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This is happening again…

Justin Bieber + Selena Gomez. Right now, it’s blowing up on Twitter. Because last night they showed up together on Snapchat with some friends and Rich Wilkerson Jr, the pastor. And you know how this sh-t works. If they didn’t want you to know they were hanging out and…      

Exclusive... Kelly Rutherford Throws Up A Peace Sign At Lunch

People Magazine has an overview of Kelly Rutherford’s custody case and while it’s a bit TL;DR it’s interesting for the fact that it sounds straight from Kelly. Their article is biased in favor of Rutherford, of course (we’ve been accused of the opposite), and pretty much outlines her legal strategy. (I’m not going to recap Rutherford’s custody battle because most of you know the story. If you’re not familiar with the case, please read this story or this story for background.)

The last we heard from Rutherford, a California judge had awarded her temporary legal custody of her two children, who are currently in Monaco, where they reside with their father, Daniel Giersch, a German citizen. This occurred after Giersch refused to let Rutherford take the children with her to New York for a scheduled summer visit. Rutherford would have been allowed to take the children if she had agreed to surrender their American passports, as was stipulated in their custody agreement. Giersch’s lawyer argued that Rutherford’s recent statements to the press made the children a risk for kidnap and necessitated this step. It seemed reasonable to me, but obviously Rutherford disagreed and took legal measures.

As for what’s next, Rutherford is legally entitled to take her children, son Hermes, 8, and Helena, 6, back to the US so that they can attend a hearing on June 15. Giersch cannot come to the hearing as he is not allowed to enter to US, but it’s assumed he’ll send a lawyer. It’s possible that he’ll block Rutherford from returning with the children, but that would be held against him in court. Here’s more of People’s report:

It’s a win for the former Gossip Girl star: In 2012,a judge decided that Hermes and Helena would live in Monaco and France with Giersch even though the couple shared joint custody because his visa had been revoked. (Giersch’s team has not commented on the court order.)

Though this new order – which came after Rutherford told PEOPLE that Giersch would not allow her to see the children on a visit last week – means her kids will come home, it shouldn’t necessarily be interpreted as a sign that they’ll stay here.

“It’s a temporary decision, and the June court date is going to be an incredibly important date to see how it pans out,” Nancy Chemtob, a New York family and divorce lawyer not involved in the case, tells PEOPLE.

Still, Dan Abrams – ABC’s legal analyst and Mediaite founder, who has written articles supporting Rutherford’s cause for years – calls the development a “big victory” for the mom.

“Even though its temporary, it seems to demonstrate that the court is upset that its specific orders have either been ignored or dismissed by Daniel,” he tells PEOPLE.

According to the court order, Giersch “is alleged to have committed numerous violations” of the 2012 judgment. Rutherford’s claims that he was not letting her spend time with the children or bring them back to America for visits, along with the fact that he never reapplied for a U.S. visa, are the basis for her application. (A former lawyer on Rutherford’s team was allegedly responsible for the revocation by reporting the German businessman’s allegedly illegal activities to the State Department. She has denied any involvement.)

“She filed a motion saying there’s been a substantial change of circumstances, he’s not complying with the terms of the agreement, he’s making false accusations or obstacles as to why she shouldn’t see the children, so now the judge ruled, ‘Okay, fine, the children are awarded back because there has been a change in circumstances,’ ” Chemtob says. “The judge said, ‘You need to return the children to the court and be here on this date.’ Now, on that date, the other side is going to come I’m sure with evidence refuting everything she said.”

Hermes and Helena do have to be back in the United States by June 15. The California court has asserted jurisdiction over the children, who are U.S. citizens.

Plus, Monaco is a signatory to the Hague Convention, an agreement among more than 90 nations to protect the interests of children and comply with other countries’ legal proceedings.

An attempt by Giersch to keep his kids in Monaco “would be a violation of the court order and the breach of it is hugely severe,” Chemtob says. “The punishment of him not coming back or not complying with the court order in itself could be a reason to transfer custody to her.”

As for the estranged couple’s day in the Los Angeles Superior court, Abrams says the existing parenting arrangement could be altered completely.

“The court will hear both sides as they battle over whether it is in the best of the children to stay in France with Daniel or come back home to the United States to live with Kelly,” he says. “The court will also re-evaluate all aspects of visitation, etc.”

[From People]

There are many more quotes from People’s legal expert as to how this could play out. She thinks there’s a 50/50 chance that Rutherford could be allowed to keep the children full time in the U.S., however it’s unlikely that a final decision will be made at the hearing on June 15. Rutherford’s good friend, Daniel Abrams, thinks there’s an even better chance that she could regain custody, “The interesting question is what happens if a Monaco court and Daniel refuse to adhere to the California court order. Then, you have American citizen children being kept in a foreign country in direct violation of a United States court’s order.

I am confident that if that were to happen that State Department would get involved on Kelly’s behalf and that the California court would be even more likely to grant her permanent physical custody.

I bet that Rutherford is hoping it plays out like this. She’s the one who got her ex kicked out of the country, and she’s the one who said that “whoever brings my kids home is going to be pretty much a hero.” The court found that Giersch didn’t allow Kelly to visit her children “on at least two occasions” since October 2014. So in three years, Giersch has only blocked Kelly from seeing the kids twice, (if it was more than that you know she would have brought it up) and the last time was after he legitimately feared for their safety and asked her to first comply with part of their custody agreement. Throughout all that time, she’s done interviews in which she’s admitted to telling her children that she’s “fighting” for them and in which she’s tried to frame this as a “Constitutional problem” and an issue that affects “American citizens.” Sounds like parental alienation to me, but I’m just watching from the cheap seats.

Mon Cheri Hosts Barbara Tag 2014

The Creative Coalition 2015 Benefit Dinner

Exclusive... Kelly Rutherford Throws Up A Peace Sign At Lunch
Exclusive... Kelly Rutherford Throws Up A Peace Sign At Lunch
The Creative Coalition 2015 Benefit Dinner
67th Annual Cannes Film Festival - Portraits
67th Annual Cannes Film Festival - Portraits
Mon Cheri Hosts Barbara Tag 2014

Header image is from 5-5-15. Colorful dress photo from 4-25-15. Other images from 2014. Credit: FameFlynet


I almost didn’t clock that this was the ‘potential Emmy roundtable’ session that happens every year, because of how much fun this group is. In the past, these roundtables always seem to be about ‘serious’ performers – but almost everyone in this group feels like a legit funny person who just happ…      

You remember when he turned up in a small, out-of-the-way-of-Hollywood town not too long ago, for no apparent reason? He was trying to go undercover. Because it turns out, he was there with a woman…a very attractive woman… who is not his wife. They were seen holding hands at the hotel. But can yo…      


I think the Mother of Dragons is so pretty! I know that’s not the most popular opinion – hating on Emilia Clarke seems to be the cool thing to do these days, but I think she does a decent job as Dany on Game of Thrones, and I find her very pretty and striking. Emilia covers the new issue of Marie Claire UK to promote not GoT, but her role as Sarah Connor in Terminator Genisys. I’ve been avoiding watching the trailer but then I saw a TV ad for the movie and… nope. I’m out. I like Emilia but I don’t understand why they made this movie at all (I’ll include the trailer at the end of the post). Some highlights from MC UK:

Trolls hating on her appearance: “I remember when everything first kicked off, I Googled myself. You just do; it’s instinct. But never again. It just takes that one person who says, ‘She’s a fat bitch,’ and you’re like, ‘I’m a fat bitch!’”

Why she turned down the Ana Steele role in 50 Shades: “I really wanted to work with Sam Taylor-Johnson because she’s f–king amazing. But there is a huge amount of nudity in the film. I’ll never say ‘I’m never doing nudity,’ because I’ve already done it, but I thought I might get stuck in a pigeonhole that I would have struggled to get out of.”

She lifted weights to prepare for Terminator Genisys: “Those f–king guns are super heavy. You’re running with them a lot of the time, and I needed to keep up with/be better than the boys. I needed to know what to do to have Arnold go, ‘Very nice.” That was my goal.”

On her love life: “I kept thinking that for clarity of mind, I had to be in one place. And then I just realized that’s not how this life is going to work. It makes [dating] absolutely impossible. I’m soppy and I do like to believe that when the right person comes along, it will work, because you want to make it work. Everyone else seems to manage it.”

[From Marie Claire UK]

Who in the world thinks Emilia is fat? I don’t get the internet sometimes. I also wonder if Emilia should continue to claim that she was a major contender for Fifty Shades. I mean, I’m sure she had meetings and I’m sure she was considered, but it’s my understanding that the studio really liked Dakota Johnson very quickly after she auditioned and did a “chemistry test” with Charlie Hunnam.

Here’s the trailer… I do enjoy Jason Clarke, but this is still a NO.

Photos courtesy of Marie Claire UK.


Olivia! Happy 15th Birthday from Kim. I’m told you and I are Brandon Flowers “soul sisters”? Here are some older shots of him with shorter hair taken last September at a tribute for George Harrison. See, when I remember the short hair, I can’t decide what I like more.

Scrubs in the City is ha…      

Intro for May 28, 2015

Author: | Filed under: Celebrities

Dear Gossips,

Today was Lindsay Lohan’s deadline to complete community service. There was a lot of speculation about whether or not she’d actually be able to do it. And if she couldn’t, she supposedly was going to flee the country on some rich dude’s payroll. Amazingly, she got it done, just …      


Here are some photos from yesterday’s London premiere of Spy, starring Melissa McCarthy, Jason Statham and Jude Law (a sentence I never thought I’d write). I honestly love everything about the concept for this film and I love everything about these photos. I feel like Melissa is living the dream for “normal” women. Melissa is not Angelina Jolie, she’s not Charlize Theron and by every imposed “studio rule,” Melissa should not have been hired to play the lead in an action-comedy starring two good-looking British actors famous for being heartthrobs. But here she is! And not only that, the entire film was built around her. And her costars (Jude and Jason especially) absolutely adored working with her. It’s giving me the feels. I love this.

As for Melissa’s style… I think she looks good, although I hate that the default for a plus-sized woman is to be covered from head-to-toe. She’s been doing empire-waist nouveau-caftans and breezy, oversized looks, but this covered-up maxi dress feels a bit too conservative for the big London premiere. If she wanted to go with sleeves, more power to her, but she could have showed off some cleavage or something. But like Melissa has said, she has issues shopping for clothes in her size. She’s lost weight too!

Don’t even ask what Jude Law is wearing. I don’t get it either, but God help me, I would still hit it. He looks smarmy, cheesy and BEAUTIFUL. Jason is looking good too. Bonus Miranda Hart!



Photos courtesy of WENN.


The Special Screening of BARELY LETHAL in Hollywood

Expectant mama Jaime King was all smiles with husband, director Kyle Newman, and their son James, 19 months, at a special screening of Barely Lethal in Hollywood, Calif. on Wednesday (May 27).

The Hart of Dixie star, 36, radiated the red carpet in a rose-coloured strapless dress which featured a floral embossed pattern. The mom-to-be, who stars in the film, accessorized with a white leather clutch and gold jewelry.

Jaime’s husband directs the upcoming independent action-comedy film. The mom-to-be is costarring alongside Hailee Steinfeld, Jessica Alba, Sophie Turner and Samuel L. Jackson.

“The girls of #BarelyLethal – my sweethearts @haileesteinfeld and @sophie_789 congrats to my husband for making such an awesome film,” Jaime Instagrammed a shot after the event.

The girls of #BarelyLethal – my sweethearts @haileesteinfeld and @sophie_789 congrats to my husband for making such an awesome film!!

A photo posted by Jaime King (@jaime_king) on May 28, 2015 at 12:00am PDT

View Slideshow »»

The Special Screening of BARELY LETHAL in Hollywood
The Special Screening of BARELY LETHAL in Hollywood
The Special Screening of BARELY LETHAL in Hollywood
The Special Screening of BARELY LETHAL in Hollywood
The Special Screening of BARELY LETHAL in Hollywood

View All Photos »»


Kylie Jenner

???????? @kyliejenner

A photo posted by Neave Bozorgi (@sir_neave) on May 26, 2015 at 9:39am PDT

Kylie Jenner did a shoot with photographer Neave Bozorgi, who posted this snap on his Instagram page. Kylie showed a lot of skin for Bozorgi. Much more than most parents of a teenager would prefer. These slightly NSFW photos are on Kylie’s Instagram page. You’ll know them when you see them. I’d rather let the chemtrails take over the conversation again than look at the pictures.

After yesterday’s spacey discussion, I wondered if Kylie wanted to take over the Twitter void left by Jaden Smith. Kylie surprised some people by tweeting this lucid thought yesterday.

Instagram is a made up world. I just show people what I want em to see. Doesn’t everybody ?

— Kylie Jenner (@KylieJenner) May 27, 2015

Well, she’s correct. Social media is a filter, and both celebrities and civilians curate pieces of their lives for the internet to see. When it comes to Kardashian-Jenner girls, they also filter their whole lives for the family’s television shows. Kylie’s entire existence has been edited by E! for much of her life. It makes sense that she’d selectively share on Instagram too. Just when I felt a little better about Kylie’s grasp on reality, she tweeted this message.

People been thinking I’m pregnant for 8 months now… CLEARLY I’m not pregnant!

— Kylie Jenner (@KylieJenner) May 28, 2015

Were there really pregnancy rumors about Kylie? Maybe she’s referring to the body shamers.

Photos courtesy of Neave Bozorgi on Instagram & WENN



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