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Chris Rock

Chris Rock is promoting the seemingly overdue UK release of Top Five. The film did well in North America and should pick up some tidy receipts in Europe too. Professionally, Rock is doing fantastic. He’s preparing to direct Amy Shumer’s upcoming HBO special and has a few production gigs in the chute. In a new interview with the Guardian, Rock discusses how he mentors up-and-comers like Hannibal Burress and takes pride in ditching the newest Adam Sandler trainwrecks in favor of projects with “taste.”

This interview covers a lot of ground. Rock discusses why he has been documenting his traffic stops on social media. He hints at a lot of sadness over the end of his 19-year marriage, which grew really messy, really fast. Those parts of the interview are sad, but I sure enjoyed how Rock dodges the Kanye West question. Top Five was co-produced by Kanye, who may not have been aware of the film’s reality-star character who strongly resembles Kim Kardashian. This woman only kisses her fiancée on cue: “If it’s not on camera, it doesn’t exist.” Here are some excerpts:

Staying in shape age age 50: “Still skinny. I work out now, because you have to when you’re single. But I’m still skinny.”

Why he wrote Top Five: “You get to a point where you say, OK, I’m not going to be Iron Man. So maybe I should be hanging with [Richard] Linklater and [Alexander] Payne. Maybe this is my crew instead of Sandler and Apatow and Stiller. They’re all still my boys, but maybe, artistically, my crew is over here … I’m gonna do one for me now. It’s a really weird thing in the ones that take place in New York. But I still like those movies — I’m cursed with taste.”

What did Kanye think of Rock’s Kim K-esque character? “Aww man … You know, I haven’t talked to him for a while. I should text him, go for lunch …”

He’s depressed about his divorce: “I’m doing OK. You know, some days are better than others, some days you’re sad outta your f***ing mind. But my daughters are good and I’m only an hour away. Two houses close by. It’s good,” he says, a little quieter than before. “You learn more from failure than success, right?”

On the high-maintenance women of Rock’s comedy: “I talk about women the way I talk about me. Everyone’s fair game and no one gets a pass. I talk about black people the way I talk about white people.”

Why he’s documenting traffic stops on Instagram: “I’ve always been stopped by the cops. Cops stop black guys who drive nice cars.”

Has police brutality against black young men grown worse?: “It’s not that it’s gotten worse, it’s just that it’s part of the 24-hour news cycle. What’s weird is that it never happens to white kids. There’s no evidence that white youngsters are any less belligerent, you know? We can go to any Wall Street bar and they are way bigger a**holes than in any other black bar. But will I see cops stop shooting black kids in my lifetime? Probably not.”

[From The Guardian]

Rock goes on to discuss whether or not he’s experienced any fallout after putting Hollywood’s race problem on blast last fall. He talks about the Sony hack and how Scott Ruden is “basically f***ing crazy” but “not racist. Scott Rudin hates EVERYBODY.” The whole interview is an interesting read, including when Rock hears about Trevor Noah’s sketchy Twitter jokes for the first time. Rock doesn’t get caught by surprise too often, but it happens here.

There’s also another odd Guardian article that discusses Rock’s recent baseball rant, in which he says baseball no longer appeals to black people. I don’t know jack about baseball, but Rock makes an intriguing argument. It’s a little too “inside baseball” though.

Chris Rock

Chris Rock

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN




About once a year, Rupert Everett will pop up and give an interview that ends up offending many people. He’s complained about the treatment of openly gay actors, he’s complained about the Hollywood system, he’s complained about Jennifer Aniston’s career, he’s complained about gay people raising children and so much more. This year’s Rupert Everett rant is about posh actors versus not-posh actors. It’s part of a larger discussion happening in the UK, as posh, privately educated actors like Benedict Cumberbatch, Eddie Redmayne and Tom Hiddleston tend to “break” Hollywood and get more roles. In the UK, there’s concern about this, like people are asking if they need to celebrate more “working class” actors, and whether it’s right that an Eton or Harrow education is somehow required to make it as an actor. Surprisingly, I didn’t hate what Ol’ Rupes had to say about this subject.

America loves posh English actors: “Everyone’s whining about that but the fact of the matter is, acting is like hooking. What people want to see is what people want to see. What the Americans want to see of the English – they don’t want to see snaggle-toothed working class people, obviously. They want to see upper class people – that’s what they want. That’s why they love Downton Abbey. The upper class people are making the films that the Americans like but that’s how it is. There’s nothing we can do about that. We can’t force the Americans to change their minds but we could also just not be so envious and bitter about it and celebrate at the same time all the other people who do amazing work and are huge stars in our own country and then get to break out as well.”

Posh actors aren’t the only success stories: “There’s the Fassbenders, there’s tons of people who aren’t upper class – Daniel Craig isn’t upper class. Actually there are three or four upper class actors from Harrow and Eton but there are tons more from everywhere else and if there’s not, it’s because [Americans] want to see upper class films full stop and showbusiness is about demand. It’s not about forcing people to have what they don’t want – it’s difficult to say what they want to see. They do want to see The Full Monty and when there’s another Full Monty made, they’ll want to see that too. The danger of our world is it gets so furious and angry about something – it’s suddenly ‘where are the working class actors?’ But they’re all over the place and doing extremely well, I would say.”

[From Radio Times]

Rupert ends his comments by complimenting British soap operas (typically cast with working class actors), saying their soap operas are “the best soaps in the world.” Anyway, I think he’s right – yes, at the moment, Hiddles, Bendy and Redmayne are getting a lot of press, acclaim, awards and high-profile roles. But so are other actors who have less poshness. And Rupert is right about American audiences driving the demand for a certain type of British actor too – Americans love to think that England is full of Colin Firths, Hugh Grants and Benedict Cumberbatchs, and we don’t want to consider the idea that present-day England looks more like an old-school Guy Ritchie film. Americans want to think England is “quaint” not rough-and-tumble.


Photos courtesy of WENN.



Here are some assorted photos of Cate Blanchett from the Giorgio Armani 40th Anniversary party in Milan on April 30 (the white Armani suit), plus some photos of Cate opening the new Australian pavilion in Venice on May 5th (the green dress). We haven’t talked about Cate since I went HAM on her a month ago when she pissed me off about the #AskHerMore crap. Is all forgiven and forgotten? Not really. But I am looking forward to seeing her at this year’s Cannes Film Festival. Cate will be promoting Carol, a film by Todd Haynes. It’s about a lesbian relationship (between Cate and Rooney Mara) in the 1950s. It’s actually in competition this year, which means Cate could conceivably win a Best Actress award. So, Cate was an obvious choice for the cover of Variety this week, which serves as a preview of Cannes (starting today). Some highlights from Cate’s profile:

Women have to help women: “We have to push forward. What industry has parity pay for women? None. Why would we expect this industry to be any different?”

The dominance of men’s stories: “It’s not serving the audience. People want to see good films. We should have equal access to the multiplexes.”

The difficulty in making Carol: “It was so hard. Midrange films with women at the center are tricky to finance. There are a lot of people laboring under the misapprehension that people don’t want to see them, which isn’t true.”

Cate’s lesbian relationships: “On film — or in real life?” she asks coyly. Pressed for details about whether she’s had past relationships with women, she responds: “Yes. Many times,” but doesn’t elaborate. Like Carol, who never “comes out” as a lesbian, Blanchett doesn’t necessarily rely on labels for sexual orientation.

She’ll never join Twitter: “I think I’d end up in rehab. That stuff is addictive.”

People need to know too much: “We need to get into people’s private lives now. If they are hiding something, they are dishonest.”

Carol’s sex scenes: “It’s not ‘Blue Is the Warmest Color.’ That’s not the ambition of the film.”

Her craziest visit to Cannes, with Harrison Ford in 2008: “I’d never seen so many people. It was like Harrison was the pope.”

[From Variety]

Most of the Variety story focuses on how Carol was made and financed and the struggle to get it financed, cast, made and released. It took well over a decade and many, many directors came and left the project. Which is weird, because it seems like Todd Hayes would have been the obvious choice from the start, right? Rooney Mara said no to her part at first, and she only came on board after Mia Wasikowska signed on and then dropped out of the role. Anyway… I’m looking forward to the Cannes photos of Cate… and even Rooney.


Photos courtesy of WENN, cover courtesy of Variety.
cate variety


Dr. Kanye West!!!!!!! I’m so proud of you baby & I know your mom would be so proud too!!!! ????

A photo posted by Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) on May 11, 2015 at 1:18pm PDT

This is an Instagram from Kim Kardashian – she was not in Chicago for this moment, but she honored her husband Kanye West as he received an honorary PhD from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Some people are bitching about Kanye receiving an honorary doctorate, but… I don’t know? I think it’s kind of cool. Most colleges give out those honorary doctorates to cheeseball local politicians and it’s not like Kanye is now going to go by Dr. Yeezus (although that might be righteous).

The NYDN has an audio clip of Kanye’s speech and he sounded… genuinely honored. He took it seriously, and he was moved to be receiving the doctorate, and it felt like he was thinking a lot about his mom. You can hear the clip here. At one point, he talks about being a pop artist, and whether it’s a good thing to say “I’m sorry.” He ended up doing a funny little riff about George W. Bush (“…doesn’t care about black people…”) too.

“I am a pop artist. So my medium is public opinion and the world is my canvas. ‘I’m sorry’ is something that you can use a lot. It gives you the opportunity to give your opinion, apologize for it, and give your opinion again. You should not be sorry for your opinions!”

“George Bush … has some very cool self-portraits. I didn’t know he was an artist.”

[From WaPo]

Kanye pauses for a long time in between “George Bush” and “has some” and the kids in the audience all laughed. They probably hoped that he would say “doesn’t care about black people.” Incidentally, George W. Bush cited that moment at the Hurricane Katrina Relief fundraiser as “one of the most disgusting moments in my presidency.” As in, Bush thought it was disgusting that Kanye basically called him a racist. Bush was not disgusted that he abdicated crisis management to incompetent idiots and left an American city to drown and rot. God, even typing those words, I get mad about it all over again. I wish Kanye had gone on an old-school anti-Bush rant.

Thank you SAIC… This is my greatest honor to date and would have been my mother – Dr. West’s – proudest moment. pic.twitter.com/UmbmkJDHhq

— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) May 12, 2015

View image | gettyimages.com

Photos courtesy of Getty, Twitter, Instagram.



Another week, another product-placement interview/infomercial from Jennifer Aniston. Glamour Magazine did a Q&A with Jennifer and they barely hid the fact that she only did the interview to shill for Living Proof and Aveeno. Glamour literally interspersed Aniston’s answers with links to buy certain Aveeno and Living Proof products. There’s another purpose here as well: Jennifer makes sure that Justin Theroux gets some shout-outs. Probably because they haven’t been seen together since the Oscars? And they seem to have been apart for the better part of two and a half months? Anyway, here are some assorted highlights from Jennifer’s Glamour piece.

Her best hairstyle of all time: “Long, natural-looking beachy waves. That feels most like me.”

Her hair secret: “I was not a fan of the “Rachel.” That was kind of cringe-y for me. Looking back—honestly, even during that time—I couldn’t do it on my own. I needed Chris [McMillan] attached to my hip. Left to my own devices, I am not skilled with a hairbrush and blow-dryer.”

Her no-fuss daily hair strategy: “I’ll wash it, brush it, then put styling cream in and let it air-dry on its own.”

Her beauty miss: “I got the goth look—black lipstick and white foundation—out of my system in the eighties. That’s something I don’t do well now.

Her preferred look on a man: Clean-shaven. Scruffy is good, but you really have to wait until you get to the soft moment.”

Her cherished flaw: “I always love a beautiful scar. I think they’re sexy.”

Her stay-fit food: “I’m good to go with a kale salad. Actually, Justin [Theroux] makes a great one with a poached egg and quinoa. It’s really delicious.”

Her favorite scent on earth: “The beach. The combination of ocean water, sand, suntan lotion—all those smells—I just love it.”

Her most confident moments: “I feel beautiful when I wake up with my sweetheart. When I leave a photo shoot, because somehow miracles have been worked. When I come home from a night out with my honey and my makeup’s a little smudged. I have many moments when I feel beautiful. It’s all about having that inner confidence.”

[From Glamour]

If I’m being honest, I actually miss the goth look. I never went full goth – with my Indian coloring, it would have looked like I was doing whiteface – but I definitely played around with black lipstick, heavy eyemakeup, all-black clothing, Doc Martens, etc. It’s a fun look and I still sort of enjoy seeing it on other people. Also: in other interviews, Aniston has said that after a few years with Chris, she got a lot better with the brush and dryer and she can do her own blowouts now. Or did a hallucinate that? No, I’m pretty sure I didn’t. Her hair drama is all over the place. I think she’s just trying to “relate” to average woman who presumably doesn’t have a full time hairstylist on call.

“I feel beautiful when I wake up with my sweetheart”…? But how often do you wake up next to him?

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.



I’m starting to worry about George Clooney a little bit. He’s promoting Tomorrowland, but nearly every quote coming out of his mouth is about his marriage and how special and amazing and different everything is now that he’s found the love of his life…? Maybe I should just sit back and let the Alamooney wash over me. I don’t need to question it. I don’t need to analyze it. I don’t need to wonder if the Body Snatchers got him and turned him into a Stepford Husband. I will not be asking “what’s the deal, Cloons?” anymore. Behold, George talks to an Aussie outlet about never being apart from Amal for longer than a week, and whether they’ll have Alamooney babies.

There’s nothing tough about his marriage: “There was nothing tough about it. Our only adjustments are figuring out our schedules. Our deal is that we can’t be more than a week apart. So far, that’s worked out pretty well.”

Babies: “Ah. I have actually no idea about that.”

Their new English country mansion: “The town has the greatest pub in the world which is something like 200 years old. Amal and I walk from our house over a bridge, through a graveyard and into the pub. It’s fine going there but coming back is a little, eh…Now we’re in the middle of updating the house, and we’re bringing it back to the Georgian style. I have a boat and we ride around and there’s an unbelievably great restaurant nearby called The French Horn. I love it there.”

Amal does not cook: “Well, I cook a little bit. My wife makes reservations. And her mother makes reservations, so it’s a generational thing… [Now I’m] a bit of a connoisseur of Lebanese food. I didn’t know much about it before, but I find it to be fantastic. We eat a lot of tabbouleh. And listen, I was a single guy for a long time, I’m a decent chef, I know how to cook. I make a nice pasta because I spend time in Italy. I can also make good breakfast food, and I’m great at Thanksgiving dinner.”

Amal is not a celebrity & she pays for most of her clothes: “Well, that’s part of the world that comes with us getting married but she doesn’t think of herself as a celebrity. She’s found a wonderful way of balancing the idea of what she does for a living. She’s very well groomed to handle a lot of pressure. Sometimes people will give her a dress because they want their name to be out there, but she’s a grown person and she pays for a lot of her own stuff.”

Amal does not have a stylist: “The funny thing is, from the first day I met Amal, you could see that she has her own sense of style. She doesn’t have a stylist, she has clothes that she loves to wear and she knows exactly what they are.”

The Met Gala: “Let me tell you something, that’s the only time in my life I’ve ever worn the tie and tails thing. And I don’t think I’m going to do it again. That took a long time to put it on and take it off…Sometimes Amal looks at me confused about my sense of style. There are times when she says, ‘Are you going to wear a Tequila T-shirt again?’”

He & Amal don’t disagree: “We don’t disagree on many things so far. We will see. And since she’s smarter than me, the only way we resolve anything is by arm wrestling. That is my only chance of winning anything with her because if it’s an intellectual battle, I would lose. She’s the smart one in the family.”

[From People & News.com.au]

“My wife makes reservations. And her mother makes reservations, so it’s a generational thing…” This is going to sound so middle-class, but I really don’t understand Amal’s insistence on never cooking anything, ever. It makes her sound like such a princess, like she can’t function unless people are waiting on her hand and foot. I’m not a world class cook by any means, but I know how to make some basic dishes and I can certainly follow a recipe. Now I’m starting to wonder if it’s more about the way upper-class households are organized in a country like Lebanon. The Alamuddins are a wealthier, upper class family in Lebanon, so I’m guessing they probably have a house full of staff. Amal and her mother never learned to cook because they always had someone cooking for them. And even when Amal went off on her own and lived by herself in New York and London, she just never learned how to… what? Throw a bowl of soup in the microwave? Make a sandwich?

Photos courtesy of WENN.


Kylie Jenner

I pay close attention to everything People has to say about 17-year-old Kylie Jenner’s relationship with 25-year-old rapper Tyga. People often acts as a direct PR mouthpiece. In this case, the magazine echoes the up-to-date thoughts of the Kardashian family on Tyga. And someone must be angry with Tyga. A month ago, People raved over the “adorable” romance. Since then, Tyga may have proven his loyalty by getting a Kylie tattoo. He’s also gone public with the romance, insisting that there’s nothing “morally wrong“ with the relationship. And his grandma worked overtime to chat up the whip-smart nature of the Kardashian family.

So what happened? According to People, the Kardashians have suddenly soured on Tyga. He’s been virtually part of the family for years, but they’re no longer interested in seeing him date Kylie. Hilariously, Kris Jenner is said to be worried about how Tyga is a bad influence on her youngest daughter:

According to a Kylie pal, her family doesn’t think she’s “out of control,” but “a few are worried” about her boyfriend Tyga’s influence on her.

“A lot of Tyga’s friends are enablers,” the friend says. “That makes her mom the most nervous. She doesn’t want Kylie getting off track.”

The 25-year-old rapper has been romantically linked to Kylie since September, and the two have kept their relationship “under wraps as much as possible for obvious reasons,” the friend says. “Her parents know she is going to date who she wants, but they are worried he will have a negative impact on her decision-making.”

In the last year, Kylie’s appearance has changed dramatically, and she is often criticized for looking much older than her age. On Sunday’s episode of KUWTK, she finally copped to cosmetically enhancing her lips.

“She’s become a perfectionist because she feels like she needs to be just as sexy as her other siblings, specifically Kendall and Khloé,” the pal says. “She doesn’t feel inadequate next to them, but she’s willing to do whatever she can to herself to make her feel like she’s looked at by the public in the same way.”

Kylie, who plans to move out into her own Calabasas mansion “the second” she turns 18, “is obsessed with the attention and knows that acting a little scandalous here and there will keep her in the spotlight,” the friend says.

[From People]

Did you hear that? Kris “doesn’t want Kylie getting off track.” I called Kris’ sudden change of heart “hilarious” because Kris Jenner only thinks about Kris Jenner’s bottom line. Somehow, she has deemed Tyga’s association with the family to be unprofitable. Either that, or Tyga has done something terrible that we don’t know about yet. I don’t buy that Kris and the family have suddenly woken up to reality. Ugh, this family.

Meanwhile, Blac Chyna has decided that Tyga is a bad influence on their 2-year-old son, King Cairo. TMZ says Chyna is planning to file for full custody of King. She believes that Tyga, now confirmed to be dating a minor, “shows bad judgment that translates into his parenting skills.” She also believes Kylie isn’t mature enough to be around King, which is beside the point. Tyga’s decision to date a minor reflects upon his character, and that will matter to a court. This could get messy, y’all.


Kylie Jenner

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN



Health Ashley Tisdale Cover

Ashley Tisdale, 29, covers the June issue of Health Magazine. She’s promoting her role on the new TBS sitcom Clipped, where she plays a sassy hairdresser in a family-owned barbershop set in Boston. You can see the trailer for the show on Deadline. It’s not my style of comedy but it could be funny. Clipped premieres on June 16.

Ashley got her start on Disney’s High School Musical and has made guest appearances on several shows along with her regular gig as a voice actress on Phineas and Ferb. I know Ashley from all the paparazzi photos we used to get of her years ago, but unlike her fellow HSM stars Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron she hasn’t been that visible lately. That’s probably because she got married, to musician Christopher French of the band Annie Automatic, in 2014.

In her interview with Heath, Ashley said that she dedicates an hour a day to working out. She also explained that she’s started a production company with her sister, and that she’s excited to be back on a television series. Here are some excerpts with much more on Health.com.

On her Twitter ‘oops’ moments…
“…in my past relationships, I used to passive-aggressively tweet. When I got out of one relationship, I said something like ‘Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.’ I was like, ‘I probably shouldn’t have shared that with everybody.’”

On women in Hollywood…
“I feel like it’s so important to support other women and their dreams. My production company—Blondie Girl Productions—is me and my sister, and every time I meet a female producer, I’m like, ‘Yeah, let’s do this’ because usually it’s a lot of dudes! It’s a hard business to break into.’”

On the biggest misconception about her…
“I think people have a perspective of me that I’m this blonde and I just like to shop. I’m deeper than what people expect. Even with my production company, people think I have somebody else running it, but then they start to see, ‘Wow, she does do it.’”

On her dislike of spin…
“I’m going to be the spin hater now. I used to do SoulCycle, but a ton of trainers have told me that spinning is good but you’re not burning as much as you think you are. And it bulks you up in places you probably don’t want. My body started to change for the better when I stopped doing it.”

On her health fears…
“…it also scares me to think about how much time we’re on our phones and in front of the TV. When I was younger, we didn’t have Twitter. We didn’t have Instagram. I catch myself where I’ve been on it for way too long. It’s not OK.”

On what she appreciates most about life with husband Christopher French…
“… he’s the most patient man I have ever met. I’m not very patient.”

On her biggest goal…
“…One of my main goals is to win an Emmy for best actress.”

[From Health Magazine, received via e-mail]

I love spinning, which is why I’m covering this. I have a spin bike in my house, I do programs on YouTube (this class is my favorite and this is a close second) and I take spin classes at the gym about once or twice a week. (I used to spin more often, but now I mix it up with kickboxing and Zumba because I get bored doing the same thing.)

If Ashley doesn’t like to spin that’s fine, but I really dislike it when women erroneously claim that we “bulk up” from doing certain exercises and that we should strive to be lean. In fact spinning does not bulk you up, that’s a misconception. It may make your thighs stronger, but that’s not the same thing. (I know it’s anecdotal, but it made my legs smaller.) Ashley is parroting what she’s heard from fraud trainer Tracy Anderson, who hates spin because it competes with her “method” for celebrity clients. Tracy regularly tells women that working with larger weights or doing basically anything she doesn’t teach will “bulk” them up (which is not true) and that they have to use her method to look thin. It’s about marketing and selling exclusivity and celebrities like Ashley Tisdale (who has been a client of Tracy’s) eat it up.

In her full Health interview, Ashley mentions that she works out with her trainer, Jason Walsh, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Walsh runs a group climbing class called Rise Nation and also trains Jessica Biel, Chrissy Tiegen, Minka Kelly and Hilary Duff. It’s interesting to me how trainers and workouts go in and out of style with celebrities. It doesn’t sound like Tracy Anderson’s method is that popular at this point.

Also, I like how Ashley says her goal is to win an Emmy for best TV actress. That sounds somewhat realistic.

Ashley Tisdale_1_edited-1

Ashley Tisdale and her husband Christopher French wear matching skeleton t-shirts on a walk with their pet dog

Health Ashley Tisdale Cover
Ashley Tisdale_1_edited-1
Ashley Tisdale_2_edited-1
Ashley Tisdale and her husband Christopher French wear matching skeleton t-shirts on a walk with their pet dog
Ashley Tisdale and Christopher French out in Studio City
Ashley Tisdale and her husband Christopher French spotted leaving Leica Gallery LA
Tomorrowland Premiere

Ashley Tisdale’s dog is a Maltipoo, she has two dogs, both Maltipoos, named Maui and Blondie. Photos credit: WENN.com and Health Magazine


Miley Cyrus

???????????????? lazzzz night ????????????????

A photo posted by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on May 12, 2015 at 12:11pm PDT

I don’t know if Miley Cyrus was jealous of all the attention that Trace Cyrus and his rejected tattoos were receiving, but Miley decided to get her hair done. She Instagrammed the process. First, Miley reclined all sultry-like next to a bedful of hair extensions. Then she made her final selections. ^^^^

Miley has sported short hair for over two years. She first debuted her quasi-Gosselin haircut in summer 2012. Many assumed this cut would enjoy a short-lived phase, but Miley vowed (in early 2013) that she’d never sport long hair again because she hated the “creepy” feeling of having hair sewn onto her head. By late 2013, Miley admitted she was counting the days until her hair was long enough to add a weave. She still managed to resist until now, but Miley finally gave into her urges.

What do you think of her new ‘do? I think it’s a decent change, as her Met Gala styling looked stale. I am surprised that Miley went shoulder length so quickly. She previously admitted her exasperation at wearing over 350 extensions in 2010 for a Bazaar cover. Miley didn’t seem eager to jump back into the extension game, but growing out a pixie cut is such an awkward experience. I don’t blame her for cheating a little bit. Perhaps a rich brunette shade would have worked better than the brassy blonde, but the change is still nice.

Here’s Miley with her assistant, Cheyne Thomas, a few days ago.

Photos courtesy of Miley Cyrus on Instagram, Fame/Flynet & WENN




On Game of Thrones, people are starting to believe that Ramsey Bolton – played by Iwan Rheon – is the new Joffrey. I think Ramsey is a sadist, of course, but Joffrey was probably one of the coldest psychopaths ever. Ramsey seems more immature than anything else, like he gets childlike glee from torturing people. I don’t know… I mean, I see the comparisons, obviously, but I don’t think Joffrey and Ramsey are “the same.” Well, Iwan Rheon is talking about his character and what we’ll see from Ramsey this season. You can read the full MTV piece here. Some highlights:

Iwan on filming a scene naked: “It was not the first time it happened, to be honest. You just have to get on with it. It’s not the first time I went to get my ass out for the camera crew.

Ramsey has a girlfriend: “Yeah, it is quite a surprise. He’s probably not the most caring and attentive lover. But I think she’s a bit of a crazy b–ch herself, isn’t she? Having a crazy bastard and a crazy b–ch — it’s perfect.”

Ramsey’s relationship with Theon/Reek: “He knew how important Theon Greyjoy was [before], but I think he got a little bit carried away, doing what he did… He managed to change Theon Greyjoy into basically a puppet; a subservient creature who wouldn’t even slit his throat when he had a razor next to it, which is extraordinary. He’s so afraid of him… That’s some serious work from Ramsay. Now, I think he might possibly be a little bit too overly confident with him. I don’t think he intended for [Sansa] to find him like that. He had to make a move. I don’t think he was ready to show her Theon; that wasn’t part of the plan. She sees him and his hand is forced, he’s got to do something about it, and that’s his reaction. So I think he’s still figuring out what to do, to be honest. I think he’s enjoying it, but it’s a dangerous path, because he’s got to have some humanity left — Theon, or Reek, whatever you call him.

Whether Ramsey will torture Sansa: “He’s got to behave himself a little bit better — he’s a lord now. I think his dad said to him, “Listen boy, no more f–king about”… I think having his father there is a huge influence on Ramsay, because the problem with Theon was he was left alone with him while his father was off fighting a war. Ramsay was left at the Dredfort to his own devices; he was bored. So I think having his dad there is good in terms of Ramsay’s behavior, because he has to try and behave a little bit better. But he’s over the moon with the whole situation — it couldn’t have turned out better. It’s the name for him, that means loads. If he marries her and they have children, then he’s got a really firm grasp on the north… Ramsay is excited… I don’t think he expected it to be quite so good when his dad told him he was getting hitched.

Whether Ramsey is better boyfriend material than Joffrey: “Ehhhh. [Laughs] Possibly. I don’t know. It’s a difficult one, they’re both pretty awful. I think that would have to be down to a personal choice.

On Roose Bolton’s “you’re my son” moment: “He was saying it to get Ramsay to tow in line and behave himself — possibly meaning it to a certain degree, but if he gets a legitimate son, how long is Ramsay going to live? He’s a nutter. Everything has a Machiavellian element to it.

[From MTV]

He also says that he and Alfie Allen get along well enough in real life. Over the years, I’ve heard Alfie mentioned as one of the more popular cast members, like he’s just happy to be on the show and he gets along with everyone. As for the rest of it… yeah, I’m guessing that Ramsey feels like he’s “on notice” with his dad a little bit, especially since Roose is expecting a child with his own wife. Roose could have his own legitimate heir in no time. But many think that Sansa probably will have to marry Ramsey anyway and try to get a Stark-Bolton heir in there. God, I hope it doesn’t come to that. Where the hell is Littlefinger?

Oh, and out of his GoT costume, Iwan looks totally normal and not-sadistic.


Photos courtesy of HBO, WENN.


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