If you have a Tom Hardy problem, this isn’t going to help. I have a Tom Hardy problem, and just listening to him shut down a stupid, vaguely sexist question in his natural speaking voice was enough to give me a hot flash. This man… he’s so sexy, they need to invent a new word for “sexy.” Apparently, when Tom was in Cannes to promote Mad Max: Fury Road, he was asked a douchey question by a Canadian journalist named Peter Howell. Howell’s question: “As you were reading the script, did you ever think ‘Why are all these women in here? I thought this was supposed to be a man’s movie?’” That happens around the 9:50 mark on this video:
So what was Tom’s reply? “No. Not for one minute…That’s kind of obvious. But like, but also in reference to the concept of having a script, that would have been nice. That was more of a concern.” It really bothered him that they didn’t really have a script, but no, he wasn’t bothered by the fact that Fury Road ended up being a feminist masterpiece.
While in Cannes, Tom also praised the film for being about the empowerment of women, saying that people come into the film expecting him to play a version of Mel Gibson: “What you don’t get, here, is what you expect. And that’s what’s wonderful. The lead of this movie is a female amputee. It’s a total empowerment of women. It’s actually about f–king time.”
And here’s just another random quote that I found from Tom which isn’t about feminism, but is about how actors need to stop labeling themselves “theater actors” or “action-movie actors” or whatever:
“Something that really f–king dicks me off is this stigma between acting ‘classes’: you know, like movie actors, or film actors, TV, independent films, stage, theatre, you know. Apart from musicals, well you know, musicals — I just can’t sing. There’s no difference between a zero-dollar performance and a $20-million performance. It doesn’t matter. What matters is the story and the team and the work. In film you have to crash everything into two hours, it’s very disappointing sometimes: you work your arse off and you see the edit and it’s like, ‘But we shot so much more’ and it’s just being tanked into this box. A goldfish grows to the size of its bowl. So if you’re in a big movie, you have to grow it to that size and work in that machine. If you’re on the stage, the same. Different disciplines, same heart.”
[From Yahoo]
Wait, a goldfish grows to the size of its bowl? That’s not true, right?! No. That’s not correct. But it was a great image. God, I love him. My lust for Tom Hardy is visceral.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
You’ll have to excuse me from not seeing this conspiracy theory sooner, but I have literally never watched any of 19 Kids and Counting. Over the past few years, I’ve only paid attention to the Duggar family through media coverage of their antics, weddings and babies, which meant that I really only paid attention to Jessa and Jill before the Josh Duggar situation blew up last week. But thanks to some eagle-eyed viewers and the Daily Mail conspiracy theorists, we now have a terrible new story about how Josh’s molestation of at least four of his younger sisters affected the whole family, especially as the sisters reached adulthood. Apparently, Jill pointedly didn’t want Josh to be part of her wedding party and Jessa didn’t invite Josh or his family to be a part of her wedding party.
Fans of the hit show may have missed the biggest sign of discord when Jill Duggar married Derick Dillard on June 21, 2014 at the Cross Church in Springdale Arkansas in front of almost 1,000 guests. Jill, 24, handpicked her eight bridesmaids, which included her sister-in-law Anna, 25, and even her only niece Mackynzie, 5, as a flower girl. Derick, 26, used three Duggar boys as groomsmen, John-David, 25, Joseph, 20, and Jackson, 11. Derick even had little Michael, 3, (Josh and Anna’s eldest son) serve as ring bearer. But Josh was not front and center at the nuptials.
A source close to the family who attended the wedding tells Daily Mail Online: ‘We all thought it was odd that basically everyone of Josh’s family served in some position but he was left out. But no one made a big deal about it. Now it’s making more sense why they wouldn’t want him up there, standing at the altar next to them.’
Things got even more curious when Jessa Duggar married Ben Seewald on November 1, at the First Baptist Church in Bentonville, Ar. Jessa, 22, and Ben, 20, had ten bridesmaids and ten groomsmen in their wedding party, and not a single member of Josh’s immediate family was included. Jessa had sisters Jinger, 21, (as maid of honor) Jana, 25, Jill, and Joy, 17, in her party, with little Jordyn, 6, as flower girl, while Ben invited Joseph, and Josiah, 18, to stand up for him.
There were other signs that something was amiss between the siblings. When the ‘All About Jill’ episode aired (Season 14, episode 13) in October 2014, it featured older brother Josh reminding viewers that ‘perfect’ Jill was basically the family snitch or ‘tattle tale,’ running to their parents Jim Bob, 49, and Michelle 47, with everything they did. On the surface it may have seemed an off the cuff ‘there’s one in every family’ type jibe, but now insiders are wondering if this too was a sign of friction in the Duggar household.
‘The fans feel like they were duped I’m sure,’ says our source, ‘It wasn’t just them, it was friends, all of us. The super-strict courtship and restrictions on the girls always seemed over the top – now it all makes sense.’
[From The Daily Mail]
From what I understand, Josh was invited to these weddings, like he attended as a guest but he had no formal position, like a groomsman or whatever. Could it be that Jill and Jessa – and perhaps all of the older sisters – still kind of hate Josh? And that comment from Josh about Jill being the “tattle tale” made me sick. It also makes me sick to think that Jim-Bob and Michelle ARE stricter with the daughters who were Josh’s victims. Ugh.
Photos courtesy of Duggar social media.
I love this cover so hard. I want to marry this Star cover without a prenup and have a cash-money baby with it. Amal Clooney is a golddigging hussy: yay or nay? Amal refused to sign a prenup! Amal is using George! Amal is forcing George to buy her parents a gold-plated mansion! Amal doesn’t even love George! Well, that’s one PR campaign that blew up in George Clooney’s face. You know what would fix all of this? An Alamooney baby. God, you know that’s next. Anyway, some highlights from my favorite Star cover story in months.
George is rich. While Amal was a successful lawyer before she met George, “money truly is no object for him and he lives a magnificent lifestyle.” A lifestyle of private jets, mansions and couture fashion!
George’s friends question Amal’s motives. George is worth $180 million and she didn’t sign a pre-nup. “George thinks Amal is the best thing that’s ever happened to him and he can’t give her enough… his friends just hope he made the right decision and that Amal will make him as happy as he’s determined to make her. But some fear she could be a golddigger!”
Amal was withholding. During their brief, six-month courtship, George knew “fairly quickly” that Amal was The One – “he’d never met anyone like Amal, he fell in love right away and for him that’s a big deal. But their relationship was very one-sided. Amal was so cautious about committing, he practically had to beg her to marry him!”
Amal didn’t expect to marry him. A source says: “The proposal really caught Amal off-guard. She was aware of his reputation as a confirmed bachelor and thought marriage was the last thing on his mind. But she enjoyed living his lifestyle. From day one, George has treated her like a princess, showering her with gifts and flying her around the world.”
Amal is a social climber. She comes from a family of prominent intellectuals, but was never wealthy. Star writes: “Many of Amal’s friends viewed her as a social climber, which might explain her relentless pursuit of high-profile cases in her law career.” A source says: “Amal likes the finer things in life, and all her friends know it. They’ve said she’s only interested in rich men.”
Amal settled. “She knew this [marriage] would be the end of any privacy she had, plus George’s life is so different from hers. There would have to be a lot of compromises, but ultimately she felt that at 36, she should be settled down with someone.”
Amal spends money like water. “Amal regularly spends thousands on designer clothing and accessories, eating at the best restaurants and drinking $500-a-bottle wines.” Since the wedding, Amal has been “blowing through a whopping $2 million each month.”
Amal is real estate-obsessed. George bought the $15.5 million estate in England for her and she’s “been spending tens of thousands remodeling it. Everything is custom-designed and she’s picked out rare art pieces that are extremely expensive.”
George wants to buy her parents a mansion. He’s looking at a $15 million mansion near Beirut to buy for her family as “a gesture of love and respect for Amal’s family.”
The pre-nup. George apparently brought a pre-nup and “Amal refused to sign George’s prenup. And he was so desperate to marry her that he didn’t force it.” If Amal stays with George for another few years, she could score a major payday in a potential divorce.
[From Star Magazine, print edition]
Obviously, Gossip Cop’s “source” says that the entire story is BS. But… I believe some of it. I believe she probably refused to sign a prenup. I believe that she’s been spending a crazy amount of money on clothes and mansions. I believe she really, really enjoys George’s jet-set lifestyle, just as she enjoys her pap stroll fashion shows and being invited to all of the big events with all of the important people. I also believe she was probably just withholding enough to “catch” George. That’s a smart game for a clever girl. When he proposed, she probably hesitated for so long because she couldn’t believe her game had worked so well and so fast.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
You guys called it. You said that Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner would do a pap stroll to counter the stories that they’re divorcing and you were right. These photos are from yesterday. Multiple outlets had them, so it’s somewhat unlikely that they just happened to be caught out. (To be fair, there’s always a lot of paparazzi interest in them and it’s even more so now.) So does this mean that they aren’t divorcing or just that they want to keep up the facade for now?
Earlier this week, Radar claimed that Ben Affleck was planning to announce a divorce from Jennifer Garner just before their tenth anniversary, which is June 29th. That would put Affleck and Garner under the mythical “10 year rule” in California. (There are a lot of misconceptions about the “10 year rule,” and the legal interpretation of it may vary. It does not result in indefinite spousal support payments, however there are changes in law that may result in a financial hit to the wealthier party. Here is an article which explains it the simplest.)
Radar’s evidence included details that these two had seemingly been apart for over a month, that Affleck has been gambling in Vegas, and that he was spotted in Nova Scotia, Canada, last month around the time of Garner’s birthday. In a follow up story, Radar claims that Affleck wasn’t even with the mother of his children on Mother’s Day and that he was with his mom and brother instead. If this is true, it sounds very bad indeed:
According to an insider, Affleck, 42, opted to spend the holiday with his brother, Casey, and his own mom. Meanwhile, Garner’s mother and father flew to L.A. From West Virginia to spend the day with her and her kids.
[From Radar]
The more Radar pushes this “Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner are over” story, the more persuaded I get. Plus, Lainey has a new blind item that pretty much cinches it for me. If you didn’t know, Lainey of LaineyGossip is a Canadian entertainment reporter and (unlike other outlets) her blind items often pan out. So when Lainey has Canadian-centric gossip, it’s even more convincing. She doesn’t name the celebrity in this item, but many people think this is about Ben:
You remember when he turned up in a small, out-of-the-way-of-Hollywood town not too long ago, for no apparent reason? He was trying to go undercover. Because it turns out, he was there with a woman…a very attractive woman… who is not his wife. They were seen holding hands at the hotel. But can you ever really hide? No. Not even out of the country. Not even by the sea. He ended up getting busted by fans and the local media got a hold of it. And the thing is, he told his wife that he was somewhere else. He and his companion have been having an affair for some time…
Of course it’s not the first time. He thought it wouldn’t get back to her that time in Oklahoma and that didn’t work out for him either. His wife forgave him then, as she always does, patiently supporting him as he works through his issues and compulsions. But he can’t help himself. When things are going well, he will always find a way to f-ck himself up.
[From Lainey Gossip]
Bedhead pointed out to me that Ben filmed To The Wonder in Oklahoma. Ben was in Cheticamp, Nova Scotia in mid April. Cheticamp is right on the Atlantic Ocean.
Gawker has some analysis as to when Ben and Jen could announce a split. They’re basing it on Radar’s reporting so this all hinges on whether Radar is correct.
I’m still hoping that this isn’t true; that the tabloids are hyping circumstantial evidence to get us through a slow gossip cycle. Maybe there’s a grain of truth to it but it doesn’t mean that these two have to be over at this point, right? Ben does self sabotage, but Jen puts up with it and I like to think that he’s A) not cheating and B) that they’ll work it out. These photos of their family outing suggest B) at least.
Here’s a photo of Affleck in character as Batman on the Suicide Squad set in Toronto this week. (It’s possible some of these shots are of a stunt double, it’s hard to tell.) Garner was said to be filming Nine Lives in Montreal, which is a five hour drive or short plane ride away. She’s obviously back in LA at this point though, for whatever reason.
Photo credit: Pacific Coast News and FameFlynet
A few months have passed since I last spoke of Rob Kardashian. He’s been laying low and battling his demons. Rob’s been struggling with his weight for years. He’s obviously depressed, and his family is mostly too busy preening in the mirror to care. They tried to make it into a KUWTK storyline without Rob’s involvement. So rude. Rob finally lashed out at Kim, which she deserved after telling him to stop being depressed. Kim also told the family to stop “licking his a**,” but we already knew she was a selfish person.
Stories circulated about Rob being hooked on crystal meth, which was ridiculous. I can see him being hooked on painkillers, but who knows. A new report from Gossip Extra (a South Floridian publication) says Rob quietly checked into rehab last weekend. The facility sounds pretty strict:
Keeping up With The Kardashians star Rob Kardashian quietly checked into a beachside Palm Beach County drug and booze rehab center over the weekend, and he managed to avoid dozens of shutterbugs scouring the area.
The rogue Kardashian, who’s the youngest of momager Kris Jenner‘s four children with her first husband, is “in good spirits” and has a positive mindset, says a friend who helped him check in for the 60-day in-patient program.
“He told me ‘This is it, I just need to stick with it and do this,’” said Delray Beach resident Mark Behar, a bodyguard who works with Hollywood celebs and befriended Rob years ago.
Behar says Rob’s regimen includes weight loss and physical training. “Rob will probably lose 10 to 20 pounds within the first few weeks by just being in rehab and daily programs relating to his detox.”
Kardashian, 28, could end up staying in the area until Christmas to get himself back on track.
Overweight and allegedly battling substance and alcohol abuse, the Dancing With The Stars 13th season standout is said to be trying to cut himself off from the world until he gets better.
The rehab center’s rules include a ban on cell phone and visits for the first month and a half!
[From Gossip Extra]
So … Florida. A few years ago, we heard about Rob’s secret lovechild with a woman who lives in Miami. So he has state connections already. A Florida rehab would give Rob space from his nutty family, which sounds like the best medicine of all. Gossip Cop has been unable to confirm or deny whether this story is real, so it’s probably true. I hope Rob gets the help he needs.
View image | gettyimages.com
Photos courtesy of Getty & WENN
Chris Evans has been filming Cap 3: Civil War, and Marvel must be relieved to keep him in sight. Dude acted drunk throughout the Ultron tour. The formerly press-shy Evans laughed riotously during the press tour. He swayed on the red carpet and petted a microphone. All the while, Evans was supposedly dating Lily Collins and “having a lot of fun,” although they were never in the same country for more than a few days. One awkward set of photos surfaced of them at a restaurant (and then Minka Kelly showed up).
Now the relationship is over as soon as it began. Lainey reported that Lily got back together with ex-flame Jamie Campbell Bower. It’s time for the tabloid followup, and it is glorious. Their parting is described as “amicable” while one side points fingers. The headline: “Chris Evans can’t keep up with Lily’s liver.” Uh-huh.
Captain America may have superhuman strength, speed, and endurance, but as far as Lily Collins is concerned, Chris Evans, 33, is a lightweight. Insiders are attributing their short-lived romance to the simple fact that, when it comes to partying, she was too much for him. “Lily is your average 26-year-old Hollywood star,” says a well-placed source. “She keeps her party circle tight, but she definitely likes to have a good time. She likes to drink and have late nights sometimes, and that’s just not Chris. He’s not a partier at all.” Despite an “intense physical attraction,” the pair ultimately realized they were just too different and parted amicably. So who is well suited to Lily? “Zac Efron,” says the source. “That’s why Lily and Zac got along so well. They both like to have fun.”
[From Star, print edition, June 6, 2015]
Let’s parse. The source implies that Lily is a bad influence. Boy scout Chris Evans can’t be with a woman who “likes to drink” because “that’s just not Chris.” Hilarious. This is damage control and more of the “he’s just like Steve Rogers” nonsense. Poor Lily. She dated Drunkface for a few weeks, and now she’s getting thrown under the bus. I’m also laughing at the “intense physical attraction” claim. Chris has raved about having a “type.” Lily (as cute as she is) does not fit that physical profile.
Oh well. Lily has been posting loved-up selfies with Jamie. She’s not listening anymore.
Happy is what happy does. 50 shades of blush #cloud9ispinkright?…
A photo posted by Lily Collins (@lilyjcollins) on May 27, 2015 at 7:29am PDT
Life works in mysterious ways but when you find your inner glow is back and shining brighter, you know it’s right…
A photo posted by Lily Collins (@lilyjcollins) on May 27, 2015 at 8:12am PDT
Photos courtesy of Lily Collins on Instagram, Fame/Flynet & WENN
I was surprised by the general lack of interest in Michael Fassbender at Cannes, then I was equally surprised by the crazy interest in coverage of Michael’s latest girlfriend, Alicia Vikander. So let’s see how we do today. Michael has returned from his working vacation in France and Monaco and he was photographed in New York on Thursday, leaving what looks like a hotel? He doesn’t own an apartment in New York as far as I know, he just has a full-time place in London. But… Michael and Alicia have been spending a lot of time in New York over the past few months. Hm.
In the Alicia Vikander post earlier this week, there was a lot of arguing over just how thirsty she is and just how Michael is going to handle it. As some of you correctly noted, my major Fass-crush sort of died a few years back, when Fassy acted pissy about campaigning for an Oscar, then at some point he had a fling with Madalina Ghenea, which I still don’t understand. All in all, I still like him and I still enjoy looking at photos of his ginger beard, but he’s not really one of my top guys these days. With that perspective, it will be interesting to see if his new girlfriend helps him “play the game” a different way. Because even if you don’t believe Alicia is parched, you should definitely believe that she’s down for playing whatever game she needs to play to get more attention and bigger parts.
Michael has two potential roles that could get him in the Oscar conversation this year – Steve Jobs and Macbeth. As I’ve said, I don’t believe The Light Between Oceans will be any kind of contender simply because the book was absolutely terrible. Even if Michael, Alicia and Rachel Weisz are all wonderful in the film, the actual story will ruin everything. So, if Michael has two potential lead projects which could be awards contenders, will he play the game this year? Will Alicia help him play the game?
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
Joe Manganiello covers the new issue of Details, and if he was looking to convince people that he’s not some grunting meathead with nothing to say, Details sort of sold him out. This is the shortest cover profile I think I’ve ever seen from Details. It’s basically six paragraphs and four major quotes from Joe and that’s it. Details usually does a five-page intensive interview with their cover subjects, like they spend a whole day together and get the subject’s thoughts on religion, women, workouts, art, etc. While I have no doubt that Joe is a total meathead, even I believe he had more to say than this! Some highlights from the Details piece:
He tore his biceps in the middle of filming Magic Mike XXL: “I had to power through four and a half weeks of shooting, just dealing with the pain and praying that the biceps didn’t detach completely. I had surgery the second I got back [to Los Angeles].”
Scheduling? From Details: “There was a reason he was on Zack Snyder’s short list to don Superman’s cape in 2013?s Man of Steel before a scheduling conflict eventually took him out of the running.”
He doesn’t mind being objectified: “Why would I? I don’t think men care why women like them, as long as they do. That’s the point of the nerd in high school who makes it big. You work that hard for a reason. You want to have access to the dating pool.”
Getting ripped for True Blood: “No one pointed a gun at my head and said I had to look a certain way. I was hired for how I looked then, and I could have stayed that way, but why wouldn’t I want to come in the best shape of my life?”
The good life: “My life’s pretty damn good and if working out had anything to do with affording me the type of life I have, then bring on more.”
[From Details]
Was he really that much of a contender for Man of Steel? I have my doubts. I think he had some meetings and there was a lot of interest on his part, but they make it sound like he was thisclose to getting the part and “scheduling” ruined his chances. Doubtful. Anyway, I guess the positive here is that Joe is totally fine with being objectified. Good thing, because I guess no one wants to talk to him. Hey, at least the photos are nice! They even put him in a wet white shirt. Joe Manganiello: would you hit it without talking to it?
Photos courtesy of Details.
Demi Lovato and Wilmer Valderrama have been dating for about five years. That seems like forever for a guy who’s known for messing with fragile lady minds and zeroing in on vulnerable women. Given Demi’s history with self harm and an eating disorder, Wilmer could have been a very bad boyfriend choice. They did break up a few times but appeared surprisingly solid for the past few years. He gave her a Tiffany ring in 2013. All along, they’ve stayed very private as a couple.
Things have changed very fast. Demi and Wilmer are making public, smooshy love declarations on Twitter. I expect an engagement announcement soon.
@WValderrama I know this won’t mean anything to you but our love is greater than Olivia Pope and Pres. Fitzgerald Grant’s
— Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) May 23, 2015
@ddlovato yeah but is it greater than Aladdin & Jasmine’s? Or Nala and Simba’s?
— Wilmer Valderrama (@WValderrama) May 23, 2015
@WValderrama so much greater…. ????
— Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) May 23, 2015
Get a room, right? Demi also raved to HuffPo about Wilmer when she was supposedly discussing her new record label, Safehouse Records ( which she launched with Nick Jonas). You can see Demi’s interview clip here. Some excerpts:
Why she and Wilmer are so lovey now: “For us, we wanted to keep our private lives private, and we still do. But as we’ve been in a relationship on and off, gosh, almost 5 years now … people are seeing us more together. We thought you know what, if paparazzi gets us, whatever. But, we’re in control of what we’re able to post online, so we’re very open about our relationship.”
Wilmer helped her recovery: “I also wanted to give him a lot of credit that he never takes … He’ll never take credit for a lot of my sobriety and my recovery but I guarantee it, I wouldn’t be alive without him today.”
[From HuffPo Live]
Wilmer and Demi’s public declarations are cute but unexpected since they were private for so long. People can change, although I still wonder if a womanizing dude can ever truly reform. Wilmer’s shady reputation isn’t aided by his long stint as Fez on That ’70s Show. Perhaps doing voicework for Handy Manny rubbed off on him for the better.
Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News & WENN
I still have a lot of feelings about Linda Evangelista. She was always one of my favorites from the 1980s/90s reign of real supermodels. Cara Delevingne and Karlie Kloss can both sit their asses down when Linda is around. Linda still works sometimes, occasionally posing for editorials, magazine covers or ad campaigns, although I think that work is pretty far and few between, partly her choice and partly because she doesn’t get a lot of offers. Like so many aging icons, Linda was offered a reality show spot – and she took it! Linda guest-judged on Australia’s Next Top Model last year (in episodes airing now), and Linda ended up giving an interview about why she decided to appear on the show. Her answer involved some subtle shade.
She’s comfortable on-camera, but she hates judging the models: “Point a camera at me and I don’t care if there’s a million people looking, I am fine with it. But I was nervous for the girls. I hate being judged so it was really hard to take that approach. I feel like I’m having fun with it but at the same time I’m out of my element. It’s very exciting for me because it is new. I’ve never done anything like this. Having said that, I was very nervous. It is not what I do. I’m being me and sometimes you don’t know how to be you.”
The “supermodel” label: She says she “doesn’t even know what that means. It’s just a word.”
She’s only watched a “few minutes” of America’s Next Top Model: “I do love reality shows. But the reality shows I watch are the cooking ones so I don’t know the format. I did accept this because what I’ve heard is that this (the Australian version) is the best model show around the world and that this one actually produces models because a lot of them don’t.”
[From The Daily Telegraph]
Does Australia’s Next Top Model really have a good reputation for launching careers? The American version does not, although some winners (and some contestants) have had some minor successes here and there. It doesn’t really seem like the Next Top Model format is really conducive to launching legitimate modeling careers overall, but then again, I’ve never seen the Aussie version. So… was Linda throwing shade at Tyra Banks?
PS… This is one of the funniest photos I’ve ever seen of Tyra. What’s up with her face? It looks like her wig is too tight. Plus, there’s a makeup fail. Insert Tyra’s WE WERE ALL ROOTING FOR YOU gif.
Photos courtesy of WENN.