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We haven’t covered The Emotive Eyebrow Known As Justin Theroux in a while. He’s been around, although not very visible since the Oscars. He was in Rome working on Zoolander 2, then he’s been in Texas (I think?) working on Season 2 of The Leftovers. And Justin got invited to The Hollywood Reporter’s annual pre-Emmy roundtable of lead actors, or interesting dramatic actors on TV or something. The other actors at the roundtable: Timothy Hutton, Jon Voight, David Oyelowo, Clive Owen and Bob Odenkirk. It doesn’t really seem like Justin fits in that group? Is The Leftovers considered a favorite for anything at the Emmys? Anyway, you can read the full piece here – the entire time, I was just waiting for Voight to say something about Angelina and then Justin would have to pretend to clean his nails or something. But that didn’t happen. Instead, it was a decent enough roundtable and it seemed like all of the actors respected each other and got along. Here are some highlights from Justin’s part:

Justin on the benefits of doing 10-episode seasons: “Thankfully, most of our shows here are 10 or 12 episodes, which is manageable. I did a network cop procedural once. The volume of work that we had to do for 24 episodes was crushing. You’re not loving the material, you’re showing up at 4 a.m. on a Monday, leaving at 4 a.m. on a Friday. You’re cycling through your bag of tricks so much that you fall into bad habits. The 10- to 12-episode season is [better]. The writers aren’t being forced to crank.”

Justin on seeing himself as a character actor: “It’s valuable for any actor to always think of himself as a character actor. The minute you start trying to assume a “leading man” or “leading woman” role, your sandbox starts to shrink and you start to get into the confines of a really strange space. We’ve all seen it happen — it creates this terrible gravity where the material starts to play to the actor’s comfort zone and eventually you’re painting inside the lines to maintain whatever perception or awards [pedigree] you’ve built up.

How he chooses projects: “It’s a gut thing for me. If it’s something comedic, I’ll check with my friends who also write. But I’ve definitely made mistakes when people say, “You should do this,” or “This is a great director. I know the part’s not what you want but you should do that.” I’ve rued many days on set where I’ve been like, “Why did I say yes to this?” I made a lot of mistakes as a younger actor, signing up for plays I’m stuck doing for six months. I’ve been in many sad situations. That cop procedural [made me want to] hang myself. My character said shit like, “Chief, you’re going to want to hear this!” You go, “Oh, I can’t.”

What he would do if he wasn’t an actor: “Probably keep writing. I’m not good at other things. I’m not a very bright man.”

[From THR]

I think full 22-26 episode network seasons are fine as long as the ensemble is strong enough and it’s not just one actor or actress doing the heavy lifting for every single episode. With The Leftovers, not only is it a 10-episode season, but Justin is surrounded by a very big ensemble, right? Anyway… there are some complaints about Justin’s inclusion in this roundtable, but he didn’t say anything too silly or embarrassing. I got the feeling that when he dropped his faux humility – “I’m not good at other things. I’m not a very bright man” – the other guys were like, “ugh, whatever.” And yes, Justin was always a character actor. It wasn’t until he got with Jennifer Aniston that suddenly we were supposed to buy him as a leading man.

Photos courtesy of THR.



This is where I hit the wall. This is my limit. Throughout the Duggar scandal, I’ve seen conservative Duggar apologists claiming that “no one” said anything about Lena Dunham when she wrote about her creepy, boundary-less, don’t-put-that-in-a-book relationship with her younger sister – go here to recap our coverage. The thing about it was that the backlash against Lena last year was HUGE and it still affects her public image. I for one go out of my way to avoid covering Lena, mostly because after that controversy, she went from “annoying famewhore” to “the kind of person who sensationalizes extremely intimate family-only stories as a way to shock and troll for attention.”

So, what happened? Why are we talking about Lena Dunham in the wake of the Duggar scandal? Sarah Palin is so glad you asked. Palin spat out another vile word salad about the Duggars, Dunham, the liberal media and so much more. I made some minor edits for space.


Radical liberals in media who have total control over public narratives are disgusting hypocrites, so says my daughter. Go get ‘em, Bristol! I’m glad someone’s got the guts to call out these perverts. The intolerant left’s destructive personal intrusions and narrow-mindedness applied to their chosen targets are bad enough, but their double standards are beyond the pale.

I’m not defending the Duggar boy’s obvious wrongdoing over a decade ago. The main victim in any story like this isn’t the perpetrator, it’s the innocent ones so harmfully affected. I’m not an apologist for any sexual predator, but I’m sickened that the media gives their chosen ones a pass for any behavior as long as they share their leftwing politics. Case in point, they suggest Lena Dunham’s sexual assault on her sibling is cute, and she’s rewarded for it with fame and fortune. Meanwhile, they crucify another, along with an entire family.

The Duggar debate needs to shift from solely the boy’s obvious wrongdoing when he was 14 years old to now include:

1) The shocking, unethical leak of a private, legally protected counseling document by a politically motivated law enforcement official. Media – time to go after her or him for illegalities and for destroying the public’s trust in law enforcement.

2) The media’s hell-bent mission to go after the entire Duggar family for one member’s wrongdoing, while giving a total pass to perverted actions of someone like Lena Dunham – or any other leftwinger celeb caught doing awful things. Remember reports of the pedophile billionaire our former democrat president has been friends with and hung out with on the pedophile’s “orgy island” full of underage girls?

Such obvious double standards applied to equally relevant stories underestimate the wisdom of the public, discredit the press, and spit on the graves of every American who fought and died for the press’s freedom. I hate for anyone to go through this game liberals are allowed to play, relentlessly attacking on an uneven playing field until a conservative’s career, relationships, and reputation are destroyed. To the media’s targets I encourage, “Rise above by never claiming ‘victim’, tell the truth, and keep the faith!”

And, for what it’s worth, “Welcome to my world; believe me – what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!”

[From Palin’s Facebook]

Palin emphasizes and re-emphasizes that “the Duggar boy” committed his crimes more than 10 years ago. Lena’s “crimes” were also committed more than a decade ago, so where is her free pass? And if Palin’s argument is that The Duggar Boy’s actions are no better or worse than Lena Dunham, who she calls a pedophile, that means we’re free to call Josh Duggar a pedophile too, right? Right. Also: Palin’s argument about the “unethical leak” of the records. I seriously wish every single conservative wingnut would brush up on the Freedom of Information Act.

As for her argument about “the liberal media” – as I said, the Lena Dunham situation was analyzed to the hilt on every blog, liberal, conservative, gossip-oriented and otherwise. It was a difficult subject to cover and there were a wide range of interpretations. The main incident being referenced by conservatives – many of whom are gleefully obsessed with picking apart Dunham over literally everything and nothing – happened when Lena was seven years old and her sister was a baby. While that doesn’t make the story any less disturbing, a 7 year old (with stupid boundary issues and crappy hipster parents) acting that way is not the same as a 15 year old boy molesting one of his sisters for the seventh time while she sleeps.

Bristol Palin has some thoughts too – go here to read.

Photos courtesy of WENN.


Kylie Jenner

In yesterday’s Topshop launch post, I neglected to include photos of Kylie Jenner with her dog, Norman. The poor pup was a drama-causing Christmas present. Kylie didn’t take care of him too often, and now she’s carting him around like a fashion accessory.

Now for even more depressing news. Kylie may soon star in her own KUWTK spinoff series. Kris Jenner is reportedly working on a show that focuses on her 17-year-old daughter and her 25-year-old rapper boyfriend. Tyga still believes he’s “doing nothing morally wrong“ by dating an underage girl. He’s also got plenty of money troubles, so I wouldn’t be surprised if Tyga would risk “discovery” to make some Kardashian coin. The source is a little sketchy but has had Kardashian scoops in the past:

Kylie Jenner, 17, is about to steal the Kardashian family thunder — and follow in Caitlyn Jenner‘s footsteps — with a solo spin-off show. “Kris has always loved the idea of Kylie having her own reality show. She has been toying with the idea for some time now.”

So, what would a show about Kylie consist of? Well, for starters … Tyga! “Tyga would most definitely be part of the show,” our source continued. “It would basically follow Kylie as she pursues her music career and other endeavors.” If Kylie’s show gets the green light, she would be the first of the KUWTK children to get their very own spin-off series. Even though her older sisters, Kim, Khloe, and Kourtney Kardashian, have all had different spin-offs with each other and their significant others, Kylie’s show would be a first without the rest of the family.

Whatever happens, the source has assured us that Kris sees a lot of potential in Kylie’s future as a major star.

“Kylie had a lot going for her, and Kris feels like she’s a fan favorite. She has tremendous potential and talent, enough to carry her own show, that’s for sure,” the source explained. Hmm, it sounds like Kris has a real favorite in Kylie. Hopefully this doesn’t cause any major drama between the sisters!

[From Hollywood Life]

If this story is true, it would dovetail nicely with the upcoming episode where where Kylie reveals her birth control method to Kris. It sounds completely believable that Kris would approve of Kylie and Tyga having a lovey-dovey show. Ugh, I still can’t believe Kylie’s family is completely cool with the Tyga relationship.

Kylie Jenner

Kylie Jenner

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN




In Touch Weekly broke the story about Josh Duggar, and in subsequent follow-up stories, they have been a model of restraint and journalistic ethics. I’m not saying that sarcastically. In Touch’s reporting throughout this ongoing horror show has been completely above-board. Kudos to them for following up on a tip, filing the appropriate FOIA requests and following through with their completely sourced reporting. In the wake of the Duggars’ profoundly disturbing Fox News interview, In Touch has done a rather epic companion piece defending their reporting and calling out all of the lies Jim-Bob and Michelle told throughout. You can read In Touch’s epic takedown here. Some highlights (I’m doing some major edits for space).

Jim Bob and Michelle lied about how much they cooperated with the Springfield PD during the 2006 investigation. The Duggars made it seem like they fully cooperated but the actual police report reveals “that Jim Bob refused to produce Josh for a police-requested interview and stopped cooperating with the probe.”

Mandatory reporters. That was Jim-Bob’s wording in the interview, that he and Michelle were “not mandatory reporters, the law allows parents to do what they think is best for their child,” thus they did nothing wrong when they did NOTHING while Josh molested girls and escalated over the course of a year. Except In Touch spoke to “multiple legal experts,” all of whom say that as parents, they were allowing a 14/15 year old to prey on minor children at least seven times over the course of a year, which constitutes felony child endangerment for, as Michelle termed it, “the other ones,” i.e. the victims of her predator son.

Jim Bob suggested that the Springdale police chief took a bribe. I’ll admit it, this part of the Duggars’ interview confused me because Megyn Kelly kept interrupting to push her nonsensical agenda. Jim-Bob basically said that Kathy O’Kelley, the Spingfield police chief, took a bribe from In Touch (or someone else?) to somehow get Josh’s records released. In Touch writes: “The records were obtained through Arkansas’ Freedom of Information Act, which is one of the most liberal open records laws in the country, according to the state’s attorney general. In Touch has a paper trail that proves city attorneys reviewed the FOI request and approved the records’ release. Further, Jim Bob’s ‘bribe or personal agenda’ explanation for the records’ release loses all credibility in light of the fact that a SECOND police report detailing Josh’s crimes was obtained by In Touch magazine through FOIA. That second report comes from the Washington County Sheriff’s Office, and the Springdale police chief has no involvement in deciding if those records can be released.”

The FOIA-requested releases are not illegal. The Duggars continuously referred to the records as being “illegally released.” In Touch spoke to legal experts and worked with law enforcement and the AR Press Association to ensure that their FOIA requests were completely legal and above-board. A local lawyer in Little Rock tells In Touch that the agencies involved with the investigations into Josh Duggar’s crimes did not have a choice, “They had to release the reports. Those records are not closed under FOI. The alleged perpetrator had attained his majority at the time it was released, and once his name and all the victims’ names were blacked out, it was subject to FOI.”

Jim-Bob and Michelle did not address the other investigation. You know, the one conducted by the Department of Human Services. That investigation was kicked off when the police figured out that the statute of limitations had already (conveniently) passed. No one really knows what the Arkansas DHS discovered during the course of their investigation, only that Josh Duggar sued them afterwards.

[From In Touch Weekly]

I feel like… there’s still going to be more stuff to come out. I’m not talking about people commenting about this horror show after-the-fact, although that is definitely happening. I kind of think another shoe is going to drop. I wonder if that’s why the Duggars have kept Josh away from the media?

Here’s one more tragicomic thing: you know how Mike Huckabee stood up for a child molester and his enablers? Well, now Huckabee is quietly removing all signs of the Duggars from his campaign website. SO CHRISTIAN!!

Photos courtesy of Duggars’ social media, cover courtesy of In Touch.


Ben & Jen Take Their Daughters Out For Ice Cream

Star Magazine has a story in their latest print edition about Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner’s supposed impending divorce. It’s just about the same as we’ve heard to date, with some extra quotes to make it interesting. The tabloids are really pushing the “Ben and Jen are over” stories and I still can’t decide whether the evidence is circumstantial and unconvincing (they’re both working this summer; Ben loves to gamble) or if they’re actually close to splitting. Last week, they did step out together coincidentally at the same time as their alleged split hit the tabloids.

Here is an excerpt from Star, and you can read our earlier coverage if you’d like an overview/reminder:

After a decade of feeling like she’s been the one holding the family together, Jen, 43, is prepared to claim as much of the imploding couple’s $120 million fortune as she can get – and full custody of their three kids..

His gambling has been a constant source of frustration for Jen, as is his drinking… and then there were the constant rumors of his fixations on other women.

The couple have already tired marriage counseling, and Jen has begged Ben to rein in his partying and playboy inclinations many times. “He sucks up and apologizes, and she forgives him – until it happens again,” says a source. And while he loves his family, friends say restless Ben, 42, has always felt “cooped up” in their Pacific Palisades ranch house. “Half the time, he doesn’t even bother coming home anymore,” says an Affleck insider. “He crashes at Matt Damon’s place or even checks into hotels. He’ll meet up with his buddies or drink at the bar alone, without so much as a though for his wife.”

[From Star Magazine, print edition, June 15, 2015]

Star claims later in the article that “Jen will fight for as much money as she can” in the divorce, because there is no prenup.

Enquirer goes one better than Star with an interview with the Canadian stripper who claims to have slept with Ben in 2003, right before he called off his wedding to J.Lo. This made me laugh several times. Somehow, the Enquirer kept in touch with this source for 12 years (or, you know, Facebook) and got new quotes from her in the light of Ben’s supposed marital trouble. They also include some amusing quotes from her original interview. This is not to be missed.

The stripper involved in Ben Affleck’s ugly split from Jennifer Lopez has told The National Enquirer she’s not shocked his marriage to Jennifer Garner is kaput!

“No I can’t say I’m surprised,” former blonde bombshell Tammy morris, now 41, said in an exclusive interview.

“I believed, ‘Once a cheater always a cheater.’ My advice to Jen is: ‘Run!’”

In a blockbuster interview in our Aug. 19, 2003 issue, Tammy, then 29, revealed how love rat Ben cheated on then-fiance J.Lo with her… [she] passed multiple polygraph tests…

Canadian temptress Tammy hooked up with Ben… during a wild sex-and-drugs party at a private home with several strippers…

“He [gave] me oral sex. I couldn’t believe it! It wasn’t the greater I’ve ever had, but it was from Ben Affleck!

“I was really hoping Ben had turned his life around. He married the all-American girl. It’s too bad he couldn’t make it work.”

[From The National Enquirer, print edition, and Radar Online]

Buried in that story is a detail that The Enquirer didn’t emphasize but which seems key to this story. They claim that “Affleck has consulted a top Hollywood divorce lawyer.” If this is accurate, it does seem like they’re close to divorcing.

Currently, Garner is in Montreal working on a movie while Affleck is at home with the kids. He’s been seen out with his mother, who seems to be helping him. I doubt he would have let the paparazzi get those photos of him with his mom if he wasn’t having these issues with his public image.

Ben Affleck Out In Santa Monica With His Daughters

Ben Affleck Out In Santa Monica With His Daughter

Ben Affleck Takes His Mother & Son To Breakfast
Ben Affleck Out In Santa Monica With His Daughters
Ben Affleck Out In Santa Monica With His Daughter
Ben & Jen Take Their Daughters Out For Ice Cream
Exclusive... Ben & Jen Spotted Out For Lunch In Brentwood
Ben & Jen Take Their Daughters Out For Ice Cream

Photos are from 5-28 and 6-2 credit: FameFlynet


Miss Piggy

Miss Piggy will be bestowed with a Sackler Center First Award at the Brooklyn Museum. This award, which has previously gone out to Sandra Day O’Connor and Toni Morrison, recognizes the most prominent and influential feminists. Piggy would like us to know that she’s always been a feminist, although you may not have realized it with all the Muppetry jamming up her art. Piggy wrote a fine essay for Time to discuss how humbled she is to receive the award. Perhaps “humbled” isn’t the correct word, but she makes some insightful statements about the state of feminism:

Some Internet opinion givers may question whether moi deserves such an honor. After all, some might say moi is just a mere Hollywood celebrity who cares more about her appearance, her star billing and her percentage of the gross than about women and women’s rights.

To which I can only respond: “Oh yeah!?!” By which, of course, I mean that moi is now and has always been an ardent feminist and champion of women’s rights.

I believe that any woman who refuses to accept society’s preconceived notions of who or what they can be is a feminist. I believe any woman who is willing to struggle, strive — and if necessary learn karate — to make their mark in the world is a feminist. And, yes, I believe that any woman, who cares about her appearance, her star billing and most especially her percentage of the gross, is a feminist.

It’s true, I did not march in women’s-rights parades down Fifth Avenue in the early 1970s. (That was long before I was born.) However, today, in solidarity with my feminist foremothers, I go shopping on Fifth Avenue whenever possible.

And it is true, I did not burn my bra. Was this a political statement? No, it was simple common-sense economics. When one pays top dollar for intimate apparel like moi does, setting it ablaze is wasteful, improvident and highly incendiary.

What is the future of feminism? The answer is obvious — feminism’s future must be proud, positive, powerful, perseverant, and, wherever possible, alliterative. It must believe in itself, share its triumphs, overcome its setbacks and inspire future generations.

I must, in other words, be a lot like … moi.

[From Time]

Piggy goes on to discuss how pigs can be feminist, although the “the p word has long been associated with the very antithesis of feminists, ‘male chauvinist.’” She also drops some shade against a certain “male chauvinist amphibian.” BOOM. I’ve wondered what’s going on with Kermit’s attitude. He’s acted like a thirsty frog during the last few press tours with Piggy. She tried to graciously greet her public, but there was Kermit with his mouth flying open all the time. He deserved to be called out by Piggy, who deserves her new award!

Miss Piggy

Photos courtesy of WENN




Here are some photos of Prince Charles in Miclosoara, Romania earlier this week. I thought these photos were random as hell – Charles did a photo-op involving big, old trees! – but as it turns out, there was some method to this tree-tastic photo-op. Charles “has long been enamored of Romania’s rural traditions and now he’s set up a foundation to protect and promote them.” He was in Romania to launch the Prince Charles Romania Foundation which will focus on sustainable development and rural life. And in case you think he’s a Romania-come-lately, Charles has a “country retreat” in Romania. Yes, all of this was news to me. I had no idea he was Romania-crazy.

Meanwhile, more of Prince Charles’ letters to government officials became public yesterday. These are not the “Black Spider Memos,” although the legal wrangling involved in making those utterly mundane-if-not-blatantly-beneficial letters opened the door to this new batch of letters getting a release. And much like the release of the Black Spider Memos, it just seems like Charles is a nice guy who genuinely cares about certain issues (rural life, affordable housing, food waste, non-traditional medical treatments) a lot and will openly attempt to persuade other people to care about those issues too. You can read more about the new batch of letters here. My favorite? Charles’ letter about affordable housing.

The issue of affordable rural housing was raised by Charles when he wrote in August 2007 to Yvette Cooper, then housing and planning minister in Gordon Brown’s administration. He refers to an earlier meeting he had with Ms Cooper when they discussed affordable rural housing.

Charles then goes on to say: “I have seen from my visits around the country the real problems finding an affordable home causes for those on low incomes in the countryside – many of whom are carrying out essential jobs, such as farm workers, teachers, shopkeepers and health workers and on whom the future viability of rural life depends.”

[From Sky News]

See, that just makes me really like Charles. He travels a lot and he listens and he reads and he advocates for real, working people. Does he have a personal interest? Of course. He loves rural life, he loves country life. But he’s also spent years working towards making country life beneficial for ALL people, of all incomes.

Clarence House issued another defense of Charles’ advocacy work – which is what it is, no more, no less – but I think Charles’ press office should just let the letters speak for themselves. People will get it, and they might even like him more.

Oh, and a BBC reporter tweeted that Queen Elizabeth had died a few days ago but it was all just some sort of stupid mix-up – go here to read that story.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.



I like Rose Byrne a lot, although I rarely write about her. It’s sort of weird how she works all the time, she’s an in-demand actress in comedy and drama, yet she almost completely flies under the radar at a gossip-level. She’s with Bobby Cannavale (HOT) and she’s in the new Paul Feig film, Spy, reuniting her with her Bridesmaids costar Melissa McCarthy. Rose has seemingly been happy to have Melissa take over the bulk of the film’s promotion, but Rose did sit down for a feature in the new issue of the online magazine Violet Grey. You can see the full piece here – the editorial is all about makeup and glitter. The interview is pretty interesting though.

Rose on beauty: “Beauty comes from within. It’s a cliché, but I think it’s true. However, in this business, it’s hard to reconcile that when you’re constantly being told things about your appearance, whether it’s that you are too pretty or too plain or too brunette or whatever the problem is.”

Her makeup regimen: “Well, goodness me. Growing up, my mum never wore a lot of makeup, she was very natural. However, it’s important to take care of yourself and it doesn’t hurt to put on a bit of lipstick. I discovered I was allergic to all these chemicals and we put together a very strict bible of all the products I could use. I actually wear makeup every day. I use a NARS tinted moisturizer. I love those Fresh lip stains. I wear them religiously. They are terrific in a berry color. I try to put on a hat if I can.

Skin care and genetics: “In Australia, there is such a high rate of skin cancer that it’s really beaten into us at an early age to be careful about our skin. Although, you know, my boyfriend smokes cigarettes and doesn’t drink water and has better skin than anybody that I know! He’s half-Cuban and half-Italian. He’s like, “Dios mío! It’s genetic, it doesn’t matter.” So why am I trying?”

All women are more scrutinized for their looks: “Absolutely! Increasingly! Look at Hillary Clinton. She has to spend time getting her hair and makeup done whereas a male candidate doesn’t have to do that as much. Or at least as much grooming. It really is this very old concept that we are valued for putting ourselves together and presenting ourselves.”

A beauty look that she won’t try: “Brown lipstick. The 90s may be back, but I’m still recovering from that look.”

[From Violet Grey]

I’ve never understood the desire to wear makeup every day! My mom is like this too – she will never, ever leave the house without putting on makeup. And she really doesn’t look different at all without makeup, which makes it extra crazy. Also: Bobby doesn’t drink water and he smokes? That will catch up to him at some point, although his genetics are helping him right now (Dios mío!).

Photos courtesy of Violet Grey & WENN.


Bethenny Frankel Does The School Run

Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities
Bethenny Frankel Out And About In NYC With Her Daughters

What a cutie!

The Real Housewives of New York star Bethenny Frankel stepped out for the school run with daughter Bryn, 5, in New York City. The single mom, 44, held onto her daughter’s artwork after class on Thursday (June 4).

Skipping and smiling, the adorable girl was sporting a striped dress while holding onto her mother’s hand.

Last week, we spotted the mother-daughter duo taking a New York minute at a park bench. The pretty pair enjoyed a snack before walking home.

And last month, we saw Bryn and her dad Jason Hoppy in NYC.

View Slideshow »»

Bethenny Frankel Out And About In NYC With Her Daughters
Bethenny Frankel Out And About In NYC With Her Daughters
Bethenny Frankel Out And About In NYC With Her Daughters
Bethenny Frankel Out And About In NYC With Her Daughters

View All Photos »»



Expectant mama Kristin Cavallari shared an updated baby bump photo via Instagram Thursday.

“Dressing for the bump now..its out and about! These wedges from my line will be available at @Nordstrom.com the end of the month,” The Hills alum, 28, captioned the image.

The mom-to-be looks casual chic in a striped T-shirt with a chambray button down, paired with black skinnyss and her Chinese Laundry wedges.

Last weekend, Kristin shared a shot with her NFL star husband Jay Cutler.

In May, the reality star and the Chicago Bears quarterback, 32, announced their third pregnancy.

“We’re at it again! Thrilled to announce baby number 3 is on the way! The Cutler crew keeps on growin’,” the Laguna Beach star captioned an image with their sons Camden Jack, 2, and Jaxon Wyatt, 1, sitting in a wagon.

Dressing for the bump now..its out and about! These wedges from my line will be available at @Nordstrom .com the end of the month

A photo posted by Kristin Cavallari (@kristincavallari) on Jun 4, 2015 at 11:10am PDT


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