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Boy fight!

It’s been, what?, a month since Zayn Malik announced he was leaving One Direction? They said it was amicable. Oh come on. It’s never amicable. At least not at the beginning. This sh-t takes years to get over. Can you imagine if Twitter was around when Geri left the Spice…      


In celebration of Mother’s Day this Sunday, we asked a few of our favorite celebrity moms about their upcoming plans.

From Beverley Mitchell who will spend the day with her kids and her own mom, to DeAnna Pappas Stagliano‘s special plans with her daughter and MIL, to Courtney Lopez‘s “amazing husband” Mario Lopez who arranges a fun day with family, let’s hear how the stars celebrate.

Continue reading who would “never” spend Mother’s Day sans kids, a few special messages to all moms across the globe, and some of the ways we can improve on accepting all moms.

7th Heaven alum Beverly Mitchell opens up to Celebrity Baby Scoop about spending Mother’s Day with her own mom and her two kids: daughter Kenzie, 2, and son Hutton, 3 months.

Continue reading our interview with Beverley Mitchell…

CBS: Tell us about your upcoming Mother’s Day plans. Do you plan to spend the day with your family?

BM: “I will be spending Mother’s day with my beautiful family and my mom. It will be a wonderful mellow day just spending time with the ones I love. Nothing crazy, it is just about getting time with the people who matter most.”

CBS: What do you think about a Mother’s Day outside of the house, without the kids? (e.g. a day at the spa, lunching with friends, shopping alone). Is this your style? Or would you rather be with your family all day?

BM: “I am still new to the mommy thing, so for me I would much rather spend my day with my family. The best days for me are spent with my husband and my kids. They are the people who make me the happiest. But don’t get me wrong, one of these days I wouldn’t mind a spa day! So maybe a gift certificate for a day in the future, but for now I want to be with my family for Mother’s Day.”

CBS: What are some of your fav Mother’s Day gifts? What would be your ideal MD gift?

BM: “I would love a gift certificate for a spa day, or to be honest, just a clean house and a home-cooked meal. Oh, and maybe getting to watch a movie with my hubby after the kids go to bed.”

CBS: What are your greatest joys of motherhood? Biggest challenges?

BM: “The love of these amazing little humans is more than I could have ever expected. I love that every day is a new adventure, and I am constantly kept on my toes. I have never known a love so deep and I am so deeply humbled and grateful for my blessings. This is the greatest thing I will do in my life, is be a mom, and I think that is awesome. “

CBS: If you could give just one message to all moms across the globe, what would it be?

BM: “I would say that that, ‘You are AMAZING and don’t ever forget it!’ I think sometimes we beat ourselves up and need a reminder that we pretty much are superheroes, and that is pretty awesome.

CBS: How does motherhood connect all women? What are some of the ways we can improve on accepting and loving all moms?

BM: “I think we as humans tend to judge, but as mothers we need to support one another. Everyone parents differently, but the united factor is that we each are doing the best we can, and doing it out of love.

I think we should embrace one another and be supportive and kind. Show our children LOVE, KINDNESS, HUMBLENESS, and GENEROSITY — that is how we will raise extraordinary human beings who will make this world a much better place, which is all we could ever wish for in the first place.”

Thank you Beverley! We hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day with Kenzie, Hutton and your mom!


The Bachelorette alum DeAnna Pappas Stagliano and husband Stephen Stagliano are proud parents to 1-year-old daughter Addison. The new mom opens up to Celebrity Baby Scoop about how moms are “superheroes” and how she plans to spend the special day.

Continue reading our interview with DeAnna Pappas Stagliano…

CBS: Tell us about your upcoming Mother’s Day plans. Do you plan to spend the day with your family?

DPS: “Mother’s Day takes on a whole new meaning to me now. Mother’s are superheroes. This is not only a day to celebrate all we do, but for me, it’s also a day to just celebrate the love I have for Addison. She has changed me forever, and I love her more than anything.

We plan to celebrate Mother’s Day as a family. We will spend it with my mother-in-law as well. She loves a day where she doesn’t have to do anything!”

CBS: What do you think about a Mother’s Day outside of the house, without the kids? (e.g. a day at the spa, lunching with friends, shopping alone). Is this your style? Or would you rather be with your family all day?

DPS: “A day outside the house sounds delightful! For me, though, I would much rather spend that special day with my loved ones celebrating the gift of being a mother.”

CBS: What are some of your fav Mother’s Day gifts? What would be your ideal MD gift?

DPW: “Last year was my first Mother’s Day. Stephen bought me diamond earrings. They are gorgeous and I love them. I don’t expect diamonds every year — I’m not that kind of mom. I love surprises, but not big on extravagant gifts. I love framed pictures of our family together and of Addison. With technology, I don’t print out pictures anymore, nor can I ever find the time to do so. So, when someone does that for me, I am so grateful. And, I wear my POSH Mommy necklace everyday, personalized with Addison’s name. She is alway close to my heart.”

CBS: What are your greatest joys of motherhood? Biggest challenges?

DPS: “I have so many greatest joys! Motherhood has really been such a blessing and a beautiful experience for me. I love our baby girl so much and I am so thankful for how loving and happy she is — always smiling and always laughing. She is her daddy’s girl.

I still remember the first time she grabbed my face and looked into my eyes. In that moment, I felt nothing but pure love and joy. My life was complete. She has really been such a blessing.

As with any child, there are always challenges. She is in a stage now of throwing tiny tantrums. I don’t know where she learned it! She lays on the ground, face down, and pretends to cry if she doesn’t get her way. It’s funny, but I can’t let her see my reaction.”

CBS: If you could give just one message to all moms across the globe, what would it be?

DPS: “Do I have enough experience to give a message? But for those who, like me, appreciate moms everywhere, I would just say that you are a superhero. As moms, we do whatever we possibly can. Life seems to be no longer about us. If you’re anything like me, everything that I live for now, I live for Addison. I want her to be a God-loving woman who respects herself, and I want her to know that she is loved and deserves to be loved. Whatever I have to do to be an example of that, I will.”

CBS: How does motherhood connect all women? What are some of the ways we can improve on accepting and loving all moms?

DPS: “Motherhood is like its own club. You never truly know what moms go through until you are one. It is the most selfless job out there, and yet, the most rewarding.

Some of the ways we can improve on accepting all moms are just good theories for life in general. Why can’t we love and accept everyone? How hard is it to not judge others? We are human, yes, and humans sin every day. As an individual, I try not to judge. I’m not perfect, this I know better than anyone. But, I also know it’s important to spread love and not hate. I want my child and my future children to know how important that is. Life is too short to be so negative.”

Thank you DeAnna! Here’s wishing you a wonderful Mother’s Day with Addison and your MIL.


Courtney Lopez and husband, Saved by the Bell alum Mario Lopez, are proud parents to daughter Gia, 4, and 1-year-old son Nico. The mom-of-two – who recently Tweeted about ECHOage, an innovating company started by 2 mompreneurs to hlep people manage their invites online – opens up to Celebrity Baby Scoop about how her “amazing husband” plans for a special Mother’s Day.

Continue reading our interview with Courtney Lopez….

CBS: Tell us about your upcoming Mother’s Day plans. Do you plan to spend the day with your family? “I’m not quite sure what our plans are for Mother’s Day.

CL: “My amazing husband plans it and we celebrate with our kids, my mom and my mother-in-law.”

CBS: What do you think about a Mother’s Day outside of the house, without the kids? (e.g. a day at the spa, lunching with friends, shopping alone). Is this your style? Or would you rather be with your family all day?

CL: “I would never spend Mother’s Day without my kids. Mario sometimes surprises me with a massage at home, but it’s usually after the kids are asleep.”

CBS: What are some of your fav Mother’s Day gifts? What would be your ideal MD gift?

CL: “Gia makes me the best, most thoughtful gifts at school. I save every single thing she makes me. “

CBS: What are your greatest joys of motherhood? Biggest challenges?

CL: “The biggest challenge of motherhood for me is trying to balance work and trying not to miss a moment of their lives. It is so important for me to be at every after school activity. I love to see them grow.”

CBS: If you could give just one message to all moms across the globe, what would it be?

CL: “Be present — the days may feel long but the years fly by.”

CBS: How does motherhood connect all women? What are some of the ways we can improve on accepting and loving all moms?

CL: “We all need to support one another and remember that we are all in this together trying to do the best we can.”

Thanks so much, Courtney! We hope you have a fabulous Mother’s Day with Mario, Gia, Nico and your moms!


All the things I said about Michael B Jordan do not apply to Adrien Brody (Dlisted)

Katie Holmes hair update (Just Jared)

I have decided to stop wanting to know what Kit Harington thinks…about anything (Cele|bitchy)

All sex tapes get stolen, apparently (The Superficial)


Taylor Swift was not at the MET Gala this year because she was in Tokyo, kicking off the 1989 tour. Are you going? Do you have tickets? I have tickets. I gave Taylor Swift my money for my niece’s Christmas present (she’s going in August in Vancouver) and I’ll be at the show in Toronto. Because, a…      

Louisa forwarded me the New York Times profile on Alicia Vikander the other day highlighting this part in the piece:

“Whether the MoMA show, “This Is for Everyone,” was in fact her choice or that of her ever-present handlers, who seemed intent on positioning Ms. Vikander as a thinking-man’s B…      

Chris Brown

Chris Brown allegedly punched a dude in Vegas but won’t face charges. Shady. [Dlisted]
Ain’t no party like a Leonardo DiCaprio party. [LaineyGossip]
Jonathan Cheban comes for Blac Chyna & Amber Rose. [Buzzfeed]
Kendall Jenner: Bruce is “the most amazing man I know.” [Wonderwall]
Matt LeBlanc was a sharp dressed man for the BBC. [A Socialite Life]
Lizzy Caplan‘s Met Gala dress was well played. [Go Fug Yourself]
Kurt Loder is 70 years old, and I refuse to believe. [Pajiba]
P. Diddy‘s new fragrance commercial is NSFW. [The Blemish]
Gigi Hadid‘s hot pink pants are better than you’d imagine. [Celebslam]
Chloe Grace Moretz has cute street style. [Moe Jackson]
Amber Portwood‘s boyfriend, Matt Baier, talks addiction. [Reality Tea]
Frances Bean Cobain‘s reaction to the Kurt Cobain doc. [Starcasm]
Rumor: Amanda Bynes may join Dancing with the Stars. [Evil Beet]

Photos courtesy of WENN



Reese Witherspoon’s lifestyle site, Draper James has been gestating for about a year, and a few days ago I mentioned an uptick in social media activity. Now, in the midst of promoting her new movie, Hot Pursuit, it has launched. So what’s the deal, y’all?

Well, it’s hard to talk about Draper …      


Anna Kendrick covers the June issue of Glamour. It feels like this is a repeat, right? It’s not – a few months ago, she covered Glamour UK, but it was a totally different photoshoot and interview. This American issue is to promote Pitch Perfect 2, which I actually want to see WAY more than some of the big summer action movies. As for this cover… it sort of looks like Anna. Like, Anna morphing into Amanda Peet and Allison Williams. Right? Anyway, you can see Glamour’s slideshow here. Some highlights from the interview:

On turning 30 this year: “I felt different at 29 because 29, to me, is 30. There are times when I still feel like an actual toddler in a grown-up—well, semi grown-up—body. But other times I can’t wait to actually be 30, just so I can say things like, ‘I’m 30. I don’t have time for that. F–k off!’”

Gender equality in Hollywood: “All the films nominated [for a Best Picture Oscar] this year had male leads. Like, every single one. So I’m glad that [equality’s] feeling like a bigger issue now. There’s [a film I’m considering] now where I have to wait for all the male roles to be cast before I can even become a part of the conversation. Part of me gets that. Part of me is like, ‘What the f–k? You have to cast for females based on who’s cast as males?’ To me, the only explanation is that there are so many f–king talented girls, and from a business standpoint it’s easier to find women to match the men. I totally stand by the belief that there are 10 unbelievably talented women for every role.”

The fear of being unemployed: “As an actress you’re perpetually about to be unemployed. That fear—when you have two parents who worked 9-to-5 jobs and went through periods of being unemployed—is real. Those were not welcome times in my childhood. Working 14 hours a day isn’t sustainable, but I prefer it [to doing fewer films]. I might as well be doing the thing that I wanted to do my whole life.”

[From Glamour]

I see her point about wanting to work as much as possible and I relate to that too – it’s a very middle class thing. Work as much as you can while you’re being offered those jobs and save for a rainy day. Even though Anna is a “star” and an Oscar-nominated actress, she approaches her career more like a struggling actress. She’s hungry. And that’s good. As for her idea that the women get cast after the men… God, that sucks. I can’t believe that STILL happens.

Photos courtesy of Glamour.



We haven’t talked about Robin Thicke in a little while. In case you were wondering, he’s still a douche. The last time anyone discussed him was when he and Pharrell Williams lost the lawsuit brought against them by Marvin Gaye’s estate/family. Thicke and Williams have to pay Gaye’s family $7.3 million. But it ain’t no thang for Mr. Thicke, right? Because having one big summer hit a few years ago is still enough to get him laid for another ten years (Bridget Jones reference!). Following Thicke’s split with Paula Patton, he’s been knee-deep in young groupies. And when he tried to board a plane with his young girlfriend, he ended up causing a commotion:

Robin Thicke annoyed passengers on a red-eye by making out with his 20-year-old girlfriend. Spies said Thicke, 38 — newly divorced from Paula Patton, 39 — boarded a flight from LAX with model April Love Geary, but couldn’t stop canoodling.

“He was standing in the aisle as people boarded, leaning over to make out with her,” sniffed a traveler. “He was blocking the way. She was giggling. It was obnoxious. He was just like, ‘Oh, sorry.’ He knew he was being disruptive.”

Thicke’s rep didn’t respond.

[From Page Six]

Of course Robin Thicke is the gross older guy blocking a narrow plane aisle so he can make out with and fondle his 20-year-old girlfriend. How else will the other passengers know he’s #Thicke? How else will he let the world know that he’s still the sleazy groper from this photo?

Incidentally, Jezebel did a poll asking if anyone out there would be willing to bang Robin Thicke at this point. The results were… surprising. It seems like there really isn’t a shortage of women willing to have sex with a guy who had a hit song a few years ago.

I think this is the same girlfriend, April Love Geary. She looks like a teenager.


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN.


Bradley Cooper was at the MET Gala even though he skipped the carpet. Inside, he and Irina Shayk kept their distance. He was seen talking to JLO before leaving. Afterwards though he and Irina were both at Rihanna’s party with Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence, Madonna, Miley, JB…

And at on…      

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