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Here are some new photos of Kit Harington out and about in NYC yesterday. He’s adorable, isn’t he? He really, really loves skinny jeans. He’s so tiny too, it’s sort of weird to see him in such tight pants. I kind of wonder if he needs to go up a size? I’m not sure if the skinny jeans are supposed to look like that on his leg and it seems like he might have trouble walking. Also: I’m pretty sure I have a very similar sweater. I bought it at Old Navy. In the women’s section.

Are you still thinking about the latest Game of Thrones episode, “Hardhome”? I am. God, that was so epic. And Kit Harington was a big part of why it was epic. I know we tease poor Kit about his whiney “don’t hate me because I’m beautiful” routine, and I know we tease him about being a wooden, sad-faced bastard on GoT, but I truly think Kit has grown a lot as an actor this season specifically. My theory is that once Jon Snow became the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch, Kit finally got to play something different, something less sad-faced and more interesting.

Surprisingly, Kit was in NYC to promote Testament of Youth, the film he did with Alicia Vikander. He did several new interviews yesterday, which means it’s time for another episode of “Celebitchy Presents: Kit Harington Says Words.” Huzzah! What’s funny is that even though he was supposed to be talking about the film, people just wanted to talk about GoT and Hardhome. Kit told E! News that he knew when they were making the episode that it was going to be really good. Kit says the “end product of what they produced for ‘Hardhome’ was amazing…I thought it was brilliant. I really, really loved it. I was so proud of it and happy with it. I never pat myself on the back but I thought, why not? It was great!”


Kit also said words to Matt Lauer. Kit’s mum doesn’t like to watch GoT because of all the violence, and Kit successfully avoids whining about his beauty and fame again.

And here’s Kit talking Access Hollywood. Billy Bush is super-annoying here but Kit is rather charming.

Photos courtesy of WENN.


VF caitlyn

Caitlyn Jenner made her big debut on Vanity Fair yesterday. And since we now know her name and that she’s fully identifying as a woman, we will be using her new name and female pronouns. Vanity Fair released more of their cover story and Caitlyn is – at this point – pretty easy-going about that part of her transition. When journalist Buzz Bissinger apologized to Caitlyn about using male pronouns, she said: “I don’t really get hung up. A guy came in the other day and I was fully dressed—it’s just habit, I said, ‘Hi, Bruce here,’ and I went, Oh f–k, it ain’t Bruce, I was screwing up doing it.” Caitlyn also tells VF that she had a 10-hour “facial-feminization” surgery on March 15th, although she thought it was only going to be a five-hour process. And Caitlyn tells VF that she has not had the full gender-reassignment and has no plans to do so.

Something else happened in the wake of Caitlyn’s debut – ESPN confirmed that they would be giving Caitlyn Jenner the Arthur Ashe Award for Courage. I’m sure that was decided before the cover but after the Diane Sawyer interview. And I think the award is completely and utterly justified. “Courageous” is exactly the word I’d use to describe how Caitlyn has handled everything. Apparently, Caitlyn will make her first live public appearance at the ESPYs and some or all of her family will be there to support her.

As for the name, there are some interesting stories – all quoting “sources close to Jenner” – floating around about how she chose that specific name (with that specific spelling). TMZ’s sources say that she wanted to be Caitlyn-with-a-C rather than a K because she “wants a clean break from the Kardashians” and Caitlyn “wants to make it clear to her family and the world … she is her own person… we’re told it was an extremely meaningful choice for her … she has never been her own person before, and becoming part of the Kardashian brood would undermine her goal.” Sources told People Mag that she chose Caitlyn out of all names because “The name is what he always loved when he thought about this [female] part of his life.”

Cover courtesy of Annie Leibovitz/Vanity Fair.


Lauren Conrad

Lauren Conrad’s switching up some of the terminology on her lifestyle website. The change comes in focus with her June theme, “Shape Up.” Lauren will share workout tips and healthy recipes galore. She wants to get fitter with her readers and focus on menu ideas (like Meatless Monday) and tips (like reading food labels). Lauren hopes that people will find these columns to be “inspiring.” As opposed to Goop-esque aspirational, I guess. The big change refers to a meeting with her editorial team. They all agreed to stop using words like “skinny” and “thin” to describe women’s bodies. Here’s Lauren’s reasoning.

“It’s that time of the year again… swimsuit season. I make an effort to eat healthy and exercise all year round. But when summer hits and the layers of clothing come off, fitness becomes even more of a priority for me. So with that in mind, our June theme here on LaurenConrad.com is going to be Shape Up. You can expect all the great fitness content you’ve come to know and love here on the site, including my LaurenConrad.com Bikini Boot Camp series. But, you’ll also notice one key difference…

When we’ve talked about getting in shape in the past, words like ‘skinny,’ ‘slim,’ and ‘thin’ have often come up. Starting this month, we’ll be banning any body shaming terms from the site, and replacing them with words like ‘fit’ ‘toned,’ and ‘healthy.’ We try do to this for the most part anyway, but now we’re making it official! The word skinny will now be reserved for skinny jeans. My editorial team and I had a long talk about it, and we want to make sure that the focus is on being fit as opposed to a number on the scale. Every body is created differently–and healthy bodies come in all shapes and sizes.

[From Us Weekly]

Lauren wants to emphasize all body types and the importance of being fit. Some might think she’s acting oversensitive by banning certain words from her website. I know people are exhausted by the term “shaming,” but what Lauren says makes sense. She wants to promote fitness, not whether someone can fit into a certain size clothing.

Anyway, yes. The words “skinny” and “thin” are triggers for many fit people. Depending on the way someone slings those words in another person’s direction, they can carry a derogatory meaning. The words can imply that someone simply got lucky with their body type. People think they’re giving a compliment, but it doesn’t feel that way on the receiving end. Lauren wants to stop using all disparaging terms referring to body type on her website. Hopefully, this change will spark a trend.

Lauren Conrad

Photos courtesy of WENN




Here are some photos of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West out and about in NYC on Monday, just hours after they confirmed Kim’s second pregnancy. (Note: I’ll be posting the CFDA photos later this morning!) Kim really planned out her pregnancy announcement too, she was easily working on this pregnancy rollout for two whole months. And then Caitlyn Jenner stole her thunder! It’s a beautiful thing, isn’t it? But you know what? I’m going to give Ol’ Katface Kardashian an early baby shower gift: the gift of the benefit of the doubt. I think Caitlyn legitimately stole Kim’s thunder, but I have some doubts as to whether Kim was or is really mad about it. Kim may be a narcissistic train wreck, but she does love Caitlyn and I believe Kim’s support is real. She even tweeted yesterday about Caitlyn’s cover:

Caitlyn Jenner for Vanity Fair ???? Annie Leibovitz! How beautiful! Be happy, be proud, live life YOUR way! pic.twitter.com/39fryBwUqE

— Kim Kardashian West (@KimKardashian) June 1, 2015

So, is she mad? Or does she realize that Caitlyn can get attention but she (Kim) will still get loads of attention too? And trust me, if Kim’s maternity style is still as terrible as it was during her first pregnancy, Kim is TOTALLY going to get attention. We won’t be able to stop ourselves. I’m gleeful just thinking about Kim trying to work a Balmain maternity couture onesie. YAY!!!!! I CANNOT WAIT. Oh, and this just came out too: Kim helped pick out the “glam team” for Caitlyn’s VF shoot. So, yeah, she’s not mad about it.

As for how long we can enjoy Kim’s second pregnancy… TMZ says that Kim is three months pregnant now and she’ll be giving birth “this winter.” Probably a December birth.

PS… Here’s another hope/wish for this pregnancy: I hope Kanye spends more time with Kim this time around. He was largely MIA (in Paris) during her first pregnancy.


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and Pacific Coast News.



I’ve been having an internal debate about whether I should keep HBO after Game of Thrones finishes in a few weeks, mostly because I am really curious about the second season of True Detective. I liked TD Season 1, although it wasn’t as life-changing as I thought it would be, and I’ve lowered my expectations for Season 2 accordingly. I hope Rachel McAdams is good. I hope Colin Farrell is good. But I worry that Vince Vaughn is going to be the scene-stealer, this season’s out-of-nowhere performance, a la Matthew McConaughey. Vince dramatically slimmed down for the role and he’s quite honestly looking better than he has in a decade or more. Too bad that Vince is basically like an attractive version of Wayne LaPierre. Vince covers the new issue of British GQ and some his views are… not appropriately thought out.

On getting stuck making “assembly-line comedies”: “I’m not blaming anyone else but myself here. The machine can make you idle. You read a script and then you agree to a role, then soon enough you’re on set looking at a scene that has had all the juice and the life sucked right out of it. You become a hired gun doing a very inoffensive PG-13 movie and, well, you kind of just go along with it. Like anything in life you’re either growing or you’re dying. When you get too comfortable you start to decline.”

On the American government: “Edward Snowden is a hero. I like what he did. My idea of treason is that you sell secrets to the enemy. He gave information to the American people. Snowden didn’t take information for money or dogmas. Governments claim to write endless laws to protect us, a law for this, a law for that, but are they working? I don’t think so. The consequences are that there is a staggering loss of freedom for the individual. I look at the drug wars and they are absolutely f***ing ridiculous. There is a black market and the prisons are overcrowded and it’s not preventing drug use. There’s a corruption that goes all the way to the top.”

On the American right to own a gun: “I support people having a gun in public full stop, not just in your home. We don’t have the right to bear arms because of burglars; we have the right to bear arms to resist the supreme power of a corrupt and abusive government. It’s not about duck hunting; it’s about the ability of the individual. It’s the same reason we have freedom of speech. It’s well known that the greatest defence against an intruder is the sound of a gun hammer being pulled back. All these gun shootings that have gone down in America since 1950, only one or maybe two have happened in non-gun-free zones. Take mass shootings. They’ve only happened in places that don’t allow guns. These people are sick in the head and are going to kill innocent people. They are looking to slaughter defenceless human beings. They do not want confrontation. In all of our schools it is illegal to have guns on campus, so again and again these guys go and shoot up these f***ing schools because they know there are no guns there. They are monsters killing six-year-olds.”

On whether guns should be allowed in schools: “Of course. You think the politicians that run my country and your country don’t have guns in the schools their kids go to? They do. And we should be allowed the same rights. Banning guns is like banning forks in an attempt to stop making people fat. Taking away guns, taking away drugs, the booze, it won’t rid the world of criminality.”

[From British GQ]

I have never, ever understood the “more guns = more freedom” equation. It never made any sense to me, and Vince Vaughn’s gun rant left me utterly unmoved. Why would those poor Sandy Hook children be blamed for their own deaths, because of course we should be arming 6-year-olds to take down armed psychopaths? That’s the logical conclusion of Vince’s stance. Am I the crazy one, or is he? Here’s the thing: I believe in legal gun ownership AND I believe people should have to register their guns AND I also believe in gun-free zones (schools, churches, mosques, community centers, public buildings). I loathe open-carry laws – because there is truly something unsettling about seeing an armed rando at a Chinese buffet – and I believe that the fastest way to escalate a mundane disagreement is to have every single person armed to the teeth. I’m sure that makes me a communist in Vince’s eyes.

Photos courtesy of British GQ.


Kylie Jenner

Here’s a photo of Kylie Jenner outside Kendall’s apartment building. Tyga was along for the ride as always. Next week’s episode of KUWTK will reportedly talk about 17-year-old Kylie’s, um, social life. You can see an (autoplay) clip of the teaser here. Khloe talks about how she “just switched Kylie’s birth control pills.” Kris Jenner asks, “Do you take it for your skin?” Kylie makes a face, and Khloe asks, “What do you think she does all day, knit sweaters?” Is this how the show will confirm Kylie’s relationship with Tyga, age 25?

Something less gross. Kylie and Kendall are promoting their clothing lines with PacSun and TopShop. They sat down with The Sunday Times (via E! Online) to discuss how they fear the aging process. Both girls are so young. This doesn’t surprise me at all, considering the family we’re discussing:

Kylie: “I’m scared of the day I turn 19. I really don’t want to grow past 18.” [Looks at Kendall] “You’ll be 20 this year — that’s crazy. And any second you’ll be, like, 21, 22, 23…”

Kendall: “It’s scary. Life is scary. It’s just scary to think how fast everything is rolling and you can’t stop it. It’s rolling right now. You see a picture and you’ve changed so much in a year.”

Kylie: “I’ve done so much, physically and whatever.”

Kendall: “I think social media has taken over for our generation. It’s a big part of our lives and it’s kind of sad. I hate it sometimes, like, I literally want to throw my phone so I can’t look at it. It’s all a made-up world if you think about it. Social media, everything, this interview, everything. It’s not real.”

[From The Sunday Times via E! Online]

Kendall’s pulling a Kate Upton here. Both models boosted their careers using social media. Kendall scored an Estee Lauder contract specifically because she has so many Instagram followers. Brands want to create buzz, so they select models who have large internet followings. Kate Upton’s been dissing social media like crazy, and her alleged attitude over many things could destroy her career. Kendall needs to be careful.

FYI: Kendall tweeted some awesome support for Caitlyn Jenner yesterday.

be free now pretty bird.

— Kendall Jenner (@KendallJenner) June 1, 2015

Here’s Kendall with Wu “Kris” Yifan on the cover of Vogue China.

Kylie Jenner

Kendall Jenner

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN




The last we reported on Kim Richards, 50, of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, she was not speaking with her daughter, Brooke, after making a drunken scene at Brooke’s wedding. Richards had gone to her daughter’s wedding in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico on a furlough from rehab, accompanied by a sober companion. While no one reportedly witnessed Kim drinking, she was obviously inebriated and said a bunch of mean things to Brooke right after the wedding to Brooke’s new in laws. Kim’s sober coach got frustrated and left and then Kim missed her Monday deadline to return to rehab. It’s been over a week and Radar reports that Kim is back in LA and that she’s predictably refusing to go back to her rehab facility. She’s in touch with her family at least, and they’re worried about her.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Kim Richards has finally resurfaced in Los Angeles after relapsing at her daughter’s Mexican wedding on May 23. But RadarOnline.com has learned she’s not out of the woods just yet: According to multiple insiders, she is refusing to go back to rehab.

“Kim came back from Cabo last week but is refusing to go back to rehab,” an insider told Radar. “She suffered a huge relapse at the wedding, and was mixing booze and pills. However, Kim is refusing to go back to rehab.”

Richards entered a treatment facility for alcoholism recently after she was arrested at the Beverly Hills Polo Lounge last month and charged with public intoxication and trespassing.

By agreeing to rehab, sources told Radar that she would not only get a very lenient plea deal and avoid jail time, but she would also be able to return next season to RHOBH.

But according to the insiders, all bets are now off.

Our source said, “Kim has been in contact with sister’s Kyle and Kathy, but both siblings are obviously very concerned about her. There is only so much the family can do for Kim, and refusing to get help is a big obstacle.”

[From Radar]

TMZ somewhat contradicts Radar’s story and claims that Kim has “promised to re-enter rehab.” Considering how long it’s been, and how she refused to commit to rehab while on Dr. Phil, even if she’s saying that it’s doubtful she’ll follow through. They say that Kim returned to LA only after her sister Kyle and her husband, Mauricio, sent a security guard down to Mexico to retrieve her. TMZ reports that Kyle and Mauricio aren’t going to babysit Kim anymore and that “things are so bad, Kyle and Mauricio feel Kim is actually in danger of dying. But they believe the only hope is for her to realize they will not be her safety net to constantly bail her out.

If Kim is so deep in her addiction and in denial, there’s little hope her family can force her to get treatment unless she’s a danger to herself or others. She may go back to rehab if her livelihood is threatened, like it was in 2011 the last time she went to rehab (and later lied about remaining sober). However, unless there’s an insurance issue I really doubt that RHOBH is going to kick her off. She’s a trainwreck and that makes for good television. Plus I doubt she’ll face many consequences for her drunken arrest regardless of whether she completes rehab. She’ll probably get community service and a fine and that’s it. If she’s wasted in court, though, that’s another story.

Celebrities Dine Out At Craig's Restaurant

Celebrities Dine Out At Craig's Restaurant

Photos are screenshots from Bravo and candids of Kim out with sister Kathy Hilton in March, 2015 and October, 2014. Credit: FameFlynet


Jake Gyllenhaal

Jake Gyllenhaal covers the July issue of Esquire to promote his role in Southpaw. Jake plays a down-and-out boxer, Billy Hope, who has to claw his way back from rock bottom. He buffed up by eating extra meals and working out 6 hours daily. Jake badly wants an Oscar, and he really should have been nominated last year for Nightcrawler. Dude deserved the nomination over Bradley Cooper and the beige booty shorts. Both men underwent body tranformations. BCoop gained weight, and Jake lost it (but had the better performance). Now it’s Jake’s turn to show off a buff physique. Maybe this will be his year.

Director Antoine Fuqua says Jake was so committed that he refused a stunt double and “even broke up with his girlfriend because he was at the ring every day!” Here are some excerpts from Jake:

Why he made Prince of Persia and Day After Tomorrow: “I took things because they were jobs. I mean people are paying you money, you’re 26, are you kidding? I woke up one day and I wasn’t in the right room. It was like a David Byrne song: ‘That’s not my beautiful house. That’s not my beautiful wife.’”

His Southpaw character: “He’s a guy that couldn’t deal with his own shame. The director Ed Zwick [Love & Other Drugs (2010)] told me this wonderful thing: ‘Everything you learn is through shame.’ It’s so true. There’s those moments where you face humiliation, they’re so freeing if you can get through them … I didn’t do a boxing movie to do a boxing movie, if you know what I mean.”

On transforming for a role: “Physicality is a way into the mental state of a character. I get off on knowing that my energy has shifted. My technical side is going, ‘Yeah, you’re a bit of a maniac, but you know how to keep it in check.’ But it’s not like this huge deal. It’s that Louis CK thing, [about] when people say they’re ‘starving.’ Maybe you should rethink that word? You had a meal four hours ago!”

Empathy has a molecular, mystical quality: “I believe deeply in the unconscious. That you literally accumulate the molecules of the space that you’re in. We’re like 90 per cent water, so naturally we are going to be affected by the moon when it’s full: if the sea is, why wouldn’t we be? That seems scientific to me. So, if you spend enough time in whatever environment your character would exist in … then the molecules of that environment must transfer somehow. And then you put it on screen, and people go, ‘I feel something that I don’t normally feel.’”

[From Esquire]

The part about empathy relates to Jake’s belief that physically immersing himself in a role will enhance his understanding of a character. Jake is not alone in thinking that full moons affect human behavior (although the average adult’s body is 55-60% water, not 90%). Lots of people feel the same way, and there are plenty of people who experience headaches and various other ailments during full moons. The discussion is a little spacey, but all of the strange things that happen can’t be mere coincidences, right? Discuss.

Jake Gyllenhaal

Photos courtesy of Esquire & WENN




When Oscar de la Renta passed away last year, I did idly wonder about his will. De la Renta was a wealthy man, of course, with a successful clothing line and I guess I just figured that his beloved wife Annette would probably inherit the majority of his estate. I didn’t know that Oscar de la Renta had any kids, but he did. He was stepfather to Annette’s three children from a previous relationship, and Oscar adopted a son, Moises, from the Dominican Republic before Oscar got with Annette. And as it turns out, Oscar de la Renta did leave the bulk of his estate to Annette, and he only left a pittance to Moises. Rough.

The son of late fashion designer Oscar de la Renta is paying dearly for having fallen out with his father. Moises de la Renta, adopted by Oscar from an orphanage in their native Dominican Republic, was left a relatively threadbare portion of his dad’s $26 million estate — and was warned that if he ever tried to contest the will, he would be cut out completely, court documents show. Moises, 30, had angered his dad by launching his own women’s fashion line in 2005. His father, who outfitted such luminaries as Jackie Kennedy Onassis and Amal Clooney, apparently never forgave him.

Oscar, who died in October at age 82, left most of his estate to his wife of 25 years, Annette, in his six-page will, signed several weeks before his death. Her haul includes all of Oscar’s belongings, plus his real-estate holdings, including a $13 million Park Avenue apartment, $2.8 million Connecticut home and a Dominican estate. The rest of his funds was put in a trust to be split between Annette, her three children and Moises, who was his dad’s only child.

The will puts Annette, Oscar’s second wife, in control of the funds, which include his $3.3 million Citibank account and a $1.2?million tax refund. Rather than Moises, Oscar’s stepdaughter Eliza Bolen was named as an alternate executor of the will. Bolen, daughter of Annette, is a vice president of the fashion house.

The will — filed in Litchfield County Probate Court in Connecticut, where the designer lived with Annette — gives a glimpse into the couple’s lifestyle. For example, Annette billed the estate $80,000 on May 18 for expenses including a $2,533.82 trip to a Citarella gourmet market and $13,933 for landscaping. In 2005, The Post reported Moises was building his own fashion “empire” “to bring the de la Renta aura to a younger crowd.”

Oscar later publicly lashed out at his son. “Moises did a little line, five or six pieces. But that doesn’t make a fashion designer,” he told New York magazine. Oscar said he adopted Moises, then just 24 hours old, after his first wife, Francoise, died of cancer.

“I never thought I would get married again. I thought my son and I would have each other,” he said.

But in 1989, Oscar wed Annette, daughter of mining magnate/philanthropist Charles Engelhard. Moises’ fashion line, MDLR, never took off. Still, he’s not exactly poor, buying a Soho pad for $2.4 million in 2010. Annette’s lawyers declined to comment. Moises did not return messages.

[From Page Six]

I think it was always pretty clear that Annette would inherit the bulk of the estate and that Oscar trusted her judgment implicitly. And yes, it’s terrible to hold that kind of grudge against your son for so many years, to the point where you’re taking it to your grave. And was Moises really so wrong to try to build his own line? Ugh. Still, Oscar had the right to distribute his wealth however he wanted, and I guess Moises should be thankful to get whatever pittance from the trust controlled by Annette.

Photos courtesy of WENN.



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Over the past few weeks, I’ve been doing little previews of the upcoming wedding between Sweden’s Prince Carl Philip and his soon-to-be bride, Sofia Hellqvist. The general consensus among royal watchers is that Sofia is not really princess material – she’s a reality show famewhore and softcore p0rn model – and that this wedding is probably going to be a lot of fun to watch because a few of Carl Philip’s family members don’t seem especially jazzed about the union. To battle those kinds of perceptions, People Magazine ran a soft-focus piece about the Scandalous Sofia and how Carl Philip has tamed the wild girl or something. You can read the full piece here. Some highlights:

Margareta Gotthardsson, royals reporter at Svensk Damtidning, tells People: “From the beginning, there was a struggle for Sofia to be accepted… She has told the press that she and the prince tried to fall out of love with each other since they knew that it would be a struggle for them when her background was revealed.”

Carl Philip on whether his sisters disliked Sofia: “Absolutely not, not at all. My parents and my sisters were curious about her, open, and welcomed her with a big hug.”

Carl Philip on the media’s treatment of Sofia: “She was hung out to dry in a bullying type of way.”

Sofia on how the royal family treated her: “I felt welcome from day one and nothing else… A lot has been written over the years, not only following our engagement. For me it’s pretty boring, it happened 10 years ago and I’ve moved on with my life. But no regrets. Experience shapes a person.”

Gotthardsson says perception about Sofia changed after the engagement: “Now everyone has changed their minds about her. She is very lovely, charming and smart. The Swedish people have taken her to their heart.”

Royal reporter Johanna Lejon says the wedding will be better than Will & Kate’s: “The Swedes love royal weddings! The whole country is in a party mood. It will be a very emotional and touching wedding, just like William and Kate’s. But Carl Philip and Sofia’s wedding will be more open and not so private as Kate and William’s was. For example, SVT [a Swedish TV network] will air most of the dinner and the party after the wedding.”

[From People]

People Magazine also quotes that royal reporter Margareta Gotthardsson as saying that Crown Princess Victoria has always been supportive of Sofia because “Victoria had to fight for the approval of marrying Daniel, who was a luxury gym owner, it was easier for Prince Carl Philip to get approval from their parents to wed Sofia. Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel have always supported Sofia and Carl Philip during their relationship.” See, I think that would be a reason why Victoria would have mixed feelings about Sofia generally speaking – Victoria and Daniel had to wait years and years for her parents to accept him, and Daniel was and is a lovely, scandal-free, upstanding dude without a whiff of famewhore. And after all of the work Victoria and Daniel had to do, then Sofia just waltzes in wearing a bikini with a snake wrapped around her privates and suddenly it’s the same thing?

But yes, I bet the royal family has accepted that Sofia will be marrying Carl Philip and that’s the end of that. The only good thing that will come of it is that party-girl Sofia will make her sister-in-law Victoria look that much better by comparison.

View image | gettyimages.com

Photos courtesy of Getty, WENN.


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