ceramic skills by taking a pottery class in New York City with Philipps.
You can also zoom with the cast of “Manifest,” “Bones” or “New Girl,” or ask Maggie Gyllenhaal or Sarah Silverman 20 questions.
A number of collectible items and signed memorabilia is also up for auction, including a fedora owned and signed by the legendary Tom Waits or a blue apron signed by “The Bear” cast members, Jeremy Allen White, Ebon Moss Bachrach, Ayo Edebiri and more.
Signed scripts, a signed “Stranger Things” poster, items from Parker Posey’s personal collection of “Dazed and Confused” memorabilia, and more is also available on the Coalition’s online auction.
As of this writing the bidding on Lena Dunham painting a mural in your home is up to $3,050, plus $9.65 for shipping. I find the first figure deeply troubling and the second one confusing — what’s being shipped? Lena? The paints? At least it’s all for a good cause. If you have a couple hundred to a few thousand dollars available, shop wisely and generously. You can also make a smaller donation to The Union Solidarity Coalition. The auction is open until September 22. In the meantime, I’ll continue to work on the crossword puzzle with my own pooch. Although we are available for a double date in case you’re reading this, Natasha Lyonne and Rootbeer.
Salma Hayek wore white to the TIFF premiere of her film El Sabor de la Navidad. She looks amazing in this dress. [JustJared]
Lauren Boebart got thrown out of the Beetlejuice musical. [Jezebel]
Lil Nas X’s premiere was delayed because of homophobia. [Socialite Life]
Dakota Johnson wore Bode at TIFF. [Tom & Lorenzo]
Review of Chris Pine’s Poolman. [LaineyGossip]
It hasn’t gotten much buzz, but Scout’s Honor sounds important. [Pajiba]
Anya Taylor-Joy’s Del Core look was insane. [RCFA]
This talk about Millennials vs. Gen Z has me feeling so grateful to be Xennial. [Buzzfeed]
Sister Wives’ Kody is having sinister thoughts. [Starcasm]
NSYNC reunited at the VMAs, as did other bands. [GFY]
Olivia Culpo was out and about during NYFW. [Egotastic]
As I’m writing this on Thursday, Prince William and Kate haven’t trotted out today to make asses out of themselves in a desperate bid to pull focus from the Invictus Games. William and Kate flew separately to France over the weekend, then Kate wore a tragique doll wig to prison on Tuesday, then William raged about suicide on Wednesday. Did… did they not plan something for today? I was really looking forward to seeing their pathetic shenanigans every single day of the Invictus Games. Looks like they’re too lazy to even pull desperate shenanigans. (Update: OMG, they really are doing something today! They’re taking their sweet time getting there though, so we won’t have photos today.) Anyway, what IS Kate up to? Please enjoy this Mail piece, “Kate Middleton quietly carries on with royal duty by holding Early Years meeting at Windsor Castle amidst Invictus Games row.”
Kate Middleton is quietly carrying on with her royal duties this week – as Prince Harry and Meghan Markle celebrated the Invictus Games with veterans in Germany. According to the Court Circular, The Princess of Wales, 41, held an Early Years meeting at Windsor Castle yesterday.
The royal’s work through her Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood to promote the importance of the first five years of a child’s life has been accelerated over the past year.
It comes as her brother-in-law the Duke of Sussex and his wife the Duchess continued their week long trip to Dusseldorf for the Invictus Games. It has been claimed veterans have become frustrated that the Invictus Games are not getting the attention from senior royals which other sporting events enjoy – with Buckingham Palace looking ‘petty and mean-spirited’ by not paying it enough attention.
The Prince and Princess of Wales were integral in the early stages of the Invictus Games.
The Royal Foundation, which was shared by Prince Harry at the time – invested significant amounts of money in the event. There is now a sense of frustration among some British athletes that their endeavours are not recognised by public figures – including senior royals – who are quick to send good wishes to competitors in other international events, The Telegraph reports.Critics argue the royal family’s ‘ill-will’ towards Harry should not be held against the disabled veterans who are competing.
There’s a real strain here, a strain in the invisible contract, a reach to give William and Kate “credit” for Invictus, and yet a small sliver of criticism towards the Windsors too. The Mail knows that William and Kate had nothing to do with Invictus. Everyone knows that. Everyone knows that William and Kate are too insecure, too jealous, too pathetic to actually send their best wishes to British veterans as well. But mostly, the Mail wants more content and they’re not being placated with a line in the Court Circular about Kate’s “private meeting.”
There’s this thing where almost all royals, across the board, are bad at casual dressing or sportswear. The Princess of Wales is especially bad at wearing sportswear and casual separates, preferring a parade of skin-tight jeggings and god-awful wedges. Well, here’s hoping that the Duchess of Sussex’s biggest stalker is taking notes, because Meghan really rocks some casual looks. She manages to make mass-market labels look high-end, she manages to look comfortable and professional and she always look stylish and happy.
Here are more photos of Prince Harry and Meghan today at the Dusseldorf Invictus Games. Meghan once again chose a pair of Frame jeans in her preferred fit – slim-cut cigarette pants. She paired those jeans with a Ralph Lauren sleeveless sweater. Her color palette for IG seems to be mostly black-and-white (minus one brown ensemble) and I love that she went all-white today after her all-black look yesterday. Is this the new Sussex uniform? Cigarette pants and sleeveless knit shells, monochromatic style? Could be!
These pics are from the sitting volleyball competition. Meghan was waving a Nigerian flag and at one point, Harry put his arms around her and squeezed her. This loved-up display!! The Sussex charisma!
Kevin Costner and Christine Baumgartner’s divorce is still on-going. The last major update is that the child support issue is now settled, with Costner ordered to pay Christine $63K a month in child support, which is about a third of what she asked for and nowhere near enough to provide their three children with a comparable lifestyle. It’s not looking good for Christine’s attempt to nullify the prenup, and the hearing/trial for that comes up in a few months. I’ve said for a while that the old-fart judge seems to be blatantly on Costner’s side about everything, and last week, the judge explained his child support ruling, and I want you to read some of it:
Judge Thomas P. Anderle, in a Tuesday court filing obtained by PEOPLE, recapped the proceedings and explained that he found Christine “credible” in her Thursday testimony, with “good courtroom demeanor.” However, while the judge “did not perceive there was any intention by [Christine] to mislead the Court,” her testimony “was not much help on the issue before the bench today; will weigh her testimony with all the evidence in this case.”
About Kevin, Anderle wrote that he “recognizes he is professional actor” and “weighed that in the decision-making process when judging his credibility.”
The judge “did not find he embellished any of his testimony by relying on his profession; his testimony was straightforward; there was ‘no acting’; found his testimony to be credible and consistent.” Anderle added that “both sides made strong closing arguments.”
In regards to the ruling, Anderle said the “reasonable needs of the children are fully met by this child support order” and anything “greater than $63,209 per month” would be “disguised spousal support.”
He added: “Christine will have her opportunity to convince the Court that she is entitled to spousal support. That is not the issue at hand for this hearing.”
The judge was considering how much he “believed” Costner and Baumgartner rather than following the law or the financials. Christine’s child support request wasn’t a number plucked out of the air – she hired a forensic accountant and based her request on Costner’s annual income and wealth. The judge was like “sure, she was likable but I just don’t think she should get that much money.” Well, clearly, Costner and his lawyers understand that this judge will take his side on every issue, so as I predicted, Costner is now fighting Christine over her legal costs.
Kevin Costner’s lawyer skewered Christine Baumgartner’s request for the actor to pay his estranged wife an alleged $885,000 in legal fees. After Baumgartner’s legal team claimed she will be charged the staggering sum to argue her case against the former couple’s prenuptial agreement, Costner’s high-powered attorney Laura Wasser argued in a new filing that the fee in question would be absurd, according to TMZ.
Wasser reportedly argued that, based on hourly rates, Baumgartner’s legal team would have to put in 1,106 hours of billable work hours to justify charging her that amount.
The legal eagle dubbed Baumgartner’s request for Costner to cover her steep legal bill as “nothing short of outrageous,” noting that the judge already deemed their prenup enforceable.
Wasser also alleged that Baumgartner has no leg to stand on and should just throw in the towel.
The way this ends is that the judge upholds the prenup, Christine gets zero alimony, the judge sides with Costner on everything, and Christine only gets the $1 million payout from the prenup. Then Christine will be ordered to pay her legal fees and Costner’s legal fees, which will not only wipe out the $1 million, but leave her in debt. Then the bot farm hired by Costner will flood social media and blog comments and say that she deserved it and that she’s not being financially abused.