Prince Harry decided to spill a lot of tea in his pretrial filing, in his lawsuit against The Sun. The thing is, I’m pretty sure this isn’t ALL the tea. Harry still has cards left to play, clearly, and this is only the information he’s giving out as part of The Sun’s attempt to dismiss his case. As we heard yesterday, Harry apparently has documentation that his brother accepted “a very large sum of money” from The Sun in 2020, a year after Harry began suing all of the British tabloids. The fact that William accepted a large settlement is notable enough, but the fact that everything about the settlement was a secret… well, that is mind-blowing. It’s also crazy that William was secretly taking gobs of cash from Rupert Murdoch while he (and the rest of the family) assumed the public position that Harry was crazy to sue the tabloids. Anyway, the Guardian is running several pieces about Harry’s court filing, and they did a load of excerpts from Harry’s filing:
William knew more about the hacking than Harry: “Judging by Ms [Maxine] Mossman’s [a lawyer representing Murdoch’s News Group Newspapers] witness statement, my brother appeared to know an awful lot more than I did on the subject of phone hacking although he did not tell me if that was the case. However, NGN still settled his claim for a huge sum of money in 2020 without subjecting him to a similar strike-out application, without any of the public being told, and seemingly with some favourable deal in return for him going ‘quietly’ so to speak.
Proof of the secret agreement between Murdoch & the Windsors: “This goes to prove the existence of this secret agreement between the institution and senior executives at NGN – if it wasn’t in place then why on earth did William wait until 2019 to bring his claim in circumstances where our two private secretaries brought and settled claims back in 2012, and where he knew far more about the matter back then than I did, and also why didn’t NGN test its limitation argument against him?”
Charles’s intervention: “With hindsight, I now understand why staff at Clarence House [representing Charles and Camilla] were being so unhelpful and were seemingly blocking our every move, as they had a specific long-term strategy to keep the media (including NGN) onside in order to smooth the way for my stepmother (and father) to be accepted by the British public as queen consort (and king respectively) when the time came, and anything that might upset the applecart in this regard (including the suggestion of resolution of our phone hacking claims) was to be avoided at all costs…. Indeed, when I did actually issue my hacking claims against both MGN and NGN in October 2019, I was summoned to Buckingham Palace and specifically told to drop the legal actions because they have an ‘effect on all the family’. This was a direct request (or rather demand) from my father, Edward Young [private secretary to the queen] and my father’s private secretary, Clive Alderton.”
The tabloids wanted Harry to have a public breakdown: “Having seen me grow up from a baby (being born into this ‘contractual relationship’ without any choice) and scrutinised my every move, the tabloids have known the challenges and mental health struggles that I have had to deal with throughout my childhood and adult life, in large part created by them, and for them to then play on that and use it to their own advantage, while weaponising mental health, I think is truly appalling. Despite them all knowing about what I was dealing with throughout the years, they kept on doubling down their efforts rather than letting up. That is grotesque and sadistic – and no doubt they were hoping for a total and very public breakdown.”
James Murdoch, son of Rupert, is a ‘kindred spirit’: “He [James Murdoch] made a real effort to try and come and talk to me [at a Google event] despite my security detail trying to keep me away from him – presumably they thought I’d get into a heated argument with him or worse. I got the distinct impression that, having broken away from the cult that is the Murdoch dynasty, he was starting to show signs that he wanted to do things differently and to make amends for the past. Given that he had broken away from his family’s history, and I was about to do the same with mine, I felt that we were kindred spirits of sorts. My wife and I subsequently had a Zoom call with him and his wife when I was on the Aspen Commission for Digital Information. I also remember congratulating him for going in a different direction to his father …”
The James Murdoch thing is fascinating – James Mudoch is now LA-based and he left his father’s business several years ago. James even publicly excoriated Donald Trump AND hosted a fundraiser for Joe Biden. Is James… helping Prince Harry’s case? That would be treason in the Murdoch family, and I’m doubtful James would go that far. But it’s fascinating that Harry used James’s name in this filing. Harry is also unafraid to name Edward Young and Clive Alderton as two of the senior courtiers heavily leaning on Harry to end his legal pursuits against the tabloids. What a magnificent coronation gift!
Here are some photos of Kim Kardashian out and about in New York on Tuesday. She had events, but she was apparently looking at real estate in Tribeca as well. This outfit is so dumb! Every part of her ensemble and styling is awful, and yet… I actually think Kim looks okay? Terrible pants, the whole “sheer suit” thing is not actually working, the hair pieces in her face are too long and her diamond “KIM” necklace is so early ‘00s. But again, she looks sort of retro and cute. I don’t know – I enjoy Kim’s stupid style, she’s always fun to cover. While out in New York, she took part in the Time100 Summit and she confessed her dream of moving away from reality stardom and just focusing on being a lawyer:
Kim Kardashian is okay with living a life offscreen. The reality star, 42, got candid about her future in the criminal justice reform movement while speaking at the TIME100 Summit on Tuesday, sharing that it is something she can envision putting at the forefront of her career.
“I would be just as happy being an attorney full time,” she answered, when asked if she would ever consider a life without being in the camera’s eye. “The journey just really opened up my eyes so much. It gets overwhelming because there’s so much to be done … I brought my sister Khloé [Kardashian] to a prison for the first time last week, and that was really eye-opening for her.”
While not yet an official lawyer, The Kardashians star shared with moderator Poppy Harlow that she hopes her efforts in the movement will be “her life’s most meaningful work.”
“I hope so,” she said. “I always joke with my mom — who’s my manager — I say Kim K. is retiring, and I’m just going to be an attorney.”
I kind of wondered if Kim had quietly given up her “law studies” in recent years, just because she hasn’t given us many updates on her social media or in interviews. It might be that Kim’s interest in studying to become a lawyer waxes and wanes, but I guess she is sticking with it. Personally, I don’t find it upsetting at all – her father was a well-respected lawyer in Los Angeles, she grew up around lawyers, she’s got tons of connection in the legal community. If she wants to eventually practice the law, so be it.
Ever since Prince Harry RSVP’d to the coronation, Prince William has been flagrantly briefing the British media about his plans to snub his brother. William is “still furious with Harry,” you see, and William, as always, remains “irate” about all things Sussex. William planned to ignore Harry. William planned to never speak to Harry again. William will never, ever forgive Harry. William won’t even LOOK at Harry! Story after story, briefing after briefing, all about how much William hates the brother he physically assaulted. Now that Harry has outed William’s secret settlement from News Group Newspapers, suddenly the story is “how could Harry do this, Harry is destroying any chance to reconcile with William!!!” I sh-t you not.
The Duke of Sussex appears to have scuppered any hope of a reconciliation with his brother at the Coronation after claiming in court documents that the Prince of Wales received a secret payment from Rupert Murdoch’s company over phone hacking.
Prince William received a “huge sum” as part of a private settlement for being a victim of hacking, Prince Harry alleged in High Court papers made public on Tuesday as part of his case against the owners of the News of the World and The Sun. The payment, which the Telegraph understands was around £1 million, proves the existence of a “secret agreement” made between the Royal household and News Group Newspapers (NGN), made in part to help rehabilitate the Queen, the Duke claimed.
It is understood Prince William was completely unaware of the contents of his brother’s statement until it was made public just 12 days before the Coronation, when they will be reunited for the first time since the late Queen’s funeral.
The revelation of the secret payment will only serve to drive a deeper wedge between them. Sources close to both the Sussexes and the Waleses indicated that they did not expect any rapprochement when Prince Harry flies to the UK for the Coronation on May 6.
The Duke alleges that “NGN still settled [the Prince of Wales’] claim for a huge sum of money in 2020”. NGN denied any secret agreement with the palace. A spokesman offered no comment on the settlement. Although there are thought to have been negotiations with NGN in the run-up to Prince William’s settlement, royal sources have denied the existence of a formal pact.
So the Telegraph got the information about the size of William’s settlement how? £1 million is a lot more than most hacking victims received, although I would argue that William probably deserved much more. If only William had sued the Sun/NGN and been brave enough to testify in open court, he probably would have gotten much more. Of course, that would exposed all kinds of backroom deals between William, Kate, Charles, Camilla and the British media. As for Harry and William’s relationship – as I said, William had already made it abundantly clear that he’s too immature, too unwell, too compromised, too petty, too incandescent with rage to make peace with his only brother. Harry said okay and btw, FAFO.
Melissa McCarthy landed the cover for People’s Most Beautiful issue. I’m sure she got it because she plays Ursula in the upcoming The Little Mermaid, but I’ve always found her beautiful. And she’s 52 so I love this choice. I do not love how they styled her for the issue, though. It’s some high-concept stuff that comes out more like Rubens meets Horst P. Horst. She looks like she is having fun with it anyway, but they should have let Melissa and her fashion background style herself. Her interview is sweet, though. She talks mostly about her childhood and her family, both the one she grew up with and the one she lives with now, husband Ben Falcone and her two daughters. She also talked about her style evolution and how she found blending in with the crowd “boring” and ultimately just wanted to be her authentic self.
On being a farm kid: I loved sports, I loved dressing up. I just was kind of super high-energy. We grew up on a farm so I think it gives you a really different perspective, because I went to school in town, all my friends were like, ‘Yeah, we ride bikes, we all hang out afterwards.’ And I’m like, ‘Well, it’s just kind of me in a barn.’
On defining her style: I feel like the first two years were like, ‘We’re all going to dress alike.’ Nobody wants to stand out too much. And then I was like, ‘I think I’m bored. And then came the Mohawks and the blue hair. I mean, on the outside, I was a really good punk and gothic kid, but then I was terrible because I was really chatty. So I looked like I was going to maybe get into a fist fight. And then I was like, ‘Hi! What’s your name?’
On being insulted because of her attire: I was fascinated because when I walked down the street and I looked like that, it was the first time that I’d ever had people kind of make fun of me or say really mean things to me, even adults. I just kept thinking, ‘You don’t know me; I didn’t do anything to you.’
It was a real big eye-opener that people are just judging left and right. Luckily, instead of going back into my shell, I think that made me want to seek out people [expressing themselves] more. Because I was like, that’s so much more fun.
On how her husband helped her feel comfortable: Because (Ben Falcone’s) so constantly loving and kind. And funny and the weirdest human I know, to be honest. And somewhere in my 30s, I was like ‘I’m okay with who I am.’ And if someone wasn’t thrilled with that, that’s okay too. At some point I was like, ‘They’re not all going to like you.’ You have to learn that the hard way, but it’s a good [lesson].
On true beauty: When someone’s being their authentic self and it hurts no one else in the world … the simplest rule is: Just be kind. Nobody has to think the same things. It’s okay to be curious and be like, ‘I don’t understand what someone else is doing.’ I mean, isn’t that what love is? Loving who you love just puts more love in the world. And that has never, ever been a bad thing.
I’m a little Pollyannaish about Melissa so I want to believe that she’s speaking about the oppressed in her last statement. As in, people should stop trying to legislate against LGBTQ+ because they don’t understand them and just be kind. But unfortunately it could also apply to I don’t understand my racist cousin who voted for Trump twice, but it’s okay and I should just love them because that’s who they authentically are and no, I am not doing that. Overall, I do think a dollop of kindness is always welcome. But it does need to be warranted, it shouldn’t be given to those who don’t spread it. I think Melissa wants to believe in a world that doesn’t exist.
In the introduction to Melissa’s article, she said she had not told her daughters Vivian, 15, and Georgette, 13, that’s she’d gotten the Most Beautiful cover yet. She said, “I think this might mean more to [them] as they get older.” I love that we are raising this generation with a different perception of outward appearance. There was a time teens would’ve held ‘beautiful’ at a premium and only defined it by how a person looked. But since Melissa finds beauty to be tied to how a person knows and sees themselves, she’s obviously passed that to her children, which is why this title would be frivolous to them. It’s also why I like a woman in her 50s getting the cover, because she knows her worth with or without People’s crown. But still, it’s always nice to get a crown, even if you can buy your own.
Photo credit: People, Cover Images and Xavier Collin/Image Press Agency/Avalon
The Guardian might be the only trusted news source in the UK when it comes to fair coverage of Prince Harry’s lawsuits against the British tabloids. The Guardian’s coverage of the pretrial hearing in Harry’s case against the Sun was excellent – they devoted several articles to coverage of Harry’s statement to the court, as well as very helpful explainers about the timeline and backstory of what is a multi-decade crime spree and coverup at the highest levels of the British establishment. The biggest headline, without a doubt, is that William received a “very large sum” from News Group Newspapers (Murdoch’s outfit in the UK) as a “secret settlement” in 2020. This was the same time that the family was publicly aghast at Harry for so openly suing the Mirror, the Mail and the Sun, and it was also in the same timeline of the family openly participating in the smear campaign against Harry and Meghan, a campaign which saw the Sussexes flee the UK in the same year that William accepted that large sum of money. Are you interested in hearing about how King Charles is up to his neck in Rupert Murdoch’s bullsh-t as well? Well, here you go:
Queen Elizabeth II personally threatened Rupert Murdoch’s media company with legal proceedings over phone hacking only for her efforts to be undermined by the then Prince Charles, the high court has heard. Prince Harry said his father intervened because he wanted to ensure the Sun supported his ascension to the throne and Camilla’s role as queen consort, and had a “specific long-term strategy to keep the media on side” for “when the time came”.
The Duke of Sussex made the claims on Tuesday as part of his ongoing legal action against News Group Newspapers. The legal case lays bare Harry’s allegations of the deals between senior members of the British royal family and tabloid newspapers. The prince said his father, the king, had personally demanded he stop his legal cases against British newspaper outlets when they were filed in late 2019.
The court filings state: “I was summoned to Buckingham Palace and specifically told to drop the legal actions because they have an ‘effect on all the family’.” He added this was “a direct request (or rather demand) from my father” and senior royal aides.
In 2017, Harry decided to seek an apology from Murdoch’s News UK for phone hacking, receiving the backing of Queen Elizabeth II and his brother. His submission said: “William was very understanding and supportive and agreed that we needed to do it. He therefore suggested that I seek permission from ‘granny’. I spoke to her shortly afterwards and said something along the lines of: ‘Are you happy for me to push this forward, do I have your permission?’ and she said: ‘Yes.’”
Having received the support of Queen Elizabeth II, Harry said he asked the royal family’s lawyers to write to the Murdoch executives Rebekah Brooks and Robert Thomson and seek a resolution. Yet the company refused to apologise and, out of desperation, Harry discussed banning reporters from Murdoch-owned outlets from attending his wedding to Meghan, Duchess of Sussex. In 2018, Sally Osman, Queen Elizabeth II’s communications secretary, wrote an email to Harry explaining that she was willing to threaten legal action in the name of the monarch.
The email read: “The queen has given her consent to send a further note, by email, to Robert Thomson, CEO of News Corporation and Rebekah Brooks, CEO of News UK. Her Majesty has approved the wording, which essentially says there is increasing frustration at their lack of response and engagement and, while we’ve tried to settle without involving lawyers, we will need to reconsider our stance unless we receive a viable proposal.”
However, there was no apology, which Harry ascribes to a secret deal between the royal family and senior Murdoch executives to keep proceedings out of court. Harry claimed that, shortly before his wedding, he was informed Murdoch’s company would not apologise to the queen and the rest of the royal family at that stage because “they would have to admit that not only was the News of the World involved in phone hacking but also the Sun”, which they “couldn’t afford to do” as it would undermine their continued denials that illegal activity took place at the Sun.
Harry now believes his father and royal courtiers were prioritising positive coverage of his father and Camilla in the Sun, rather than seeking to back his legal claims. He said: “[T]hey had a specific long-term strategy to keep the media (including [Sun publisher] NGN) onside in order to smooth the way for my stepmother (and father) to be accepted by the British public as queen consort (and king respectively) when the time came … anything that might upset the applecart in this regard (including the suggestion of resolution of our phone-hacking claims) was to be avoided at all costs.”
Harry suggested some of this in Spare – that Charles and William were both curious about how his lawsuits were proceeding when they all met for Philip’s funeral in 2021. Both Charles and William thought Harry’s lawsuits were a fool’s errand, or at least that was Harry’s perspective at the time. It feels more than likely that Harry left out parts of their conversation when writing Spare, like he was squirreling away certain facts and accusations for a rainy day, to be used in court. I’m still curious to find out when and how Harry learned about William’s secret settlement.
Anyway, I find it entirely possible that Harry’s assessment is completely accurate, that QEII signed off on Harry’s request to sue NGN and take it to the mattresses. This would have been 2017-18, a moment of huge transition for the royal households. In 2017, Charles pushed out his mother’s most trusted courtier, her private secretary Christopher Geidt and installed Edward Young in that position. Young took an immediate dislike to Harry and Meghan, and he did the most to damage them and push them out. 2017 was also when William and Kate were finally “moving to London” and supposed to become full-time royals (lol). Philip also retired that same year, and I believe Charles began operating as the shadow regent at that time. Of course Charles tried to shut down Harry’s efforts to get accountability. Charles “needs” the press on “his side.” The side of Queen Side Chick, first of her name.
The British media had all of their talking points about Prince Harry and Meghan. The storyline rollout had already begun: Harry’s plan to go solo to the coronation indicated a rift with Meghan. Harry is “unhappy” and “homesick” and desperate to move on from Montecito. Where’s Meghan, they would gleefully cry. She must not support Harry’s decision, they would wail. Divorce incoming, they would hysterically predict. Then Meghan and Harry looked glowed-up and loved-up at the Lakers game on Monday night. An eyewitness told Entertainment Tonight that H&M “seemed really happy and were having a lot of fun.” There were loud cheers for them when they appeared on the Jumbotron. The Daily Mail hysterically tallied up the cost of the Arena suite as well, because everyone on that island is so upset that the Sussexes are happy, healthy, rich and free. A $15,000 VIP suite! $55 bottles of wine! $45 for a six-pack of beer! Snacks of popcorn, pretzels, salsa and buffalo chicken sandwiches! The Mail is GAGGED.
Speaking of, Piers Morgan’s wife Celia Walden got the memo about the new Sussex talking points and I guess she didn’t care about the Sussexes’ loved-up appearance at the Lakers game. Walden barfed this out on GB News:
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are “breaking apart and leading separate lives” according to a royal commentator. Celia Walden told GB News that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are pursuing different agendas. She added that the couple’s public duties are resulting in them leading slightly separate lives.
Walden said: “She wants the attention kept firmly on her because that is where the attention should always be. I think also there are already whispers of the idea that Harry and her seem to be breaking apart from each other in terms of their agendas slightly. They are both sort of leading slightly separate lives in terms of their public duties at the moment. And I suppose that is tricky for her because she needs the whole couple thing to be front and centre.”
No, my absolute favorite of this genre is “why didn’t Meghan promote Harry’s memoir?!?” Because Harry promoted his own memoir and Meghan has shown everyone for years now that she can move in and out of the public eye whenever she wants. Clearly, Meghan and Harry have different things on their plate, but that’s not indicative of “separate lives.” If Walden is so concerned about royal couples living separate lives, perhaps she should take a glance over at William and Kate?
Apparently Nick Cannon has a new morning show, called “The Daily Cannon.” His last name really is the gift that keeps on giving, with this title and his many kids’ names (Golden, Powerful, Legendary, Beautiful). It seems like this morning show is a joint venture with one of his partners, Abby De La Rosa, who is and will be serving as DJ on the show. Abby and Nick are parents to three of his 12 children — a set of toddler twins and new baby. And on the show, Abby said it turns her on a bit to see Nick with the other moms. Um, okay then.
Abby De La Rosa is getting candid about how she feels when seeing Nick Cannon with the other moms of his children.
On Monday’s episode of The Daily Cannon, the actor’s new morning show on which De La Rosa serves as DJ, Cannon and De La Rosa — who share three kids together, twins Zion Mixolydian and Zillion Heir, 21 months, and daughter Beautiful Zeppelin, 4 months — spoke about their relationship.
In addition to De La Rosa, Cannon has welcomed nine children with five other women.
“I got love for all the women,” De La Rosa said of the moms of Cannon’s other kids.
Asked if De La Rosa minds seeing Cannon with the other moms or if she feels a “little jealousy,” the DJ replied, “For me, I think at times because I am so calm and chill, what it’ll do for me is kinda turn me on a little bit.”
“Like, I’m a little jealous, but at the same time it’s just kinda like, you know, this is my baby daddy.”
As we all know, Nick has his 12 children with six different women. (Though I’m sure Mariah Carey would like to be excluded from this narrative). And it seems like he’s still actively partnered with four of them — Abby, Brittany Bell, Bre Tiesi, and Alyssa Scott. LaNisha Cole seems to have extricated herself from Nick and has a cute new boyfriend. Nick has said in the past that the moms don’t spend time together and they don’t need to get along because they get along with him and that’s all that matters. So maybe Abby is speaking hypothetically or she means from seeing them together in Instagram photos? She says she has love for all the other women, which is nice; and admits to a little jealousy, which is natural. Abby is obviously okay with the situation because she had her third child with Nick just four months ago. Saying it turns her on is a lot, but maybe it does and also what else is she going to say while she’s with him on a morning show? Nick seems like someone who you have to stay on his good side.
I’m sorry, but it looks like Priyanka Chopra is wearing Oscar the Grouch. [Tom & Lorenzo]
Lukas Gage & Chris Appleton got married… in front of Kim Kardashian. [Dlisted]
Are Republicans just pretending to fight over abortion? [Jezebel]
I hate that people are calling Gwyneth Paltrow “mother” now. [LaineyGossip]
Just how bad is AppleTV’s Ghosted? [Pajiba]
Kim Kardashian & Pamela Anderson reveal secrets from their Playboy shoots. [JustJared]
Adam Lambert shows off his new boyfriend. [Starcasm]
Stars are out to promote Queen Charlotte. [GFY]
People are sharing their tips for budget meals. [Buzzfeed]
Doctor Who reveals their first drag queen villain. [Towleroad]
LOL, Salma Hayek knows what people want to see. [Egotastic]
Today, the court hearing for Prince Harry’s lawsuit against the Sun began. The energy before the hearing was that this would be the Sun making a pretty standard motion to dismiss, that they would argue that Harry can’t sue them because he waited too long after they hacked into his phones for years and stalked his girlfriends. Harry’s argument is that of course he should be able to sue News Group Newspapers because they were actively lying and covering up their criminal activities for years. I also suspect that at some point, Harry will begin to discuss how his family spent years actively blocking him and dissuading him from pursuing litigation against British press outlets. He’s already indicated as much, and it looks like this case against NGN will feature another big story in that vein. Apparently, Prince William accepted a huge settlement from NGN to settle a phone-hacking claim in 2020. That claim and that settlement were never made public at the time.
Rupert Murdoch’s media business secretly paid Prince William a “very large sum of money” to quietly settle a phone-hacking claim, according to new court filings. The Prince of Wales received the previously undisclosed payment in 2020 after bringing a legal claim against the owner of the Sun and the News of the World. Details of the settlement were given in legal documents submitted by his brother, Prince Harry, as part of his own legal battle with the publisher, which returns to the high court on Tuesday.
Harry told the court his attempts to seek an apology from Murdoch’s company over phone hacking were carried out with the approval of his grandmother the late Queen Elizabeth II. The royal claims there was a secret agreement struck between royal family and “senior executives” at Murdoch’s company at some point before 2012. As part of this supposed deal the princes would delay legal proceedings against the newspaper group in return for receiving an apology at a later date.
Harry said the royal family did this after being scarred by the “Tampongate” incident when the Sun obtained a recorded phone call between Prince Charles and Camilla while the couple were having an affair in the 1980s. Harry said the royal family was desperate to avoid a repeat of this coverage. The filings state: “The reason for this was to avoid the situation where a member of the royal family would have to sit in the witness box and recount the specific details of the private and highly sensitive voicemails that had been intercepted by [the News of the World royal reporter] Clive Goodman. The institution was incredibly nervous about this and wanted to avoid at all costs the sort of reputational damage that it had suffered in 1993 when the Sun and another tabloid had unlawfully obtained and published details of an intimate telephone conversation that took place between my father and stepmother in 1989, while he was still married to my mother.”
Harry says News UK failed to uphold its side of the secret agreement when he sought this apology in 2017. He claims meetings were arranged involving Rebekah Brooks, the chief executive of Murdoch’s News UK, and Robert Thomson, the global head of Murdoch’s global News Corp business, but they went nowhere.
As a result, Harry decided to launch legal proceedings against the publisher of the Sun and the News of the World. He alleges the company targeted him with widespread illegal activity for much of his life, including hacking his voicemails and illegally obtaining personal information in the name of journalism. Many of Harry’s allegations relate to claims of illegal behaviour at the Sun while Brooks was editor in the 2000s. News Group Newspapers insisted there is no secret agreement.
Holy sh-t. So the Windsors made a secret deal with Rupert Murdoch and his organization in 2012, following the Leveson inquiry into the far-reaching hacking-and-blagging operations of the British press. That deal involved the Windsors avoiding litigation against NGN in exchange for… an apology?? There’s much more to the story, I’m sure, and it will be interesting to see how much of the story comes out in this case/trial. So how did William end up getting this huge, secret settlement? How did it stay quiet until now? How did Harry get access to this information? Because you know William didn’t give it to him.
These are photos of William in September 2021, the year after he received a secret settlement from NGN. In these photos, he was attending the Sun’s Who Cares Wins Awards. He was showing up for a tabloid’s awards event a year after he secretly settled with the same tabloid.
On Friday, the Telegraph dropped their exclusive report about the letters exchanged by then-Prince Charles and the Duchess of Sussex. These letters were exchanged following the Oprah interview in 2021, so I would say Charles probably wrote to Meghan in May or June of that year, and she likely wrote back promptly. No one heard anything about these letters until “someone” leaked their existence and some partial content to the Telegraph last week. Meghan didn’t mention the letters in any of her interviews or the Netflix series or anywhere else. So it was hilariously stupid when all of the royal reporters began parroting the same line late Friday, that Meghan had “leaked” the letters to the Telegraph. That talking point was quickly refuted by Meghan, via her spokesperson.
The whole “who leaked the existence of the letters” kerfuffle overshadowed the real story, which is that Meghan and Charles both named the “royal racist,” the senior royal figure who told Harry he shouldn’t marry Meghan because their baby’s skin would be too dark. After the Windsors hung their hats on “recollections may vary” for years, it turns out that everyone’s recollections were exactly the same, and people within the family know exactly who said what to whom. The distraction has a purpose – the palace leaked the letters’ existence as a way to clear Charles of the “royal racism” charge ahead of his coronation. The intention was never to examine or identify the culprit(s). Which is why there has been precious little follow-up reporting – everyone in Windsor World knows who said racist sh-t, and I suspect the royal reporters know as well. But they expect Meghan and Harry to do their dirty work and they’re mad as hell that the Sussexes are taking a longer view. Speaking of, the Daily Beast’s Royalist had one of the few follow-ups on the Telegraph’s original report. After giving a (biased) accounting of what has happened thus far in the racism saga, Tom Sykes reported this:
The issue has, of course, continued to simmer away in the background, although most would argue the royals have successfully moved on. As a friend of the king’s told The Daily Beast: “The queen tried to just keep calm and carry on, and Charles is taking the same approach.”
The Sussex camp has denied suggestions that they leaked the information [to the Telegraph], and Buckingham Palace has declined to comment on the matter. What seems likely, however, is that an increasingly large number of people now know exactly who it was that Meghan and Harry allege had “conversations” with them about the likely color of her unborn child’s skin. This in turn increases the likelihood that, eventually, the person who made the remark will be identified.
Intriguingly, the Telegraph went so far as to identify them as a “senior” member of the family, an assertion which remains in the published piece. Shortly after the allegation was first made a Buckingham Palace insider furiously upbraided this reporter in an off-the-record conversation for suggesting the person who made the comment was a “senior” member of the family, as had been suggested to us by several sources.
Buckingham Palace declined to respond to a request for comment by The Daily Beast, but the notion that it was a “senior” figure who made the comment seems to be becoming an accepted part of the narrative. So who could it be? Well, at some point over the past few years, every leading member of the family has been named to this reporter, in private conversations, and journalistic gossip, as the royal family’s skin tone inquisitor.
Prince Charles, as he then was, was one of the very first to be publicly named, by the writer Christopher Andersen, who said that Charles made a comment musing on their children’s likely skin color while he was having breakfast with his wife, Camilla, in front of footmen and other domestic servants. Of course this doesn’t quite mesh with Meghan’s claim that “there were several conversations about it” but then Meghan’s version of events—which says that the conversations were had with Harry who then relayed them to her—conflict with Harry’s account of who spoke to him and when.
Camilla has frequently been bandied about as a possible suspect, although friends of the queen have told The Daily Beast that they think she would be highly unlikely to have made such a comment. “It’s unthinkable,” one friend told The Daily Beast.
Princess Anne, who is widely rumored to have been no great fan of the marriage in the first place, has also been mentioned as a suspect. In large part, however, this seems to be based on her reputation for blunt speaking, and her perceived overall coolness towards Meghan, rather than any specific knowledge of something she may or may not have said.
William, of course has, has also come under suspicion in this messy game of Clue. In recent months speculation has intensified because of the extreme way in which he was attacked in Harry’s book, Spare, which did not repeat or clarify the allegation made to Oprah. We do know that he advised Harry to pause and reflect before marrying Meghan, warning him against rushing into marrying somebody that the family didn’t know.
Of course, William is the only member of the family to have specifically reacted to the allegations, telling a crowd of reporters shortly after the interview aired, “We are very much not a racist family.” And that pretty much sums up the attitude from friends of William who say he would never have made such a remark. It is all a refinement, if you like, of “recollections may vary.”
Here’s the thing – the letters’ existence and the fact that Charles was the only one in the family to write to Meghan show that Charles was not the one saying sh-t about how dark the baby’s skin would be. Charles wouldn’t write to Meghan and bitch her out for revealing something that he said. I mean, maybe he would, but it seems far more likely that Charles would only write the letter if he wasn’t the main culprit AND he knew the identity of the culprit. Anyway, how do I say this? Most of us pegged out the identity of the royal racist long ago.
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