Ron DeSantis is the whackjob governor of Florida. He believes he’s king of Florida. DeSantis and his Republican allies keep pursuing the craziest, most f–ked up policies in the state, from anti-trans bills to “don’t say gay” legislation, to book bans and censoring girls from discussing their periods. DeSantis is going Full Culture Wars – I don’t think I’ve heard him talk about economic policy, and the man recently stepped in sh-t over the Russian invasion of Ukraine, so he’s clearly no foreign policy expert. DeSantis will run for the Republican nomination for president, and God help us, he’s probably the favorite for the nomination (after Donald Trump). This week, DeSantis sat down with Piers Morgan for an interview with Talk TV, yet another far-right British political channel. Since this is Piers, of course he had to bring up… the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle can annoy some Americans, Florida governor Ron DeSantis has suggested. Mr DeSantis, who is expected to run for president in 2024, said he admired the late Queen, but was far less enthusiastic about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.
“I really respected the Queen. I think she was really elegant,” he told Piers Morgan in an interview on TalkTV. “And I think her stoicism was really good.”
He drew a contrast with the “younger generations” of Royals, saying it was a “little more mixed”.
“I mean that’s just the reality,” he said.Mr DeSantis, 44, added that he had no specific view on Prince Harry and his American wife, Meghan. But pushed by Morgan over whether the couple were “annoying”, Mr DeSantis replied: “I think for some they are… I mean look, I’m not involved in that… But I think for some Americans they can be.”
It marked Mr DeSantis’ first wide-ranging broadcast interview amid frenzied speculation he will challenge Donald Trump for the Republican nomination. The rising Republican star also boasted that his recent memoir had knocked Prince Harry’s tell-all book, Spare, off the top of the charts.
“I’ll tell you though my book beat [his],” he told Piers Morgan in an interview on TalkTV. “His book had come out earlier, number one, and then when I became number one, I was higher than Prince Harry,” Mr DeSantis said.
I’m including the clip below – I don’t know who’s more embarrassing here, honestly. Piers Morgan using his platform to tell Ron DeSantis that he was “fired” for “not believing Meghan” – when he actually quit in a huff after he was called out for being an unhinged stalker and then ITV refused to give him his job back. Piers asking DeSantis the leading question about Harry and Meghan and whether they’re “annoying.” Jesus H. But then again, DeSantis saying with a straight face that QEII’s “stoicism was really good.”
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis says Prince Harry and Meghan Markle can be annoying to Americans.
“I respected the Queen, I think she was really elegant.”
— TalkTV (@TalkTV) March 23, 2023
Ron DeSantis denies eating chocolate pudding with his fingers like a weird little glutton.
— nikki mccann ramírez (@NikkiMcR) March 23, 2023
Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow were together for more than a decade. If anything, they seem to get along better post-divorce than they ever did during their marriage. During their marriage, I think Gwyneth was often bored, unfulfilled and unhappy, which led her to delve even further into her crazy dieting, disordered eating and “cleanses.” People always assumed that Chris stayed out of it and that he had a “normal” relationship with food. But what if that was never the case? What if Chris has terrible views on food and healthy eating too? I ask because Chris Martin just revealed that he only eats one meal a day. Sigh.
Chris Martin has revealed that he no longer eats dinner so he can look as good as Bruce Springsteen, who does the same. The Coldplay frontman said he noticed Springsteen, 73, was “more in shape” than him when they met up for lunch in Philadelphia last year. During the meal, Patti Scialfa, Springsteen’s wife, revealed that The Boss eats only one meal a day to maintain his lean physique.
Martin, 46, made the admission while speaking to Conan O’Brien for his comedy podcast, Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend. Asked by O’Brien what advice he had been given by fellow musicians over dinner or while socialising, Martin replied: “Funnily enough, I don’t actually have dinner any more. I stop eating at four [pm], and I learned that from having lunch with Bruce Springsteen.”
He went on to relate the anecdote, telling O’Brien: “I was lucky enough to go over there to lunch the day after we played Philadelphia last year. I was on a really strict diet anyway. But I was like, ‘Bruce looks even more in shape than me.’”
He added: “And Patti said ‘oh he’s only eating one meal a day’. So I was like, ‘Well, there we go. That’s my next challenge’.”
The British music star did not disclose what his regular meal consists of, but joked that Springsteen’s was “flank of buffalo with a steroid sauce”.
First of all, my radar pinged when Martin said “I was on a really strict diet anyway.” It’s possible he meant that he was on a strict diet because he was touring, and he needed to keep his energy up while not overconsuming. But yeah… a man in his 40s shouldn’t be on the same “diet” as a man in his 70s. I get that Bruce is in good shape, but he’s also not a f–king nutritionist and God knows what his meals actually look like. Now, one of the best ways to “diet” is to eat an early dinner and/or not eat anything past a certain time, like “no eating after 6 pm.” But to not eat anything between 4pm and noon the next day? Stupid. Bad for your body. Disordered. Paltrow-esque. I’m sure Gwyneth looooved it when Chris told her his new thing. She was probably like, “what do you eat for the one meal, bone broth??”
Princess Charlene has been back in Monaco for more than a year. She spent most of 2021 in South Africa, dealing with a severe ENT infection. There were significant rumors back then that her illness was a cover for a lowkey separation from her husband Prince Albert. We still don’t know, but I absolutely believe that she was deeply unhappy and considering divorce. Once she returned to Monaco, Albert sent her off to Switzerland to basically go to rehab and recover more thoroughly. That seemed to do the trick – ever since she got back from Switzerland, she’s been playing along with the happy-family photo-ops and she’s seemed much happier in general. Then again, Charlene can still go months without being seen. Well, this week, there was a rumor going around the French tabloids about Charlene and Albert “formally separating.” The palace has denied it on the record.
Prince Albert and Princess Charlene of Monaco have formally denied ‘the malicious rumours’ that they are separating after almost 12 years of marriage.
Charlene was absent from Monaco for most of 2021 while having medical treatment in her native South Africa, and was admitted to a Swiss clinic to be treated for exhaustion on her return. She’s now back in full swing with royal duties and public appearances, but French magazine ROYAUTÉ has claimed that the Prince and Princess are in the process of separation.
The Palace’s press office said they ‘formally deny the malicious rumours peddled by the magazine.
A spokesperson said: ‘I would like to formally deny the malicious rumors peddled by the French magazine Royauté. Please disregard this article which is totally unfounded.’
The rumour gained momentum when the article was repeated by gossip sites, which sparked speculation on social media.
The French papers and tabloids have always had some interesting reporting and gossip on the Grimaldis, especially Albert and Charlene. They’re seen as an odd couple, in general, and it’s widely believed that Charlene is unhappy and always trying to escape. Perhaps that was true at various points in their marriage, but I actually believe that she’s okay with her gilded cage at the moment. That being said, I wouldn’t be *shocked* if I woke up to the news of a separation. Still, it’s notable that the palace denied the story on the record.
Update: after I wrote up this amazing story, below, Buckingham Palace and President Macron “postponed” the state visit. Per the BBC, “King Charles III’s state visit to France has been postponed, as the nation faces further protests over pension reforms. France’s Elysée Palace said the decision was taken because of a 10th day of protests planned for Tuesday.” Elysee Palace announced the postponement, although they stressed that it was a mutual decision between King Charles and Macron, and that they spoke on the phone this morning. LMAO.
King Charles and Queen Camilla’s state visit to France could not be coming at a worse time. Months in planning and negotiations, and Charles’s first state visit as monarch, and it’s all being spectacularly derailed by French politics and President Emmannuel Macron’s timing with raising the French retirement age. Paris is burning, there are dozens of strikes, garbage is being left in the streets and all of those striking union workers cannot wait to demonstrate in front of the international media during the British monarch’s visit. Add to all of that, the logistics of “who will roll out the literal red carpet” have been affected too.
Unrest in France is tarnishing the sheen of King Charles III’s first overseas trip as monarch, with striking workers refusing to provide red carpets amid pension reform protests and critics calling for the visit to be canceled altogether. Anger over French President Emmanuel Macron’s resolve to increase the retirement age by two years is clouding what was meant to be a show of bonhomie and friendship. Instead, Charles’ visit is being seen as an unnecessary display of hereditary privilege.
“It’s very bad timing. Normally the French would welcome a British king. But in this moment, people protesting are on high alert for any sign of privilege and wealth,” Paris-based writer Stephen Clarke, the author of “Elizabeth II, Queen of Laughs,” said.
With piles of uncollected garbage lining the French capital’s boulevards, observers say the optics could not be worse – for both Charles and his host Macron. French labor union CGT union announced this week that its members at Mobilier National, the institution in charge of providing flags, red carpets and furniture for public buildings, would not help prepare a Sunday reception for the king upon his arrival in Paris.
“We ask our administration to inform the services concerned that we will not provide furnishings, red carpets or flags,” a CGT statement read. The Elysee Palace, the French president’s official residence, has said non-striking workers would set up the necessary accouterments for the trip.
Months in the making, Charles’ March 26-29 trip with Queen Consort Camilla includes a visit to the Musee d’Orsay, a wreath-laying ceremony at the Arc de Triomphe and a lavish dinner at the former royal residence, the Versailles Palace.
“They’re planning on going to Versailles. It does not look good. This seems very 1789,” author Clarke said. The lavish Versailles, once the dazzling center of royal Europe, is a potent symbol of social inequalities and excess.
“It’s amazing. We are going to have Emmanuel Macron, the Republican monarch meeting Charles III while people in the street are demonstrating. Can this really be happening? This is an incredible denial of democracy….Something is happening in this country – is the priority really to receive Charles III at Versailles?” Sandrine Rousseau, a lawmaker from France’s Green Party, told French channel BFM TV. “Of course” the king should cancel his visit, she added.
As many have pointed out, even with the general strikes, the dinner at Versailles was always going to set the wrong tone. If the Versailles dinner isn’t canceled, the protesters will simply descend on Versailles and it will be a huge security nightmare. There are already rumors – from Macron’s office – that Macron has already shifted the state dinner to Élysée Palace or somewhere else. Like a f–king bunker! Anyway, I absolutely love this for Charles and Camilla. Their first state visit is going to be a huge catastrophe.
Diane Keaton has a nice interview in AARP. It’s mainly a reflection on her 50-year career. But she also talks about a few things she doesn’t usually bring up, like updating the public on what her kids are doing and speaking of her brother Randy who struggled with mental illness and substance abuse. She also spoke about her Golden Retriever Reggie, who was a gift from a friend when Diane became an empty nester. Reggie is a big part of Diane’s popular IG page. She’s usually featured destroying some piece of Diane’s clothing or tracking wet footprints all over Diane’s lovely home. But Diane adores her because as she says, “dogs are irresistible.”
On auditioning for The Godfather: “I didn’t even know what The Godfather was. Someone said to me, ‘You’ve got to go and audition for things,’ so I auditioned for the film, and I got the role of Kay Corleone.
On dating: I don’t date. Highly unlikely. I don’t remember anyone calling me, going, ‘This is So-and-So. I’d like to take you out.’ They don’t happen. Of course not.
On her kids: “They’re great,” she says simply. “They’re doing good.” Over the past few years, though, her nest has emptied — Dexter got married and Duke got his own place.
On Reggie: A friend of mine gave her to me. I didn’t even ask for her. He came to me and said, ‘I think you need this dog.’ I was like, ‘OK, I guess?’ Of course, now I just love her. Dogs are irresistible. They’re just idiots. Reggie is a big jerk, and she’s a great jerk, and she’s hilarious.
On her brother Randy’s death: “He passed relatively recently — it’s been a couple of years,” Keaton says, with a catch in her voice. A poet and artist, Randy “had a hard time with the world at large and just in life. He was so delicate in some ways, so sensitive. He was a real artist at heart.”
I’m friends with Randy’s caregiver. She attended family events with him. We spoke the day after he passed. They were all so destroyed. I didn’t realize Diane had written about him, I’ll probably pick that book up. I can tell you that the way Diane treated my friend as her employer is why I have such a soft spot for her. I was shocked to learn that Diane’s daughter Dexter is 27 and her son Duke is 22. Since she rarely talks about them, I’d forgotten they were grown now. I still had them as teens in my mind.
As for Reggie, she’s such a love. I always forget which is the doofus breed: retrievers or labs? It’s the retrievers, though, I think. They really are loveable oafs. It doesn’t really matter how bright a dog is, we tend to call them with dunce-like labels. Affectionately, but hardly complimentary. My husband calls our dogs brain-trust or lunkheads and yet they frighten me with how smart they are. Smart enough to know exactly when to play dumb. And hilarious, like Diane said. My girl pup sat next to me on the couch this AM. I turned to her and smiled, and she put her paw in my face and then looked confused. They really are ridiculous.
If anyone in Southern California needs some ridiculous in their life, here’s your chance. DoVE Project, who rescues beautiful dogs from the Meat Trade in South Korea has an adoption event tomorrow. If you aren’t ready to adopt, there is a Foster Family outreach event on April 2 where you can learn all about that.
Photo credit: Cover Images and Instagram
Last fall, we learned that Adam Levine was likely hitting on Instagram models for some time, and that he’d probably been cheating on his wife Behati Prinsloo with some of those young women. It was the least surprising story for the most obvious suspect in the world. One look at Adam Levine and you know he smells of sandalwood, infidelity and regret. The fact that the story came out while Behati was pregnant with their third child was also pretty bad. Behati really never seemed fazed by any of it – reportedly, she was mad behind-the-scenes, but her public face was that of a supportive wife. Couldn’t be me. According to Us Weekly, Adam and Behati’s marriage became a lot stronger after the whole ordeal.
Reconnected. Adam Levine and Behati Prinsloo are finding their groove after the singer’s 2022 cheating scandal, a source exclusively reveals in the latest issue of Us Weekly.
“Adam has done a complete turnaround in how he handles his marriage,” the insider says. “He basically recommitted himself 100 percent to Behati and his family.”
The Maroon 5 singer, 44, “realized he made a huge mistake” by talking to other women and has since refocused his time on his wife, 34. “They’re spending more quality time together, date nights without the kids and girls only nights for Behati,” the source says of Levine’s new family plan, noting that’s why fans have been “seeing them out and about more.”
The “Moves Like Jagger” crooner and the model are “back on track as a couple,” according to the insider. Levine, for his part, has also added self-care to his to-do list. “Adam also got back to basics [doing] yoga and meditation, and just got his priorities straight,” the source tells Us.
LMAO @ “Levine, for his part, has also added self-care to his to-do list.” You guys, he was cheating on his wife because he forgot to prioritize HIMSELF. He needed me-time, he needed some self-care, that’s why he was using Instagram like a dating service. Anyway, I have no idea how Behati really handled this, but it’s always funny to see a cheating spouse suddenly perform their fidelity and affection on red carpets. “See, I love my wife! Look at me, kissing my wife!!”
An explainer on the ongoing Marvel mess and why Marvel executive Victoria Alonso was unceremoniously fired? [LaineyGossip]
A vintage Cher interview! [OMG Blog]
All about Lindsay Lohan’s SEC violations. [Jezebel]
Cameron Diaz will likely re-retire after she wraps on her current film. [Dlisted]
Hilary Duff is dating John Corbett in HIMYF?? [Pajiba]
Miranda Kerr wore a girly Monique Lhuillier dress. [RCFA]
God help me, I love Khloe Kardashian’s sweatsuit. [JustJared]
Sarah Snook wore traffic-cone orange. [GFY]
Donald Trump is very mad and shouty on Truth Social. [Buzzfeed]
Wendy Williams was seen drinking at a gay bar after her stint in rehab. [Towleroad]
Gisele Bundchen says she isn’t dating Jeffrey Soffer. [Egotastic]
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have not confirmed their attendance at the coronation and Buckingham Palace is quietly freaking out about it. The British media is too – they keep publishing these treading-water stories about “will they come?!?” and “if they come, we’ll punish them!” and “they better come, or else!” It’s especially crazy because literally no one will come out and admit the obvious, which is that the Sussexes have all of the power in this situation and they can very easily choose not to come and the entire world will be focused on them either way. Over the weekend, British sources claimed that the palace is still trying to “negotiate” with Harry and Meghan:
“Tense” negotiations are underway between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in order for them to attend King Charles’ Coronation in May. As reported by The Sun, a source told OK! magazine: “The Palace are trying to wrap up negotiations as quickly as possible because they can’t go right up to the wire. It could lead to chaos. It could very well be that it ends in stalemate, and they won’t attend. But the Palace is doing everything in its power to not let that happen. The Palace are organizing two schedules. One that includes the Sussexes and one the doesn’t. They want to be prepared for any eventuality.”
[From The Daily Beast’s Royalist]
Again, the palace has only sent the Sussexes an email save-the-date. That’s all that has been confirmed. The Sussexes have not received a formal invitation. The Chubbly planners are spending all of this time and energy on contingency plans on top of contingency plans for the Sussexes, two people they haven’t even bothered to formally invite.
Meanwhile, British pollsters are treading water too – they’re still polling on whether Harry should be INVITED to the coronation. “Less than half of British people support Prince Harry being invited to King Charles’s coronation, exclusive polling for Yahoo UK shows” – go here to see that story. You guys… they’re really getting nervous about it. I’m starting to see signs of it in the suddenly-cautious reporting… these deranged people are actually starting to worry that they’ve grossly overplayed their hands and that the Sussexes will actually just stay home. Good. I hope the Sussexes avoid it like the plague.
Prince William moves in secret a lot these days. He’s always “popping up” at unannounced events or taking “surprise” trips to wherever. This is one of the rare times where I understand the secrecy though – William made a surprise trip to Poland, specifically to visit some of the British and Polish troops working together to provide support for Ukraine, and to help care for the influx of Ukrainian refugees. While he was not “on the border,” I imagine it was still a security risk for William to travel to Poland and do this photo-op.
Prince William made a surprise trip to Poland on Wednesday to thank the people for their “humanity and hospitality” during the ongoing crisis in neighboring Ukraine. The Prince of Wales, 40, spent Wednesday afternoon with troops from Britain and Poland, who are helping to train Ukrainian forces. He then headed to Warsaw to meet some of the 300 Ukrainian women and children, who — as recently-arrived refugees — are being housed in a converted office block.
Aides point out that Prince William and Princess Kate have followed the Ukrainian crisis since the beginning and have had an ongoing dialogue with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and first lady Olena Zelenska.
“But he wanted to look into the eyes of the Polish people and say thank you for everything they have done. That is the main message he was putting across to the Polish and British military,” a spokesman tells PEOPLE.
Upon landing in Warsaw, Prince William said it was “fantastic” to be back in Poland.
“Our nations have strong ties. Through our cooperation in support of the people of Ukraine and their freedom, which are also our freedoms and yours, these ties are further strengthened,” he said. “I’m here because I want to personally thank the Polish and British troops working in close and crucial partnership. I also want to pay tribute to the inspiring humanity of the Polish people. You have opened your hearts as much as your homes.”
During Prince William’s visits to the military, near Rzeszow in the southeast of the country, he saw the 3rd Brigade Territorial Defence Force base that has been heavily involved in providing support to Ukraine and where British and local troops have formed close ties. He also met the Polish Defence Minister, Mariusz Blaszczak. William then headed to see the British Armed Forces located nearby. The area is at the fulcrum of where allies from the U.S., U.K. and around the world provide artillery and weapons to the defenders over the border.
Prince William told the troops, “Thank you for hosting me today. I just wanted to come here in person to say ‘thank you’ for all you are doing — keeping everyone safe out here and keeping an eye on what’s going on.”
“Just a big thank you for what you do on a day-to-day basis,” he added. “I know some of you are coming to the end of your time out here. So looking forward to a bit of ‘R and R’ when you get home. You are doing a really important job out here and defending our freedoms is really important and everyone back home thoroughly supports you. And everything you are doing with the Poles and our Polish counterparts in providing that safety is really important. Lovely to meet you and good luck.”
“So looking forward to a bit of ‘R and R’ when you get home…” Says the laziest prince??? As for the rest of it… do you want me to say it? The man visited refugees YET AGAIN and arrived empty-handed. In this particular situation, we don’t know exactly how difficult it would have been to bring in supplies or care packages or toys for the refugee children. But that just makes it all the more cruel when William and Kate have visited refugees and foodbanks in the UK and they still arrive empty-handed. It would be one thing if William was solely visiting military personnel – but he made a point of also visiting refugees. And all he had to offer was a smile, I guess. At least he didn’t tell the refugees that it’s very alien to see this kind of thing in Europe.
King Charles and Queen Camilla are, at the moment, still due to arrive in Paris on Sunday. This trip to France and then Germany will be their first state visits as monarchs. The original plan was that Charles and Camilla needed to emphasize the UK’s historic ties to European countries rather than Commonwealth countries. The visit to France was originally proposed and planned when the British government believed that President Macron was a somewhat popular leader. Except that Macron just barely scraped through a vote of no confidence, and French peeps are burning sh-t down, striking, refusing to collect trash, rioting, protesting, all of it. All because Macron is raising the retirement age and he’s also not playing with the unions. Basically, Charles is going to arrive into a city with streets full of garbage, fire and angry French people. The palace courtiers are in a tizzy about it.
A close eye! Buckingham Palace sources told The Daily Beast they were keeping “a close eye on the situation” in France after millions of non-union and union members downed tools this week. The widespread protests have been triggered by a rise in retirement age forced through by President Emmanuel Macron’s government.
The state of France at this point: Refineries and ports have been blockaded, gas stations are running out of fuel, planes have been unable to take off, rubbish is rotting uncollected in the streets, and 790 people have been arrested in Paris alone in the six days since the demonstrations started. Hauliers have been staging their signature operations escargot (snail operations), where they drive at a crawl along major routes and through arterial junctions. “Operations escargot” is just one of 52 items of strike vocabulary listed by It is likely only a matter of time before one farmer manages to break through police lines and perform that most Gallic of expressions of disgust with the president: dumping a load of manure (une décharge) on the steps of the Elysée Palace.
BP is alarmed: For planners of the king’s visit, therefore, it is all starting to get rather alarming. Sources at the palace say they are “taking advice” from the French side and have conceded there may be “an impact” on logistics.Well well: The French newspaper of record, Le Monde, said the strikes suggested France could soon find itself “on the brink of the unknown,” and deplored the burning of effigies of Macron on French streets. More alarming for monarchists, however, might be the new chant that, Le Monde reports, is taking hold among protesters gathered around fires in the Place de la Concorde: “Louis XVI, Louis XVI, they beheaded him; Macron, Macron, we can start again.”
First of all, I actually have some sympathy for Macron – maybe this was not the best way to try to enact a raise for the retirement age, but holy sh-t, the response is something else. I hope all of our French friends are able to get through this. As for the royal visit… I actually love all of this? Of course, Charles had no way of knowing that Paris would be engulfed in rioters’ flames when he scheduled the state visit. But this is going to be perfect! Especially if they’re burning effigies and chanting about guillotines.