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New mom Jill Duggar and her sister, mom-to-be Jessa Duggar, spoke out on Wednesday night regarding their brother, Josh Duggar, who sexually assaulted five underage girls as a teen.

In an interview with Megyn Kelly on Fox News, the 19 Kids and Counting stars identified themselves as two of of the girls Josh had abused.

“We are victims, they can’t do this to us,” Jill, 24, tearfully said of the media coverage on her and her family.

Jessa, 22, added: “The system that was set up to protect kids, both those who make stupid mistakes or have problems like this in their life and the ones that are affected by those choices. It’s greatly failed.”

While Jessa said that what Josh did was “very wrong,” she criticized those who are calling their brother a child molester, pedophile or rapist.

“I’m like, that is so overboard and a lie really,” Jessa said. “I mean, people get mad at me for saying that but I can say this because I was one of the victims.”

During the interview, the girls’ parents, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, outlined that Josh, then 14, came to them “and said he improperly touched some of our daughters.”

Jim Bob said, “He said he was just curious about girls, and he had gone in and basically just touched them over their clothes while they were sleeping.”

Michelle said it was comforting that Josh had confessed to them.

“I think we had one ray of hope in that Josh had a tender conscience and he was the one that came and shared on his own, even though the others really didn’t know anything of his wrongdoing,” she shared.

Michelle went on to say that Josh’s sisters were too young to know that what their brother was doing to them was wrong.

“One by one, as we talked with them, none of them were aware of Josh’s wrong doings,” Michelle said. “It was more his heart, his intent. He knew that it was wrong. But they weren’t even aware. They were like, you know, it wasn’t — to them they didn’t probably even understand that it was an improper touch.”

The Duggars went on to voice their frustrations with the aftermath.

“I think what’s so devastating as a mom, for me, is, we took our children to the Children’s Safety Center,” Michelle, 48, said. “We trusted them. We trusted the police department. Our children poured out their hearts. They shared everything. And then to have their trust betrayed?”

She added: “For all of their information and everything to be turned over to a tabloid … for those things to be twisted and shared in a slanderous way – story after story, tabloid after tabloid.”

Michelle went on to say that since the story broke, her girls have experienced worse trauma than the sexual assault itself.

“They have been victimized more by what has happened in these last couple weeks.” the mom-of-19 said. “And they weren’t told years ago because they honestly – they didn’t even understand or know that anything had happened until after the fact when they were told about it.”

Jim Bob agreed, and further condemned the media.

“At this point, our family is just trying to regroup from these attacks,” he said. “When you are in every newspaper and everything throughout the world … I mean, it’s been an unprecedented attack on our family.

He added: “This information was released illegally. I wonder why all of this press is not going after the system for releasing juvenile records. That is a huge story.”


Sam and Aaron-Taylor Johnson arrived at their hotel in New York yesterday, no kids. The Daily Mail is calling it a mini-break. Or an early milestone celebration? Aaron turns 25 next week. This is why they’re My Obsession…7 years and counting.

7 years. They’ve made it as long as Brad Pitt and …      


The Suffragette trailer looks good, but that song doesn’t “go” with it. [LaineyGossip]
Mila Kunis’s stalker was finally caught. [Dlisted]
Bethenny Frankel comes from a Place of Yes. [Reality Tea]
Giorgio Armani loves his white mankini. [The Blemish]
This is the 30th anniversary of Goonies. Yes! [CDAN]
Happy 40th birthday, Angelina Jolie. [Wonderwall]
Michelle Duggar: was she vacant or conniving? [Gawker]
Rachel Zoe made some beautiful children. [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
Bindi Irwin is experimenting with heavy eye makeup. [I’m Not Obsessed]
Andrew Garfield has a “longing” for fatherhood. [ICYDK]
Scott Walker mansplains the trauma of rape. [The Frisky]
Jamie Camil’s For Your Consideration ad is amazing. [Seriously OMG WTF]


Tori Spelling & Her Could Pets Pals

Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities

Beverly Hills, 90210 alum Tori Spelling posted a photo of her kids – Liam, 8, Stella, nearly 7, Hattie, 3, and Finn, 2 – via Instagram Thursday.

“As a working mom I love that I can send a message to my kids through their @cloudpets. A fun way to tell them I love them when I can’t B home! #momguiltjustgotbetter http://mycloudpets.com/ PS They [love] the bunny,” Tori captioned the image.

Last month, the True Tori star, 42, hit Knott’s Berry Farm with her big brood.

In a series of Instagram images, Tori shares shots of her happy – and fashionable – kids. Continue looking through our gallery to see the family photos.

Tori and her husband, Chopped: Canada star Dean McDermott, are reportedly expecting their fifth child together.

As a working mom I love that I can send a message to my kids through their @cloudpets. A fun way to tell them I love them when I can’t B home! #momguiltjustgotbetter http://mycloudpets.com/ PS Theythe bunny

A photo posted by Tori Spelling (@torispelling) on Jun 4, 2015 at 8:04am PDT

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A lot of people have been Gossip Genie-ing for this to happen. A large percentage of them are probably Canadian. Rachel McAdams and Taylor Kitsch went out for dinner the other night in LA. So now it’s being rumoured that they’re hooking up. And now it’s being hoped that they’re hooking up.

A …      


While I think Caitlyn Jenner’s transition and her public debut and public forum have been enormously important this week, I’m also sort of happy that the Duggars have pushed Caitlyn off the front page a little bit. We had gotten to the point where it wasn’t even about Caitlyn anymore, it was about the coverage around Caitlyn, the media story, the analysis, etc. And while those are worthy stories, it also led to Caitlyn-exhaustion. But… there are still some interesting stories coming out, so let’s get to it.

Caitlyn’s speaking fee has already gone up. Bruce Jenner commanded a $25,000 speaking fee, while Caityln Jenner’s speaking fee will be $100,000. TMZ says Caitlyn is a hotter commodity because of her new social media presence (she’s already broken several social media records.

Caitlyn has signed on with CAA. CAA is the Death Star of Hollywood agencies. They represent all of the big-name celebrity women especially, from Meryl Streep to Nicole Kidman to Jennifer Aniston. Caitlyn has signed with CAA’s Speakers division and they will “provide strategic counsel in helping Jenner spread her message” of transgender issues.

Caitlyn might become a brand spokesperson for MAC Cosmetics. Page Six says MAC has been doing “high level meetings” with Caitlyn for a few months about a possible endorsement deal.

Trolls want Caitlyn to give back Bruce’s gold medal. Because hateful trolls are trolling. Thousands have signed the petition because…? I don’t really get their logic.

Some people are mad about Caitlyn’s ESPY Arthur Ashe Courage Award too. You can totally make the argument that there are several other high-profile athletes who have shown amazing courage without negating Caitlyn’s courage, you know?

Photos courtesy of Vanity Fair.


Johnny Depp has cranked up the charm dial in Australia. For a few consecutive days now he’s given Australian fans waiting for him on the set of Pirates 5 the full Movie Star Treatment, as the unit publicist doesn’t seem to mind that paps are on site to document every gesture. And every gesture ha…      


GAH! I still can’t get over all of the hotness in these photos from Cannes. All of the photos in this post are from the Cannes photocall for Macbeth several weeks ago. Michael Fassbender and Marion Cotillard posed affectionately throughout. He looked hungover and gingery and she looked pristine and lovely. Together they would make French-speaking ginger babies. Was it ever on? Let me believe that it was on at some point. You might want to believe it too, especially after you watch this really, really good first trailer for Macbeth:

The single tear rolling down his cheek when she tells him “what’s done is done”? Yeah. I’m going to have to see this. I thought that the makeup and costume work would detract from the story, but seeing this… no, the aesthetics make it better. I’m loving the guyliner on Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s blue eyeshadow and her hair are all working for me.

There’s been some discussion about Fassy maybe getting another Oscar nomination this year and whether he would deign to actually campaign and openly “want” it. I don’t know. I think if he was playful, engaged and “open” like he was during his failed Oscar campaign for Shame, he could have a good shot at another nomination for Macbeth or maybe for Jobs, which also comes out during the traditional fall-winter awards season. Here’s why I think Fassy will play the game a bit more this year: his girlfriend, Alicia Vikander.


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN.


Kendall Jenner

Kendall and Kylie Jenner attended their Topshop line debut in LA last night. Topshop already put the clothing line up for sale. It’s not awful stuff (mostly slogan tops, denim shorts, and one awful floral jumpsuit), but most of the clothes look nothing like what Kendall and Kylie wear in real life. There is a “When in doubt, vacation” sweatshirt ($68), which suits the trust fund vibe of many of the Jenner girls’ best friends. This collection is Topshop’s way of appealing to the young Hollywood set (or those that want to be like them).

Kendall and Kylie wore Topshop outfits to this launch. Thank goodness. They learned from the huge mess of their book launch last year. (The girls refused to answer questions at their signing and acted like they didn’t care about the book.) The speculation was that they didn’t even read the ghostwritten novel, mostly because of how Kendall called herself “the worst reader“ when she hosted the Billboard awards. Many (and probably most) celebrities publish ghostwritten books. Likewise, most celebrity fashion lines are designed by other people. But the celebs should read their own book and model their own clothing.

A quick side note: Kendall’s Calvin Klein ads were also supposed to capture the young demographic. That hasn’t happened (yet). The first quarter sales reports are in, and Kendall’s denim line hasn’t done well. But as Fashionista points out in the link, CK’s denim has been on the decline for four years. WWD says Kendall’s campaign has at least stanched the bleeding.

Here are more Topshop launch pictures. Our photo agencies have been zeroing in on Kylie’s gold band, so I guess we should talk about it. She’s been wearing this ring for weeks. Could mean something Tyga related, or maybe not.

Kylie Jenner

Kendall Jenner

Kylie Jenner

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet



8 is the luckiest number in Chinese culture. I mean, certain people have luckier numbers than others (like for some reason Jacek has to be all contrary and 4s seem to work out well for him even though 4s are generally not lucky) but we Chinese, we love the 8. And 88? That’s double the luck, doubl…      

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