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In 2020, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex “paid back” the cost of renovating Frogmore Cottage, the dilapidated servant’s quarters on the Royal Windsor estate. They had already paid, in real time, for all of the furnishings and all of the “decor” (paint, finishes, wallpaper). But once they had enough money, they “reimbursed” the Crown Estates for the full cost of the renovation (reportedly around $3 million). Later, the Crown Estate and the National Audit Office confirmed that in addition to the reimbursement for a property they didn’t own, the Sussexes also paid a lump-sum lease payment to continue their lease on Frogmore for the foreseeable future. Meaning, instead of paying a monthly rent, the Sussexes forked over a huge lump sum upfront. In 2022, the National Audit Office said it was “satisfied” with the arrangement and called it a “good deal” for the Sovereign Grant. Well, someone in Buckingham Palace decided to lie about the arrangement and you would think that Frogmore Cottage is the only royal property in the entire Crown Estate.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex struck a deal with Buckingham Palace to pay no further rent on Frogmore Cottage after refunding the £2.4 million taxpayers paid for its refurbishment, The Mail on Sunday can reveal. It had been reported that the Sussexes would pay a ‘commercial rate’ for the five-bedroom mansion on the Windsor estate. But Palace officials last night confirmed that the lump-sum payment wiped out the couple’s rental obligations as the increased value of the property following the work was taken as ‘rent in lieu’.

It’s estimated the property would cost between £150,000 and £230,000 a year to rent, which means that the Sussexes may have saved up to £690,000. They will not renew their lease when it ends later this month.

A Palace spokesperson said: ‘The Duke and Duchess of Sussex made a contribution of £2.4 million to the Sovereign Grant which covered the refurbishment of Frogmore Cottage. They have fulfilled their financial obligations in relation to the property. In line with usual practice for the Sovereign Grant report, the accounting treatment was scrutinised and signed off by the National Audit Office and the Treasury. As with any such agreement between landlord and tenant, further details regarding the Sussexes’ tenancy arrangements would be a private matter.’

But last night one critic reacted angrily to the emergence of the deal. Norman Baker, a former Cabinet Minister and Privy Counsellor, said: ‘It is outrageous that Harry and Meghan should be able to live in a huge house on these terms while regular people struggle to put food on the table.’ He is now demanding to know how many Royal Family properties are rented out below the market rate.

The Sussexes quit Royal duties officially in March 2020 and a Palace spokesman told the BBC they would continue to pay a ‘commercial rate’ of rent on the property. In fact, they paid five months’ rent but then gave a £2.4 million lump sum in September to cover the refurbishment costs. Today we can reveal that a deal was agreed in which the payment wiped out any further financial obligations.

It was not a deal which was publicly announced by the Palace. Nor was it easy to see by looking at the official Sovereign Grant reports which outline public spending on the monarchy. Last night Buckingham Palace confirmed that the £2.4 million was split into three headings and recorded across two sets of accounts. In the 2020/21 figures, the lump sum is listed as both ‘rental income’ and as ‘recharges for functions and other income’.

[From The Daily Mail]

So now the Palace is telling the media that Harry *only* reimbursed the cost of the renovation and he did not pay for the lease extension? No, because… everyone made it clear in 2021 and 2022 that Harry did both: he reimbursed the Crown Estate for the cost of the renovation AND he paid a lump sum towards the lease. The palace is basically admitting as much, saying that the money was “split” between reimbursement and rental income. Is the palace saying that Harry only “paid” £2.4 million and that’s the exact amount of the renovation cost, so they gave him a sweetheart deal on the lease? Yeah, that doesn’t sound like Buckingham Palace. Clearly, Harry and Meghan believed they were paid up on a valid lease too. Anyway, the Sussexes better be reimbursed fully for everything they put into Frogmore (and I think that’s what this is about – Charles looking for a reason to avoid reimbursement to the Sussexes).

Photos courtesy of Netflix.

For weeks now, there’s been talk about whether Prince William and Kate’s children would be included in the coronation. It was said that King Charles felt strongly about including Prince George front and center, to create a visual reminder of the line of succession. Then Queen Camilla decided the Chubbly would be her victory lap, and that her children and grandchildren all needed to be front-and-center for all of the coronation activities. Suddenly, William and Kate seemed… less than pleased. There’s definitely a feeling that Camilla is pulling “rank,” and using her authority to write out Diana and her sons. So, obviously, William’s reaction is to put all three of his children in the coronation procession. That’s what this is about: William vs. Camilla, despite the Telegraph trying to make it seem like it’s about Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet.

Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis are all expected to take part in the King’s Coronation procession from Westminster Abbey back to Buckingham Palace, it has emerged. The three children, who will be aged nine, eight and five by the time of the May 6 ceremony, all feature in the Coronation rehearsal plans, according to reports. They will join their parents, the Prince and Princess of Wales, in a carriage behind the King and Queen, who will be in the Gold State Coach.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussexes’ children, Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet, are not currently factored into the plans, The Telegraph understands. The couple have not yet confirmed their own attendance but if they do come, they are not expected to take part in the post-Coronation procession that will be reserved for working members of the Royal family, according to The Times. Kensington Palace has not yet confirmed the attendance of any of their children and is unlikely to do so until the day, given their tender years.

The Prince and Princess are still said to be “pondering” whether to take the lively Prince Louis, who turns five next month, but are thought likely to include him. Prince George, as a future king, is expected to take on an official role in the ceremony.

It comes after it emerged that the Queen Consort’s grandchildren will also have an official role at the ceremony. Her son, Tom Parker Bowles, has two children aged 15 and 13 and her daughter, Laura Lopes, has a 15-year-old daughter and twins aged 13. It is thought that the boys may be pages.

[From The Telegraph]

Ah, the “procession.” Yet another thing to which Prince Harry must be excluded. No wonder William suddenly wants all three kids involved in that. What are the options for the actual ceremony though? Louis and Charlotte will get to ride in a carriage through the streets of London, and then they’ll be fobbed off on Nanny Maria as soon as they arrive at Westminster Abbey? Cute. Anyway, I maintain that this is mostly about William’s irritation over Camilla’s grandchildren being front-and-center, but yeah, some of it is about Harry too. William and Charles are so obsessed with visually snubbing Harry that they refuse to consider how wrong it will look to exclude the king’s younger son, the fifth in line to the throne, from the procession. Oh well, if they’re too stupid, vindictive and racist to see it, it’s not our problem.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images, Backgrid, Instar.

Prince Harry is involved in so many lawsuits, especially about his security in the UK. Living in Montecito, Harry and Meghan pay for private security and their security is (seemingly) very efficient – their movements are barely tracked and it does feel like the Montecito community is very protective of their royal neighbors. The problem comes when Harry travels to the UK, because his private security cannot be armed in the country, and Harry would like some level of coordination with Royal Protection and the Met, especially given his royal status and his status as a veteran. For that coordination, Harry has repeatedly offered to reimburse the police. The Daily Mail decided that Harry’s offer of reimbursement was a lie, a bit of PR, and they published an unhinged screed about how evil he was to lie about wanting to pay back the police for his security when he was in the UK. So, Harry sued the Mail for libel AND he sued the Home Office over their refusal to coordinate with his private security AND allow him to reimburse the police. The Home Office legal drama has been playing out for a while, and here’s an awful new update:

Prince Harry was told to give 28 days notice of his planned trips to the UK so that his security requests could be assessed, it has emerged. The Duke of Sussex was informed that it would then be a matter for the Home Office to consider whether the requested security arrangements were necessary, following his decision to “step back” from royal duties.

A furious Prince Harry hit back, demanding that the Home Office committee responsible for royal security give him an example of someone with the same threat assessment as him who had received no security after leaving public duty.

He also criticised the arrangements for his family’s visit to Britain in June 2021 for the memorial events for Diana, Princess of Wales, describing them as “patchy, disjointed and inadequate”.

Details of the dispute between the Duke and the Home Office over his future security arrangements were disclosed in legal documents relating to Prince Harry’s libel claim against the Mail on Sunday, which hinges on an allegedly “false claim” concerning his willingness to pay for his own police protection in the UK. The Duke is suing Associated Newspapers Limited (ANL) over an article published last February concerning his legal challenge against the Government’s decision to deny him and his family the right to automatic protection.

The Duke won a judicial review against the Home Office’s decision to deny his family automatic security in September 2021. A date for the hearing has not yet been set, but the documents released as part of his legal battle with Associated Newspapers reveal the bitterness of the dispute over security arrangements.

In a summary of his claim against the Home Office’s Executive Committee for the Protection of Royalty and Public Figures (RAVEC), Prince Harry’s lawyers state that he is “gravely concerned about his safety and security during future trips to the UK” and that he feels he has no choice but to take legal action “given the gravity of what is at stake for him and his family… The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been subject to intense media scrutiny, hostile social media attention, and targeting by violent extremists due to (amongst other things) the [Duke’s] ten years of military service in the British Army, the Duchess of Sussex’s race and their involvement in charitable and other social justice initiatives.”

The Duke’s lawyers say that the requirement to give 28 days notice of a visit, during which a case by case decision would be made by RAVEC whether to provide him with security, creates uncertainty and could threaten his safety. They state: “It hinders their ability to plan for and manage his security arrangements; may lead to [the Duke’s] actual arrangements being inadequate and compromise his ultimate security.”

[From The Telegraph]

RAVEC has really had it out for Harry from the word go. RAVEC is the group which decides all of the royal protection issues, who gets what kind of protection, and whether protection should follow rank or threat. Ravec is made up of palace advisors and high-ranking police officers, and Harry has been slowly peeling back the layers of Ravec’s operations over the past year. I’m astonished by the widespread belief in the UK that security is attached to rank solely, not threat. Meaning, they believe that because Harry is “not a working royal” and “not the heir,” they can play fast and loose with his life and his security. That’s not the way any of this should work. As for the 28-day notice thing… yeah, this has always been about control. The Windsors want to control Harry and Meghan at all times, especially when they’re in the UK.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

Once in a while a celebrity reminds me what a joy my job can be. Pedro Pascal is a lovely man and I’m lucky to get paid to watch his shows and interviews. I’m happy that everyone is recognizing what an immense talent and sweet man he is. Pedro did an interview with First We Feast earlier this month that I’m just getting around to watching now. Sean Evans does solid, in depth interviews as celebrities eat increasingly hot chicken wings. He typically asks about their careers and doesn’t seem like a gossip trying to get pull quotes. Maybe that’s why so many celebrities like him, along with the crazy challenge of the show. My favorite parts were when Pedro talked about how much he admires Nicolas Cage, with whom he starred in 2022’s The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent, and when he described how Prince’s music moves him. Here are some quotes and you can see the interview below!

I know that you’re a fan of Nicholas Cage before you starred alongside him. Do you have a Mt. Rushmore of Nicolas Cage movies
The earlier ones because of how impressionable they are but Raising Arizona, Peggy Sue got married, Face-Off. I got a soft spot for Moonstruck and it isn’t even about having a big swing in terms of performance it is actually highly intelligent choice making in his acting. It was really amazing to do homework for that movie and re-watch all these movies that I’d already seen so many times. Adaptation is maybe one of the best screen performances in the history of American cinema but the four that I mentioned have a personal place in my development.

What makes Captain Crunch the top dog of breakfast cereals for you?
Captain Crunch is just so tasty… it makes you think about your childhood and I would do anything to go back there.

As somebody who grew up in San Antonio can you break down the difference between good Tex-Mex and bad Tex-Mex
There’s no good Mexican food in New York. Come for me.

Why is Prince’s Purple Rain the song you’d most want to hear at your funeral?
It’s my favorite song. It’s the most moving song. I don’t know why it always emerges even before I actively just started implementing it into my spiritual routine. I didn’t go to church, I was raised by HBO, Spielberg and Prince. Purple Rain is like the most emotionally cathartic, the most musically sophisticated song that I can think of. If it’s casually or spontaneously playing somewhere I don’t have emotional space to go there because it just moves me so deeply.

[Adapted from YouTube transcript]

I watched The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent on Starz over the weekend and Pedro was such a standout in that movie! He does comedy expertly and was mesmerizing on screen with Nicolas Cage. While I’ve seen most of the Cage movies Pedro mentions and would add The Rock and Con Air to his list, I’m not a big fan and would have tuned out if Pedro wasn’t his costar. Oh and I have to say that although I enjoyed the finale of The Last of Us you could really tell that it was adapted from a video game. The plot, especially in the last episode, was not realistic but I guess you could say that of so many post apocalyptic survival shows.

As a New York girl I can’t comment on his controversial stance that there’s no good Mexican food in New York. I will defer to Hecate’s coverage of this very important issue. As for the quote in the title – I related to this so much except I was raised by HBO, John Hughes and Depeche Mode. Pedro is a couple of years younger than me and we had HBO running in the background constantly in our house.

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Photos credit: Getty and Jeffrey Mayer / Avalon

In 2021, suddenly there was a lot of talk about Prince Michael of Kent and his decades of shady business dealings. At the time, Prince Michael of Kent was considered a working royal, often representing the crown at public events and official events. He was also considered someone of an unofficial ambassador to Russia, where he traveled extensively and visited frequently. As it turns out, Prince Michael has made a lot of money in Russia and a lot of money acting on Russia’s behalf. He also exploited his royal connections for profit. It got even worse last year when Russia invaded Ukraine, and it looked like the Windsors were sheltering a Russian asset. Well, soon after QEII’s Jubbly, Prince Michael and his racist wife seemingly announced that they were “retiring” from public life. While I had my doubts at the time, I do think that they’ve mostly retired now, under King Charles III. But all this time, Michael still had his private “consulting” business… only now he’s shutting that down too.

His poise and bearing are truly monarchical — as is the beard which makes him look remarkably like his grandfather, George V. But there’s never been anything regal about Prince Michael of Kent’s need to pay his own way.

So King Charles will be heartened by the latest development in Prince Michael’s commercial affairs. I can reveal that he and his wife — the statuesque Marie-Christine, formally known as Princess Michael — are closing their business, Cantium Services.

It comes less than a year after Prince Michael, 80, a fluent Russian speaker, told undercover reporters posing as gold investors that he could be hired to make ‘confidential’ representations to Vladimir Putin’s regime — for £10,000 a day.

‘I have never had any close connection before with gold and the idea makes me very happy,’ he added. Prince Michael was less happy when it became apparent that he’d been recorded by Channel 4’s Dispatches programme and by a Sunday newspaper. His spokesman subsequently issued a statement, explaining that Prince Michael had ‘no special relationship’ with Putin, having last met him in 2003 and having had ‘no contact with him or his office since then’.

Today, the Prince’s spokesman declines to comment on the application at Companies House to ‘strike off’ Cantium. But it would appear to mark the end of an era for the ‘Rent-a-Kents’, as the couple were cruelly known. The company — Prince Michael owns more than 75 per cent, and he and Princess Michael are the only directors — was founded in 1978, the year they married.

They were always candid about the scope of their money-making ventures, with Princess Michael, 78, declaring that she would ‘go anywhere for a hot meal’ — and seemingly proving the point by attending the opening of a Happy Eater on the A3 near Guildford.

[From The Daily Mail]

When the extent of Prince Michael’s shady dealings first began to be reported, I remember wondering just how much money he had stashed away in foreign bank accounts. Because that’s what it sounds like – yes, the Kents made a point of crying poverty, but Prince Michael has spent the better part of 45 years as a well-paid Russian asset. You’ve got to think he has several nest eggs stashed away all over the place. He certainly wasn’t paying for his “grace and favor” apartment in Kensington Palace for decades (QEII picked up the rent) and he received some Sovereign Grant money too, over the years.

Photos courtesy of Instar, Avalon Red.

As a die-hard Sarah Michelle Gellar fan, I definitely watched both Scooby-Doo movies, but this is the first I’m hearing that they were originally supposed to be R-rated. Um, what the what? Anyway, Freddie Prinze Jr. said he regrets the version of Scooby Doo that they ended up doing. He says the studio pulled a “bait and switch” with the project and the script he agreed to was not the one they ended up filming.

Freddie Prinze Jr. probably won’t be going blonde to play Fred Jones ever again.

The actor, wife Sarah Michelle Gellar, Matthew Lillard and Linda Cardellini all starred in two live-action “Scooby-Doo” movies back in the early 2000s. The films were both directed by Raja Gosnell and written by James Gunn, who, of course, went on to become a massive name in pop culture thanks to “Guardians of the Galaxy” and his new gig as co-CEO of DC Studios.

The two films raked in a lot of cash at the box office for Warner Bros., though they weren’t exactly critically-appreciated hits. While kids back in the day were fans, the projects left something to be desired for older audiences who grew up on the cartoons. In the years since the movies, both Prinze Jr. and Gunn have confirmed that the script for the first movie was actually a much more adult film — with Gunn saying it actually received an R-rating from the MPAA before drastic cuts were made to get it down to PG. The R-rated cut is a thing of legend, but, according to Gunn, “doesn’t exist anymore.”

With fans still holding out hope for a more mature Scooby-Doo, TooFab asked Lillard if he’d be down to do one with the original cast at Comic-Con last year. He said he would, before Prinze chimed in on Twitter saying, “Rightly or wrongly they don’t have the guts to make that movie.” Gunn eventually added to the thread, saying, “I think they’d do it if we asked. I just don’t think I have the time right now!”

“It wouldn’t be something I would do. I have zero interest … It wouldn’t be for me, man,” he recently told TooFab, before calling out Warner Bros. “There was too much bait and switch on the first one, the studio was not honest with me in any way, shape or form. They were not straight forward in any way, shape or form.”

“It wasn’t the best. I’ve been on two jobs where I had regret doing it and Scooby was one of them,” he added. Prinze has previously said the script he was handed when he landed in Australia to film was totally different from the one he signed on to make … and even considered quitting the project on the spot.

“I’m a really honest guy, man … when I get lied to, you’re dead to me, I don’t trust you ever again. I’m telling you, ever again,” he continued. “So some of those people would have to still be involved if it got remade. And that’s not any business I want to be involved with.”

“I’m only gonna work with people I love and respect and who love and respect me,” said Prinze Jr. “I only want to work with people that I love and respect or are looking for an opportunity to earn my respect and vice versa.”

While the finished product was not what he wanted to make, the actor said he has come around to appreciating his time as Fred thanks to the reaction from fans in the years since.

“I didn’t fully appreciate Scooby until it was seen and children came up to me, like, ‘Oh my gosh,’” he explained.

“And when I was able to appreciate the experience through their souls — because that’s what they’re doing, they’re bearing their souls, ‘When I was a kid, I watched this and I made my dad watch it 30 times’ and they’re sharing their life, that’s your soul, right? — then all of a sudden I was like, ‘Hey, man, we did good,’” he continued. “We did good, there’s legit millions of people that love this movie. It wasn’t the movie I wanted to make, but I appreciate that and it made me change my outlook on it.”

[From TooFab.com]

I do think it’s for the best that they did not film an R-rated version of a children’s cartoon. Even the HBO version of Gossip Girl was uncomfortable, imagine an R-rated Scooby-Doo. Apparently, that R-rated Scooby script was written by James Gunn, which suddenly makes that rating make sense. Anyway, I get what Freddie is saying here. It’s not so much that he’s disappointed the movie wasn’t R-rated, but he’s upset that he was lied to and that the script was changed so much from the version he first saw. That makes sense, but I imagine it happens all the time with the finished product being quite different from what was originally pitched. Freddie seems to take a hard line about stuff and maybe that’s why he doesn’t work as much anymore. It does seem like he appreciates Scooby for what it was now. I wonder if SMG feels similarly. And I was surprised to learn that the thing he regrets most isn’t that horrible blonde wig.

Photo note by CB: Some of these photos are from the 2002 Netflix movie Christmas With You starring Aimee Garcia and Freddie Prinze Jr. Credit: Netflix. He is also shown at the premiere of Wolf Pack with Sarah Michelle Gellar. Credit: MediaPunch/Backgrid, Jeffrey Mayer/Avalon

It’s funny, to me, that Brian Cox has become the de facto face of Succession’s promotion. The show is an ensemble, and while Sarah Snook and Kieran Culkin do promote the show, Cox does far more interviews and makes much more news. Jeremy Strong, on the other hand, has done ONE magazine interview and he was so vulnerable, I doubt they’ll ask him to do much more. So, Cox it is. It’s also funny that Cox’s Succession patriarch, Logan Roy, spends most of the show criticizing and bullying his children and then… Cox kind of does the same thing to the actors and characters in his interviews. Who’s the Method actor now?? Speaking of, Brian Cox chatted with Variety recently about how much he hates Jeremy Strong’s Method acting? This show is an ouroboros. Some highlights:

Cox loves that Succession is ending this season: “[Jesse Armstrong’s] very disciplined in that way, and also he’s very British in that way. The American inclination is to milk it for all it’s worth.” Not that Cox, 76, won’t feel the loss. “I’ll miss the cast, I’ll miss the atmosphere, I’ll miss the bonhomie,” he says, ticking off reasons during a recent Zoom interview from London. And Logan? “Logan, probably, I’ll miss a bit. But upward and onwards.”

What his fictional kids would do with Logan’s throne: “They would absolutely destroy it. It would last in their hands probably no more than five minutes. And yet that’s what he wanted. He wanted his successor. Four seasons to prove it! And they simply haven’t proved it.” Roman is “the gifted one,” but he did accidentally send Logan that d-ck pic meant for Gerri (J. Smith-Cameron), and can’t be trusted. Shiv is Logan’s “darling,” but “she just doesn’t know who she is, or where she is. And she also can’t stop talking.” As for Kendall, “his own avarice is what’s gotten in the way,” not to mention his “‘Oh, poor me’ kind of thing” that Logan finds “very unpleasant.”

Cox on his public back-and-forth with Jeremy Strong over Method acting: “I’m glad he is not in pain personally,” and praises Strong as “a wonderful actor.” But there’s more. “It’s really a cultural clash. I don’t put up with all that American sh-t. I’m sorry. All that sort of ‘I think, therefore I feel.’ Just do the job. Don’t identify.”

He worked with Daniel Day Lewis: He points to the case of estimable Method actor Daniel Day-Lewis, with whom he worked on the 1997 film “The Boxer,” and blames those immersive techniques for Day-Lewis’ early retirement. “He retired at the age of 55, and I’m going, ‘That’s when the roles become really interesting. You’ve retired just at the point when actually the roles get better!’ Of course, Jeremy was Dan Day-Lewis’ assistant. So he’s learned all that stuff from Dan.”

[From Variety]

My take is that at the root of Cox publicly criticizing Jeremy Strong is Cox’s honest affection for Strong as a person. Cox is an older actor who has worked with everyone, and he’s trying to tell Strong: you don’t have to pour your entire soul into every character, you’ll burn out, please take care of yourself. Only Cox is, again, too much like Logan Roy to actual say those words of “I love you, please take care of yourself,” so it manifests this way, with Cox publicly bullying the actor who plays his son.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images, Instar.

Another main character is leaving Grey’s Anatomy. Ellen Pompeo recently had her last episode as series regular and now Kelly McCreary, who plays Maggie Pierce, Meredith’s half-sister and the daughter of Ellis Grey and Richard Webber, is leaving the show too. Kelly’s last episode as series regular will be next month. But the famously deadly show won’t be killing Kelly’s character off, as they’ve said she’ll recur on the show in the future.

Another doctor is saying farewell.

EW has confirmed that Kelly McCreary, who first joined Grey’s Anatomy as Maggie Pierce at the end of season 10, is preparing to say goodbye. McCreary’s last episode as a series regular is set to air on April 13.

McCreary is the latest exit for the series, which also said farewell to Ellen Pompeo as a regular in the Feb. 23 episode, and will see longtime showrunner Krista Vernoff depart at the end of season 19. Although, much like Pompeo, McCreary is likely to return to Grey Sloan Memorial in the future.

“After nine seasons, I am saying goodbye to Maggie Pierce and her Grey Sloan family. It has been a tremendous honor to be a part of such a legendary television institution as Grey’s Anatomy,” McCreary said in a statement. “I will always be grateful to Shonda Rhimes, Krista Vernoff, and ABC for the opportunity, and to the incredible fans for their passionate support. To spend nine years exploring a character inside and out, while reaching a global audience with impactful stories, is a rare gift. It has afforded me an opportunity to collaborate with, learn from, and be inspired by countless brilliant artists both in front of and behind the camera. Playing Maggie Pierce has been one of the true joys of my life and I leave with profound gratitude for every step of this journey. I am excited for this next chapter, and what the future holds.”

Showrunner Krista Vernoff adds in a statement: “Kelly McCreary is a writer’s dream come true; brilliant, nuanced, thoughtful, and kind. We will deeply miss her and her beautifully crafted Dr. Maggie Pierce.”

McCreary’s exit marks the loss of another Grey. Although she doesn’t use her mother’s name, she is Meredith’s half-sister (and Ellis’ daughter). With Meredith (Pompeo) gone, she was holding down the fort for the family name (and the title of the show).

[From Entertainment Weekly]

Kelly joined the show in season 11 right after Sandra Oh’s Cristina Yang left for Europe. Her character filled the cardio surgeon role on the show and was a surprise relative for Meredith and Richard and of course drama ensued. I remember that storyline very clearly as it aired and it’s crazy that it’s been nine seasons since that happened. This show has been on way too long! Anyway, it sounds like Kelly is just leaving because it’s been a long time and she wants to explore new opportunities. Maybe that’s new opportunities as an actress or maybe it’s related to her personal life — Kelly married a director she met on Grey’s and they have a young child. Also, this show has been on for 19 years and Kelly has been on it for 9 of them so it must feel repetitive at this point. I’m guessing her exit will likely have something to do with her career and the marital strife her character has been experiencing lately. With Kelly gone, so goes the last Ellis Grey relation on the show.

Here are more photos from Colonel Keen’s Big Shamrock Adventure, also known as the Prince and Princess of Wales’s trip to the Irish Guards’ base for St. Patrick’s Day – we covered some of this on Friday. This year’s St. Patrick’s Day event was slightly different because Kate is now the honorary colonel of the Irish Guards, a position she’s taken over from William. It’s part of the shift now that King Charles is on the throne – William had to take over his father’s old position with the Welsh Guards, so Kate replaced William, etc. That’s why both William and Kate gave speeches on Friday, it was “the changing of the guards,” only the guards are two lazy 40-year-olds who barely do anything. Here’s the video of their speeches:

While Colonel Keen’s speech-making has improved, she really needs to review her speeches and try to memorize whole sentences before giving a speech. She has to look down, on average, at least three times per sentence. And that was a short f–king speech, my God.

After the speeches, William and Kate joined the Irish Guards for a pint of Guinness and a laugh. Also: the two tweets below went viral and most of the people commenting seemed confused about the shamrocks, especially Kate’s giant shamrock corsage. Here’s the thing – that’s what is given to her by the Irish Guards. When she arrived, she was only wearing that delicate gold shamrock brooch. It’s some Irish Guard’s job to present her with a corsage of shamrocks and I believe the guard has to pin it to her chest. My point is that Kate would obviously not choose to stick an entire shamrock salad on her boob. Nor would William choose to nail a huge garden to his hat. This is the tradition of the Irish Guards, although the big leaf thing underneath the shamrocks seems to be new.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images.

I have to apologize to Law Roach – after I read his interview with Vogue last week, I thought he announced his retirement from styling because he was burned out and “the well was dry.” Now that I’ve read his retirement interview in The Cut, I completely understand what was going on and it’s a wonder he managed to be an A-list celebrity stylist for so long, especially given the daily racist microaggressions, the disrespect, the personal politics and the outright racism within the fashion industry. Instead of burning the whole f–king industry down – which would be his right – he simply quit for his own mental health. I hope he finds an amazing job where he’ll be treated with respect and love. Anyway, he explains his exact breaking point – dressing one particular client for the Vanity Fair Oscar party – and it’s already turned into a huge blind item. You can read his full piece in The Cut here. Some highlights:

The lead up to the VF Oscar Party was his breaking point:

“You know, last week, for us, Oscars Week and building up to the Vanity Fair Oscar Party, is some of the most stressful times in the world. And I’ve always been a stylist that did multiple clients, so I’m trying to prepare for multiple clients that week. And I had a lot of pressure because of Meg [Thee Stallion] — it was her first time coming back and anybody seeing her since the trial. And so that was a lot of pressure, you know, because I wanted to make her feel secure and comfortable and make her feel and look as perfect as possible so that she can have the strength to do what she had to do.

So that morning I got a call from one of my clients, and it was her, her publicist, and somebody from a brand that I’m supposed to do project with, and I found myself on the phone with these three women, and I felt like I was defending myself because the one woman from the brand was like, “Oh, he’s not communicating, and you’re not gonna have a dress,” and all these things. And it was just a lot of things that were not true.

And that’s how we lose clients as stylists — somebody from a brand will say something to the publicist, then the publicist will say something to the client, and then, it’s this thing. I thought I had a really strong relationship with this client, and I thought that she knew that my goal always is to protect my clients.

And at that moment I just didn’t feel like I was being protected, because there’s no one who can ever say that they’ve worked with me that I didn’t pull my whole heart and soul into them or that I left them hanging and they didn’t have a dress. It’s never happened. No one can ever say that about me. And I was like, “Okay, yeah. Whatever, we’ll do whatever. We’ll work it out.” And then I got off the phone, and I was like, I’m literally depleted from the day before. I’m an extreme empath, and I give everything to the point, after that night, I could barely finish a sentence. I had given so much.

That call was very early the very next day after [the Oscars]. And the client was one of the clients that I dressed that night. And it’s just like, I got off the phone and I felt like I’m still fighting. I’m still fighting. I’m still defending myself. And one thing people who work with me also know is I don’t like to be managed or feel like I’m being chastised. You know what I mean? That just doesn’t work for me or my personality and especially when I feel like I’m giving so much. And I’m doing the job, I’m getting paid to do the job, and that’s the real of it. But the care and the love that goes in me to do my job, I just feel like I should sometimes be a little bit more taken care of, if that makes sense.

Why he said he’s tired of the lies and false narratives.

“I end up having a real connection with the client, and it very quickly becomes a thing where they trust me and understand me and we have this relationship. And that’s not the way it goes, especially in Hollywood. You have the gatekeepers, right? You have the person that’s in between you and the client, and all the scheduling, and you have to talk to this person to talk to this person. And I think what happens is a lot of times, they become intimidated by the relationships I’m able to have with the clients personally. And so what happens is it becomes a thing like I just don’t hear from the client anymore. Or I’m booked for jobs and then, all of a sudden, I’m released.

And then I’ll bump into the talent at a party or an event or whatever, and I’m always like, “Hey, what happened? I haven’t heard from you.” And they’re like, “Oh, yeah. Yeah, you know, I know my team reached out a few times, but you were busy. Our schedules didn’t match up.” Or, you know, “The whoever said that you were way too expensive,” and it’s always that.

It’s always the narrative of, “Oh, he’s never gonna treat you the way he treats Zendaya. You’re gonna get what she doesn’t want.” And that’s not true, because none of my clients ever look the same. Like, I don’t use edits. I don’t walk around with suitcases of edits that Zendaya didn’t want and offer ’em to other people. It’s always those narratives, and I’ve lost a bunch of clients that I really care for and really wanted to work with because of the gatekeepers.

[From The Cut]

He also addressed whether he was the one who told Priyanka Chopra that she wasn’t “sample size,” and he said that wasn’t the conversation and that he works with clients of all sizes (which is true). But the specific conversation has led people to believe that maybe Priyanka was the one on the call the day after the Oscars, the breaking-point call where he decided he was done. For the VF party, he styled Kerry Washington, Hunter Schafer, Hailee Steinfeld, Megan Thee Stallion and Eve Jobs. Law says he dressed a sixth woman in Galliano, but her dress ripped before she got to the party. So… who was the woman on the call? It doesn’t sound like it was Megan. I honestly don’t think Hunter is famous enough to pull that? Neither is Eve Jobs. It doesn’t sound like Kerry. People think it was Priyanka, just because… Law didn’t name her as one of his final clients, and he didn’t post her photos on his social (and Priyanka attended the VF party). I will hate it if Priyanka caused him to retire.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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