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Here’s Part 2 of our coverage of last night’s LA premiere of Mad Max: Fury Road. Part 1 is here – that was Tom Hardy, Jason Momoa, etc. What I like about this film and the film promotion is that it’s pretty clear that Charlize Theron is very, very important to the story. She’s not playing an accessory to Mad Max. She is her own character, and some even say that Charlize’s Furiosa is the one driving the plot and Max is secondary. George Miller even brought in feminist Eve Ensler to advise him how to strengthen the female characters in the film. Which is nice, you know?

Anyway, Charlize came to the premiere with her lover Sean Penn. Why is Penn is red and leathery these days? He looks like a ham hock. Charlize is wearing Dior. I feel like I’ve seen her in variations of this same dress about a million times, but this version is fine. It’s flattering, it’s sexy, it’s deceptively simple.


More photos from the premiere… Zoe Kravitz wore this dark Valentino Fall 2015 gown. For a summer movie premiere? It’s a little bit much.


Rosie Huntington-Whiteley wore this great little Rodarte’s Fall 2015 dress. This is one of my favorites – it feels like a very rock n’ roll choice.


Riley Keough was probably my absolute favorite. She wore this leather Alexander McQueen Pre-Fall 2015 dress. This could have looked bad, you know? It’s burgundy leather after all. But she really pulls it off. She’s such a pretty young woman too.


Thandie Newton isn’t in the film, but she came out anyway. She wore this princess-y Monique Lhuillier Spring 2015. I don’t really have a problem with it.


Photos courtesy of WENN.



This ^^ really happened. It’s not a post-apocalyptic fever dream. At last night’s LA premiere of Mad Max: Fury Road, Mel Gibson, George Miller and Tom Hardy posed together on the red carpet. Mind blown! Tom has been open about the fact that he went to Mel personally and asked for his blessing before playing Mad Max. Mel thought Tom was crazy (which is saying a lot), but Mel gave Tom his blessing. And I guess it’s sort of nice that Mel came out for the premiere, to support his friend George Miller and bestow a public blessing on the film.

I’m including some assorted photos from the premiere – I’m actually splitting these pics up into two groups. This post is for “dudes.” There’s Mel, George and Tom, of course. I’m also including pics of Nicholas Hoult (Bedhead’s dream boyfriend after Chunk-Butt) and Jason Momoa with Lisa Bonet. Lisa’s daughter Zoe Kravitz is in the film, so Lisa and Jason came out to support Zoe. And Jason wore a tank top, a leather vest and a tartan shrug. And I would still bang it into oblivion. God, who would you rather: Tom Hardy or Jason Momoa? I really can’t even decide. Drogo versus Mad Max? That’s the Sophie’s Choice of hot men.

What else? Tom’s date for the premiere was not his girlfriend/wife Charlotte Riley, it was his good friend Kelly Marcel, a screenwriter. Hoult looked sort of quiet and he didn’t come with a date (an opening, perhaps, for Bedhead). Sigh… I’m still thinking about Jason and Tom.




Photos courtesy of WENN.


swifty elle

I don’t believe in shaming women for their natural figures at all, but for the love of God, why did Elle Magazine do this to poor Taylor Swift? She’s a tall, lanky girl and this jumpsuit – with vertical stripes!!! – is just ten kinds of wrong on her. It does terrible things to her figure. The rest of the editorial is like this too – like Swifty is trying to exploit some of the worst parts of ‘70s fashion. You can see Elle’s cover package here. In the interview, Swifty is mostly talking about music and boys and predictably, she’s pretty full of it at times. Some highlights:

A not-so-veiled reference to Harry Styles: “Shake It Off” and “Clean” were the last two things we wrote for the record, so it shows you where I ended up mentally. “Clean” I wrote as I was walking out of Liberty in London. Someone I used to date—it hit me that I’d been in the same city as him for two weeks and I hadn’t thought about it. When it did hit me, it was like, Oh, I hope he’s doing well. And nothing else. And you know how it is when you’re going through heartbreak. A heartbroken person is unlike any other person. Their time moves at a completely different pace than ours. It’s this mental, physical, emotional ache and feeling so conflicted. Nothing distracts you from it. Then time passes, and the more you live your life and create new habits, you get used to not having a text message every morning saying, “Hello, beautiful. Good morning.” You get used to not calling someone at night to tell them how your day was. You replace these old habits with new habits, like texting your friends in a group chat all day and planning fun dinner parties and going out on adventures with your girlfriends, and then all of a sudden one day you’re in London and you realize you’ve been in the same place as your ex for two weeks and you’re fine. And you hope he’s fine. The first thought that came to my mind was, I’m finally clean. I’d been in this media hailstorm of people having a very misconstrued perception of who I was. There were really insensitive jokes being made at awards shows by hosts; there were snarky headlines in the press—”Taylor Goes Through a Breakup: Well, That Was Swift!”—focusing on all the wrong things.

Writing songs about love: “I’d never been in a relationship when I wrote my first couple of albums, so these were all projections of what I thought they might be like. They were based on movies and books and songs and literature that tell us that a relationship is the most magical thing that can ever happen to you. And then once I fell in love, or thought I was in love, and then experienced disappointment or it just not working out a few times, I realized there’s this idea of happily ever after which in real life doesn’t happen. There’s no riding off into the sunset, because the camera always keeps rolling in real life. It’s magical if you ask anyone who has ever fallen in love—it’s the greatest. Now I have more of a grasp on the fact that when you’re in a state of infatuation and you think everything that person does is perfect, it then—if you’re lucky—morphs into a real relationship when you see that that person is not in fact perfect, but you still want to see them every day.”

She’s not going to rebel against her image: “As far as the need to rebel against the idea of you, or the image of you: Like, I feel no need to burn down the house I built by hand. I can make additions to it. I can redecorate. But I built this. And so I’m not going to sit there and say, “Oh, I wish I hadn’t had corkscrew-curly hair and worn cowboy boots and sundresses to awards shows when I was 17; I wish I hadn’t gone through that fairy-tale phase where I just wanted to wear princess dresses to awards shows every single time.” Because I made those choices. I did that. It was part of me growing up. It wasn’t some committee going, “You know what Taylor needs to be this year?” And so with 1989, I feel like we gave the entire metaphorical house I built a complete renovation and it made me love the house even more—but still keeping the foundation of what I’ve always been.

[From Elle]

I actually like what she says about not being made by a committee, so there’s nothing to really “rebel” against. It’s true, she was never a Disney girl and she wasn’t stage-managed into oblivion by overzealous parents. Her transition from girl to woman has been messy at times, but it’s been her own journey. Which is why I wish she would stop complaining about the “really insensitive jokes” made at her expense. She owns so much of her life, good and bad. Why is she incapable of laughing at herself? Why can’t she acknowledge that parts of her life were and are messy and complicated and funny? I mean, she’s mad hundreds of millions of dollars writing blind –item burn songs. It IS funny. And she should be happy to get the last laugh.

Photos courtesy of Michael Thompson for ELLE.
ELLE June 15_Taylor Swift 01 Opener
ELLE June 15_Taylor Swift 02
swifty elle



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Is it wrong to find all of the Tom Brady hand-wringing to be actually pretty funny? People are losing their damn minds. About BALLS. As we discussed yesterday, Tom Brady likely knew all about the underinflated balls, so says the NFL’s independent investigator. A big part of the proof of Brady’s knowledge comes from the detailed records of Brady texting and calling the equipment people right as Deflategate became a thing, although Brady apparently “refused” to turn over his own emails and phone records to the independent investigator. It looks and smells like an attempted cover-up, like Brady and the equipment dudes were getting their stories straight and Tom specifically was working out what lies to tell during his crazy press conference in January. In any case, Tom has responded to the investigation’s report. By that I mean his agent gave a long-winded and full-throated defense of the Golden Boy. Here is the statement:

“The Wells report, with all due respect, is a significant and terrible disappointment. It’s omission of key facts and lines of inquiry suggest the investigators reached a conclusion first, and then determined so-called facts later. One fact alone taints this entire report. What does it say about the league office’s protocols and ethics when it allows one team to tip it off to an issue prior to a championship game, and no league officials or game officials notified the Patriots of the same issue prior to the game? This suggests it may be more probable than not that the league cooperated with the Colts in perpetrating a sting operation. The Wells report buries this issue in a footnote on page 46 without any further elaboration.

The league is a significant client of the investigators’ law firm; it appears to be a rich source of billings and media exposure based on content in the law firm’s website. This was not an independent investigation and the contents of the report bear that out – all one has to do is read closely and critically, as opposed to simply reading headlines. The investigators’ assumptions and inferences are easily debunked or subject to multiple interpretations. Much of the report’s vulnerabilities are buried in the footnotes, which is a common legal writing tactic.

It is a sad day for the league as it has abdicated the resolution of football-specific issues to people who don’t understand the context or culture of the sport. I was physically present for my client’s interview. I have verbatim notes of the interview. Tom made himself available for nearly an entire day and patiently answered every question. It was clear to me the investigators had limited understanding of professional football. For reasons unknown, the Wells report omitted nearly all of Tom’s testimony, most of which was critical because it would have provided this report with the context that it lacks. Mr. Wells promised back in January to share the results of this investigation publicly, so why not follow through and make public all of the information gathered and let the public draw its own conclusions? This report contains significant and tragic flaws, and it is common knowledge in the legal industry that reports like this generally are written for the benefit of the purchaser.

[From E! News]

Basically, everyone is out to get poor Tommy Brady and no one should trust anyone. And the independent investigator is not “independent” nor does he know anything about professional football. WAAAHHHH! Even E! News pointed out that this official reaction is little more than a non-denial denial, and even Brady’s agent can’t summon the strength to officially deny Tom Brady’s knowledge of said underinflated BALLS. It also looks like Deflate-gate really earned its –gate suffix because this whole thing does have a whiff of Watergate to it – the bungled attempt to get a slight advantage, leading to epic lies and cover-ups.

Oh, and after I wrote all of this up, Tom Brady appeared at Salem State University for a previously scheduled Q&A session last night. He was asked about the Wells Report at the very beginning and he didn’t say much. I watched the moment live and I was very unimpressed. He’s such a terrible liar and instead of just saying, “My lawyer said I shouldn’t say anything” or a flat “no comment,” Brady tried to say that he hadn’t “read” the Wells Report yet so he wouldn’t comment until he did. He said: “I don’t really have any reaction, Jim. Our owner commented on it yesterday, and it’s only been 30 hours so I haven’t had much time to digest it fully. But when I do, I’ll be sure to let you know how I feel about it. And everybody else.” Brady said that the report had “absolutely not” tainted the SuperBowl win “because we earned and achieved everything that we got this year as a team, and I’m very proud of that. And our fans should be, too.”

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View image | gettyimages.com

Photos courtesy of WENN, Getty.



Kylie Jenner

Kylie Jenner (17) and Tyga (25) are still together and still gross. Yesterday, I talked about how Kylie finally admitted using lip plumpers, which is probably a precursor to an endorsement. Kylie has several such deals (including one for Nip + Fab anti-aging products and a hair extension line). That’s how she makes most of her money, along with what she receives for KUWTK.

Kylie recently purchased her first mansion for $2.7 million in Calabasas. She was busted taking photos while driving close to her new digs. This is never a good idea but veers into clueless territory when one’s own father is under investigation in a fatal car crash. She captioned the pic, “Born & Raised … & I’ll probably die here.” Anyway. Kylie’s preparing to move into her own 5000 sq ft home even though she never learned to do laundry. TMZ reports that Tyga is very impressed by Kylie’s adult-like nature and thinks she’s more mature than most adults, which is why he’s dating her.

Tyga is now defiant about his relationship with 17-year-old Kylie Jenner … he doesn’t care about the laws prohibiting adults from having sex with minors, and the reality is … unless someone complains, neither do the cops.

Tyga is telling friends, as far as he’s concerned Kylie is more mature than most adults. She’s a millionaire who runs a company and even owns her own home.

The rapper won’t squarely say if he’s intimate with Kylie, but it’s not hard to read between the lines. He says he “doesn’t give a f*** about what the law says.” He thinks age is relative, and there’s nothing “morally wrong” with a mature 17-year-old dating a 25-year-old.

Fact is … the cops may be on his side. Law enforcement sources tell us they won’t investigate statutory rape involving a 17-year-old unless someone complains, even if the relationship is widely reported. And they say, so far no one has complained.

[From TMZ]

Ugh. Of course no one has complained to authorities about this relationship. Kylie’s family loves Tyga and is thrilled about the situation. Fellow gross guys, Kanye & Chris Brown, blessed the pair. Tyga himself has expressed an us-against-the-world attitude. I find it hilarious that Tyga thinks Kylie is so grown-up and mature. Surely, he’s speaking in a purely physical sense. Most adults don’t have time to prep in the mirror for hours and take 2-hour showers. Tyga only has one thing on his mind.

Kylie Jenner

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN




Above is the new cover of The National Enquirer claiming that Ben Affleck “stormed out” on Jennifer Garner and that they’re in a “$150 million divorce war.” The National Enquirer is basing this on the fact that Affleck was spotted in Cheticamp, Nova Scotia on the week of Garner’s birthday. This was reported by local news outlets in Nova Scotia, we got a tip about it and mentioned it in a story a couple of weeks ago. The Canadian reports also posted a surveillance video of Affleck at a gas station. Locals claim that Affleck was quiet but friendly. There were rumors that he may have gone to a nearby Buddhist monastery and that he may have been scouting property, but none of that was confirmed.

Ben was spotted in Nova Scotia right around the time that the news come that he asked PBS to censor the fact that he had a slave-owning ancestor. However, from what I can find the story did not break until early in the morning on April 17th. The surveillance video was taken on April 16th and someone claimed to have seen Ben in the area as early as April 11th. He was in a remote area of Canada suggesting that he wanted to get away from it all, but it’s a stretch to say that he knew about the negative press at that time. (The Sony emails weren’t published until April 16 and Ben’s recent films have been distributed by 20th Century Fox and Warner Brothers. So he probably didn’t take off anticipating some fallout.)

The National Enquirer turns Ben’s alleged visit to a monastery to a marriage crisis. They claim that Ben “fled to a Buddhist monastery in Canada to ‘get his head straight’ after Jen accused him of cheating with a hot young co-star [Anna Kendrick] and falling off the wagon.” Their report seems based on known details about his visit to Nova Scotia, along with quotes from a “source” about how Affleck and Garner are having problems. Plus, Affleck wasn’t wearing his wedding ring in the video as he usually does. The print article does not claim that Ben and Jen are getting a divorce, just that they’re trying to avoid one.

The Enquirer’s source says that “Jen saw some emails from Anna and blew up. She demanded to know if Ben is two-timing her… they had a huge fight and Ben had a meltdown… the bottom line is that Jen can’t trust Ben.”

The Enquirer also claims [via Radar] that [Jen] “flew out of Los Angeles to ‘convince him to return home,’ according to a family friend — and was photographed looking distraught leaving LAX.

‘Jen was worried enough that she dropped everything and flew to Canada to give Ben an ultimatum,’ said a source. ‘Jen said she’d give him one more chance to clean up his act.’”

I looked through our photo agencies and the only photos I can find of Jen at LAX are from April 14. The next day, she delivered books and read to children in South Carolina as part of her work with Save The Children. JustJared has coverage of that trip. It’s possible that Jen was seen later at LAX, but if so I can’t find those photos.

I don’t doubt that Jen shouldn’t trust Ben for various reasons, but I think she does. Plus I think he’s having some kind of personal crisis over playing Batman. He was seen out gambling quite a bit last year, but he either stopped doing that or is doing it less publicly. I doubt he’s flirting seriously with Anna Kendrick, she doesn’t seem like the type. As to why he went to a monastery around Jen’s birthday, I have no idea. I also don’t know if she particularly cared that he missed her birthday (presumably, he could have jetted back by then). I’m around her age and I didn’t even want to celebrate my birthday this year. At least he’s going to a spiritual retreat in Canada and isn’t gambling or partying with strippers. (Oh and I checked and there is a casino on Cape Breton Island, where Ben was seen, but it’s a couple of hours away.)

Here are some photos of Ben and Jen, taken on 4-24, after the news broke about him censoring PBS. Not a coincidence.

Semi-Exclusive... Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner Step Out In Brentwood

Ben Affleck Takes Samuel To Breakfast

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Ben Affleck Takes Samuel To Breakfast
Ben Affleck Takes Samuel To Breakfast
Ben Affleck Takes Samuel To Breakfast
Ben Affleck Takes Samuel To Breakfast
Semi-Exclusive... Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner Step Out In Brentwood
Semi-Exclusive... Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner Step Out In Brentwood
Semi-Exclusive... Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner Step Out In Brentwood
Semi-Exclusive... Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner Step Out In Brentwood

Affleck is shown taking his son out to breakfast on 5-7 and also at the Mayweather VS Pacquiao fight. Credit: FameFlynet and Getty


Nicholas Hoult

Nicholas Hoult appears in the May issue of GQ to promote Mad Max: Fury Road. You can see the shoot (where a dalmatian steals his hat) here. If you’ve seen any of the movie’s clips, you know that Nick plays an absolutely bonkers guy (Nux) who careens through the desert wearing ghoulish makeup. Nick had to shave his head for the role, and he told E! that he enjoyed endured the experience: “It was quite freeing in a way. Once you’ve gotten rid of it it’s like ‘don’t have to invest in shampoo anymore. There’s also the moment where it gets very short, and then it gets like Velcro.” That quote is actually better if you read it aloud in the suave Hoult voice. Nick also gave some “advice” to GQ readers:

Does he like giving advice? “Not really. To be honest, I don’t think people should listen to my advice. And most of the time, people don’t really want advice anyway. They just want to hear what they want.”

The worst advice forever: “Drink more. Have that shot.”

Should you split a check? “You should always offer to split a check. There’s a lot of complications in that question because you have to take into account where you’ve gone, who decided the place. How expensive the place is, who ordered what. Always offer.”

If your girlfriend won’t stop bringing her friends on dates: “Put a positive spin on it. You want spend more time alone with her. Quality time. You have to say that. Always be positive.”

[From GQ]

Nick says all of these things in a self-deprecating manner, and he jokingly refuses to give advice to a reader who wants to ask his girlfriend to do some “ladyscaping.” The question about splitting a check is probably the most quoteworthy. He’s probably talking about a night out with friends, but I think it also applies to an initial date. So I’m gonna interpret Nick’s advice to also mean that ladies should be prepared to split the tab with a fella. Agreed? Go.

Here’s the “advice” clip from GQ.

Nicholas Hoult

Photos courtesy of David Burton/GQ & WENN



Milla Jovovich

Good night everyone!????????????????????????????????????#babydiary #ladiary

A photo posted by Milla Jovovich (@millajovovich) on Apr 24, 2015 at 11:15pm PDT

Milla Jovovich recently welcomed a second daughter, Dashiel Edan, with husband Paul W.S Anderson. Back in the late 1980s when Milla burst onto the scene as a teenage supermodel, I would have never imagined her as a settled-down mother. She and Paul live a very family-oriented life and enjoy making bad zombie movies together. It works for them. Another thing that works for Milla is co-sleeping with her children. She’s always co-slept with 7-year-old Ever Gabo, and now the family bed grows more crowded with the addition of the new baby. Milla spoke with mommy blog Romy and the Bunnies to discuss why she co-sleeps:

She co-sleeps with Ever: “I’ve always been inspired by mothers in Third World countries. I feel that the connection with children and mothers is so strong in places where there are not so many ‘things’ to get in the way. No electronic distraction devices, no high tech baby equipment, just a mother carrying her little one everywhere, sharing a family bed and having the help of all the other women around to raise the baby. I always thought that the Western way of raising kids was so disconnected. Everyone has their cubicle at home, babies go into nurseries, little kids have their own rooms. You are so separated from one another! We have been co-sleeping for years with our daughter and I feel that it’s helped us so much to stay connected as a family.”

The benefits of co-sleeping: “Especially as my husband and I can have such tough work schedules making films, where we’re on set for at least 12 and sometimes 14 hours a day! Because we share sleep at night, our daughter naturally feels very connected to us and that in turn makes her want to please us! She trusts us and listens to what we say. There is an innate sense of respect between us all that I feel can be lacking with some of the other parents and children I see in our society. I feel that some problems that parents say are ‘typical’ i.e. arguing, defiance, tantrums, interrupting, disrespect, disobedience, screaming etc. we just haven’t had to deal with in any serious way!”

It works for Milla, but she doesn’t judge: “When our daughter was a baby, I was so used to living on another schedule that I was a zombie for the first few months! She was never a ‘good’ sleeper, so every 2 or 3 hours I was waking up to feed her and calm her. I never wanted to let her signals go unanswered and letting her ‘cry it out’ was not the way I wanted to raise my child. We’ve always been believers in sharing a family bed or having her in the same room as ours at night. Not that I judge other methods of mothering, I just knew that it wouldn’t make me happy to allow her to be separated from us at night and cry for hours on end. And I always say, whatever you need to do to be a happy mother is the best for baby.”

[From Romy and the Bunnies]

I agree with Milla’s statements on how co-sleeping promotes trust and a connecting bond between child and parent. She’s a little smug with the “no tantrum” claim, and I wonder if the new baby will change that equation. I’ve known a few people who considered themselves to be the most fantastic parents after enjoying a non-argumentative, well-behaved first child. Then a second child arrives with a very different personality, and all bets are off! Co-sleeping sure makes nursing at night easier as long as safety is a priority. The practice works for Milla and her family, and that’s what really matters.

Dashiel is two weeks old today and I still haven’t gotten out of my pj’s!???? That’s what it is to be a milk manufacturing facility!????????#twoweeksold #proudtobeawoman #nursingmybaby #mamabear #ladiary

A photo posted by Milla Jovovich (@millajovovich) on Apr 15, 2015 at 11:13am PDT

Photos courtesy of Milla Jovovich on Instagram & WENN




I tend to believe that Robin Wright and Sean Penn’s kids are split on gender lines – Dylan Penn is her mother’s daughter and Hopper Penn is tight with his dad (possibly because Hopper is a chip off the ol’ block). But this week’s Star Magazine claims that Robin is still involved with both her children, to the point where she’s trying to turn them against Sean Penn’s lover, Charlize Theron. The tabloids have tried to make this into a thing before – remember the story of Chuckles Theron? Yeah. And while Sean and Robin have been taking public shots at each other for months, I’m not sure if I believe it goes this far:

Insiders tell Star that Sean Penn’s ex-wife Robin Wright “absolutely despises” his new love, Charlize Theron – and isn’t shy about venting to her kids.

“Charlize has no relationship with Hopper and Dylan, because Robin won’t allow it,” a close friend reveals. “Robin tells them what a snob Charlize is and likes to point out how much time Sean spends with Charlize’s son. It’s really twisted.”

Despite moving on with Ben Foster, Robin still wants to be seen as the jilted spouse. “Robin and Sean had already split up when he and Charlize got together, but to Robin, Charlize is still the Other Woman… she might say she has respect for Sean, but behind closed doors, it’s a very different story.”

[From Star Magazine, print edition]

As I said, there’s no “behind closed doors” here. Robin came right out and said Ben Foster was a better lover than Sean. Sean has been throwing shade at Robin in interview after interview too. They are very public in their distaste for each other. And I honestly believe that Robin has perfected her Icy Bitch Realness to the point where she wouldn’t even deign to acknowledge Charlize’s presence. Or perhaps Robin does acknowledge it with perfectly executed passive-aggressive comments, like “Maybe Charlize will be able to help him become a better lover and a better man. Bless her heart.” As for the situation with the kids – Dylan and Hopper aren’t little kids, you know? Dylan is 24 and Hopper is 21. They’re old enough to make their own decisions about Daddy’s New Girlfriend.


Photos courtesy of WENN.



I’ve been ignoring Lindsay Lohan for the better part of a month, for good reason: she’s still an utter cracktastrophe and covering her stupid drama has actually gotten sort of boring. I’ll get to the “still a cracktastrophe” part in just a moment, but first the real news. Back in February, Lindsay tried to crack-lie her way out of her community service hours at the very last minute, when she somehow completed two weeks of community service in three days. The City Attorney laughed her out of court and the judge ordered her to do an additional 125 hours by May 28th. Lindsay’s lawyer Shawn Holley went into court in LA yesterday for a progress report. This is what happened:

Lindsay Lohan has a new set of excuses to justify her anemic community service performance — she’s completed less than 10 of the 125 required hours. Lindsay’s lawyer, Shawn Holley, was in court Thursday AM, along with prosecutor Melanie Skehar, laying out Lindsay’s progress at the London-based community service facility.

Pretty shocking, and predictable … Lindsay has completed 9 hours and 45 minutes. It’s especially maddening because more than 2 months ago the judge threw out a chunk of sketchy hours … including the credit she got for appearing onstage for her play.

Lindsay’s excuse du jour … the community services center has changed locations and now it takes her an hour-and-a-half to get there. She has to hire a car service for the 3 hour round trip. Holley said she’d like Lindsay to do the remaining community service in Brooklyn, so it sounds like LiLo may be moving stateside again.

The prosecutor did not ask for an arrest warrant, but the judge said, “If Lindsay does not get this done by May 28th there will be consequences.”

[From TMZ]

“Consequences” like a slap on the wrist. Ugh. And I love how everyone pretends like “the community center moved far away!” is a reasonable excuse. Chica, you’re in London!! Surely there’s somewhere else you could do some charity work?

As for the cracktastrophe… Star Magazine has a lengthy story about how Lindsay is still partying like crazy and she’s still a melodramatic crack monster, etc, etc. Lindsay was in Milan last week with a “swarthy” mysterious stranger (“john”) and the paparazzi got photos of Lindsay sobbing and wailing on a street corner after the stranger dared to say “no” to her. The Milan trip came before and after several instances where Lindsay was a “hot mess” in various London hot spots. On April 15th, outside of Cirque le Soir, “Lindsay was a hot mess. Her belly was falling out of her jeans. People were embarrassed for her.” Another source tells Star, “Lindsay has been partying nonstop in London… she stays up late drinking, eats bad food because she’s hung over, then does it all over again the next day.”

Photos courtesy WENN, Fame/Flynet.


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