I wonder how many snippets/clips 60 Minutes will release ahead of the Sunday airing of their interview with Prince Harry. I don’t think of 60 Minutes as an outlet which plays around with tabloid storylines, but you’ve also got to believe that they know they’re sitting on one of their biggest interviews of the year. Which might explain 60 Minutes dropping this clip online last night. Anderson Cooper asks Prince Harry: “Can you see a day when you would return as a full-time member of the Royal Family?” Harry says “NO” before Anderson even finishes the question.
“Can you see a day when you would return as a full-time member of the Royal Family?
See Prince Harry’s revealing interview with @andersoncooper.
60 Minutes Sunday, on @CBS and streaming on @paramountplus. pic.twitter.com/LaRAtQYMkD
— 60 Minutes (@60Minutes) January 2, 2023
LOL. That man said: I’m never going back there to live. He said, I’ll visit, maybe. But I’m not working with my father and brother ever again. Which brings me to that ITV trailer – Tom Bradby’s interview with Harry was clearly done around the same time (just before Christmas) and I’m sure the questions will be somewhat similar. The thing about the Bradby interview is that I think it’s a 90-minute piece, so Harry will really be given the space to get a lot off his chest. Which is why I think the trailer was deceptively edited – so many “royal reporters” are writing full screeds on Harry’s “I would like to get my father back, I would like to get my brother back.”
See what I mean? There’s clearly a huge “BUT” coming after Harry says that. I imagine it will be some version of what Harry has said before: “I would like to get my father back, I would like to get my brother back… but that’s impossible, because they’ve made it clear that there will be no accountability.”
Anna Kendrick has a new film out called Alice, Darling. It looks like it’s a great film but also like it will be incredibly difficult to watch. Anna plays Alice, who is in a psychologically abusive relationship with Simon. Her friends suspect/know something is wrong, but they can’t get through to Alice. Watching the trailer made my stomach turn. If the trailer is triggering, I can only imagine what the film is like. You can see the trailer here. Unfortunately, the reason Anna is so convincing in her role as Alice is because she was drawing on personal experience. Anna received the script soon after getting out of an emotionally abusive relationship. The movie was so similar to what she had gone through, that Anna said if it wasn’t being filmed several months from when she read it, she risked being retraumatized. But she had the space and supportive cast and director, which kept her safe. So they were able to tell the story in a way that may help others.
Anna Kendrick’s latest film, “Alice, Darling,” didn’t need an emotional abuse consultant. Its emotional abuse consultant was Anna Kendrick.
Lead actor and executive producer Kendrick had recently come out of an emotionally abusive relationship of her own when she was sent the screenplay, written by Alanna Francis, which details the experience of a woman struggling, while on vacation with two close friends, to come to terms with the fact that she’s been psychologically abused by her boyfriend.
“I really related to Alice’s obsessive mind,” Kendrick told The Times. The script had a line in which Alice wishes she could purify her thoughts, and although Kendrick didn’t have that same thought, she remembers writing in her journal, “I’m just going to try a little harder. If I could just get it right, if I could make it perfect, if I could just say it in the perfect way, I’ll be OK.”
“It’s this totally irrational hope that if I’m just a little bit better, I’ll be safe. It’s like having a pair of pliers on your heart,” she said.
“Alice, Darling,” opening in Los Angeles Friday, was filmed in June and July of 2021, only six months after Kendrick received the script. But with the help of her therapist, a protective cast and crew, and director Mary Nighy’s offer to provide help if things got too intense, Kendrick felt safe. She explained that this was crucial, because when part of your original trauma is being invalidated, you want to surround yourself with people who understand.
She said she told Nighy that she’d rather have 1 in 10 people watch the movie and think, “Simon was a jerk, but don’t be so dramatic,” rather than have a moment where he shoves Alice into a wall so everybody gets on the same page that he’s an abusive bad guy. “That was a big part of my problem. ‘Well he never hit me and I’m not really afraid that he’s going to hit me. How do I discern between normal conflict and abuse? Why is my body in so much fear all of the time? Why do I wake up feeling like he’s in bed next to me and wondering, ‘OK, do I have 30 seconds before I start performing or … ?’”
Kendrick discussed how living in an abusive relationship creates so much self-doubt that people question their own reality. She describes it as, “He’s so convinced that I am a monster that I can’t see how I am not.”
During the final stages of editing, Kendrick urged Nighy to “pull back” even further, recounting an early conversation with co-star Wunmi Mosaku about why they liked Francis’ script. “I said that I love that it really relied on Alice’s experience rather than cataloging evidence of the behavior from Simon,” Kendrick recalled. “Wunmi said, ‘But Anna, you’re the evidence.’”
At this point in our phone interview, Kendrick cuts herself off and starts apologizing. It takes a beat to realize she’s crying.
“I was begging Mary, ‘Can Alice be the evidence?’” Kendrick said. “Because not only do I want us to not make a movie that’s already been made, but personally, I need to trust that I’m the evidence. Part of it was like, if you can’t trust Alice, then I can’t trust myself. So it was really, really important that the movie relied so heavily on just staying with Alice.”
She also resisted any implication that physical abuse was only a matter of time: “You don’t have to believe that it might get physical for you to feel like you’re allowed to leave, that you deserve to be treated better, deserve to feel safe.”
“I need to trust that I’m the evidence… if you can’t trust Alice, then I can’t trust myself,” reading that caught in my throat. Anna detailed the ways that director Mary Nighy and her castmates supported her, and how her therapist helped her get through the filming but my gawd, this must have been so difficult. Kaniehtiio Horn, who plays one of the two friends trying to rescue Alice, admitted she has also been in many emotional and other abusive relationships. And reading above how Wunmi Mosaku understood Anna’s experience, it sounds like it was a very safe place for Anna to tell this story.
I think it’s important too, because as the excerpt emphasizes, they made a concerted effort for there not to be any evidence of physical abuse. They took out a scene where Alice removes her shirt and has bruises on her. Mary and Anna both said they realized there will be those who don’t “see” the abuse because we’ve been conditioned to accept physical abuse as wrong but we aren’t taught the other kinds of abuse. So they really wanted to show what non-physical abuse can look like, which goes back to Anna asking for Alice to be the evidence instead of having her thrown into a wall. Mary said a clinical psychologist came up to her at the Toronto Film Festival and said she believes they may save lives with the film as a result. I feel horrible for Anna knowing this film cut so close to the bone. But I admire the fact that she was willing to put it up on screen to help someone who hasn’t gotten out of a bad relationship yet.
Photo credit: Cover Images and Instagram
Yesterday, we discussed the reports that Jeremy Renner had been hospitalized on New Year’s Day following a snow plow accident around Renner’s Lake Tahoe home. While the tabloids have been reporting on increasingly gruesome details from the accident, I’m going to try to keep it relatively simple and above-board. From what we can gather, the snow plow ran over part of Renner’s body, and one of Renner’s neighbors (a doctor) applied a tourniquet to Renner’s leg. The sheriff’s deputies coordinated an airlift to the closest hospital. Reportedly, Renner’s injuries are quite extensive. Renner’s rep released a statement saying that Jeremy had two surgeries on Monday and that he remains in critical condition.
Jeremy Renner underwent surgery Monday after a snowplow accident. After sustaining injuries on his property in Reno, Nevada, on New Year’s Day, the actor was taken into surgery on Monday.
In a statement sent to PEOPLE, Renner’s representative says, “We can confirm that Jeremy has suffered blunt chest trauma and orthopedic injuries and has undergone surgery today, January 2nd 2023. He has returned from surgery and remains in the intensive care unit in critical but stable condition.”
The statement adds, “Jeremy’s family would like to express their gratitude to the incredible doctors and nurses looking after him, Truckee Meadows Fire and Rescue, Washoe County Sheriff, Reno City Mayor Hillary Schieve and the Carano and Murdock families. They are also tremendously overwhelmed and appreciative of the outpouring of love and support from his fans.”
“Blunt chest trauma and orthopedic injuries”- holy yikes. I take that to mean multiple broken bones, blood loss and just… pain and tragedy all around. What an incredibly scary accident. He’s apparently in stable condition but it also sounds like there are some serious concerns.
Rest in peace, Barbara Walters. [Dlisted]
A burger joint’s gay iconography. [OMG Blog]
Review of Welcome to Chippendales. [Pajiba]
Marjorie Taylor Greene’s very secretive divorce settlement. [Towleroad]
The Fug Girls’ favorite red-carpet looks of 2022. [Go Fug Yourself]
Don Lemon missed the NYE countdown live on CNN because he was backing that ass up (and because he couldn’t hear producers). [Seriously OMG]
Gawker’s favorite stories of 2022. [Gawker]
M3GAN’s producers defend the PG-13 rating. [Just Jared]
The fashion critics’ best looks of 2022. [RCFA]
Jenna Ortega’s career is going gangbusters these days. [Egotastic]
People share their creepy or paranormal stories. [Buzzfeed]
I also wish winter muffs would come back into style. [Jezebel]
Prince Harry’s Spare will not be serialized in any newspaper or media outlet ahead of the memoir’s release on January 10th. I took that to mean that Penguin Random House was also keeping a close-hold on advance copies too – we know (for sure) that Kensington Palace and Buckingham Palace requested advance copies of the book and the palaces were turned down. I wonder if book critics will get copies and when they receive those copies. I bring this up because the Times of London’s “media editor” Rosamund Urwin had a piece in the Sunday Times in which “sources with knowledge of the book” were spilling some details. Who are these sources? Sources at Penguin Random House? Sources who have actually seen Spare? Or just… random royal commentators talking amongst themselves? You decide! Some highlights from this Times piece:
‘Spare’ isn’t an attack on King Charles: The Duke of Sussex’s memoir is expected to let the King off lightly — and focus more on his frosty relationship with the Prince of Wales. A source with knowledge of the book, which will be published on January 10, told The Sunday Times they did not see how the brothers’ relationship could ever recover. “Generally, I think the book [will be] worse for them than the royal family is expecting,” they said. “Everything is laid bare. Charles comes out of it better than I had expected, but it’s tough on William, in particular, and even Kate gets a bit of a broadside. There are these minute details, and a description of the fight between the brothers. I personally can’t see how Harry and William will be able to reconcile after this.”
‘Spare’ focuses a lot on Princess Diana: The source added that the book explores in depth Harry’s grief about his mother’s death: “The overall impression is that this is a man who has never recovered from the trauma of his mother dying so young, and then along comes Meghan and he projects on to her a parallel with Diana.”
A royal commentator has thoughts: Ingrid Seward, the editor-in-chief of Majesty magazine and a royal biographer, said she thought the publisher, Penguin Random House (PRH), would be pleased with its focus on Diana. “He’s got a very good ghost who will write well about feelings, and I think it’s totally fair that Harry should talk about his mother, because everybody else in the world has and they’ve sort of taken her over,” said Seward. “The publisher will know that Diana sells. And you don’t have to say too much — because whatever he says is coming from him.”
Future projects: This book is not even close to being the end of the “H and M” show, either. Alongside further projects for Netflix, the $20 million deal the Sussexes struck with PRH is understood to be for four books in total. The others are currently thought to be a wellness-focused tome by the duchess, a book about leadership and philanthropy, and potentially a Meghan memoir too.
Harry’s interviews: The duke will give one major television interview to broadcasters on each side of the Atlantic. In the UK, Tom Bradby, who presents the ITV News at Ten and has known Harry for more than two decades, has landed the scoop. Bradby, 55, became close to both brothers while he was a royal correspondent in the 1990s, and his documentary revealed Meghan’s mental health turmoil. The interview is understood to have been recorded in California, and while its broadcast date is not yet confirmed, it is pencilled in for next Sunday, two days before the book hits the shelves. ITV is tipped to trail the interview from Monday. ITV will have had to negotiate over the timings with the broadcasting giant CBS, which won the US exclusive and will take precedence.
Harry might be interviewed by the New York Times? The book will not have a newspaper serialisation in the UK, with a source at PRH saying it felt unnecessary given “the book would sell without one”. Publishing sources say they expect him to give at least one newspaper interview; the New York Times, in which his wife wrote about her miscarriage in 2020, could be a potential home for it in the US.
I think I’m more excited about Harry’s promotion for Spare than reading the actual memoir? I don’t know – I’ve been trying to tamp down my expectations for Spare because we don’t know if Harry was in burn-it-all-down mode. He spent so much time writing it, I feel like it will be more contemplative and therapeutic more than a dishy tell-all. But I feel like his promotional interviews could get really, really good. Like, some fascinating gossip, especially if Tom Bradby and Anderson Cooper ask Harry about his treatment around his grandmother’s death and her funeral, and whether he’s asked specifically about the racism within the family. Now, I am curious about whether the Times’s “source” is correct about some “broadsides” on William and Kate. Fingers crossed!
Here’s the teaser for Harry’s 60 Minutes interview!!
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images, Instar, ‘Spare’ cover.
The Princess of Wales’s 41st birthday is coming up next Monday. I bet we get some birthday keenery, but it won’t be the wall-to-wall mess that we got last year for her 40th. Remember all of that? The PR shop out of Middleton Manor kept f–king up their messaging and they made everything about how Kate is better than Meghan because she copies Meghan, and how Kate is the only person holding the royal family together and Kate is the only one who can soothe her angry, incandescent husband. Skip ahead a year and Kate is such a non-entity within the family, even royal reporters are treating her like she’s already divorced from William. All of which means that someone thought it was time to remind people that William and Kate are really together (lol) and they enjoy family time with their kids (sure).
The Prince and Princess of Wales were spotted treating their children Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis to a family visit to Lapland UK last week. The royal couple were seen leaving the Ascot-based festive attraction by an eagle-eyed fan, accompanied by their Norland nanny Maria Teresa Turrion Borrallo. The Christmas theme park boasts reindeer, a toy factory, a magical forest and shops and is hugely popular with families every year – and it seems the Waleses are no exception!
According to the fan account that shared the news, Princess Charlotte and Prince George were seen clutching matching cuddly toys following their visit to the toy factory, taking home their very own Lepi the Snow Leopard after helping make the stuffed animals.
Princess Kate flew under the radar in an all-black ensemble, rocking a belted coat, turtleneck jumper and matching bobble hat. Meanwhile, Prince William sported blue jeans, a padded jacket and a matching khaki flap cap, carrying another cuddly toy under one arm – presumably belonging to little Louis.
I wonder if they arrived separately, which has been happening an awful lot lately. Nothing says rehearsed and prearranged family time like some social media leaks and a glowing write-up in Hello. But wait, it gets better! Because Aston Martin sent William their new Welsh-made car for a weekend test drive, and the Sun is convinced that William was zipping around Norfolk with Kate. Sure!
Prince William treated Kate to a James Bond-style weekend after being gifted a top-of-the-range Aston Martin for a weekend test drive. The Prince of Wales, 40, took the proudly Welsh-built Aston Martin DBX707 – the world’s fastest SUV – for a spin around Norfolk. The motor was one of thousands rolling off the production line at the four-year old factory in South Wales – creating almost 1,000 jobs. The £189,000 luxury SUV is the first Welsh-built production car in more than 50 years.
James Bond has driven four different Aston-Martins in the movie franchise but the 193mph DBX707 has yet to feature. Wills, 40, was compared to secret agent Bond when he wore a green velvet tuxedo and black bottleneck to his £50million Earthshot prize last year.
An insider said: “The delivery of the car was an operation worthy of the secret service in itself. It was very hush-hush. But he was spotted behind the wheel buzzing round the tight and winding country lanes of North Norfolk. It is not a coincidence the car was one that was built in Wales by Welsh workers. William had the Aston for the whole weekend. He got to experience life like James Bond for a few days. The only difference is, unlike 007, William had to hand the car back at the end of the weekend.”
Wills is not planning an investiture like his father and he and Kate are currently learning Welsh.
Double-O PEG! It doesn’t sound like Kate was in the car at all? It sounds like people saw William buzzing around Norfolk, probably on his way to Houghton Hall. Or somewhere else! Now that he’s the Duke of Cornwall, he has access to tons of properties. I’m sure he’s got some kind of Norfolk love nest/separation home.
Also: I wonder if or when we’ll actually see William and Kate in January. They do love to take a post-holiday vacation, but even more than that, they love taking the whole month of January off.
Last week, Courtney Love was interviewed by Marc Maron on the WTF Podcast. Her interview went viral because Courtney Love is… Courtney Love. But there was a particular moment which made headlines all over the place, which was Love’s story about dating Edward Norton in the late 1990s, and Norton getting Love cast as Marla in Fight Club. According to Love, Brad Pitt fought her casting because Love wouldn’t sign over the rights to Pitt to make a Kurt Cobain bio-pic. Love’s version of events is that Pitt got her fired and he harassed her for years about getting the rights to make a Cobain bio-pic. Well, Pitt’s people denied Love’s story and then she doubled down in a post-podcast statement:
According to Courtney Love, she got fired from “Fight Club” after rejecting Brad Pitt’s pitch for a Kurt Cobain movie. Love said she “went nuclear” on Pitt after he and director Gus Van Sant approached her about making a Kurt Cobain movie. Love and Cobain married in 1992 and they were together until his death in 1994 at age 27. Van Sant eventually made the Cobain-inspired drama “Last Days,” starring Michael Pitt, but Love said this wasn’t the project Pitt and the director wanted her approval on.
“I wouldn’t let Brad play Kurt,” Love said. “I went nuclear. I don’t do Faust. Who the f–k do you think are?” Love added that she told Pitt the following: “I don’t know if I trust you and I don’t know that your movies are for profit. They’re really good social justice movies, but…if you don’t get me, you kind of don’t get Kurt, and I don’t feel like you do, Brad.”
It was after rejecting Pitt’s Cobain movie that Love was then fired from “Fight Club,” she said. According to Love, Norton broke the news to her. The two were romantic partners at the time. “He starts sobbing,” Love told Maron. “And he was like, ‘I don’t have the power!’”
A source close to the film confirmed to Variety that Love did audition for the role in “Fight Club” but said she was not offered the part. “You cannot be fired for a job you didn’t get,” the source added. “It’s common knowledge that roles are not decided by other actors but by the director.”
In an Instagram post on Friday, Love stood by her comments on Maron’s podcast, writing that “every word” she said is “factual.”
“Brad pushed me a bridge too far. I don’t like the way he does business or wields his power. It’s a simple fact, and it started during the production of ‘Fight Club,’” Love wrote. “It’s a movie. Indeed, I passed on better roles than [sic] that. Who cares? The point is Brad kept on stalking me about Kurt.” Love went on to claim that she rejected Pitt’s pitch for a Cobain biopic again in 2020, and felt she “was not heard” and “ignored” during the meeting.
“I had no plans to bring it up with Marc Maron but up it came,” Love wrote. “I told the story because I felt Pitt would not stop pursuing Kurt — unless I said it in public…. I don’t want Brad to be pissed off at me and become his resentment. I want him to do better. I’m not into assault. Cmon brother Pitt. I wish you well, truly. If he’s mad at me, that’s his problem. I enjoy him as a movie star immensely. Not so much as a biopic producer.”
I think it’s probably more than possible that Love is telling the truth about most – if not all – of this. It was well-documented at the time that Pitt was interested in doing a Cobain bio-pic. It’s true that Love got approached by many different actors, directors and producers over the years. It’s true that Love had/has a good radar for who’s full of sh-t in Hollywood (she was saying sh-t about Harvey Weinstein years and years before he was officially outed). Given what we know now about the sh-tty ways in which Brad Pitt does business, does anyone have an issue believing that Pitt tried to bully Love into giving him the rights? I don’t. I also think that there really has been some kind of shift in how Pitt is perceived and spoken about.
Jason Knauf was a senior royal staffer at Kensington Palace for years. He was the communications guy for KP before Prince Harry even met then-Meghan Markle. Knauf advised the Sussexes and the Cambridges for a time, then when the Sussexes split from KP, Knauf stayed with William and Kate. In those years, Harry and Meghan first considered Knauf an ally and a friend. Then Knauf began working against them – Knauf was clearly doing William and Kate’s dirty work on the Sussexes as early as mid-2018. By the fall of 2018, Knauf was writing letters to Simon Case, claiming that Meghan “bullied” staffers by looking at them. Knauf was also involved with a lot of f–ksh-t with Thomas Markle, the extent of which we probably only know a fraction of. In recent years, Knauf was pushed out of the main employ of KP and the Royal Foundation, but he’s still a trustee for Earthshot and, clearly, he’s still a sort of informal advisor/henchman for William. Knauf also turned over evidence against Meghan in her lawsuit against the Mail – meaning, Knauf gave evidence to HELP the Daily Mail, which was relitigated once again in Netflix’s Harry & Meghan. Well, good news for Jason Knauf: he’s being given a big honor by the Windsors.
A former royal aide who raised complaints of bullying against the Duchess of Sussex from staff has been recognised for his service to the Crown in the New Year Honours. Jason Knauf has been made a Lieutenant of the Royal Victorian Order (RVO) after working for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and later the then Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.
Honours within the RVO are the King’s gift and are bestowed independently of Downing Street to people who have served the monarch or the Royal family in a personal way.
In 2018, while working for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex as their communications secretary, he emailed his concerns about Meghan to William’s then-private secretary, in an apparent attempt to force Buckingham Palace to protect staff. The Duchess’s legal team have strenuously denied the allegation.
In the Sussexes’ recent Netflix documentary series, Meghan’s lawyer claimed Mr Knauf, who subsequently worked as the chief executive of William and Kate’s Royal Foundation before leaving the royal household at the end of 2021, could not have given evidence in the Duchess’s copyright lawsuit against a newspaper publisher “without the authority of his bosses”.
During his time at the Royal Foundation, Mr Knauf oversaw the launch of the Foundation’s Earthshot Prize – William’s ambitious £50 million environmental prize, now an independent charity, which recognises solutions, ideas and technologies that “repair the planet”.
“… After working for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and later the then Duke and Duchess of Cambridge….” Again, no. Knauf worked for William, Harry and Kate for several years. Then Harry married Meghan in 2018, and Knauf only worked “for” Meghan for less than a year. Whenever royal reporters claim that they’ve heard [insert-negative-story] “from Sussex staffers,” they mean Jason Knauf. There has been a very conscious effort to soften Knauf’s smear work on behalf of William and Kate by blatantly lying about who he works for and what he’s actually done. Make no mistake: this honor is specifically for Knauf’s work with William and Kate. Knauf was one of the Tory stiffs who put together Earthshot so William would have at least one big, keen project. Knauf was the one orchestrating the Cambridges’ campaigns against Harry and Meghan. Knauf is such a sleazeball. It’s disgusting that he’s getting this honor.
Last night, 60 Minutes dropped the teaser for Prince Harry’s interview. Anderson Cooper apparently went to sunny Montecito to interview Harry before Christmas, and the interview will air on next Sunday’s 60 Minutes (which comes on at 7 pm EST). Here’s the teaser:
Something which struck me – and it’s the striking thing about Harry’s participation in interviews – is that Harry is his own man, Harry knows what he wants to say, Harry isn’t afraid to go on the record, Harry doesn’t need to be fed talking points or have staff interfere to massage coverage. Harry wanted to speak to Oprah, so he did. Harry knew exactly what he wanted to say and not say to Hoda Kotb. Harry called Gayle King to give an update after the Oprah interview. And now this, Harry sitting down with Anderson Cooper on one of the most prestigious magazine journalism programs in America. Some will say “well, Prince William would never be allowed to do that!” William could choose to speak whenever he wanted to, on the record, in an interview to clear the air about anything. William doesn’t – he prefers to be “managed” by his Tory handlers, likely because those Tory handlers worry about how badly William would come across in a loose interview setting. Speaking of, William’s Tory handlers are back to crying about how the brothers’ relationship is “hanging by a thread.”
The relationship between the Prince of Wales and his estranged brother is ‘hanging by a thread’ ahead of the publication of Harry’s tell-all memoir, sources have said. Insiders fear the strained relationship between the brothers is likely to be further damaged by attacks on Prince William and his wife Kate in the controversial book, due out next week.
Sources say that while the King is deeply hurt and bewildered by Harry’s actions, he is still keen to keep a line of communication open, however guarded. ‘Whether Prince William would be so receptive is another question,’ one source said. ‘Things are hanging by a thread as it is after the past few months, and from the sounds of it Harry’s memoir is unlikely to help.’
The Daily Mail has previously reported that while friends find it hard to believe that the brothers will never talk again after all they have been through, William feels betrayed and angered by his brother’s constant attacks on the Royal Family. There is also deep concern that anything they say privately could be made public by Harry or Meghan.
Royal sources have literally been whining about the state of the brothers’ relationship for years and Harry keeps talking. You know why Harry keeps talking? Because he doesn’t give a sh-t about supplicating himself to his brother’s ego. Harry has made it clear over and over again: William screwed him over, William attacked Meghan, William needs to be held to account. The British media refuses to pull at any of those threads, they stick with their royal sources (William’s people), who keep telling them the same version of “William will never forgive Harry!”
Update: OMG, 60 minutes just released this clip!! OMG.
For years now, Jeremy Renner has maintained a big property – perhaps even a compound – in Reno, Nevada, on Lake Tahoe. He spends more time at the Lake Tahoe property than he does in LA, and Renner has always talked about how hands-on he is with home and property maintenance. As in, he loves mucking about with chainsaws, earthmovers and, as it turns out, snow plows. Renner had some kind of snow plow accident on his property on Sunday and he’s now in critical condition at a hospital.
Jeremy Renner is “in critical but stable condition” after a snow plow accident, his rep confirms to PEOPLE.
The Marvel actor, 51, sustained injuries “after experiencing a weather-related accident while plowing snow earlier today,” his rep said Sunday. “His family is with him and he is receiving excellent care.” Deadline was first to report the news of his accident.
Renner is best known for playing Hawkeye in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, beginning with Thor (2011) and The Avengers (2012). He most recently played the character in the Disney+ series Hawkeye. Renner was nominated for an Academy Award for his performances in The Hurt Locker (2008) and The Town (2010). He has also appeared in Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol (2011), American Hustle (2013) and Mission: Impossible — Rogue Nation (2015). The actor is currently starring in the Taylor Sheridan series Mayor of Kingstown on Paramount+.
God, that’s awful. I wonder what kind of accident it was, and I wonder if Renner fell off the plow, or whether he was run over by his own plow? Some of those smaller plows are pretty zippy, so I can see how someone could really get hurt if they were speeding along and accidentally hit a tree stump or something. Renner has talked before about how active he is in his Tahoe community, how supportive he is of local fire stations and how he helps his neighbors. It would not surprise me at all if, following a big snowfall, Renner took it on himself to plow the local roads.