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Elizabeth! Happy Birthday from Emma! Congratulations on the new job – and congratulations on choosing change and opportunity. I’m excited about what’s ahead for you. Which, hopefully, includes a great result for Team Canada and Christine Sinclair who demonstrated her leadership on Saturday. We ne…      


MAJOR SPOILERS for last night’s episode of Game of Thrones.

Last night’s penultimate season episode was “The Dance of Dragons.” It was a reference to a book of history being read by Princess Shireen of House Baratheon, but it was also a reference to the actual dragon at the end of the show. Last week, I asked if the White Walker attack on the Wildlings’ basecamp at Hardhome was a mic-drop moment, so now I have to ask: are Dany’s dragons another mic-drop moment just waiting to happen? Look at what Drogon can do just by himself. Imagine three dragons, working in tandem, with their mother. Incidentally, George RR Martin wrote a reference piece last week, justifying his (and the show’s) use of violence against women – go here to read. Here are some highlights and moments from the show:

Jon Snow’s Sadface Opens the gate at The Wall. I thought Ser Aliser was going to go rogue and deny entry to the Wildlings and Jon Snow, but after waiting a moment, the gate was opened and the Wildlings were allowed to pass through to the other side of the Wall. Ser Aliser is playing the long game, which is smart – no one looks happy with Jon Snow and Ser Aliser probably believes that Jon Snow isn’t going to be long for this world anyway.

Ser Davos says goodbye to Princess Shireen. Stannis orders Davos to return to Castle Black to request more food and horses after Ramsey Bolton and his men launch a highly successful guerrilla attack on Stannis’s camp. Davos knows he’s being sent away for a reason, but I’m not sure Davos even realizes the extent of Stannis’s depravity. So we got a lovely moment with Davos giving Shireen a carved wooden sculpture of a stag (the animal representing House Baratheon). The scene was so sweet and gentle, you knew something terrible was going to happen.

Stannis loses what’s left of his humanity. I’ve always been a Stannis apologist. No more. A few episodes back, Melisandre told him the power of king’s blood and that pretty please, she’d really like to sacrifice Stannis’s daughter Shireen to the Red God. Back then, Stannis was all NOPE. But as he sees that there is no way to launch a successful attack on Winterfell, he decides to do it. And it’s awful. Shireen carrying her little wooden stag as she’s being lead to the stake is one of the most horrifying images ever shown on GoT. Her cries for her father as she’s being burned alive? Ugh. I hate Melisandre now too. And at long last, Selyse finally wakes up and realizes that her only child is being sacrificed and her soul dies along with her daughter. On a superficial note, kudos to the GoT makeup people for what they did to Stephen Dillane in those scenes. He looked like death too.

Meanwhile in Dorne. It feels like this Dornish plot is really going nowhere, right? There’s no drama, mostly because King Doran Martell is an utterly reasonable man and a seasoned diplomat who hates war. King Doran should be king of the Seven Kingdoms, that’s what I come away with. He’s willing to forgive the family that killed his beloved brother in order to avoid war. Doran brings Jamie Lannister into a lovely living room with Myrcella, Prince Tristane and Ellaria. Doran gives his orders, which are perfectly reasonable: Myrcella will return to King’s Landing AND she will marry Tristane and Tristane will be given a spot on the small council. Bronn is freed (and punched in the face as punishment for punching Tristane in the face). Then Doran orders Ellaria to stop trying to instigate a war and she submits in front of the Sand Snakes.

A Girl Is Still Arya Stark. She will never really be A Girl. She will always be Arya Stark with an ax to grind. Jaqen H’ghar has ordered her to poison that old dude but the she sees Ser Meryn Trant arrive in Braavos with Lord Mace Tyrell (a good-natured moron). Ser Meryn is on Arya’s death list so she decides to stalk him instead of fulfilling Jaqen’s assignment. She follows Ser Meryn to a brothel where she finds him ordering up very young girls. I honestly thought that scene was going to end a lot differently, but Arya got out of there and then she flat-out lied to Jaqen. A Girl better watch her ass.

Game of Thrones goes full Neverending Story. Everything was building up to the Meereen story. Dany starts the games with one clap and she and her fiancé Hizdahr – who I truly do not trust – are bickering. Tyrion interjects here and there. Then Ser Jorah appears in the fighting pit and even Daario is surprised to see him. Blah, fighting, Jorah wins and he looks up to Dany and throws a spear towards her. But not AT her – at one of the Sons of the Harpy sneaking up behind her. Daario turns around and sees that the Sons of the Harpy have assembled behind the royal box and they multitude in the hundreds, at least. Ser Jorah helps and Daario screams “Protect your queen!” Hizdahr dies at some point, but that doesn’t negate the theory that he was part of the Sons of the Harpy terrorism. And Tyrion saves Missandei (does Grey Worm have some competition?!). Dany, Daario, Tyrion, Jorah and Missandei are surrounded in the pit and all is lost… until Drogon comes and fire-blasts everyone hurting his mom. The Sons of the Harpy are trying to spear Drogon and he seems to be waiting for Dany to figure something out. Finally, she climbs on top of him and flies away (which is the ending of Neverending Story).

Next week, Brienne hopefully gets into gear, Winter is taking a break and no one knows where Dany is.


Photos courtesy of HBO/Game of Thrones.


Intro for June 8, 2015

Author: | Filed under: Celebrities

Dear Gossips,


It’s my new favourite word. OMG I want one so badly. Actually, I want two: a direwolf, still, to sleep at my feet every night, and a dragon outside waiting to mouth-burn all intruder motherf-ckers, after he’s torched Stannis Baratheon. But could Jorah Mormont just DI…      

Zoe Saldana

Zoe Saldana covers the July issue of InStyle. She’s wearing a Dolce & Gabbana dress (that reminds me of Chinese blue and white porcelain) and Dior jewelry. Zoe loves her D&G and stands by them no matter what (even when they say really dumb stuff). She’s not promoting anything right now except for her return to the spotlight. Zoe’s filming Star Trek 3 and has a whole slew of upcoming projects.

InStyle hasn’t released the whole interview yet, but Zoe reportedly had a ball at this shoot because it was her first one in ages. She brought her twin boys, Cy and Bowie, along for the ride. The manicurist described Zoe as someone who’s “silly” and “kept us all laughing with her awesome impressions.” This is surprising because I often feel like Zoe takes herself too seriously. There’s also a very cool excerpt making the rounds. Marco Perego decided to take Zoe’s last name when they got married!

Zoe’s story on Marco taking her name: “I tried to talk him out of it. If you use my name, you’re going to be emasculated by your community of artists, by your Latin community of men, by the world.”

Marco’s response: “Ah Zoe, I don’t give a sh*t.”

[From InStyle]

Marco sounds like an awesome guy. I admit feeling suspicious of him after watching the quickie marriage and checking out his douchey artwork. But the guy has won me over. He’s flat out adorable and seems really devoted to Zoe. He took her last name as his own, which is sweet, and I dig his nonchalant response to Zoe’s concern.

Here are some photos of Zoe in Dolce & Gabbana (again) at the Spike TV’s Guy’s Choice awards on Saturday night. Plus some photos of Marco, of course.

View image | gettyimages.com

View image | gettyimages.com

Zoe Saldana

Photos courtesy of InStyle/Paul Maffi, Getty & WENN




Hollywood couple Eric Dane and Rebecca Gayheart attended the 14th annual Chrysalis Butterfly Ball in Los Angeles, Calif. on Saturday (June 6).

The Grey’s Anatomy star, 42, and the Beverly Hills, 90210 alum, 43, were joined by their two adorable daughters: Billie, 5, and Georgia, 3.

Billie looked pretty in a light pink sequined gown, while Georgia matched her famous daddy in a gray sparkly dress.

The Chrysalis Butterfly Ball raises funds to alleviate homelessness in the Los Angeles area. Gayheart serves as the foundation’s co-chair.

Looking every bit the proud husband, Dane shared a shot from the charitable event.

“14th annual Butterfly Ball @chrysalisLA –Teaching the kids about giving back and helping others… #ButterflyBall #MyWifeIsAForce,” Dane Instagrammed an image with his youngest daughter.

14th annual Butterfly Ball @chrysalisLA –Teaching the kids about giving back and helping others… #ButterflyBall #MyWifeIsAForce

A photo posted by Eric Dane (@realericdane) on Jun 7, 2015 at 3:19am PDT

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14th Annual Chrysalis Butterfly Ball
14th Annual Chrysalis Butterfly Ball
14th Annual Chrysalis Butterfly Ball

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Since I’m not into Doctor Who, I really don’t know much about Jenna Coleman. She’s the Doctor’s current assistant. And… that’s about all I know about her. I barely remembered that Jenna was dating Richard Madden – also known as Robb Stark from Game of Thrones – and she was recently on his arm during his promotion of Cinderella. But it looks like Madden and Coleman are over. Enter Prince Harry? But Coleman is a brunette! Harry usually only goes for blondes. But there is photo evidence – you can see some photos of Harry and Jenna getting cozy/flirty with each other here.

He claims he is happily single and not looking for love – but it seems Prince Harry can’t resist turning on the charm when the opportunity strikes. Yesterday, pictures emerged of the fifth in line to the throne with his hand on the knee of a pretty Doctor Who actress as they chatted intimately at the polo. The prince, whom onlookers described as ‘flirty and tactile’, seemed delighted to be in the company of brunette Jenna Coleman, 29, after playing in a charity match last Saturday.

Harry, 30, led the actress by the hand out of the star-studded after-party to chat on a sofa outside.
Miss Coleman, who plays the Time Lord’s assistant Clara Oswald in the hit BBC series, looked delighted at the attention. The actress is believed to have split up with her long-term boyfriend, Game Of Thrones actor Richard Madden, 28, several months ago, according to the Mirror.

One onlooker said: ‘Harry sneaked outside with Jenna. He took her by the hand and led her away from the crowd in the sponsor’s tent. They sat alone and talked. It was a very flirty, very tactile encounter. She was leaning in to him and he had his hand on her knee. From their body language, it looked like they were really enjoying each other’s company. They were sitting very close, laughing lots and touching each other.’

Another guest said: ‘Everyone had been dancing inside and [the prince and Jenna] were together in a group, but Harry obviously wanted to talk to her alone.’

A spokesman for the prince declined to comment, while the actress’s publicist said they did not discuss her private life.

[From The Daily Mail]

Looking at their body language in the photos and hearing some first-hand accounts of their flirtatiousness… yeah, I think he was into it. And she sounds like she was up for it. I imagine that when Harry really turns on the charm, he’s pretty hard to resist. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel for him. Poor Harry… the royal family’s Bridget Jones!

Interestingly enough, Harry was also spotted at Cressida Bonas’ West End show last week as well. Harry’s been pretty publicly supportive of Cressida’s acting career, like he’s making an effort to make us believe they’re still friends/friendly. Do you think they still hook up sometimes? Is Cressida the one that got away? According to the Daily Mail, “Friends insist the pair are not back together, although admit Harry is still extremely fond of his ex-girlfriend.” Damn, Cressy has game.

And finally, Prince Harry was knighted by the Queen. He got the knighthood for “service to Her Majesty.” It’s not a plain old knighthood either – he was made Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order (KCVO). Here’s Harry’s fancy new Insignia.

Here’s a photo of the #KCVO Insignia that The Queen presented to Prince Harry privately at #BuckinghamPalace today pic.twitter.com/u3jlMB5Kio

— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) June 4, 2015

Photos courtesy of WENN.


Chet Haze

Aspiring rapper Chet Haze made the news again. It’s been less than a week since I talked about the 24-year-old, third son of Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson. Chet recently tried to enlighten the world by refusing to stop dropping the “beautiful” n-word. He was very upset about being called out for his use of an offensive term. Chet’s blinded by his own wealth and privilege. He wants to be seen as an authentic rapper and feels like dropping the n-word gives him street cred. Dude is extremely clueless.

Chet’s been in London for the past week. He Instagrammed this picture ^^^ with the following caption: “This trip was a movie. Coming back to LA focused on this music sh*t. Bout to be recording and releasing a lot more. Stay tuned.” This weekend, London got a real taste of Chet Haze. He trashed a hotel room to prove how much of a rap star he is. Or maybe he was blitzed out of his mind. Chet reportedly threw a tantrum about three women who wouldn’t sleep with him, and the fact that no one had any cocaine to give him:

British detectives are hunting Hollywood star Tom Hank’s son after he allegedly smashed up a hotel room in a sex and drugs row. Chester Hanks is said to have gone berserk, causing £1,200 worth of damage when he took three girls back after a late night party.

Shocked staff called police next morning after discovering shattered glass and a TV set ripped off the wall in the four-star room near Gatwick.

A source claimed: “He was pretty obnoxious once he started drinking at the club. He kept saying ‘do you know who I am?’ Nobody was all that impressed and that was clearly annoying him. Nobody recognised him. He then went back to the hotel with a British actor friend and three female promoters. He was sick in the car park and then went up to the room and got really loud.

“He asked the girls if they would join him in the bed, but they are not like that. So he started screaming and making a right noise. He saw some sprinkled make-up called banana powder and started asking ‘who’s got the coke?’ But nobody did drugs there. Then he started shouting that he was not going to share it with another man.”

The source added: “Then all you could hear was this smashing and crashing. Next morning he was gone but the room was trashed. Everything was smashed and there was glass all over the floor.”

Hanks is the third eldest of his famous A-lister father’s four sons. His attempt to make his name in hip hop as ‘Chet Haze’ has brought him ridicule for adopting black culture despite his privileged white upbringing.

In a text to the Sunday Mirror, Chester called the claims “a slanderous bold-faced lie.” He also threatened the “full force of my legal team” but would not comment further.

[From The Mirror]

Just a guess, but Chet Haze promising “the full force of my legal team” probably means, “I’m going to call my dad to bail me out of this situation.” I can’t even imagine how Tom and Rita felt to hear his news. It’s pretty freaking sad.

Chet has a history of drug and alcohol use. Last November, he claimed to be 60 days clean and sober after completing rehab for cocaine addiction. In 2011, Chet told Vice magazine that he always raps about weed because “I wanted to rap about something that I do.” He also added, “I’m not some caricature of a person who just drinks and smokes weed and parties all the time. I’m more complex than that.” Unfortunately, smashing up a hotel room makes Chet look like exactly like a party-boy caricature. I hope he gets help soon.

Chet Haze

Photos courtesy of Chet Haze on Instagram



Jason Statham

Jason Statham is so underappreciated, but he probably likes it that way. Dude’s carved a solid career out of B-movies, mostly action, and he loves his job. I’m a huge fan of his intense fighting moves, fetching Cockney accent, and angry strut. His fierce growl? Have mercy. Steve Rose of the Guardian writes of Statham, “When he punches the air, the air screams in pain.” A perfect description.

There were some rumors that Statham was being eyed for the role of Bullseye in season 2 of Daredevil. I knew the gossip wasn’t true, and Statham’s feelings wouldn’t be hurt at all by this “rejection.” Let’s just say that the Statham will never be a Marvel company man. He already poked fun at actors who rely upon stunt doubles. Now he’s adding to the conversation in two deliciously bitchy interviews with A.V. Club and The Guardian:

He thinks today’s superheroes are lame:“I could take my grandma and put her in a cape, and they’ll put her on a green screen and they’ll have stunt doubles come in and do all the action. Anybody can do it. They’re relying on stunt doubles, and green screen, and $200 million budgets, it’s all CGI created. To me, it’s not authentic.”

He offers to jump off a Mayfair hotel: “If someone wants me to jump off this balcony and land on a crash pad, that’s a piece of cake for me.”

His idols did their own fighting: “I’m inspired by the people who could do their own work. Bruce Lee never had stunt doubles and fight doubles, or Jackie Chan or Jet Li. I’ve been in action movies where there is a face replacement and I’m fighting with a double, and it’s embarrassing. But if you really are an aficionado of action movies, you know who’s doing what and who ain’t. To me it’s a little bit sad.”

Would he like to play James Bond? “Could I do it? Abso-f***ing-lutely. Would I do it? Abso-f***ing-lutely. Is Daniel Craig a great Bond? Abso-f***ing-lutely.”

[From AV Club & The Guardian]

On one hand, it’s hilarious how Statham is talking about contemporary superhero actors not being “authentic.” Statham makes believe for a living too. Plus, the ending scene of Crank was ridiculously fake (by necessity). Yet he’s correct. Statham’s sentiment runs parallel to Michael Keaton saying it’s not as hard to play Batman as it used to be. Keaton was tossing shade, but what he said is true.

Studios place a lot of focus upon hiring the right person for a job. Getting hired is the biggest hurdle for superhero roles. Actors still have to do the acting, but there’s no longer a real danger in these roles. Green screens, stunt guys, and marketing teams do the heaviest lifting. This is also why it’s perplexing to witness Robert Downey Jr.’s ego and Chris Evans’ neuroses when, ultimately, they’re guys who pose in front of green screens.

Jason Statham

Photos courtesy of WENN



Gwyneth Paltrow’s Mini-Me

Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities

Mama’s mini-me!

In a new Instagram image, Academy Award-winning actress Gwyneth Paltrow shares a rare shot of her two kids: daughter Apple, 11, and son Moses, 9.

“Brother proof. Sort of,” the actress, 42, captioned the post.

As it turns out, the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree. While both kids are seen holding pet dogs, Gwyneth’s daughter – who was sporting a helmet – looks exactly like her famous mama.

The Iron Man star and her ex, Coldplay frontman Chris Martin, spent Mother’s Day together as a family with their children.

Brother proof. Sort of.

A photo posted by Gwyneth Paltrow (@gwynethpaltrow) on Jun 6, 2015 at 7:35pm PDT


Series premiere June 6, 8pm PST @CRAVEseries #myvanityfaircover #GirlsLikeUs pic.twitter.com/nmoVTEMnrh

— Aneesh Sheth (@ashmeesh) June 4, 2015

Last week, transgender activist and Orange is The New Black star Laverne Cox issued a thoughtful statement about Caitlyn Jenner’s historical Vanity Fair cover. She wrote, in part, that “Most trans folks don’t have the privileges Caitlyn and I now have” and added that she hoped that the love and admiration shown for Caitlyn “can translate into changing hearts and minds about who all trans people are as well as shifting public policies to fully support the lives and well being of all of us.” Laverne also wrote about cisnormative beauty standards and how the most vulnerable trans people, including the poor, women of color and women who do not conform to beauty standards, should be just as safe moving through society as those who do.

There’s a new movement for trans women to pose for their own Vanity Fair covers and post them on social media. Buzzfeed explains that the #MyVanityFairCover movement was started by Crystal Frasier (below) and her roommate Jenn Dolari, who first tweeted “Where’s My Vanity Fair?” This brings more transgender women and more trans issues into the conversation and helps remind us that there so many trans people who are being affected by Caitlyn coming out. Here are a few of the covers posted. Some of these touched me and quite a few made me smile.


#MyVanityFairCover: #TransisBeautiful –> Trans grandmother from Quebec http://t.co/YZtEP2KcaW pic.twitter.com/q7yrCMPx0o

— Michelle Blanc (@MichelleBlanc) June 6, 2015

So excited to go to @MHPshow and tell @MHarrisPerry all about #MyVanityFairCover pic.twitter.com/ScjxDifTBQ

— CHERNO BIKO (@ChernoBiko) June 7, 2015

My Vanity Fair cover, with Gordene, my life partner of 17 years #MyVanityFairCover http://t.co/16cZFFUiQE): pic.twitter.com/LJMRkHrO4P

— Nancy Nangeroni (@gendervision) June 5, 2015

I love this! People rag on Caitlyn Jenner, because she can’t escape the fact that she’s part of the Kardashian machine. If she wasn’t in that position, this story might not have the traction it does despite her incredible Olympic accomplishments. For all you can say about Caitlyn Jenner, she’s brought these issues to our attention in a way that’s never been done to date.

Caitlyn has a new official twitter account, as you’ve probably heard, and currently has around 2.5 million followers. She posted this photo on Friday of herself with some girlfriends. #transisbeautiful is the hashtag started by Laverne Cox. Laverne explained during a recent speech that it’s about “people celebrating imperfections” instead of simply striving to blend in.

You can see more covers at MyVanityFairCover.Tumblr.com and on Jenn Dolari’s twitter.

Learn from those who have walked the path before you. #TransIsBeautiful #LivingOurTruth #JustTheBeginning pic.twitter.com/OTSS7LOSx9

— Caitlyn Jenner (@Caitlyn_Jenner) June 6, 2015

Trans women are uploading their own ‘Vanity Fair’ covers for the #MyVanityFairCover movement: http://t.co/rspyLAu34M pic.twitter.com/l0bCjTfEu4

— HelloGiggles.com (@hellogiggles) June 5, 2015

Trans people are creating their own Vanity Fair covers with #MyVanityFairCover http://t.co/M74420Wpau pic.twitter.com/QfI9Xbmdot

— BuzzFeed (@BuzzFeed) June 4, 2015

#MyVanityFairCover pic.twitter.com/8UvZftbDEO

— elisabeth (@ElisabethRossiT) June 7, 2015

Whole point of #MyVanityFairCover is to show beauty & gender identity takes many forms. Not just patriarchal “pretty” pic.twitter.com/8nrEx083rT

— Christin Milloy (@chrinfinity) June 6, 2015


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