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SPOILERS for last night’s episode of Game of Thrones, “Hardhome.”

There’s a problem with ending a GoT episode with twenty full minutes of insane, life-or-death drama, with packing so much horror/fantasy at such high costs into what was already a good episode full of worthy, dramatic moments: the viewer sort of forgets about everything else besides the high-drama. Even though what’s happening in Meereen is a worthy storyline, and even though we’re finally getting a major payoff on years of Cersei’s bitchery, it all seems mundane and unimportant after the events at Hardhome. So, here are some highlights.

Arya’s Training Continues. While everything in Westeros and Meereen seems to be moving very quickly, it seems like Arya’s story is moving at a glacial pace. It’s good to see her out of The House of Black & White and out in the Braavos world. She adopted the persona of Lana, an oyster lady. Jaqen H’ghar is going to get her to kill a gambling mafia type with poisoned oysters, I’m assuming. While I enjoyed this story, they need to speed it up!

Sansa & Reek. I liked that Sansa was waiting for Reek and that she seemed prepared to interrogate him. She got a new piece of information: her brothers Bran and Rickon are still alive (but where?!). Reek also told her that Ramsey had basically cut “pieces” off of him and Sansa was all, “Yep, you totally deserved that.” I like that she didn’t try to kill Reek with whatever weapon she stole from Ramsey. No, she should save that weapon for Ramsey.

Ramsey Wants to Fight Stannis. Ramsey and Roose are talking about their plans for the war with Stannis and Roose is all, “Stannis will never breach Winterfell, let’s just wait him out.” And Ramsey is all “Let’s be proactive!” So Ramsey wants 20 good men to go on what I’m assuming would be a guerrilla-style attack on Stannis and his troops.

Cersei in the jail cell. It kills me a little that she’s still so regal even after being in that jail cell for weeks (?). King Tommen isn’t taking his mother’s and his wife’s arrests too well – he’s not eating and he’s refusing to see visitors. Cersei’s uncle is coming back to King’s Landing to be The Hand of the King, and Uncle Kevin HATES Cersei. Cersei keeps getting whacked in the face with a spoon too. It was an emotional payoff, but I ended up feeling sorry for Cersei a little bit. Terrible, I know.

Jorah, Dany & Tyrion. Jorah & Tyrion standing before Queen Dany was a great scene, made better by Peter Dinklage’s superb acting all-around. Tyrion basically told Dany to spare Jorah’s life because even though Jorah didn’t follow Dany’s command, Jorah is loyal and he loves her and thus deserves to live. It was a moving scene made better by Iain Glenn’s dignified emotion. After that, Tyrion finally gets some wine (he’s been detoxing for weeks!!) and he and Dany make plans for the future. She quickly realizes his value as an advisor and Tyrion is… Tyrion. He’s at his best when he can talk to people, persuade people and find a way to tell people the truth (even if they don’t want to hear it). I feel like that scene was a preview of Varys coming back into the picture, right? Basically, I wouldn’t mind if they did an entire episode of Dany and Tyrion getting drunk together.

Hardhome. I really don’t have a lot to say about this other than the special effects were crazy, the action was insane and everything else in the GoT world just seems like fluff compared to what is happening and what will happen with the White Walkers. Kit Harington told EW that it took about a month to film 20 minutes of Hardhome and you could really tell that HBO spent some real money on those scenes. I’ve never really cared that much about Tormund (the big, ginger wildling), but he was great in this episode, as was Karsi (Birgitte Hjort Sørensen).

The Night’s King. The Night’s King is apparently the freak White Walker at the end, dressed in a fancy uniform, and able to raise the newly dead into silent zombies with a wave of his hand. Vanity Fair did an interesting breakdown of who the guy is and who he was. As in, he might be a former Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. Damn, bro. One question though: do the White Walkers not like water? Can they not swim? Because it seems like it would have been pretty easy for them to get to Jon Snow’s little boat.

On next week’s episode… Jamie in Dorne, Dany watching the fights and Jon Snow returns to the Wall with the Wildlings.

Photos courtesy of HBO/Game of Thrones.



Last week, we heard that Kelly Rutherford of Gossip Girl had been awarded temporary sole custody of her two children, who have lived in Monaco for three years with their German father, Daniel Giersch. Rutherford was given custody of son Hermes, 8, and daughter Helena, 5, until a hearing in California on June 15. Rutherford filed an emergency motion which resulted in the ruling after she was blocked by Giersch from returning to the US with the children. Giersch and his lawyer requested that Rutherford hand over the children’s US passports before the visit, as is said to be specified in the custody agreement. Rutherford refused to do this and got the ball rolling to get custody. She’s been fighting for more custody rights since 2012, and has used the press to try to further her case. Giersch has been relatively quiet until this latest incident.

After the ruling, People Magazine ran a very pro-Rutherford story analyzing her legal options and speculating on what the court might do if Giersch refused to let the children go with their mother, in violation of the court order. Rutherford’s friend, legal analyst Dan Abrams, was positive about her chances of regaining primary physical custody if Giersch decided to violate the court order. It seemed like Rutherford was hoping for this to happen so that she could turn the tables on Giersch.

Now that Giersch’s side has had time to respond, the court order granting Rutherford temporary custody was halted by a different LA county judge, Maren E. Nelson. (Nelson is not the original judge who granted Giersch custody.) Giersch’s side claims that Monaco now has jurisdiction over the case, and that Rutherford’s side misrepresented her rights when they obtained the temporary custody ruling.

A court order that granted actress Kelly Rutherford temporary custody of her children to allow her to bring them back to Los Angeles from Monaco was halted Thursday.

Judge Maren E. Nelson, who presides over family law courts in Los Angeles, halted a ruling by another judge who expressed concerns that Rutherford’s former husband violated terms of a 2013 custody order that allowed the children to live abroad.

Rutherford… has accused ex-husband Daniel Giersch of preventing her from seeing their children, which he denies. A summary of a hearing where Rutherford got custody last week didn’t specify how Giersch may have violated the 2013 order.

His lawyer, Fahi Takesh Hallin, filed documents showing that a Monaco court now has jurisdiction over the children and claimed that Rutherford “made fraudulent statements, and lied and made misrepresentations by omission” to gain temporary custody…

Nelson’s ruling prevents Rutherford from taking custody of her son and daughter until after judges in Monaco and Los Angeles confer about the case. That conversation is scheduled to take place June 11.

The way the case proceeds will be governed by rules that take effect when parents involved in a custody dispute live in different states or countries, said Steven Mindel, a Los Angeles divorce attorney who is not affiliated with the case.

Conferences between judges in two countries on custody issues are rare but occur once or twice a year, Mindel said. He said the California court may relinquish jurisdiction over the case since Rutherford has moved to New York and Giersch lives in Monaco…

Rutherford also has accused her ex-husband of trying to have a Monaco court change their citizenship. Giersch’s filing states that the Monaco court does not have the authority to do that, and no request to alter the children’s dual U.S.-German citizenship has been made.

[From Associated Press/Yahoo]

Thank you to those of you who commented with the PDF/Image file of Rutherford and Giersch’s original 2012 custody ruling. The ruling confirms that Rutherford’s lawyer got Giersch deported and that the judge heavily based her decision on this. The ruling also includes stipulations as to what a potential outcome might be if the jurisdiction of the case was taken over by a foreign court, namely France. (That’s on page 24-25 of the original document.) The judge basically states that if France was to take over the case she trusts that their court would uphold the rights of both parents. Maybe some of our legal experts can better explain this.

Regardless, Rutherford seems to have fudged the facts to obtain temporary custody, and we’ll find out on June 11, after both sides confer, what the outcome will be. She could have avoided all this and taken the children with her for the summer if she would have handed over their passports. This wasn’t about getting the children to come visit for the summer, it was about getting custody back permanently.

Daniel Giersch Smiles With Son Despite Custody Battle!

'Gossip Girl' star Kelly Rutherford celebrates her Social Life magazine cover

'Gossip Girl' star Kelly Rutherford celebrates her Social Life magazine cover
Daniel Giersch Smiles With Son Despite Custody Battle!
'Gossip Girl' star Kelly Rutherford celebrates her Social Life magazine cover
Exclusive... Daniel Giersch is on Baby Duty on New Year's Eve

Header image is from 2007. Images of Giersch are from 2009. Rutherford is shown with Hermes in 2013. Credit: WENN.com and FameFlynet



Well, it happened. I’m actually surprised that all of those Keeping Up with the Kardashians plot lines were actually leading to something major this season. In a teaser for next week’s episode of KUWTK, Kim Kardashian confirmed her second pregnancy. Kim and Kanye are expecting again, after months (like, a year!) of fertility drama. Allegedly, Kim had undergone at least one surgery (I think she had two or three), plus fertility treatments and maybe even IVF.

Congrats! @KimKardashian reveals she’s pregnant with baby number two: http://t.co/DweUvDdkh5 #KUWTK pic.twitter.com/0YfSwqRL86

— Kardashians on E! (@KUWTK) June 1, 2015

You can see Kim tell Khloe “I just got the blood test back, and I am pregnant!” on the KUWTK promo here. I think it’s sort of sweet that Khloe was the first to hear the news, presumably after Kim told Kanye? We’ll have to tune in to find out, which is how they get you.

In any case, congrats to Kim and Kanye. For what it’s worth, I really do think they enjoy being parents and North is flat-out adored. I never believed the tabloid rumors that Kanye was “demanding” a son either – I think Kim and Yeezus will be perfectly happy if they get another girl this time around. My assumption is this announcement is probably coming out as Kim finishes out her first trimester too, but that’s just a guess.


Photos courtesy of WENN.


Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj covers the July issue of Cosmo to promote The Pinkprint and her tour. The shoot is typical Cosmo cheesecake. Nicki could have pulled these clothes out of her own wardrobe, so she’s an ideal cover girl for the mag. Nicki talks a little about her breakup with Safaree Samuels and how it influenced this album, which the critics say is “miles ahead in maturity“ than her previous music.

Since this is Cosmo, the focus of the interview is on the bedroom. Nicki talks about how she requires her man to make her climax every time they get down. She believes all women should be equally demanding. Nicki also feels sorry for ladies who haven’t felt the earth move even once in their lifetimes. So she sets up “orgasm interventions” to teach her friends how to make the most of their action. Really.

Women should talk about money: “Women are uncomfortable talking about money. I know it’s taboo to discuss it at work. Technically, you shouldn’t, but you need to know what people around you are making. Otherwise, you’re not going to know what you’re worth. You have to ask questions. ‘What is this person getting?’ Do your research. I’ve always been pretty competitive in terms of my pay.”

The Pinkprint is (sort of) about her breakup: “I didn’t [set out] to write a personal album, but The Pinkprint came at a very crucial time in my life. I realized that people can up and take off at any given moment. As women, we are vulnerable and emotional, and that’s okay. I had to learn quickly that if you don’t have a sense of self, you can be destroyed by a man. You can be destroyed by a relationship. I had to ask myself, ‘Who am I? Is this good enough?’ I had to approve of myself and my skills.”

Women should demand more orgasms: “I demand that I climax. I think women should demand that. I have a friend who’s never had an orgasm in her life. In her life! That hurts my heart. It’s cuckoo to me. We always have orgasm interventions where we, like, show her how to do stuff. We’ll straddle each other, saying, ‘You gotta get on him like that and do it like this.’ She says she’s a pleaser. I’m a pleaser, but it’s 50/50.”

[From Cosmopolitian]

Nicki talks more about how she wants to eventually quit music and be a full-time mother. She says it’s a 10-year goal to quit the entertainment biz and focus on family. I’m not sure that Nicki will be able to stay away forever because she’s so career driven. Maybe she’ll start curating her own lifestyle blog full of pink-makeup recommendations. Imagine a Goop-esque site filled with animal-print decor and clothing. Make it happen.

On all of Nicki’s orgasm talk, she may have turned up her usual vibe to indulge Cosmo’s audience. But I totally believe she gives her friends climax tips, and it’s fine that she admits being demanding in bed. Men usually don’t have trouble asking for what they want, so ladies shouldn’t feel bad about doing it too.

Nicki Minaj

Photos courtesy of Matthias Vriens-McGrath/Cosmopolitan & WENN



Chris Pratt

Chris Pratt’s currently in Europe to promote Jurassic World. The film arrives in U.S. theaters in two weeks, so the press tour should start hitting hard soon. These are photos of Pratt arriving at the ITV studios in London on Friday. I’ve been a little rough on this guy lately, but I’m feeling these pictures because he struts so well. Pratt also posted a cute Memorial Day video of him teaching son Jack how to say the Pledge of Allegiance, which won me over.

Pratt stopped by The Graham Norton Show and told some very charming stories. Here’s a video clip about how he scored his first headshot as a 20-year-old, model-looking guy in West Hollywood. He sort of told this story last year (and called himself “Douchemaster McChest“) but elaborated more for Norton. The photographer asked Pratt to shower (which he admits needing).

Pratt also performed an excellent TOWIE accent. He says Anna Faris is an incredible fan of “garbage tv,” and they got hooked on this show.

Here are some photos of Pratt with Bryce Dallas Howard at the Paris premiere of Jurassic World. Pratt is wearing an Ermenegildo Zegna suit. Bryce’s dress is Ralph Lauren. It feels a little somber for a blockbuster premiere about CGI dinos, but she looks beautiful.

Chris Pratt


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN




Here are some photos of Mindy Kaling at the 8th Annual Veuve Clicquot Polo Classic in Jersey City, plus some photos of Mindy and BJ Novak at the 2015 BookExpo in NYC on Saturday. Mindy has short hair now! I think she legitimately cut her hair, as opposed to “just taking the extensions out,” which is how many celebrity women have “bobs” these days. I didn’t think a bob would look good on Mindy, but surprisingly enough, it does look pretty great. It compliments her face and makes her look very fresh for summer.

At the BookExpo (also called BookCon), Mindy chatted about her newest memoir/book of humorous essays, Why Not Me?. She also chatted about The Mindy Project’s move to Hulu and how the show will change a little bit. Some highlights:

TMP’s move to Hulu: “My TV show, which is the love of my life, has been through a lot of changes. … It’s like being in a really rocky relationship — it’s been more dramatic than any love life has been, this show that’s about romance and dating. The writers’ room is starting up on Monday!”

Future TMP storylines: “Can we just be all sex and drugs? Matt [Warburton] and I are both smart writers but also repressed people. We decided we want people who tuned into the show to tune in for two reasons: because we’re doing things we couldn’t do on network TV, but also not giving up what people love. … And so much of romance comes from restraint, and the things you don’t see. … I always have to remind myself that a little goes a long way. I think we are gonna push the envelope in ways we haven’t been able to, which is great.”

Focusing on female friendships: “It’s hard to make friends as an adult woman. … In L.A., the only people you meet are women in your spin class. And you have to wonder, if a woman seeks you out at spin class, you wonder what the motivations are! But you’re so desperate for friends. … It’s much harder to find someone you want to talk to than a man you want to sleep with. The only thing I want to do in the next five years is make a good friend.”

[From THR]

Aw, that makes me sad that she can’t find cool ladies to befriend in LA. She wrote a lot about her girlfriends in her first book, and I do think her closest friendships are ones that she made in college and in her first years living in NYC. Still, she seems like she would be a great friend. LA ladies: befriend Mindy!

Mindy and BJ Novak also chatted briefly about their upcoming book project – they’re going to be writing about their weird friendship – although it sounds like they haven’t even started. What else? When Mindy was approached to do voice work for Inside Out, she cried in the meeting when she heard the pitch. The director and producer told Vulture, “She said, ‘I think it’s great that you guys are making a film that shows that it’s difficult to grow up and that it’s okay to be sad about it.’ And we were like, ‘quick, write that down!’”

Photos courtesy of WENN.


cressy w

Cressida Bonas has a feature in the new issue of W Magazine. This ^^ is the cheekbone-tastic photo. I’ve always thought Cressy is a pretty girl, and it’s sad to think that someone so naturally attractive won’t be joining the royal family. The camera loves her. But as Cressy’s press coverage grows, so does her newfound fame and acting career, which means that she’s less and less likely to marry Prince Harry. I suspect she’s fine with that – her goal seems to be some kind of financial independence and a genuine career. She wasn’t about to waity around for the ring. Here are the two quotes from Cressida from W Magazine:

Her comfort on stage: “I’m much more confident performing than I am in social situations.”

She worries that producers might want to exploit her status as a former royal girlfriend: “I do have to be careful. But I have good intuition and great friends. They wouldn’t let me make such mistakes.”

[From W Magazine]

As I said, I like Cressida, but she’s being too cute by half if she thinks that her relationship with Harry didn’t launch her modeling and acting career. Before Harry, she was just Isabella Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe’s sister, and we only really knew Isabella’s name because Prince William tried to make Isabella his girlfriend back in the day. It’s silly to think that a random 26-year-old daughter of a former socialite would be able to suddenly launch a successful acting career out of nowhere. Of course Cressida used the interest in her relationship with Harry to build her career. Stop playing coy, Cressy.

I will give her this though – the whole “let’s hire a royal ex” thing wouldn’t have had legs if Cressida didn’t actually have some talent and a watchable quality. She’s currently starring in a one-woman show in London, An Evening With Lucien Freud, and the reviews have been fantastic. She really does have a future as an actress, apparently. I’m including some photos of Cressida (below) leaving the theater after her performances in the past week.


Photos courtesy of W Magazine & WENN.
cressy w



Congratulations are in order for Kim Kardashian and Kanye West.

The reality star, 34, and the rapper, 37, are expecting their second child, she announced in the May 31 midseason finale of Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

During the episode of KUWTK, an excited Kim spilled the beans to her family, saying, “I just got the blood test back and I am pregnant!”

The A-list couple are already parents to 23-month-old daughter North.

The famous pair announced their first pregnancy after West referred to Kardashian as his “baby mama” while performing in Atlantic City, New Jersey in 2012.

Congratulations to them!



Football star David Beckham shared a sweet snapshot via Instagram Sunday.

“Look at my big girl,” the soccer star captioned the image with 3½-year-old daughter Harper. “Day One – No stabilizers.”

In the black and white photo, Harper is seen riding through a grassy yard with her braids flying out from under her helmet. The proud papa, 40, is pictured holding onto the back of his youngest child’s training wheel-free bike.

The former footballer – who is also dad to sons Brooklyn, 16, Romeo, 12, and Cruz, 10, with wife Victoria Beckham – posted another family photo Saturday.

“FA cup & Pie & mash cheers Tony,” he captioned the image.

FA cup & Pie & mash cheers Tony

A photo posted by David Beckham (@davidbeckham) on May 30, 2015 at 12:59pm PDT

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Gwen Stefani & Family Enjoy A Day At The Park


Rocker couple Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale hit the park with their sons – Kingston, 9, Zuma, 6 1/2, and Apollo, 15 months – in West Hollywood, Calif. on Saturday (May 30). The famous family-of-five were seen enjoying the swings and slide at a playground.

Gwen and Gavin’s firstborn son just celebrated his ninth birthday last Tuesday (May 26). Happy belated birthday to Kingston!

Last weekend, we spotted the famous family at a playground in Beverly Hills.

The mom-of-three, 45, is currently working on her upcoming solo album, the follow-up to 2006’s The Sweet Escape.

She has been collaborating with Pharrell Williams, with whom she served as a judge on The Voice.

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Gwen Stefani & Family Enjoy A Day At The Park
Gwen Stefani & Family Enjoy A Day At The Park
Gwen Stefani & Family Enjoy A Day At The Park
Gwen Stefani & Family Enjoy A Day At The Park
Gwen Stefani & Family Enjoy A Day At The Park
Gwen Stefani & Family Enjoy A Day At The Park
Gwen Stefani & Family Enjoy A Day At The Park
Gwen Stefani & Family Enjoy A Day At The Park
Gwen Stefani & Family Enjoy A Day At The Park
Gwen Stefani & Family Enjoy A Day At The Park
Gwen Stefani & Family Enjoy A Day At The Park

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