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Jessa Duggar Shares Baby Bump Photo

Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities

Mom-to-be Jessa Duggar shared an updated baby bump photo via Instagram Sunday.

“#BabySeewald is growing fast!” she captioned the image. “Already practicing swallowing, sucking a thumb, and actively moving arms and legs! So excited at the feeling of these first baby kicks!”

At 20 weeks along, the 19 Kids and Counting star, 22, is seen wearing a black T-shirt with her long hair in a side braid.

The reality star also posted an ultrasound video of her first baby with husband Ben Seewald, set to Andrew Peterson’s 2010 song, World Traveler.

The Instagram image comes amid a child molestation scandal involving brother Josh Duggar, 27, who sexually assaulted Jessa and sister Jill when he was a teenager.

“Like in Josh’s case, he was a boy, a young boy in puberty and a little too curious about girls,” Jessa said. “And that got him into to some trouble.”

#BabySeewald is growing fast! Already practicing swallowing, sucking a thumb, and actively moving arms and legs! So excited at the feeling of these first baby kicks! #UltrasoundVideo #20Weeks –with @ben_seewald “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them. How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I would count them, they are more than the sand. I awake, and I am still with you.” – Psalm 139:13-18

A video posted by Jessa Seewald (@jessaseewald) on Jun 14, 2015 at 10:59am PDT



SPOILERS for last night’s season finale of Game of Thrones.

I did the full recap of the season finale earlier – go here to read. This post is just specifically about the “death” of one particular character. One character who we thought was really, really important. One character who we thought would survive because it would make no sense if he did not survive. That character? Jon Snow, who knows nothing. Isn’t Jon Snow too important to die? Isn’t Jon Snow the product of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen? Isn’t he the song of ice and fire? Doesn’t he eventually have to meet up with Dany? WHAT IS HAPPENING?

Well, different people are saying different things. To hear George RR Martin tell it, you’d think that there’s still a possibility that Jon Snow could survive. But Kit Harington wants you to know that Jon Snow is DEAD. Dan Weiss and David Benioff want you to know that Jon Snow is dead too. WTF? Here’s what some of Kit had to say:

Kit Harington likes that Jon is dead: “Like every season, you read something in the script and go, “Oh f–k.” I kind of knew it was coming. I didn’t read [George R.R. Martin’s novel] A Dance with Dragons. But I read the other books and I had heard this is what happens. So I had an inkling it should be this season. I didn’t realize it would be the final shot of the season and that made it extra special. It’s always kind of nice really when you’re the last thing that happens in that episode. I dunno, I loved it. I loved how they brought Olly in to be the person who kills me. I love how the storyline with Thorne was wrapped up. I think it was really well crafted by [showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss]. It felt like the right way for it to happen.

Kit on Jon Snow’s parents: “But we have to go by what Thrones does. And Thrones treats drama as real life. And people die and don’t accomplish what we think they’re meant to in real life. And I think that’s one of the powerful things about Thrones. The major loss with Jon’s through-line is he never finds out who his mother is and that’s the heartbreaking thing for me.”

Kit on Jon really, really being dead: “This is my understanding of it. I had a sit-down with Dan and David, we did the Tony Soprano walk [letting an actor know they’re being whacked]. And they said, “Look, you’re gone, it’s done.” And as far as the salary thing goes, that angered me when that story came out. I don’t know where it came from, but it was inaccurate in many ways. It’s going to put questions into your head and into fans’ heads that things are not what they are. Quite honestly, I have never been told the future of things in this show, but this is the one time I have. They sat me down and said, “This is how it is.” If anything in the future is not like that, then I don’t know about it – it’s only in David and Dan and George’s heads. But I’ve been told I’m dead. I’m dead. I’m not coming back next season. So that’s all I can tell you, really.”

[From Entertainment Weekly]

So Kit Harington isn’t going to appear in Game of Thrones next season. He’s saying that outright. Jesus! HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?

EW also spoke to Dan Weiss, who said “Dead is dead. We would hope that after seeing the scene and the way it’s shot that the answer to that will be unambiguous in the minds of the people watching it. It should be pretty clear what happens in by the time you’re done seeing that scene. It’s not an, ‘Oh what just happened scene?’” But George RR Martin tells EW, “If there’s one thing we know in A Song of Ice and Fire is that death is not necessarily permanent.”

Is it possible that Weiss and Benioff are just massively trolling everyone and that by the end of Season 6, Jon Snow will be back in some form? Is Jon going to turn into a White Walker? WHERE IS GHOST? Melisandre seems to have some idea that Jon Snow has “king’s blood” too, so it feels like she’s going to be in the mix somewhere. And I pretty much think that Kit is flat-out lying about not appearing in Season 6 at all.


Photos courtesy of WENN, HBO.
jon snow



Alright, here are even more photos from Prince Carl Philip’s wedding to Sofia Hellqvist. These are the official royal wedding portraits, taken after the ceremony. Sofia was still wearing her wedding gown, designed by Swedish designer Ida Sjöstedt (I covered the wedding photos on Sunday). I think my favorite out of all of these is the one with Carl Philip and Sofia with their sisters – they both have two sisters each, so it’s lovely to see such a sister-oriented photo. On Carl’s side, he has Princess Victoria and Princess Madeleine (she’s very knocked up) and on Sofia’s side, she had Lina and Sara Hellqvist.

There’s also a big wedding portrait with all of the royal guests, a simple wedding portrait with just the bride and groom (header image), a portrait with both sets of parents and a portrait with the children in the wedding. Victoria’s daughter Estelle was the littlest flower girl! Stella is everything.




I also wanted to include these photos from the pre-wedding party on Friday night, mostly because I genuinely liked Sofia’s dress here. She wore a beautiful blue Zuhair Murad gown with beading on the top. She wore her hair down and it looked very pretty. Bonus photos of Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel and their friend Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway.




Photos courtesy of WENN.



SPOILERS for the Season Finale of Game of Thrones, “Mother’s Mercy”

Well, damn. That was the darkest, most depressing season finale ever. The only bright spot was pretty much the return of Varys, and while that part of the storyline was lovely, it wasn’t enough for the awfulness. Just know: a lot of actors are doing end-of-season interviews so I’m probably going to do multiple Game of Thrones posts today. Let’s begin with the recap/discussion.

Dany’s Men in Meereen. Peter Dinklage could have chemistry with a piece of wood, so I enjoyed the bickering between Tyrion and Daario. Honestly, that would have been a lovely pairing off, but instead I think Jorah Mormont is going to give Daario Greyscale while they journey to find Dany. Daario and Jorah leave Tyrion in charge of Meereen, with Missandei and Grey Worm helping him. Am I the only who thinks that threesome is going to do really well together? And ten bucks says Tyrion develops a crush on Missandei.

The return of Varys. I just enjoyed that! I love that Varys always survives and thrives. He will be a great addition to the Meereen team too.

Dany is somewhere. Drogon is tired and injured and he just wants to rest in his favorite (?) spot, where it looks like he brings his fresh kills to savor. Dany’s all, “Seriously, we need to go back” and he’s all “nope.” So she goes off in search of food and suddenly she’s surrounded by thousands of horses and riders. So where is she? Since Tyrion had seen Drogon by Valyria, I thought he would take her there. But I think Dany is some place we haven’t seen before.

Stupid Dorne Storyline. I mean, I’m happy that something finally happened, but good God. So Ellaria Sand and the Sand Snakes finally got their revenge on the Lannisters – Ellaria gave Myrcella a long kiss goodbye, literally. Ellaria had poison on her lips and the poison killed Myrcella less than a mile from the Dornish shore. I don’t get this play, though – now the Lannisters have Prince Trystane, right? So they can hold another Martell hostage in Westeros.

Arya is not No One. Ayra ignores her duty to kill that other dude so she can kill the first person on her list, Meryn Trant. It was gory and amazing. She stuck a small blade in each of his eyes and just stabbed him repeatedly as she told him who she was and why she was killing him. It was pretty hardcore. When she returns the borrowed face back to the Hall of Faces, Jaqen H’ghar is all “I know what you did,” etc. What goes down next is pretty freaky – Jaqen takes poison but it’s not really him because he is No One and the other girl become Jaqen and then Arya goes blind. It’s all kind of crazy.

Sansa finally does something. She breaks out of her room – using the stolen corkscrew, it looks like – and finally makes her way to the Broken Tower to light a candle for Brienne, only Brienne looks away at just the wrong moment, of course. So Sansa, seeing the battle between Stannis’s army and the Bolton army play out from the tower, decides to look for a way out. Ramsey’s mistress Myranda and Reek find her and Myranda is about to shoot an arrow through some part of Sansa, I guess, when Reek finally becomes Theon and shoves Myranda off the side of the building. Theon grabs Sansa and for some reason, their only solution is to jump, Thelma & Louise-style, holding hands all the way down. It looked like quite a jump too – easily eight to ten floors. So, was it a suicide pact or something else? I really don’t even know.

Stannis gets what’s coming to him. I hoped Stannis would survive just long enough to kill Ramsey Bolton, but the Bolton forces overwhelmed Stannis’s beleaguered half-force (they even arrived on foot). Stannis barely survives the battle when Brienne of Tarth finds him. She gives him the noble speech about serving his brother and seeing the smoke monster with Stannis’s face kill Renly and he’s all, “Get to it.” So she does chop off his head. Right? We didn’t see the final moment, but I’m sure she did. Gwendoline Christie talked about Brienne’s minimal actions this season and her final moment in the finale to EW – go here to read.

Cersei’s Walk of Shame. It kills me that she’s still lying her ass off to the High Sparrow, thinking that she’s only “confessing” to what he already knows. I’m pretty sure the High Sparrow knows a lot more, but that’s an issue for next season, I suppose. So one of her punishments – along with a future trial?! – is to walk naked through the streets of King’s Landing while the commoners insult her and throw things at her. While I hate Cersei and think she’s an awful politician and queen, I think Lena Headey has brass balls for the way she played that whole scene. Lena really does deserve special recognition when it comes to handing out acting awards this season. Lena talked about the walk of shame to EW – go here to read.

The return of The Mountain. Qyburn has been working on his “special project” of reanimating, Frankenstein-like, Ser Gregor Clegane following his death at the hands of the Red Viper of Dorne (rest in peace). When Cersei finally arrived back at the Red Keep, Quburn was the first to go to her and cover her. Then he introduced her to Robert Strong, who is The Mountain. Blah.

Everything at The Wall. Oh, God. Jon Snow sends Sam, Gilly and the baby away to the Citadel so Sam can study to be a maester. Sam gets out just in time. Ser Davos pleads with Jon to give Stannis more supplies, but then Melisandre shows up and wordlessly confirms that everyone is dead. Davos only cared about Princess Shireen and Melisandre doesn’t say how Shireen actually died. So, Davos and Melisandre are definitely at the Wall when the last part goes down – Ser Alliser Thorn and some Night’s Watch brothers assassinate Jon Snow, Julius-Cesaer-style. Olly – stupid Olly!! – give the final stab. And that’s the last image of the finale… Jon Snow wordlessly bleeding out in the snow. WHERE WAS GHOST? Will Melisandre resurrect Jon? Everyone associated with the show is saying no, that Jon Snow is dead. BUT IS HE? I’ll be doing another post on this today.


Photos courtesy of HBO/GoT.


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The more we hear from Kelly Rutherford in her custody battle, the more desperate she sounds. (Which, to be fair, is how many people would feel in her situation.) Kelly has been fighting to bring her children back to live in the US with her after a judge ruled in 2012 that her son Hermes, 8, and daughter Helena, 6, could live overseas with their father, Daniel Giersch, a US citizen. In her ruling the judge cited the fact that Kelly’s lawyer was instrumental in getting her ex’s visa to the US revoked.

The judge’s ruling stated that the children could stay with their father in Monaco until the end of the school year when his visa was restored. Kelly asserts that Giersch has not applied for another visa.

In the latest twist in their ongoing custody battle, Kelly’s lawyer claims that Daniel’s side falsified an email submitted to the court from an arguably non-existent US Consulate in Berlin. The email claims that Daniel’s US visa has been revoked and that he must surrender it. Daniel’s lawyer says that the email is authentic. You can see the email on People.com and here’s part of People’s report.

Although they technically share joint custody, Giersch, who lived in Los Angeles with Rutherford, 46, before their breakup, left the country in 2012 when his U.S. visa was revoked. So Rutherford has had to travel back and forth to Europe to see her children – by her count, more than 70 times.

But on Thursday, her legal team dropped a bombshell, alleging that an email the German businessman submitted during the 2012 trial about his visa being revoked was falsified.

“We brought to the California court’s attention for the first time today, the fact that a fraudulent email purporting to be sent to the children’s father by the U.S. Embassy in Berlin was submitted to the court in 2012 to justify the California court’s initial decision to make the children leave the United States and reside abroad,” attorney Wendy Murphy, who has been representing the children on behalf of Rutherford in federal court, said in a statement to PEOPLE.

Despite those claims, a Los Angeles judge declined to consider the matter Thursday during a teleconference discussing whether California or Monaco should have jurisdiction.

“Shockingly, the judge today ignored that evidence that that email was forged, though the record is clear that the email was never authenticated by either the father or the court, and it is abundantly clear that the document is not authentic as it is signed by the ‘US Consulate in Berlin’ and there is NO consulate in Berlin – there is only an embassy,” Murphy said. “The idea that a fraudulent document would lead to the forced exile of American citizens is unconscionable.”

However, Giersch’s attorney Fahi Takesh Hallin shot down the allegation.

“As our papers filed today indicate, the visa revocation was unfortunately very real,” Hallin told PEOPLE in a statement.

No one is denying that Giersch’s visa was revoked, Murphy says: The question is whether the language in the email he submitted to the court is accurate.

Murphy claims an expert pointed out three irregularities in the note: It’s signed by the U.S. embassy in Berlin but there is only a consulate in the German capital, and there is no date of visa revocation or date the visa was issued.

[From People]

It’s true that there is no US Consulate in Berlin. There is an embassy on Clayalee in Zehlendorf, I used to live in Berlin and have been there to renew my passport. The embassy is often referred to as the consulate by locals. There is a “Consular Section” of that embassy, as this email references correctly, and I was also able to confirm that the originating email address, ConsBerlin@state.gov, exists. I looked for example emails from ConsBerlin to see if I could verify that they would sign off an email as “U.S. Consulate Berlin” and all I found was this email from a Consular Assistant. So it’s unclear from my brief research and minor personal experience whether there’s evidence that this email could be valid.

We do know of course that Giersch’s visa was revoked, and that Rutherford’s lawyer was responsible. Maybe that explains why the judge allegedly ignored this claim that the email was faked. That plus all the other claims that Rutherford has made over the years.

The Daily Beast has a new interview with Kelly, which includes veiled accusations that Giersch was planning to abscond with the children all along. She claims that he “kept pressuring me to get [Hermes] a German passport” when the baby was six months old. I married a German guy and we got our son a German passport a few months after he was born. This is just what you do when your child has a parent from another country so that they have the advantage of dual citizenship. Kelly of course never mentions the key fact that she’s the one who had the guy barred from the country.

Kelly also makes it sound in that interview as if Giersch had shady business deals and was using her for her money and fame. He is somewhat litigious, he won a lawsuit against Google to retain the rights to the Gmail name in the EU, which he trademarked in 2000. He also developed an app called Blipcard that allows people to send physical postcards from digital photos.

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Prince William and Prince Harry played a charity polo match on Sunday at the Beaufort Polo Club in Tetbury. It was the Gigaset Charity Polo Match. Surprisingly, Duchess Kate and Prince George made an appearance! I wonder if this counts as a royal event? Hm. Anyway, this was a pretty great “just like us” moment for the Cambridges, reminiscent of giving an expensive toy to a child and they just want to play with the box. George was surrounded by family, horses and tons of other kids to play with and all he wanted to do was slide down a grassy hill repeatedly. Classic! To her credit, Kate just let George be George, and she played with him on the hill and let him have fun.

It really was a big royal showing at this event too – Harry and Will were playing, as I said, and Prince Charles came out to see his sons. Zara Phillips and her daughter Mia Tindall were there. Zara’s brother Peter Phillips was there with his wife Autumn and their two kids, Savannah and Isla. According to one photographer, George saw his second cousins playing on that grassy hill and he wanted to do it too.

Photographer James Whatling says, “[George] was playing on the bank. He was walking up the steps and then tried sliding down the bank. The older ones like Savannah was doing it so he wanted to do it too. He was sliding down and Kate joined him, trying to support him as he did.”

The lively toddler also tried his hand at picking up a polo mallet and trying to hit a polo ball, and when he spotted a white ball, he kicked it. At one point, as he dashed out to the ball, Kate ran after him as he was getting close to the polo ground.

[From People]

Do you think someone finally got through to Kate that people really want to see George and not just every nine months during a tour in another country? I mean, I get that Will and Kate don’t want their children front and center all the time and that’s fine. But George and Charlotte ARE royal children, supported by taxpayers. While I hope that we’ll be seeing more of George now that he’s getting older, I do worry that this weekend will be the last we see of him in, like, eight months’ time.

Also: George was thankfully not dressed as Little Lord Fauntleroy in knee-high socks and ruffles. Kate must have put him in his play clothes, which consisted of shorts, a sassy cardigan and CROCS!!

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Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet, Getty.


Chris Pratt

Jurassic World easily won the weekend box office to become the highest global opening box office of all time and the second biggest opening domestically. A bunch of scientists are upset about the film’s inaccuracies, but audiences don’t really expect a history lesson with their summer popcorn flicks. I didn’t make it to the theater this weekend but hope to eventually watch Chris Pratt and the raptors. He did well on the press tour and completely refrained from making degrading remarks about any of his co-stars. Pratt took to Facebook after dollar amounts hit the internet: “On behalf of everyone involved in the making of ?#?JurassicWorld?, and believe me there are thousands of us, I want to say thank you … Thank you, thank you, thank you!” How big was opening weekend? Dinosized:

Obliterating all expectations, Universal’s Jurassic World roared to a record $204.6 million debut in North America and $511.8 million globally, rescuing the action-adventure franchise from the brink of extinction 22 years after Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park first hit theaters.

The $150 million tentpole, bestowed with an A CinemaScore, proves that dinosaurs are every bit as potent as superheroes: Jurassic World’s estimated weekend bests the $191.3 million launch of sequel Avengers: Age of Ultron last month to bite off the No. 2 domestic opening of all time, almost matching the $207.4 million launch of The Avengers in May 2012.

Globally, the movie posted the largest weekend bow in history, eclipsing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows — Part 2 ($483.2 million) and becoming the first film to ever cross $500 million in one weekend, thanks to an international haul of $307.2 million from 66 markets, the second-biggest foreign opening after Deathly Hallows 2 ($314 million).

“This is absolutely a four-quadrant movie and is working on so many levels. The release date was awesome, and everybody stayed off of our date,” said Universal domestic distribution chief Nick Carpou.

[From Hollywood Reporter]

This movie was always going to be a hit, but Universal is thrilled to see it overperform. And why not? Men (and women) want to see the action. Women (and men) want to see Pratt. Everyone loves raptors, and the nostalgia factor pulls in older moviegoers and their kids, who watched the movies years after the fact. Expectations were for $125 million in North America, but audiences arrived in much greater numbers. This movie easily wiped the 2nd place domestic opening weekend record of Age of Ultron, and some analysts believe final weekend results could surpass the first Avengers and take top prize.

Universal is holding tight before announcing more Jurassic, but it should happen. Pratt spoke to Entertainment Weekly about his love for the original films. He feels like it’s “fate” to star in this film. Pratt also said he’s signed up for sequels: “They have me for I think 38 movies or something.” His planned Hollywood exit won’t be happening for a long time.

Chris Pratt

Photos courtesy of Universal Pictures



Dave Grohl

This photo was taken right before Dave Grohl proved his status as an ultimate rock star. When he commits to a show, the dude isn’t kidding. He fell off the stage in Grothenberg, Sweden and broke his leg on Friday. Then he went to the hospital, received a cast, and finished the show. I’m not even a fan of Foo Fighters music, but this story makes me want to buy their tickets. For comparison’s sake: I recently went to a concert for one of my favorite musical acts. Although the performance was energetic, the show was lazy. The group skipped some songs that were on the set list, and the lead singer sprinted offstage after an hour. Maybe they had a bad night, but the audience was bummed when the lights came up. I tried not to feel bitter, but this Dave Grohl story makes me realize some rock stars do respect their audiences.

Grohl cares a lot about his fans. When he fell off stage, paramedics placed him onto a stretcher. He held onto the mic and promised to finish the show:

“I think I just broke my leg. I think I really broke leg. So look, you have my promise, right now, that the Foo Fighters, we’re gonna come back and finish the show. Ladies and gentlemen, right now I’m gonna go to the hospital. I’m gonna fix my leg. But then I am going to come back, and we are gonna play for you again. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. We are gonna do it.”

[From YouTube]

Grohl apologized to the audience for breaking his leg! His fans would have forgiven him for skipping out after this legit emergency. Most people would be bawling in pain and screaming for relief. Not Dave Grohl. He instructed the Foos to keep playing in his absence. He came back and said, “I may not be able to walk or run but I can still play guitar and scream.‘” Dude sat in a chair for awhile but eventually stood on crutches to sing, “My Hero.” Here’s a clip. The part where he starts narrating at 1:55 is awesome: “This might seem like a bad thing, but you know what? I think this might be the best night of the whole f***ing tour.” Hardcore.

Here’s the moment when Grohl fell offstage. I know Grohl refuses to refer to himself as a rockstar, but he qualifies as one. Kaiser and I were talking about this and recalled the moment when Krist Novoselic needed stitches after the 1992 VMAs. Those grunge rockers are made of tough stuff.

The next day, the Foo Fighters tweeted Grohl’s x-ray. Scary!

Thank you Gothenburg. That was amazing. pic.twitter.com/BXvuxIfVEv

— Foo Fighters (@foofighters) June 12, 2015

Here are Dave’s day-after pictures in London. Dude is a trooper.

Dave Grohl

Foo Fighters

Photos courtesy of Foo Fighters on Twitter, Fame/Flynet & WENN



Mark Wahlberg

Mark Wahlberg’s doing the rounds for Ted 2, the sequel to the hit Seth MacFarlane movie about a profane teddy bear. We didn’t hear much from Wahlberg during the Entourage tour, but he’ll be talking more about this movie. Amanda Seyfried already scored her Vogue cover, and journalists can’t exactly interview the teddy bear.

Wahlberg spoke with E! about how Justin Bieber surprised him with underwear selfies after scoring his Calvin Klein revival campaign. Swaggy famously idolizes Wahlberg, and Wahlberg sort of tolerates Bieber. Bieber has watched Entourage episodes at Wahlberg’s house, but Wahlberg has no problem telling Swaggy to pull up his pants. Wahlberg’s wife, Rhea Durham, also threw shade at Bieber’s CK ads. They all have a weird relationship together, especially after Swaggy sent undie selfies to Mark:

“[Bieber] sent me a note saying he was doing [the CK ad] and I was like, ‘Oh, cool,’ and then he sent me a picture and I was like, ‘Dude don’t send me a picture of you in your underwear. That’s crossing the line. I don’t need to see a picture of you in your underwear. I’ll probably see it when I’m driving down the street, and I’ll still try to avoid it.”

[From E! Online]

The funny thing is that Wahlberg is badmouthing Swaggy, but Swaggy won’t mind. He is not easily discouraged. Neither is Bieber’s manager, Scooter Braun, who recently told Billboard magazine, “[Bieber’s] like Bob Dylan: He p*ssed people off, but whenever he switched, he reinvented himself in a way that made him who he is today.” After people laughed, Braun later tweeted a “clarification” that said Swaggy has “learned from greats not to be afraid of stepping out of your fan’s comfort zone and pushing forward. It was nothing beyond that. Isn’t that what great men are for?” The explanation still makes no sense.

More Bieber with no pants. Swaggy performed in Hong Kong and offered to take his pants off for the crowd. Enough!

June 11: Justin Bieber performing at the Calvin Klein event in Hong Kong

A video posted by Justin Bieber Updates™ (@justinbiebertracker) on Jun 11, 2015 at 8:14am PDT

Here are some pics of Swaggy out and about during the past week. He’s too matchy matchy with the hat and shoes.

Justin Bieber

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN




Some of you believe that Salma Hayek has had some work done. The theories about Salma’s alleged plastic surgery seem to center around a possible nose job done when she was quite young – go here to see a side-by-side – and possibly undergoing some kind of breast augmentation. As I’m looking through the photos, I believe the nose job theory more than the bolt-on story. Sometimes women gain and lose weight in their breasts and sometimes a woman goes up in size – without pregnancy/nursing – in her 20s for no reason (that happened to me). I bring up the plastic surgery rumors because I wanted to ask you guys something: does Salma get lipo? Because she claims she doesn’t exercise at all, and now I really wonder if she’s getting lipo.

There are those who have the motivation to hit the gym before dawn, and then there are those who are BFFs with their snooze buttons. Salma Hayek falls into the latter camp.

“Some people have the discipline to exercise in the morning, and I didn’t develop that,” the 48-year-old actress admits in this week’s issue of PEOPLE.

In fact, because her schedule is so hectic — she usually works at least 16 hours a day — Hayek rarely squeezes in a gym session. “I don’t have time to exercise. I am working,” she says. “I’ve had some 20-hour days.”

So how does she manage to stay in such great shape?

“I work with a woman in London who taught me how to hold my body in a way where the muscles are activated all day long,” Hayek confesses. “So even when you brush your teeth, you’re working the muscles.”

But walking around with activated muscles 24/7 sounds exhausting! “It’s restorative yoga,” she explains. “She taught me to tone [my muscles] without clenching them. You relax them and focus on the parts that need to be used, but never with tension. If you’re aware of your body, you’d be surprised by the effect it can have.”

[From People]

Well, “I know how to hold my body in a way where the muscles are activated all day long” is a more original excuse than “I just drink lots of water.” The super-rich really aren’t like us at all. It’s not even about surgery, exercise, good diet or anything like that. Salma is so rich she can maintain her crazy hourglass figure just by thinking about her body and holding her body in a certain way. So, yeah, I am thinking she’s getting lipo on the reg.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.


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