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Jake Gyllenhaal was in London this week accompanied by a woman he met recently that British gossips have identified as Anna Liban. They went out for lunch. It looked like a flirty lunch. He had his hand in her hair. And they dressed the same. So I guess we have to stop talking about him and Rache…      

Jake Gyllenhaal was in London this week accompanied by a woman he met recently that British gossips have identified as Anna Liban. They went out for lunch. It looked like a flirty lunch. He had his hand in her hair. And they dressed the same. So I guess we have to stop talking about him and Rache…      


Reality star Kendra Wilkinson shared a shot of husband Hank Baskett and their son little Hank, 5, via Instagram Thursday.

“Lil Hank has always wanted to come to NY and finally we made it happen,” Kendra captioned the father-son photo.

The Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars couple – who are also parents to 1-year-old daughter Alijah – are enjoying a family trip in the Big Apple.

Kendra added: “He especially loved the helicopter tour though. Thank you @nyonair for an experience he’ll never forget. #flynyon #nyc.”

In a series of images, the former Girls Next Door star, 30, shared more family photos. Check out our gallery to see the Wilkinson-Basketts!

Hiking as a family and finding a random tree swing, being in the moment and not letting one distraction in this cold world to get to us is what true happiness and success feels like to me.

A photo posted by @kendra_wilkinson_baskett on May 21, 2015 at 10:58am PDT

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Bill Pohlad, a producer who has overseen such films as Brokeback Mountain, Into the Wild, Tree of Life, and 12 Years a Slave, as well as the musically inclined biopic The Runaways, makes his directorial debut (technically a sophomore effort as his original debut was canned in the early 1990s) wit…      

Bill Pohlad, a producer who has overseen such films as Brokeback Mountain, Into the Wild, Tree of Life, and 12 Years a Slave, as well as the musically inclined biopic The Runaways, makes his directorial debut (technically a sophomore effort as his original debut was canned in the early 1990s) wit…      

Bill Pohlad, a producer who has overseen such films as Brokeback Mountain, Into the Wild, Tree of Life, and 12 Years a Slave, as well as the musically inclined biopic The Runaways, makes his directorial debut (technically a sophomore effort as his original debut was canned in the early 1990s) wit…      


At the airport about to leave for Europe, listening to ‘See You Again’ and thinking about how much I’ll miss my cats. pic.twitter.com/3yDZo3TPLA

— Taylor Swift (@taylorswift13) June 17, 2015

GAH!! I have no shade for Taylor Swift’s adorable kitties. Olivia and Meredith are the best things about Taylor Swift. Just seeing this adorable kitty (I think that’s Olivia?) sprawled out on Tay-Tay is enough for me. Moar kitties! I’m also including some photos of Taylor, below, at LAX yesterday. She was flying to another show, because that’s her schedule these days. She takes a block of time off in the middle of the week and usually just has concerts on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. It’s a good way to tour if you’re Tay-Tay. But it’s bad for Olivia and Meredith because mom leaves them behind. Poor kitties – first they had to deal with Calvin Harris and now they are being abandoned!

What else is going on? People are still talking about Swifty’s harness – which we saw in photos yesterday – and whether it was some kind of new fashion trend. Like, we’re all going to start wearing harnesses for the hell of it.

And finally, I think we can safely say that Taylor Swift has nothing to be worried about from Madonna’s Lady Squad. It was surprising how quickly Madonna’s video launch for “Bitch I’m Madonna” became about a side-by-side comparison and Squad Girlfight between Swifty and Madge. But if it was a competetion, I have to say… Swifty won. Her “Bad Blood” video was better, without question. “Bad Blood” had production value and Swifty’s squad actually came out for her. Madonna’s squad literally phoned it in.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.


Zac Efron’s been shooting Mike And Dave Need Wedding Dates in Hawaii. On Tuesday he was on set in a wrestling suit, cupping himself. This is more for you than it is for me because Zac is not my flavour, although he’s been trying so hard to make himself everyone’s flavour with his ripped body, on …      

Zac Efron’s been shooting Mike And Dave Need Wedding Dates in Hawaii. On Tuesday he was on set in a wrestling suit, cupping himself. This is more for you than it is for me because Zac is not my flavour, although he’s been trying so hard to make himself everyone’s flavour with his ripped body, on …      


Here are some photos of Channing Tatum and Matt Bomer on a float during the LA Gay Pride Parade last weekend. On one side, I absolutely love that Channing is still and has always been such a strong LGBTQ ally. On the other side, he looks like a drunk frat bro that accidentally wandered into the Pride Parade and just decided to dance for fun. All that being said… SO cute. Very cute. Anyway, Channing is going Full Charming Potato these days to hustle for Magic Mike XXL. And yesterday, he sat down for a Reddit AMA – you can read the full piece here. The highlights are pretty amazing.

His penis’s nickname: “Gilbert.”

How long it took for him to type “hahahaha” in an email revealed in the Sony Hack: “I’m sure exactly how long. I hit the h and a for a long time before I realized I could copy and paste. I’m not the most tech savvy person around but it did become a lot easier and faster.”

His three desert island items: “How about a magical seashell that’s always filled with bourbon. And I would like magical palm tree that had a lot of shade with instead of coconuts there’s just peanut butter jelly sandwiches with cheetos underneath. And my wife that is always happy and possibly naked.”

Whether he gets lost in Matt Bomer’s eyes: “Absof———klutely. no matter if you’re a man, woman, cat, hamster, you will get lost in matt bomer’s eyes. I don’t know what they are made of outside of dreams and rainbows and amazingness but it truly doesn’t matter. And when he sings. It’s like god gave with both hands and then grew a third hand and graced him with more. he’s crazy talented.”

His favorite Disney character: “I like the broom from Fantasia.”

His relationship with Jonah Hill: “Jonah is one of those people who if you just sit back and just watch him you in no way shape or form can understand how he’s doing what he’s doing. He’s the fastest most quickest wittiest person I’ve ever met. And I think people when they think of comedic actors they forget that they are people with a point of view and experiences and depth. And Jonah is one of the most sensitive and deep people i know. And that’s why I think he can be a comedic actor and a deep actor as well.

Whether he was the guy in “the Sea-Tac airport at the Chili’s restaurant looking for a beer but Idless”: “That absolute was me. Because I love Chili’s. And no one believed me that i got into an airport without my id. I just wanted a beer and some chicken crisps, and i actually couldn’t get either of them for a while, because i remember you guys didn’t have chicken crisps either! what’s a Chili’s without chicken crisps?

His favorite ice cream: “it’s kind of boring. Cookie Dough. But then you can put cookie dough on just about anything and I would eat it.”

[From Reddit]

I’m always reminded, whenever Channing talks about food, that he has the soul of a “fat kid”. He said that in an interview once, that if he didn’t have to keep it tight for work, he would just lay around and eat cake, ice cream and fried everything all the time. I believe that Channing has a cookie dough problem and that he goes into random chain restaurants looking for chicken crisps and chili fries.

And yes, even straight dudes crush on Matt Bomer.


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.


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