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Check out Mark Wahlberg in Berlin today promoting Ted 2, opening on June 26. This press tour is just beginning but if you’ve seen the Entourage movie, that was basically what he showed up for. To namecheck his other movie and get paid for this one. Entourage did not open #1 at the box office. But…      


First, a little update on Keira Knightley’s baby situation. On Friday, lots of media outlets ran a hard confirmation that yes, Keira had given birth at some point in May and yes, she did give birth to a girl. So now we know for sure that Keira and James Righton welcomed a daughter (a daughter with amazing cheekbones, I’m sure). We still don’t know the name and I have no idea if we’ll ever now.

So what else is going on with Keira? There’s an interesting story at the Daily Mail about Keira being the “breadwinner” of her marriage. Her husband James is a musician, and he was part of the new defunct band the Klaxons. I don’t know if the Klaxons were ever considered popular or if they’ve ever had a major money-making song, album or tour, but James did not make much money at all last year. Which means Keira is the “breadwinner” of the marriage.

She is a Hollywood actress who commands millions of pounds per movie, but Keira Knightley’s husband James Righton reportedly earned just £5000 in a year. The Sun reports that his company, Galloping Faster, which he runs with Klaxon bandmates Jamie Reynolds and Simon Taylor-Davis, only made £14,844 in the 12 months to March 2014. The band have since split and documents state that the company loaned £51,241 to Klaxons – meaning that they have a debt.

Meanwhile, 30-year-old Keira’s company. Kck Boo, made £4.1million. MailOnline has contacted a spokesperson for James Righton, 31, and Keira Knightley for comment.

[From The Daily Mail]

The Mail also brought up Keira’s statement to Glamour Mag last year, which was that she gives herself an “allowance” of about $50,000 a year to live on, because she’s not all about money and she doesn’t want to flaunt her wealth around her friends, many of whom do not live in the lap of luxury. For what it’s worth, I think Keira really does live relatively modestly for a movie star – she has a nice place in London, but it’s not some huge mansion. She likes clothes, but she often wears the same old pieces in her casual life. She’s not jewelry obsessed nor is she big-toy obsessed. I doubt Keira cares about being the “breadwinner” and James seems totally enamored with her, as in… he’s not a golddigger or a K-Fed. So, is it emasculating for James to have this information out there? I kind of doubt either of them care. Anyway, they’re probably just focused on their baby girl right now.

Photos courtesy of WENN.


Does everyone like Aziz Ansari as much as I do?

What I like about him is that he’s a modern comic. Of course Louis C.K. and Seinfeld and Chris Rock are considered comedy gods but they are also from a generation that became famous before the internet existed. Sometimes the “you crazy kids get …      

Does everyone like Aziz Ansari as much as I do?

What I like about him is that he’s a modern comic. Of course Louis C.K. and Seinfeld and Chris Rock are considered comedy gods but they are also from a generation that became famous before the internet existed. Sometimes the “you crazy kids get …      


Here are some photos of Chris Brown performing at the Hot 97 Summer Jam over the weekend. Chris’s performance came after a really terrible incident on Thursday and into Friday morning. We discussed it over the weekend – Chris basically stalked and harassed his ex-girlfriend Karrueche Tran over the course of like 8 hours. He knew Tran was due at a particular club, so he came out to force a meeting with her. When she left the club, he followed her and jumped into her Uber SUV without her permission. He later came to her house and when she wouldn’t let him in, he screamed and pounded on the door. Then she agreed to meet him in public and they got into a huge screaming fight again. But Chris’s people told TMZ it was all just a huge misunderstanding. Yeah, right.

Chris Brown got burned by friends who told him Karrueche Tran was dying to get back together with him — which led to the nightclub blowup that made Chris look like an obsessed ex-BF. Sources close to the former couple tell TMZ … Chris got a table at Playhouse, right next to Karrueche because their mutual friends told him to do it. The friend network was pumping Chris up … telling him KT was ready to work things out.

So, as you can imagine … Chris was shocked that night when Karrueche stormed out of the club. Fact is, Karrueche never told anyone she wants to get back with Chris. According to our sources, she and Chris figured out the next day that they’d been had. We’re told they’re cutting off the so-called “friends” behind the conspiracy.

For his part, we’re told Chris is fine with moving on … and wouldn’t have gone to Playhouse if he hadn’t been set up. It was the first time Chris had seen Karrueche since they broke up over his baby … and a total disaster.

[From TMZ]

Do you believe this? I do not. I think it’s possible some of Chris’s friends were like, “Maybe Karrueche wants to get back together, sure,” but everything that happened after Brown and Tran came face-to-face at Playhouse should have been enough of a clue that Tran wants nothing to do with Brown and that he is the kind of douchebag who will stalk and harass her. Urban Islandz’s sources also say that when Chris and Karrueche came face to face at the diner (after he already created a scene outside her home), Chris was calling her a “ho” and “trying to humiliate her… he told her that she used him for fame and then abandoned him.” For the love of God.

Photos courtesy of WENN.


Iggy Azalea

These photos are all of Iggy Azalea over the past week. She’s been relaxing, riding horses and pampering herself at salons and dermatology clinics. The Mail thinks Iggy’s having more work done (in addition to her recent plastic surgery). I think she’s probably had some dermabrasion, no big deal.

Iggy’s enjoying her newfound downtime after cancelling her arena tour. Iggy tried to explain the situation as her decision because “I just feel I deserve a break.” She also wasn’t selling enough tickets to support an arena tour. After the cancellation, Iggy assured her followers that she’d still headline the Pittsburgh Pride parade (even though groups protested her presence because of her history of homophobic statements).

The Pittsburgh backlash grew. City Council President Bruce Klaus (the city’s first openly gay elected official) refused to attend Pride if Iggy headlined. Several LGBT-friendly groups cancelled their appearances too. Now Iggy has announced she will not perform at the parade:

I am truly disappointed that I have to share this news, but I will no longer be performing at Pittsburgh Pride on June 13th.

This has been a difficult decision as I truly support the event and LGBTIQA communities, however I feel my participation at this point would only serve to further distract from the true purpose of the event.

I am a firm believer in equality. Unfortunately in the past as a young person, I used words I should not have. The last thing I want is for something so carelessly said to be interpreted as reflective of my character.

I meant no harm and deeply regret ever uttering those words. As an adult I would never use them because I understand they play a detrimental role in the fight for issues that I do truly believe in.

I am sorry to anyone I have offended or disappointed & I wish all my fans and friends participating in Pride the best of luck.

[From Iggy Azalea on Twitter]

I don’t believe that Iggy wrote this statement by herself. Her management has largely taken over her social media (for good reason). If it was up to Iggy, she’d have Tweeted something condescending like this. Good on Pittsburgh. Iggy really did tweet some terrible things. This NSFW-language gallery is worth clicking through. Iggy defends herself by saying she wasn’t an adult and didn’t know better. All of these tweets are dated 2010 or more recent, and she’s 25 now.

Iggy Azalea

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN



Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner were out on the weekend, all happy happy family. Two weeks in a row now that we’ve seen them put on a show of togetherness after several weeks of divorce speculation. The message of course is that the magazines lied. And that they’re always wrong. And that they’re …      

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner were out on the weekend, all happy happy family. Two weeks in a row now that we’ve seen them put on a show of togetherness after several weeks of divorce speculation. The message of course is that the magazines lied. And that they’re always wrong. And that they’re …      



Even though it will be in a future book, many of us are still upset about Sunday’s episode of Game of Thrones, specifically Stannis Baratheon’s “sacrifice” of his daughter Shireen. Many GoT-watchers had been pro-Stannis up until that point, but now it doesn’t seem like anyone wants him on the Iron Throne. I personally hope Stannis just lives long enough to kill some major Boltons. Anyway, Carice van Houten – who plays Melisandre – sat down with The Daily Beast to talk about that terrible scene.

Carice on Ramsey Bolton’s assault on Stannis’s camp: “I think the event is pretty shocking to her, and she didn’t see it coming at all—that’s troubling to her, because she’s foreseen most things. But sometimes, I think her visions are a little blurry.”

Why Melisandre wanted to sacrifice Shireen: “She has proven that King’s Blood works. She is, first and foremost, a religious person—a priestess—and follows exactly what the Lord of Light wants her to do. She’s not just superhuman, but sees her missions in the flames and follows the visions. Melisandre is a total believer.”

Playing the scene with Shireen: “It’s a very weird scene to play. I had to close certain parts of my soul. It’s appalling. And the only way I tried to play it, which comes across as purely evil, is to be content with the fact that we were doing this because in Melisandre’s head, it’s the only way to save us all. She can’t show any emotion. She wants Stannis on the throne because she thinks he’s the rightful king she saw in the flames, so she sees the bigger picture—them or us. Melisandre thinks, ‘If we let the girl live, we’re going to die anyway, so we need to make this big sacrifice.’”

Working with Kerry Ingram, the actress playing Shireen: “We had a lot of fun in the tent before, and she is the sweetest girl. She gave me a little present—and she was dying! I felt bad and thought I should have brought her something. She got me an eternal flame, one of those candles with a fake flame on it. Really cute.”

The sexual violence: “It’s tricky. I tend to think we’re doing the right thing because we have a lot of strong female characters, and it’s true what George R.R. Martin says—it’s a mirror of what happens in reality. It’s confrontational. If you made a truly historical series, you’d see even worse things—especially with women. That being said, I can imagine people find a lot of it hard to watch.”

It can’t get any worse? “I get good stuff, man: births with shadow babies, leeches, and this. But this is the worst because it’s a child. You have to always defend your own character, you know? But in this case, it’s not easy. How far do people go for power? It can’t get worse than that.”

[From The Daily Beast]

“The only way I tried to play it, which comes across as purely evil, is to be content with the fact that we were doing this…” That’s a good way to explain it. Because Melisandre looked really pleased that they were burning this little girl alive and I think a lot of viewers turned on Melisandre in that moment. But here’s a question: while Stannis can be killed like a normal person, can Melisandre? Or do you need something special to kill her?

Also – Liam Cunningham spoke to Vulture about the last episode and he was really horrified about what was done with Shireen. He had really lovely things to say about Kerry Ingram too, saying that they exchanged gifts before her character died – she gave him “a beautiful cushion with an embroidered stag” and he gave her a silver stag figurine. He also says she is “a glorious young lady and a beautiful human being, but she’s also fantastically professional and well prepared on set” and that some of his favorite scenes on GoT were with her. Ugh, so sad!!!

Photos courtesy of WENN, HBO.


Netflix made a trip to Cannes’ Marche du Film, as the streaming service is looking to expand into the feature film market. They’ve already picked up Idris Elba’s Beasts of No Nation for distribution, and they have a deal to make and distribute Adam Sandler’s turds that no one else wants, but they…      

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