Have you watched Mindy Kaling’s “Unlikely Leading Lady” American Express commercial? Go here to watch it. I get choked up watching it. Maybe it’s because I’m an Indian-American girl too, but I think Mindy is a very inspirational person. I hate the hate she’s gotten over the years because she “dared” to see herself as a leading lady, because she “dared” to not be a size-2 white woman, because she “dared” to talk about her art rather than her perceived victimhood. I just admire her and relate to her on a lot of different levels.
I watch The Mindy Project too – it had some growing pains in the first season, but by the second and third seasons, TMP was easily one of the funniest, sweetest and most unapologetically romantic shows on TV. The core relationship – between Mindy and Chris Messina’s characters – was always perfect. They have an incredible amount of chemistry together and their on-screen relationship is beautifully written. TMP has always struggled, ratings-wise, but I always thought Fox fully supported the show. I kept hearing that TMP was “on the bubble” and might not get a fourth season on Fox, but I just thought (naively), “That won’t happen!” It happened. Fox canceled TMP. But Hulu might pick it up?
Fox has decided not to move forward with “The Mindy Project,” after three seasons, Variety has learned. However, Hulu is in talks with Universal Television, the studio behind the Mindy Kaling-starrer, to move the Fox comedy over to the streaming service for multiple seasons. The deal would reportedly include two new seasons, and possibly more.
The shift to Hulu would be a smart move, given the already-standing library of past “Mindy” seasons, including all 67 episodes, plus the series’ very loyal — but not very large — fanbase. The series premiered to an audience of about 4.6 million in September 2012 and dipped to just over 2 million viewers with its season-three premiere this past March.
As series’ fates will be decided by next week when broadcast upfront presentations kick off, most cancelled shows will wrap for good, but “The Mindy Project” recalls another fan-favorite comedy resurrected online: “Community,” which, after being axed by NBC, went to Yahoo Screen for its sixth season.
[From Variety]
If the Hulu deal goes through – and I’m hoping it does – I will watch TMP on Hulu. The Season 3 cliffhanger was a wonderful game-changer and I loved the fact that the Mindy character has been “allowed” to evolve into a much more mature woman.
Spoilers: when Danny told Mindy he didn’t want to marry her – even though she was pregnant with his child – she cried and stood up for herself and what SHE wanted out of the relationship… and then she went back to Danny’s apartment and fell asleep. Meanwhile, Danny flew to India to meet her parents and presumably ask for their blessing to ask for Mindy’s hand in marriage. I want to know what happens next, damn it!
This was Mindy’s reaction to the cancellation – she’s on vacation in Montana:
Hey guys, I’m in Montana, is anything happening in LA? #themindyproject
A video posted by Mindy Kaling (@mindykaling) on May 6, 2015 at 8:25pm PDT
Photos courtesy of WENN, Instagram.
Although it’s her first Mother’s Day, Eva Mendes does not plan to celebrate herself this Sunday.
“There is no plan [for me],” Mendes tells Access Hollywood Live. “I kind of feel like I haven’t quite earned my stripes yet in a way. She’s seven months.”
The actress and her beau, actor Ryan Gosling, welcomed daughter Esmeralda Amada in September.
“This Mother’s Day is definitely all about my mom,” she added. “She’s had a really hard year. My brother’s sick, so it’s all about my mom, honoring her. We’re all going to go over to her house and bombard her with love.”
Mendes and Gosling started dating in 2011 after co-starring as parents in The Place Beyond the Pines.
As much as some people want to write off Mark Ruffalo as just another offensive douchebag Avenger, I just can’t. I love him. I think he only made one mistake during the Ultron promotional tour, and he tried to apologize for it and I don’t know… I kind of forgive him. He had a “live and learn” moment with the Romani community. He’s still a feminist though! He’s been absolutely lovely to and about the actresses in Ultron, and he’s always self-identified as a full-throated feminist (and a pro-choice feminist at that).
So, Ruffalo did a Reddit AMA yesterday and he was asked about a lot of different things, obviously. You can read the full AMA here. The part everyone picked up was where Ruffalo was asked about the criticism leveled at Joss Whedon for not making Black Widow a stronger, more empowered character. This was Ruffalo’s response:
I think it’s sad. Because I know how Joss feels about women, and I know that he’s made it a point to create strong female characters. I think part of the problem is that people are frustrated that they want to see more women, doing more things, in superhero movies, and because we don’t have as many women as we should yet, they’re very, very sensitive to every single storyline that comes up right now. But I think what’s beautiful about what Joss did with Black Widow – I don’t think he makes her any weaker, he just brings this idea of love to a superhero, and I think that’s beautiful.
If anything, Black Widow is much stronger than Banner. She protects him. She does her job, and basically they begin to have a relationship as friends, and I think it’s a misplaced anger. I think that what people might really be upset about is the fact that we need more superhuman women.
The guys can do anything, they can have love affairs, they can be weak or strong and nobody raises an eyebrow. But when we do that with a woman, because there are so few storylines for women, we become hyper-critical of every single move that we make because there’s not much else to compare it to.
So I know Joss really well. I know what his values are. And I think it’s sad, because in a lot of ways, there haven’t been as many champions in this universe as Joss is and will continue to be. And I know it hurts him. I know it’s heavy on him. And the guy’s one of the sweetest, best guys, and I know him – as far as any man can be a champion for women, he is that.
So it’s been a little disheartening.
But I also see how much people love that aspect of it. There’s an equal amount of people who find the love interest between Banner and Black Widow to be a big standout. And it’s very satisfying to people. So it’s a movie. People are going to have their opinions. And that’s actually a great thing. The fact that this is a debate that’s coming out of this movie is probably a positive thing.
I just don’t think that people should get personal with Joss, because he really is – of anyone – an advocate for women. He’s a deeply committed feminist.
[From Reddit]
I think he’s dead right. He doesn’t dismiss the criticism as “internet trouble” (tip of the hat to d-bag Jeremy Renner) and he doesn’t negate Black Widow’s sexual agency either. The problem is not that Black Widow or any female character (or any real life woman) has sex, it’s a larger problem of the lack of representation of many types of women in film. And Ruffalo defends his friend Joss Whedon. Yes… Ruffalo is still one of my favorite people.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
During a Thursday appearance on Good Morning America, Modern Family actress Sofia Vergara addressed the ongoing embryo battle with her ex-fiancé Nick Loeb.
“I really want to make this, like, the last time I talk about it because I don’t think it’s fair,” Vergara said.
“I’ve been working very hard for 20 years to get to this point where I am, enjoying my movie,” she said of her new film Hot Pursuit, costarring Reese Witherspoon.
“I promote all my movies, all my work, but I don’t like promoting my private life and I don’t understand why this person…I don’t want to allow this person to take more advantage of my career and try to promote himself and get press for this,” she continued.
She added: “It shouldn’t be out there for people to give their opinion when there’s nothing to talk about. There’s papers signed. There is a court date. He shouldn’t be creating something so ugly out of nothing.”
While the actress is “super happy” at this point in her life, she does not understand why media outlets are giving Loeb a voice.
“Just with the press, it’s like, and allowing somebody to invent things and create press for himself,” said Vergara, who is mom to 23-year-old son Manolo from a previous relationship. “He’s not an actor. He’s not a celebrity. It’s like, why? Why are they allowing him to do that?”
Loeb, a businessman and banking heir, penned an op-ed last week in the New York Times to explain why he wants to “protect” the embryos.
I have such mixed feelings about Natalie Portman’s THR cover interview. On one side, she’s a pretentious, humorless ass. On the other side… I feel like THR asked her a lot of unnecessary questions about politics, the Jewish people, Israel and Charlie Hebdo and she didn’t really get a chance to show off a lighter side. THR’s justification, I suppose, for their line of questioning is that she’s promoting a film she directed, set and filmed in Israel, and she’s an Israeli-born woman who now lives in France (where anti-Semitic hate crimes are on the rise). The interview is actually pretty epic, so if you’d like to parse every word, go here for the full piece. Some highlights:
On Benjamin Netanyahu: “I’m very much against Netanyahu. Against. I am very, very upset and disappointed that he was re-elected. I find his racist comments horrific. However, I don’t — what I want to make sure is, I don’t want to use my platform [the wrong way]. I feel like there’s some people who become prominent, and then it’s out in the foreign press. You know, sh-t on Israel. I do not. I don’t want to do that.”
Forgiving John Galliano after his anti-Semitic rant: “I don’t see why not to be forgiving to someone who is, I mean, someone who’s trying to change. However, I don’t think those comments are ever OK. I don’t forgive the comments, but … we’ve all done things that we regret.”
Her marriage to Benjamin Millepied: “The disappointments are always in myself, and like, when you’re faced day to day with someone looking at you, it’s like a mirror that you have to yourself, and you can see your own good behavior and bad behavior. And it’s a beautiful challenge to be the best person in the mirror that you can be. I mean, I don’t beat myself up over it, but I’m not always as generous as I feel like I could be.”
Whether she’s nervous about being Jewish in Paris. “Yes, but I’d feel nervous being a black man in this country. I’d feel nervous being a Muslim in many places.”
Living in France now: “I’ve been to Paris so much in my life that I felt [at first] like it’s very similar, and then when you live in a place, you start realizing how culturally different we are, deeply culturally different… in millions of ways. I feel like this country has a lot of religion and a lot of freedom around that; and there, the religion is almost like love. Love and intellectualism is their sort of way. I love that people at dinner want to have a serious conversation — and only a serious conversation. They’ll be upset if you don’t have something interesting happen. I love that my kid wants to go to art museums after school — like, ‘Take me to the Pompidou.’ I love that it’s also not elitist, as it is in New York. You can afford to go to the philharmonic or the opera much more easily because all of it’s subsidized. And there’s a huge culture of cinema there.”
She was in Kenya during the Charlie Hebdo attack: “I went to visit a school that we actually helped build with Dior that was an all-girls school in Kenya, like the first girls’ secondary school in the area. Someone I was with was looking at the news and said, ‘Oh my God! There were just attacks in Paris.’ ” Was she shaken by the killings? She looks at me directly and stops twirling that metal stick. “Listen,” she says. “I’m from Israel.”
Her Best Actress Oscar: “I don’t know where it is. I think it’s in the safe or something. I don’t know. I haven’t seen it in a while. I mean, Darren [Aronofsky] actually said to me something when we were in that whole thing that resonated so deeply. I was reading the story of Abraham to my child and talking about, like, not worshipping false idols. And this is literally like gold men. This is literally worshipping gold idols — if you worship it. That’s why it’s not displayed on the wall. It’s a false idol.”
[From The Hollywood Reporter]
Her lack of interest in her Oscar is… interesting. Especially given that she hustled SO HARD for that little gold idol back in 2011. She was doing and saying everything she could to win that Oscar. And after she won, we found out that she and the Black Swan team pretty much lied the whole time so Natalie could win. Sarah Leal, the real ballerina/body double in Black Swan, came out after Portman’s win to basically say that it was her (Leal’s) body used in many of the ballet scenes and that Natalie wanted everyone to think that she had become this world-class ballerina in just 18 months. Portman’s Oscar win will always have an asterick beside it (for me) and I can’t believe she went through all of that to diss her Oscar.
Incidentally, in the midst of all of that political discussion, Natalie did briefly discuss the massive clusterwhoops of Jane Got a Gun, where the director and several actors all left the project within a week of the start date. Natalie plays coy with what really happened, saying that she got there “one week before we were supposed to start.” What THR didn’t press her on was the fact that she’s a producer on the film and isn’t it strange that she just showed up a week before the production began and she only had like one meeting with Lynne Ramsay, the director who quit? Isn’t much of the clusterwhoops ON NATALIE for poor management?
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN.
Someone got a haircut!
Sex and the City star Sarah Jessica Parker chopped off her daughter’s long locks. “Another first. This time Tabitha. She stood like a statue. Calmed my shaking hands,” SJP captioned the image of her daughter’s cut hair wrapped in a ribbon.
No word if twin sis Loretta got a cut as well.
The actress, 50, and her husband, Ferris Bueller’s Day off star Matthew Broderick, welcomed their twin daughters in June 2009. As well, they are parents to 12-year-old son James Wilkie.
The mom-of-three recently turned heads in a statement headpiece at the Met Gala 2015. She shared an Instagram image of her dramatic look, with the caption, “‘Til next year…”
She went on to post a photo with her former SATC costar Kristin Davis.
“Its been a long time since I had a chance to pose with this gorgeous woman,” SJP wrote. “It was like old times last night at the screening of her documentary “Gardeners of Eden” with @iamkristindavis So happy to be with her on such an important occasion.”
Its been a long time since I had a chance to pose with this gorgeous woman. It was like old times last night at the screening of her documentary “Gardeners of Eden” with @iamkristindavis So happy to be with her on such an important occasion. X sj
A photo posted by SJP (@sarahjessicaparker) on May 6, 2015 at 5:56pm PDT
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This is going to shock you: TOM BRADY LIED!! I know, I know. It’s the least shocking thing in the world. Back in January, just a few weeks before the SuperBowl, #Deflategate became a thing. The backstory: when the Colts lost to the Patriots, the Colts were like, “Hey, the Patriots’ balls felt really underinflated.” They complained and the NFL launched an investigation. As it turns out, the Patriots-supplied footballs were underinflated, below NFL-standards. There was a debate about whether one team would really and truly get an advantage from underinflated balls, which didn’t make much sense to me because… obviously, the balls would be easier to handle if they were underinflated, right?
In any case, the scandal grew over the course of a week until Tom Brady, the Patriots’ Golden Boy, came out for one of the most bizarre press conferences I’ve ever witnessed. Even an amateur body-language reader (like me) could tell that Brady was lying his ass off when he denied any knowledge of the Patriots deflated balls. So, the NFL’s “independent investigation” was still “ongoing” but the Patriots still got to play in the SuperBowl and they ended up winning. So now that several months have passed, the NFL finally released their findings. And Tom Brady LIED. About BALLS.
New England Patriots personnel likely manipulated the air pressure of the footballs used in the AFC championship game against the Indianapolis Colts, a report by independent investigator Ted Wells concluded. The report, released Wednesday, found “it is more probable than not that New England Patriots personnel participated in violations of the Playing Rules and were involved in a deliberate effort to circumvent the rules.” The report also states that it is probable Tom Brady “was at least generally aware of… the release of air from Patriots game balls.”
The report found that officials’ locker room attendant Jim McNally and equipment assistant John Jastremski “participated in a deliberate effort to release air from Patriots game balls after the balls were examined by the referee.”
The NFL is considering discipline for Brady, McNally and Jastremski, ESPN’s Adam Schefter reports.
At a press conference in January, Brady said he “didn’t alter the balls in any way” and “would never have someone do something that was outside the rules.”
[From Sports Illustrated]
Is this a big deal? I’m asking that as someone who has no f—ks to give about the NFL in general, especially after the epically mismanaged Ray Rice clusterwhoops. On a scale of Ray Rice to “Nothing to See Here,” I actually thing this is a decent-sized scandal. I think it’s mainly going to be a big deal because the report name-checks Golden Boy Tom Brady specifically, and because he probably will be “punished” in some minor way. And now the Patriots have another asterisk beside their winning season. *CHEATERS/BALLS.
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Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet, Getty.
Jennifer Garner attended an event this week on behalf of the charity organization she represents, Save the Children. Huggies is donating two million diapers to be distributed by Save The Children and Baby 2 Baby, which provides supplies to low-income families. This is a cause close to Garner as she’s a mom and she comes from West Virginia, which has one of the highest poverty rates in the nation. She supports early childhood development and childhood literacy as part of her work with Save The Children.
People got some quotes from Garner about her family and about the work that Huggies is doing to support moms.
“I’m surrounded by attitude,” Jennifer Garner, mom to Violet, 9, Seraphina, 6, and Samuel, 3, with husband Ben Affleck, jokes to PEOPLE at the Huggies Snug & Dry event.
“With the eye-rolling and the drama and the attitude. I just tell them, ‘I didn’t try to order kids with sass. How did I get all these sassy kids?’ ”
Playfulness aside, Garner, 43 — an ambassador for Save the Children — is championing aid for a very real and very serious epidemic in America. “One in three moms struggle to get diapers for their kids,” she explains.
“And studies are showing that it’s not some huge crisis that causes the stressors [for moms]. It’s the pileup of little things. It’s like revving your car engine at full speed while sitting still. Eventually it starts to run out…”
For Garner, providing for her older girls often means helping out with homework sessions. “My strengths are projects,” says the actress. “I’m the consistent quiet bugger. I bug and I make sure it gets done.”
And so far so good. “[Violet] has needed company more than she’s needed help,” Garner explains. “When she needs help, I’m going to say, ‘Go find Dad!’ ”
I know this was a quick, throwaway interview on the red carpet so I shouldn’t read much into it. However, what kind of a parental response is telling your rude kids “I didn’t try to order kids with sass“? I’m a pretty permissive parent and I teach my son that when he talks back there are consequences. Eye rolling and general attitude are one thing, but talking back results in getting something taken away. (We have a point system where he earns points for things he wants. If he misbehaves he gets points off.) So I hope Garner and Affleck have a better way of disciplining than just gently saying “you’re not supposed to do that,” but I also know it’s not my business. They’re involved parents, their kids seem happy and well adjusted despite living in a media fishbowl, and everyone has a different way of parenting.
On a superficial note, I really like Garner’s hair and wish I could get mine to fall in soft waves like that. I recently bought one of those cone curling irons hoping to achieve that look and it ended up looking like I had a 90s home perm. Also that’s a cute dress, lace overlay is really big this season, but I wish she’d chosen something in a darker color. The peach kind of washes her out.
Here are some cute photos of Garner with families at the Baby2Baby headquarters.
Expectant mama A.J. Cook shared an updated baby bump photo via Instagram Wednesday.
“Happy #bump day! Yes I’m in a fitting room trying to figure out what the hell to wear to a wedding while in my third trimester. Good times. Don’t forget to watch the season finale of #CriminalMinds tonight at 9pm. Can JJ keep her secret any longer??!?!!!,” the actress, 36, captioned the image of her blooming bump in a floral maternity dress.
In March, the Criminal Minds star announced her second pregnancy on social media.
“Miracles do happen and don’t believe anyone who tells you otherwise,” she captioned an image of her growing belly.
With a city backdrop, the Final Destination 2 star struck a pregnant pose with the hashtags #blessed and #bump.
The Virgin Suicides actress and her husband Nathan Andersen – who were wed in August 2001 – are already parents to 6-year-old son Mekhai Allan.
Happy #bump day! Yes I’m in a fitting room trying to figure out what the hell to wear to a wedding while in my third trimester. Good times. Don’t forget to watch the season finale of #CriminalMinds tonight at 9pm. Can JJ keep her secret any longer??!?!!!
A photo posted by @ajcook on May 6, 2015 at 3:19pm PDT
face beat by @makeupbyariel ????
A photo posted by Kylizzle (@kyliejenner) on Apr 25, 2015 at 11:12pm PDT
The upcoming episode of KUWTK is all about Kylie Jenner’s lips. I’m not surprised that the lips are receiving their own storyline because everyone (including Kylie) can’t stop talking about them. There are a few preview clips. One is a NSFW clip on YouTube that shows Khloe Kardashian in a thong (to get lasering on her Pinocchio Butt). Khloe says, “Kylie decided to plump her lips, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. I think if you’ve done something though, it is right to cop up to it.” (A hilarious statement from a girl with a Pinocchio Butt.) Another clip from the E! site supplies this quote:
“I have temporary lip fillers, it’s just an insecurity of mine and it’s what I wanted to do. I’m just not ready to talk to reporters about my lips yet because everyone always picks us apart. I want to admit to the lips, but people are so quick to judge me on everything, so I might have tiptoed around the truth, but I didn’t lie.”
[From E! Online]
Well, Kylie is correct … she technically didn’t lie about her lips. She simply said she didn’t have plastic surgery. But she pretended that makeup magic was the reason for her new pout. She also said, “I want to encourage people/young girls like me to be YOURSELF” in response to the #KylieJennerLipChallenge. The results of Kylie’s half truths are equally as dangerous as a full-on lie.
Here’s something even more disturbing. In the middle of E!’s article, they link to a slideshow of “Kylie and Tyga’s cutest pics!“ As I’ve mentioned before, outlets keep endorsing this couple. People magazine even called the relationship “adorable,” which is an infuriating trend. There’s nothing cute or adorable about statutory rape.
More Kylie news. Tyga brought his underage girlfriend to his college campus show (even though organizers told him not to bring a 17-year-old girl on campus). In the linked article, TMZ says Cal State Fullerton “finds their relationship questionable,” and it was an 18+ show. Tyga ended up doing whatever he wanted, and officials “let it go” because it was too late to replace him.
Hehe my sneak peak vid of my contact look they put on me got bigger than I intended. They let me keep the contacts ???? I’m obsessed. Also wanted to let u guys know I’ve been working on something new for the summer so I can start to connect with u guys more again. So excited x
A photo posted by Kylizzle (@kyliejenner) on Mar 20, 2015 at 9:30pm PDT
Photos courtesy of Kylie Jenner on Instagram, Fame/Flynet & WENN