The British media has been gagged for a full week. They couldn’t believe it when the Duchess of Sussex made a surprise virtual appearance at Misan Harriman’s Ted Talk. They were beside themselves when Harry and Meghan booked a VIP suite to watch the NBA Playoffs last Monday, and the Mail was hysterically melting down over the cost of wine, hot dogs and other stadium snacks. But the British press still wasn’t prepared for the news that Meghan signed up with WME, one of the most powerful agencies in the world, nor were they prepared for the fact that Meghan had actually been courted by several agencies. WME is no joke, and Ari Emanuel is regularly named as one of the most powerful men in Hollywood. The British press was so shaken, it took them basically 24 hours to catch their breath. They can’t blatantly lie and say that this move is bad for Meghan, so now it looks like they’re trying to say that it’s terribly suspicious that Meghan would make such a brilliant move for her future. From The Telegraph:
Meghan & Ari Emanuel: “This means a lot in Hollywood,” says an LA insider. “It’s the most powerful and prestigious agency in America and the one everybody is at – being represented by them proves you are a big deal. Bearing in mind where her career was at 10 years ago, this will be almost a childhood dream come true.”
The real Ari Emanuel: “When you first meet him, you expect him to be this overbearing Weinstein-like figure,” says one Hollywood source. “But he’s actually very personable – he laughs a lot and looks you in the eye; he has usually done his homework on what you’re up to and is always very charming.”
Ari’s vibe: “He’s famously combustible – he swears and throws things, and someone famously saw him in a garage pounding his laptop against the wall in rage,” says LA-based author and journalist Richard Rushfield. “But he can spot an opportunity a mile off. Hollywood can be a very complacent place and it needs thinkers like him. Ari is the most powerful figure of his generation. He’s the ideal choice for Meghan because he is immensely skilled at building a larger world around his clients. She’s not looking for an acting role, she’s looking to take her brand and name and use it in new ways. Ari famously said that he wasn’t going to hold his clients’ hands at auditions, he was going to build media empires for them.”
Meghan, the next Michelle Obama: For the Duchess of Sussex, there could be no better connections. “It’s no secret that she wants to be the next Michelle Obama,” says a Hollywood source. “That’s the key to the whole thing.” Given that relations had reportedly soured between the Obamas and the Sussexes in the months after the infamous Oprah interview (they were notably absent from Barack’s star-studded 60th birthday celebrations in 2021), joining Endeavor may be one way for Meghan to reconnect with them.
Meghan & Elon Musk: “It’s all pretty schmoozy and once you sign with Ari, you’re in on this whole social scene,” says a source. “He is also great friends with Elon Musk – Harry and Meghan will no doubt hang out on Elon’s yacht with all of the Californian power couples. Meghan will love that – it’s her natural habitat.”
“Harry and Meghan will no doubt hang out on Elon’s yacht with all of the Californian power couples. Meghan will love that – it’s her natural habitat.” For all of his many faults, Elon Musk does not own a yacht. California power couples do not hang out with Elon Musk in general, and certainly not on his nonexistent yacht. Meghan’s natural habitat is not “on a yacht.” She’s also not looking to become the next Michelle Obama – Meghan was never First Lady, that’s not the comparison. What Meghan wants – in my opinion – is to be more like Gwyneth Paltrow or Reese Witherspoon. A production company, a book club, a popular podcast (or several pods), investments in woman-owned businesses, maybe a clothing line, some brand ambassadorships, perhaps a popular lifestyle blog. That’s the play here.
Also: I’m curious why one of the top quotes in the piece is comparing Ari Emanuel to convicted rapist Harvey Weinstein. The two men are nothing alike. The only thing, that I can see, that they have in common is Judaism. Which I think was the point. I feel certain that the British media will go full antisemitic dog-whistle with this news.
It was only this year, just in recent months, when the penny dropped and I understood just how badly the Parker-Bowles clan has Prince William over a barrel. It was that bonkers article about how Tom Parker Bowles is the monarchy’s latest “secret weapon.” It was at that moment, I understood the full scope of it – Tom is well-connected in the aristocracy and he gets his love of gossip from his mother. Queen Camilla and Tom both know how to weaponize information into kompromat on the monarchy. Tom and Camilla know exactly what Prince William has been up to for years and years. The Parker-Bowles clan can get William to do whatever they want. And what they want is a public declaration of fealty from William to his stepmother.
Prince William is set to give a ‘heartfelt and loving’ speech about his father and step-mother at the Coronation concert next weekend, it is claimed. The Prince of Wales is reported to be preparing to give a heartwarming address to the nation, during which he will pay tribute to the newly crowned King and Queen.
A speech by William about Charles and Camilla could be the most touching moment, with royal sources telling the Mirror he will express his pride for the two in public. It would be a stark contrast to his brother Harry, who expressed fears Camilla would become a ‘wicked step-mother’ if she married his father in his recent memoir Spare.
A royal source told the Mirror: ‘William feels entirely differently to his brother on these matters. His speech will be heartfelt and loving, paying tribute to his father as a man of principle who has also devoted himself to duty and to the causes he believes in. The Prince also feels it is important to pay tribute to how Camilla has dedicated herself to causes and has made a real difference to many in her royal role and also contributing to his father’s happiness.’
While the Prince of Wales is set to be present for the Coronation concert on Sunday, his brother the Duke of Sussex is not expected to be there.
I really think that William is probably the easiest person to manipulate in that family. He and Kate are the weakest links, and everyone in the family knows all of W&K’s secrets. What’s also kind of funny/sad is that William appears to be doing everything Charles and Camilla want, and they’re still authorizing all kinds of crazy briefings against Will and Kate. Like, William is not putting up a fight over the Parker-Bowles takeover of the coronation. He’s not saying anything about Charles making a point of including the Marquess and Marchioness of Cholmondeley. William is not leaking anything about his discomfort with anything to do with Charles and Camilla. William’s two brain cells are solely focused on his one-sided competition with his brother. And since he’s not paying attention to anything other than his rampant jealousy of Harry, William is being effortlessly played by his father and stepmother. It’s extraordinary.
This weekend, Buckingham Palace released a lot of news about the coronation, which is happening on May 6th (Saturday). While the various bits and bobs of Chubbly news got headlines, make no mistake, the biggest story is still the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. I don’t know how many times the British papers can report the exact same news – Meghan is staying home! Harry’s visit will be brief! – but they’re definitely keeping the focus on the royal court of Montecito. Sucks to be a British tabloid editor. In any case, I’m starting to get a good idea of how Prince Harry negotiated his appearance at the coronation – he merely acknowledged the invitation for months, blanked on all of the palace courtiers and waited until his father called him directly. Which King Charles finally did a few weeks ago, and it was only then that Harry agreed to come. Now I think Harry is waiting until Charles picks up the phone again to confirm any of his arrangements, and the palace is (again) openly briefing the Mail about how they have no idea what Harry will do.
Coronation organisers are ‘stressed’ about Prince Harry’s plans for Saturday, complaining that establishing them is ‘like trying to communicate with Mars’. Insiders told The Mail on Sunday that they were still seeking confirmation of ‘when he is coming, where he is staying, when he is going back and whether he is happy with his seating position in the Abbey’. Some are even suspicious that he might still pull out at the last minute.
Sources say they have been told so little about Harry’s plans that ‘anything could happen’, ranging from a token appearance to a last-minute no-show. One source said: ‘He has not been responding other than in a “We acknowledge your email” holding manner. It’s like trying to communicate with Mars – it was easier to deal with Sinn Fein.’
The Coronation source added: ‘Harry seems to be adopting a High Noon approach, making everyone sweat about his movements. While the Royals are confident that he will show up, others involved are not quite so convinced. The working assumption now is that, assuming he does come, it could mean arriving as late as very early Saturday by private jet and leaving by late afternoon the same day.’
LMAO. Harry has all week to do the funniest thing ever, which is skip the coronation after telling his father he would come. I mean, I doubt he will do that. He’ll show up. But unless Charles speaks to him directly, Harry is refusing to engage with Charles’s minions. For good reason – whatever he says to them will be leaked within an hour. There are very real security concerns and Harry also knows his father is a vindictive bastard. Speaking of, the Sun also had a piece about how Harry probably won’t even be in London for a full 24 hours:
PrinceHarry plans a whistlestop visit to his dad’s Coronation next weekend. He will see Charles crowned at Westminster Abbey then aims to be back in the US for son Archie’s fourth birthday.
Speculation has been rife over how long he intends to stay in London, and an insider confirmed last night: “Harry will be in and out of the UK in 24 hours. He will only be doing the Coronation service then leaving.”
The 11am ceremony ends at 1pm so Harry could be in the air by 2-3pm. He would spend ten hours travelling 5,000 miles and land by early evening local time. His full travel plans have been kept secret for security reasons. But it is believed he will arrive in London on Friday — and could return to Santa Barbara airport, 14 miles from his Montecito home by private jet.
The Sun also theorized about which airports Harry might use to leave, which just reminded me of the unhinged behavior of the British tabloids last September, just days before QEII passed away, when the Sussexes traveled to Manchester for Meghan’s One Young World speech. The tabloids went full stalker and published diagrams and maps to show the routes the Sussexes were likely taking from Windsor to Manchester, the timetables of the trains and the estimated times of arrival. Like, that’s what’s in store for Harry during this visit too – the papers will publish any scrap of information, especially if it puts Harry in danger. I’m glad he’s not even telling the palace where he’ll be staying. I hope he doesn’t even fly in on Friday. He could honestly time it so he arrives early on Saturday morning and only spends about four or five hours in the UK.
Angela Kelly was Queen Elizabeth II’s longtime dresser and companion. In the last years of QEII’s life, Angela Kelly moved into Windsor Castle and was right next door to QEII’s chambers. Kelly nurtured her closeness to QEII at the expense of everyone else – Kelly would openly leak stories about other royals and she famously smeared Harry and Meghan for years over the fact that Harry begged Kelly to simply allow Meghan to use a tiara for a hair trial before the wedding. Once QEII passed away, the new king and queen changed all of the locks and kicked Kelly out of the castle within a matter of like 48 hours. Then the other royals were shocked to learn that Angela had conned a spacious “grace and favor” home for herself on the Windsor estate, meaning she was going to have a free house on a royal estate in her retirement. There were rumors that King Charles would find a way to evict her, and it looks like he has:
Queen Elizabeth’s former right-hand woman Angela Kelly has been ‘cut off’ by the King and booted out of her grace-and-favour home in the shadow of Windsor Castle, MailOnline can reveal today. Ms Kelly, the late Queen’s dresser and confidante for more than 20 years, is being forced to move out from her Berkshire house, she has confirmed. Not only is she having to vacate the modest semi-detached cottage on the Windsor Estate, she revealed that her work-issue mobile phone has been cut off.
As she prepared for a new life in the Peak District, 180 miles away from Windsor, she was unusually candid this week on her public ‘Agenthighheels’ Instagram account.
Ms Kelly, 65, poignantly posted a picture of her garden, telling friends: ‘Getting ready to say goodbye. I am moving at last to my new home which I will be able to call My Home at last.’
In response to a friend, she posted: ‘I’m moving to the Peak District just further on than Sheffield so not too far away from the family. My work phone has been disconnected but hopefully you have this one…Looking forward to my New Adventures [with smiling emoji]’.
Her Instagram stories from this morning suggest she was defiant to the end. She posted: ‘I am too old to worry about who likes me and who dislikes me! I have more important things to do! If you love me – I love you! If you support me – I support you! If you hate me – I don’t care!’ She followed that with a Gif of a child chanting: ‘I can’t do negative today. Positive vibes, positive vibes!’
Friends of fiery Ms Kelly, the Liverpool docker’s daughter who became the Queen’s closest aide, feel she has been treated badly after such loyal and devoted service and say she has become another victim of the King’s ‘property merry-go-round’. Many in royal circles expected she would be granted accommodation for life after her decades of service to the late monarch.
She was recently recognised by King Charles in a special honours awards marking the death of the Queen. But eyebrows were raised when she only became a Commander of the Royal Victorian Order, rather than a Dame Commander as might have been expected.
But despite – or perhaps because of – Ms Kelly’s closeness to the Queen, some in the Royal Household were suspicious of her, and one insider suggested to the Mail on Sunday that perhaps ‘scores were being settled’. A source told the paper: ‘She’s been told she will soon have to move out. It’s a nice little place on the Windsor Estate and it was convenient for seeing her grandson, who was at college nearby. But the King has made it clear that under the new reign people will have to cut their cloth. The King is clearly not in the habit of providing homes for those no longer working for the monarchy.’
As I said before, when the rumors began about Charles finding a way to evict Kelly, I’m on the Windsors’ side in this narrow circumstance. Their actions are entirely appropriate. Angela Kelly thought nothing of smearing a blood princess and leaking damaging information about the Windsors. She thought nothing of lording her “closeness” to QEII over everyone. She manipulated a dottering, senile old woman and that probably was only half of it. She conned QEII into “giving” her that house in Windsor too. Spare me – Kelly deserves a lot worse than this.
LOL – after this story got a lot of attention on Friday and Saturday, the palace put a rush on a clean-up piece in the Mail on Sunday in which sources claim that King Charles actually “bought” Angela’s new home for her but he did evict her from her Windsor cottage.
One thing is abundantly clear about the coronation: Queen Consort Camilla has taken over. It’s her “victory lap” and she’s planned the entire thing so she can be the centerpiece, so people will know that she “won.” One of the biggest controversies is the issue about tiaras – I absolutely believe that Camilla is so sick with jealousy and pettiness that she wants to be the only royal woman wearing significant Royal Collection jewelry. If Camilla was generous with the royal jewels, we would have already heard about it for months, how Princess Anne is getting this or Sophie Wessex is getting that or how the new Princess of Wales will have her pick of the dozens of tiaras. None of that has happened. Now, it looks like Kate will have to wear… a floral headpiece. Oh, no!!!
A coronation would normally be an occasion for female members of the royal family to wear their most dazzling jewellery. However, the Princess of Wales plans to go against expectation at Westminster Abbey on Saturday by not wearing a tiara for the most spectacular royal occasion for 70 years. Instead it is thought that she is planning to wear a floral headpiece.
The bold and innovative gesture would be a royal first, and bound to disappoint traditionalists looking forward to seeing the finest display of royal jewels for a generation. As Geoffrey Munn, the author of Tiaras: A History of Splendour, has said: “Tiaras traditionally feature at formal state affairs, depending on what looks good on the wearer.”
There are also rumours within palace circles that no royal women will wear tiaras.
The decision to go for the floral look would be fully in keeping with a coronation that reflects King Charles’s belief in the importance of sustainability and his love of nature. That has already been seen in the invitations, which feature flowers, birds, insects and the Green Man. Other touches include the King’s decision to re-use old thrones rather than having new ones made, as would have been traditional. It is also thought that the floral displays in the abbey will be sustainable, using flowers from Britain rather than anything flown in from overseas.
It is not known exactly what form the Princess of Wales’s floral headwear will take, although a crown of flowers has been one suggestion. Kensington Palace refused to comment, or to confirm that she would not be wearing a tiara. However, if she does wear something natural in her hair instead of her favourite Cambridge Lover’s Knot tiara, it could introduce an unexpectedly hippyish note into a service that is the height of formal royal ceremony.
Hugo Vickers, the author of many royal biographies, said: “Considering that a coronation is the most important state occasion in a reign, it would be disappointing to do less than at a state banquet, but I guess they want the entire focus on the King and Queen.”
I don’t see how it’s not an all-or-nothing proposition – either all of the royal women have access to Royal Collection jewels or none of them do. Like, Sophie can’t wear a tiara if Kate doesn’t. The optics of that would be terrible. I suspect that Anne won’t care, and Anne will likely be in a military uniform anyway. But Kate and Sophie were absolutely expecting to wear tiaras and big statement jewels. Maybe this is about the York princesses – does Camilla want to avoid giving Eugenie and Beatrice any jewelry, and so Kate and Sophie don’t get any? Anyway, the optics are not great for Kate, who has spent years telling everyone that she’s the “future queen.” The future queen got outmaneuvered by a jealous horse. Can’t wait to see what jewelry Rose wears.
As we’ve covered in recent weeks, it definitely feels like Sydney Sweeney and Glen Powell began an affair in Australia while they worked on a romantic comedy. They spent tons of time together on and off the set, and clearly, Glen’s relationship with Gigi Paris suffered significantly. Gigi and Glen broke up about a month ago. But last week, “sources” swore up and down to TMZ that Sydney is still engaged to Jonathan Davino. Sydney was seen out several times in recent days – she appeared at a cosmetics event and… she was pap’d without her engagement ring, looking like she just washed that man out of her hair.
Sydney Sweeney has been pictured without her engagement ring from fiance Jonathan Davino as speculation surrounding her relationship with co-star Glen Powell continues. In photos obtained exclusively by, Sydney was spotted at her home in Los Angeles on Thursday with her bare ring finger visible.
An eyewitness informed that Sydney, 25, returned home in a chauffeured limo and only spent five minutes at the house. Her luggage was allegedly already inside the vehicle.
She returned to the limo by herself before heading off to LAX. Her fiance remained inside the home and did not greet her or walk her to the car, the eyewitness told DailyMail.Jonathan was seen out later that day as well, chatting on his phone. He raised eyebrows on Tuesday when he was seen leaving the home with numerous belongings, including Sydney’s dog Tank and a dog bed.
Curious, right? It’s Sydney’s house – she bought it last year, and I guess Jonathan moved in? But now it definitely appears that they’re living separately? To add to the mystery, paparazzi got photos of Sydney and Jonathan on Friday, and she was wearing her engagement ring:
Sydney Sweeney and her fiancé Jonathan Davino were seen enjoying a date night on Friday amid rumors they had split, following rumors she and Glen Powell took their chemistry offscreen while filming their upcoming rom-com.
Despite stepping out without her four-carat engagement ring, worth an estimated $150,000, the past few days, or even on her latest sighting, the Euphoria star, 25, and husband-to-be, 38 looked happy in love as they sweetly strolled down the street together after she attended an Armani Beauty event in New York City.
The pair, who have not commented on the unsubstantiated affair rumors between her and Powell, 34, exchanged adoring glances each other’s directions.
Personally, I think Sydney is getting bad PR advice? The way she’s playing this is just confusing, with the disappearing ring and the very public pap stroll “date night” and the appearance that Jonathan has moved out. Granted, she doesn’t owe us an explanation, but her career would truly not suffer if she dumped Davino (a guy her fans already disliked) and just started dating Glen officially.
Sydney Sweeney is seen without her engagement ring AGAIN amid Glen Powell affair rumors
— Daily Mail Celebrity (@DailyMailCeleb) April 29, 2023
Euphoria bombshell Sydney Sweeney seen WITHOUT her engagement ring
— Daily Mail US (@DailyMail) April 28, 2023
Sydney Sweeney Makes Rare Appearance With Fiancé Jonathan Davino
— E! News (@enews) April 30, 2023
Photos courtesy of Getty.
The annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner was held in Washington on Saturday night, and it looks like this year’s was pretty great. President Biden went to last year’s dinner, and it was the first time any president had attended in six years. Donald Trump was too much of giant, humorless diaperbaby to go to the dinner, but Joe Biden can take a joke. Anyway, President Biden showed up again this year and his speech was excellent, just like last year’s. What I find impressive about Biden is that he makes a point of having great staff who work hard for him – his speechwriters clearly worked with some comedy writers and they put together a speech which was serious, political AND funny.
Some of the best age jokes: “I believe in the First Amendment. Not just because my good friend Jimmy Madison wrote it.” “You might think I don’t like Rupert Murdoch. That’s simply not true. How can I dislike a guy who makes me look like Harry Styles?” “Call me ‘old?’ I call it being seasoned. You say ‘I’m ancient,’ I say I’m wise. You say ‘I’m over the hill,’ Don Lemon would say that’s a man in his prime!”
His Trump joke: “Like I’ve been saying, don’t compare me to the almighty, compare me to the alternative. We added 12 million jobs, that’s just counting the lawyers that defended [Donald Trump]!” On his VP: “This dinner is one of the two great traditions in Washington. The other one is underestimating me and Kamala.” His Tucker Carlson joke: “But the truth is, we really have a record to be proud of. Vaccinated the nation, transformed the economy, urged historic victories and mid-term results. But the job isn’t finished. I mean… it is finished for Tucker Carlson.” He made some great jokes about Ron DeSantis and Elon Musk, and this is a great one too: “I want everybody to have fun tonight, but please be safe. If you find yourself disoriented or confused, either you’re drunk or Marjorie Taylor Greene.” And the final Dark Brandon joke. Wonderful!!
The keynote speaker was comedian Roy Wood Jr., a correspondent on The Daily Show. He was great. The comedy writers were so happy that they had so much material with Fox News and Dominion Voting and Tucker Carlson.
The Bridgerton prequel series focused on Queen Charlotte is coming out next week. In Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story, Golda Rosheuvel will return as the HBIC queen we already know from the existing series, while India Amarteifio will play the teenaged version of the queen as she meets and marries King George III. The main actors and producers appeared at the LA premiere last week, which included a screening of the first episode and a panel discussion after. Both Queen Charlottes, India and Golda, talked about wearing their natural hair on screen and how meaningful that representation is to them.
The “Bridgerton” universe is expanding as creator and executive producer Shonda Rhimes now shifts her focus to the prequel series “Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story,” featuring one of the franchise’s most captivating and beloved characters.
The Netflix historical drama follows Queen Charlotte’s rise to the throne and her love story with King George III. Golda Rosheuvel who plays the formidable queen in “Bridgerton,” also stars in “Queen Charlotte.” She portrays the queen in the present timeline.
Meanwhile, India Amarteifio portrays the bright-eyed 17-year-old version of the queen as her reign begins.
On April 26, Rhimes joined Rosheuvel and Amarteifio at the extravagant Los Angeles premiere of “Queen Charlotte.” Fellow cast members Corey Mylchreest (King George III) and Arsema Thomas (Young Lady Agatha Danbury), executive producer Betsy Beers and director Tom Verica were also in attendance at the event, which included a screening of the first episode followed by a panel.
During the panel, led by Variety’s Angelique Jackson, the cast spoke about the significance of Queen Charlotte, a Black woman, being at the center of the new series. The character instantly became a fan-favorite for “Bridgerton” viewers because of her witty replies, elaborate ball gowns and intricate hair pieces that tower high above her head.
Charlotte’s signature hairdos are further highlighted in the new series. In one of the “Queen Charlotte” promotional photos, Amarteifio sports a sparkling crown and a large afro.
On a more serious note, the “Queen Charlotte” star continued, “This job is so much bigger than us and myself and it just means so much to have this representation, for especially young Black girls growing up.”
Amarteifio recalled not seeing herself represented on screen often as a child. “I never thought growing up wanting to be an actor that this role would be something that I could even consider myself being a part of,” she shared.
Rosheuvel also opened up about being on a show that showcases Black women and their hair in England’s Regency era.
“It’s extraordinary on one hand and very heavy on the other,” she explained. “I remember my initial chats with hair and makeup and being really really shocked, actually, that they wanted to just tease my own hair out and have that as kind of the front line of the wig.”
She revealed that she had never had that experience on set before.
“Those words and that kind of discussion of showing my own natural hair within a character’s look had never ever been discussed with me. So, I got so emotional and I cried because it was such a moment of I’m being seen not only as an actress, as a person of color. But this character is being seen through these ideas, hair and makeup and costume and how the show looks,” she said.
The British actor added, “I will never ever forget it.”
Viewers can experience the wigs, songs and Charlotte’s powerful reign when the series hits Netflix on May 4.
I love all this discussion of natural hair on the panel of a big Netflix show. India talked about how meaningful it felt for her to provide this representation for young Black girls, since it was something she didn’t have and couldn’t even imagine when she was growing up. And Golda spoke similarly, saying that her work on Bridgerton was the first time in her career where her natural hair was to be used (as the starting point for the wigs) and she was shocked and touched that her own hair was finally being used in the character’s look. Also, Arsema Thomas, who plays the young Lady Danbury, bonded with India over natural haircare. Apparently, the (white, male) director Tom Verica suggested a few topics for them to discuss during their audition. His suggestion was HBO Max’s “Sex and the City” sequel series “And Just Like That…,” but Arsema and India ended up talking about their hair routines (because that series is trite and there’s not much to say about it). Anyway, I am very excited for this series and the representation. Hopefully it will hold us over until the third season of “Bridgerton” finally comes out.
Photos credit Netflix and Getty Images for Netflix
Lizzy Caplan is a working actress who consistently turns in great performances. She can do comedy, horror and drama convincingly and she doesn’t keep her personal life under wraps but she’s not on social media. I’ve seen interviews with her but don’t feel like I “know” her, like I do other actors. Caplan stars as the Glenn Close character, Alex, in a Fatal Attraction remake series on Paramount Plus. It just premiered yesterday. Amanda Peet plays the wife and Joshua Jackson is the cheater Dan, originally played by Michael Douglas. It’s in the trailer so it’s not a spoiler to say that it takes place in flashbacks while Jackson is in jail ten years later for Caplan’s murder.
Caplan has a new interview with Rolling Stone. I just learned from that piece that she has an 18-month-old son, Alfie, with her husband of six years, British actor Tom Riley. Caplan and Riley move to where their jobs are and live in both London and New York. She dryly joked to Rolling Stone that they would have to set down roots once Alfie needed to go to school. Here’s more from that interview.
On her baby and lifestyle
Because I feel like I’m a 700-year-old woman with a baby who wakes up at 6 am. I’m really relishing this time off.I’m trying to bank as much time as possible with my kid. It’s great because he’s 18 months now, which is an extremely hilarious and fun age. But, as anybody who has a baby that age knows, it’s very exhausting. So I hang with him, and then I basically faceplant at the end of the day.I can’t imagine actually only living in one place — I get bored. We like to switch it up. But it’s also SO MUCH paperwork to live in two countries. I’m just thinking about that sentence written down and what a douchey, douchey sentence it is. It’s soooo haaard to live in two countries.
We go wherever our jobs are… We’ve been doing that since we’ve been together, which has been eight years. But now we’ve got a kid. So the clock is ticking. We can’t do this forever. Like eventually, I guess we have to educate him.”
On the Fatal Attraction reboot
I’m as guilty as anybody else when I hear that something is being remade. My knee-jerk reaction is always, ‘Well, why? Why would we do that?’But Fatal Attraction, there’s something so unique about it in that it is a film that fully holds up, It’s just as sexy, exciting, and scary, and the performances are just as compelling as they were in the ‘80s. And yet, audiences — and the world — have changed so dramatically. Our sensibilities have shifted completely to the point that [the original] Fatal Attraction, I truly believe it couldn’t exist today. Because we want to know more about where the Alex Forrest character is coming from. We want to see the Dan character suffer consequences for his actions. At the end of the movie, they zoom in on a photo of the family, like, ‘Domesticity wins!’ And I just feel like [today] we are more primed to look for gray areas and nuance.
On her character’s psychology
Alex is living in constant fear of abandonment. We’ll get to see more of her upbringing, her family life. I think for her, it’s a combination of brain chemistry, upbringing, and circumstance. So we wanted to take all of that really seriously without saying, ‘Oh, this is a detailed portrait of somebody with borderline personality disorder,’ because it certainly is not.”On how things have changed since Fata Attraction was made
We’re almost shifting back into a prude-er way of being. I do think it’s a strange time in our society where, on one hand, things feel hyper-sexualized in terms of your appearance, on social media, and flaunting your body in that way. Yet it also feels removed from actual sexuality and eroticism and all the things that made these erotic thrillers work back in the day. There’s a distance between the sexiness of Instagram and actual sexiness.
There’s more in the piece about how sad she was to miss the Party Down revival (a half truth, as the author reveals but I won’t spoil it) and she promises to be in season four. They also talk more about Alex’s mental illness, and how careful both Caplan and the showrunner, Alexandra Cunningham, were to portray it as both nuanced and not representative of everyone with borderline personality disorder.
As for remakes, she’s saying what most of us think about them – there’s no need, why revisit that masterpiece, don’t ruin the original/my childhood. This looks fabulous though, and Caplan’s interview really sold me on it. I like how the streaming services are giving us so much content, both original and remakes. Some of the remakes are unnecessary but some appeal to our nostalgia (Gilmore Girls, The Conners) and others, like this one, take a compelling story and tell us what’s next. I’ll give this a chance and I bet once I see an episode or two I won’t be able to imagine another actress in Caplan’s place. She’s that good.
photos credit: Ryan Hartford/
Yahoo Life has a series called “It Figures,” in which influential figures discuss body image. Katherine Heigl is in “Firefly Lane” on Netflix and the second half of its final season premiered a few days ago. Katherine spoke to Yahoo for its series and talked about her past body image and how it’s evolved to present day. She talks about how negatively she looked at herself earlier in her career and says something many people will find familiar: that when she looks back at that time now she can’t believe how she perceived herself compared to how she actually looked. And she talks about her view of her body in present day and her approach toward her body and aging.
Katherine Heigl made her film debut decades ago, kickstarting a massively successful career on-screen — most notably as the “it” girl for rom-coms of the early 2000s. Looking back, one of her biggest regrets is how she treated her body.
“I can’t believe how mean I was to myself. It almost makes me want to cry because it breaks my heart,” the Firefly Lane actress tells Yahoo Life. “I was so f***ing mean. And I said the most awful things to myself and I was so hard on my body.”
The 44-year-old recalls that she “hated” the way she looked at the time and would often compare herself to those around her. “I always felt I was like, so much bigger and heavier than everybody else,” she says.
[The negative self-talk is] something that Heigl is cognizant of as her figure evolves. However, getting older has presented new challenges to her experience with body acceptance.
“February or so [in 2021], I started inexplicably gaining weight, like a lot of weight, like I think I put on 20 pounds. And I couldn’t figure it out. Everything I had always done in the past wasn’t working,” she says, noting that she returned to old habits. “I restricted, I restricted, I restricted, I started working out more, working out more, working out more, giving up everything that I like and literally not losing a pound. Nothing budged.”
She went on to say that she was “intermittent fasting,” which she likens to “starving yourself for 16 hours a day.” When she brought her concerns to doctors, Heigl felt dismissed.
“I started going to doctors and a lot of just like regular general practitioners, ob-gyns [told me], ‘Oh, you know, just exercise more and restrict calories.’ And I’d go, ‘I am doing those things. I’m down to 1,200 calories a day. Any lower and I’m gonna pass out.’ And they’d be like, ‘Oh, well, you know, this is just kind of part of getting older.’ And I was like, ‘Really?’”
Heigl explains that she’s learned to ask herself questions about how she’s feeling in her body in an attempt to remain grounded and focused on her health, rather than her appearance.
“‘Katie, if you weren’t in front of camera, would you care? Would you care about your weight?’” she asks. “The answer was yes, I would care. Because I don’t feel well. And I’m tired and I have no energy and I’m moody as hell. My body doesn’t feel like my own.”
Most importantly, she wanted to be given the opportunity to address the weight gain “in a healthy way,” she says. “It can be done holistically, it can be done mindfully, you know. But this idea like, either live with it or stop eating just really pissed me off.”
As she’s found the means to approach her body in a more mindful way, she’s attempted to apply the same mindset to other areas of her life. The difficult part is coming to terms with how she wants to see herself age versus what others might expect of her.
“I’m not against anybody doing whatever they feel they need to to feel their best, to wake up in the morning and have self-confidence and feel whatever best that is for them. It’s so individual and so personal,” she explains. “I want people to understand I am in the public eye. I made a choice to be. I feel it is part of my job to look my very best, within reason. But if I weren’t in the public eye, I still think I would want to look and feel my best for my age, within reason.”
And she wants to be as transparent as she can be as a person in the spotlight going through it.
“I get a little tired of the idea that like actresses just have genetically superior DNA. Maybe some do, I don’t know. But I know I have made choices to maintain, as one will. I also have made choices not to go too far because it’s not been worth it to me,” she says. “I don’t want to change my face, and I’m not interested in looking 25 anymore. That was a nice time, it has passed.”
Katherine specifically references re-watching “The Ugly Truth,” as the project where she was shocked at how great she looked then compared to what she thought at the time. But I just kept thinking of that scene in “Knocked Up” when she gets the promotion and they tell her to lose weight in a roundabout way because they can’t legally tell her to do so. I also remember a time when she was lauded for being a more “healthy weight” compared to some of her medical drama costars, but even if people thought they were being positive, it probably felt different to her. I thought it was interesting that she talked about her recent 20-pound weight gain and being dismissed by doctors, but never really talked about whether she found a solution or just learned to accept it. I think her pivoting to talking about people doing what they need to feel their best indicates the former. I do like that she hit back against the idea that “actresses just have genetically superior DNA.” So many promote that idea and it’s infuriating.
Photos credit: Vince Flores/Avalon and Netflix/Firefly Lane