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The last we checked with former Gossip Girl star Kelly Rutherford, 46, her custody case was dismissed at the federal level. Rutherford’s children, Hermes, 8, and Helena, 5, live with their father, a German citizen, in Monaco. A judge gave Rutherford and her ex husband, Daniel Giersch, 50/50 custody in 2012 but ordered that the children could live with Giersch overseas after his US visa was revoked. Rutherford is thought to have been responsible for Giersch’s visa being revoked, which she denies despite the fact that her lawyer personally called the State Department to tip them off. Giersch has not yet applied for another visa after he was ordered to do by the California court. In the ruling dismissing this case, the federal court ruled that “the children have not been deported” and that “it would plainly be improper for the federal courts to assume jurisdiction over the case.”

Legal experts thought that Rutherford might continue to fight for her children by appealing her case at the state level. As far as I’ve heard that hasn’t happened yet, but Kelly has started a White House petition urging the return of her children. In a statement to People Magazine, her lawyer called this “a political problem for President Obama and a constitutional problem for the courts.” I’m sure Obama will get right on that. Here is some of People’s report on this story:

The actress created an online White House petition Tuesday asking for a federal order to bring her two children back to the United States.

“This is a political problem for President Obama and a constitutional problem for the courts,” her attorney, Wendy Murphy, tells PEOPLE. “The president recently issued an executive order declaring that children born in this country to illegal immigrant parents must be allowed to remain in this country. Mr. Obama specifically talked about the importance of mothers and children being allowed to stay together in America. How could Kelly and her children not be entitled to at least the same legal protections?

“The petition exposes an important and very embarrassing situation for Mr. Obama,” Murphy says, “because if Kelly’s children are not rescued from involuntary expatriation to France, it would mean the President believes non-citizens are entitled to greater rights than citizens in this country.

“The federal court in New York that is currently reviewing this case has acknowledged this is an unprecedented situation, which means a ruling against Kelly’s children would put countless defenseless American children at risk for being shipped like luggage to live in a foreign country where they have no citizenship, and no rights as Americans.”

“I remember when she made the ruling, I just thought, ‘There’s something wrong here,” the former Gossip Girl star told PEOPLE earlier this month. “Not because of their father and I or anything – I’ve always wanted my kids to have a relationship with him, and I’ve really only encouraged that all along. When I went into court, I never asked for money, and I never asked for full custody. I just wanted what was right for them and their well-being moving forward.”

[From People]

The statement from Kelly’s lawyer reads like one of those “Thanks Obama” rants and not the funny/ironic ones. I don’t think this case has anything to do with Obama’s executive actions on immigration last year. He was trying to ensure that children born in the US to parents of illegal immigrants weren’t separated from their families by deportation of the parents. Rutherford’s children were separated from her by a custody judge, essentially, but she is able to visit them frequently throughout the year and they stay with her every summer. As the federal court stated in their ruling, the children remain US citizens and have not been deported.

Kelly’s White House petition, which currently has about 8,000 signatures and needs nearly 92,000 more, is kind of sad, though. I felt bad for her after reading it, but that doesn’t mean I think it’s accurate or that she should get her kids back. Here’s the text of her petition:

The undersigned hereby implore the Obama administration to return Kelly Rutherford’s children safely to the U.S.A.
At ages 2 and 5, Kelly Rutherford’s children were forced by a California judge to live in France with their German father, (nobody is French) after he claimed his U.S. visa was revoked, and he could not enter the U.S. The children’s appointed counsel said they should remain in the U.S., but the judge sent the children to France, solely because the father claimed he could not return to the U.S., even though NO evidence has been produced from any American official stating that the father was EVER denied entry into the U.S., and the father refused to request a visa. Instead, he filed court papers in Monaco, causing the children to be declared “habitual residents” subject solely to Monaco law. The father also recently filed papers seeking to strip Kelly of all parental rights.

[From Petitions.WhiteHouse.Gov]

That parenthetical statement, “nobody is French,” seemed out of place to me. This reads like Rutherford wrote it after a few Pinot Noirs. Notice that Rutherford’s side is not denying that Giersch’s visa was revoked, this has been established and it’s known that she’s the one who arranged this. (Or, at the very least, her lawyer did it without her knowledge, which belies belief.) They’re stating that there’s no evidence that Giersch could not return to the US and that he hasn’t tried. Yes I think it’s shady that he hasn’t applied for another visa and it does seem vindictive that he’s trying to strip Kelly of parental rights. (If that is even true.) However, judging from what she’s said in public I imagine that it must be worse behind the scenes. It’s telling that he’s barely commented on this case while she’s been all over the press.

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Chris Pratt

A few years ago, fans of Chris Pratt as Andy Dwyer (Parks & Rec) would have never imagined him as an A-list movie star. Surprise! Dude has a massive career with the Guardians of the Galaxy and Lego Movie franchises plus the upcoming Magnificent Seven remake, The Real McCoy, Cowboy Ninja Viking, and maybe an Indiana Jones reboot. Not to mention the impending Jurassic World monstrosity. He’s the envy of struggling actors everywhere. Pratt seemed fine with his fame. He and Anna Faris both expressed a healthy attitude over the downsides of being chased by men with cameras.

You’d think Pratt would be stoked for the next few decades. Maybe not. He reveals to Glamour that he sees a precise ending for his career. He’s going to bank a certain amount of money and head for the hills. Then he’ll write or paint (and shoot varmint). Why on earth is he forecasting his retirement while he’s riding so high? It seems ungrateful. Perhaps he’s been hanging out with Drunkface Chris Evans too much:

He has a certain financial goal: ”I don’t think we are the kind of people who need to be in a $50 million house, Jack needs to be in yelling distance.’ Most important for us now is to keep this train rolling. Anna with her TV show, me with my movies and hopefully make it through to hit that number and then graciously exit stage left.”

Stardom is easier with a partner: “The Golden Globes this year were so fun, we had the best time. If I did it on my own, I might have an amazing experience talking to some A-list celebrity that I have never met before, or one of those friends I have who is not really a friend. But when I retell it, you sound like a name-dropper and you can’t really articulate it to those close to you. It’s nice to have someone to share it with – an inside joke we are both in on like, ‘What are we doing here?”’

[From Glamour via Contact Music]

There’s nothing inherently obnoxious about a celebrity with an endgame to move his family away from the spotlight. But the timing is off. He’s promoting Jurassic World, and that’s what he should focus on. None of this alluding to quitting acting stuff with hurt feelings (when words are taken seriously) to come. If Pratt wants to split one day, then cool. I just don’t understand celebs who feel the need to drop hints first. If you want to move, then move. Stop talking and do it.

Pratt also sat down for a Reddit AMA last week. He typed while “still half-drunk” and gushed about his wife, saying, “Anna and I are meant to be together. Our relationship has made me believe in divine intervention and destiny, just as much as my crazy career and the way I fell into this life.” He continues to describe why she’s the best wife ever. It’s pretty darn sweet.

Here’s the latest Jurassic World trailer. I didn’t know BD Wong plays a scientist in this movie!

Chris Pratt

Photos courtesy of WENN




Pretty pair!

Academy Award-winning actress Reese Witherspoon shared a rare Instagram image with her lookalike daughter Ava, 15. “Me and my girl ready for #HotPursuit premiere! @avaphillippe,” the proud mama, 39, captioned the image.

Aside from the hint of blue in Ava’s hair, the stunning pair looked like twins with their matching blonde hair and blue eyes while posing side-by-side.

The mother-daughter duo were headed to the Los Angeles premiere of Hot Pursuit, Reese’s new action comedy costarring Sofia Vergara.

“Me and my “straight-shooter,”Ava went on to caption the same image on Instagram.

Once at the premiere, Reese hit the red carpet in her lovely black and white gown. She was joined by Modern Family star Vergara, who was all smiles next to her handsome fiancé Joe Manganiello.

Me and my girlready for #HotPursuit premiere! @avaphillippe

A photo posted by Reese Witherspoon (@reesewitherspoon) on Apr 30, 2015 at 6:34pm PDT

View Slideshow »»

'Hot Pursuit' Los Angeles Premiere
'Hot Pursuit' Los Angeles Premiere
'Hot Pursuit' Los Angeles Premiere
'Hot Pursuit' Los Angeles Premiere
Sofia Vergara at The Hot Pursuit Premiere in Hollywood

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Time for another episode of “Celebitchy Presents: Kit Harington Says Words.” Because our first two episodes this week were shockingly popular. Yes, I realize that you nerds are just using these Harington stories as Open Posts to discuss Game of Thrones. I’m fine with that because I’m totally obsessed too (HODOR). I’m including some photos of Kit, out and about in London over the past few days. A quick note about his style: he’s TOTALLY wearing skinny jeans. His jeans are skinnier and tighter and more jegging-y than Anne Hathaway’s husband’s jeans.

Kit’s been doing a lot of press this week, only he wasn’t supposed to be promoting GoT. I only just realized that. He’s promoting his new film The Spooks: The Greater Good. He just happens to get a ton of GoT questions wherever he goes. Questions about… his hair. And whether he thinks he’s pretty.

Kit Harington is “driven insane” by people asking about his hair. The Games of Thrones hunk can’t stand being questioned about his dark luscious locks and finds it distracting when people obsess over his looks.

When asked what his least favourite question to be asked is, he told DJ Nick Grimshaw on UK station BBC Radio 1: “There is always someone who wants to ask me about my hair and it just drives me insane. It’s hair, it’s just hair. I’m just amazed by it, it follows me everywhere.”

The radio presenter asked if the actor had told his publicist to send out a message that interviewers were not to ask about his hair. To which Kit replied: “Oh we have.”

It’s not just his hair that gets Kit’s fans in a frenzy.

The Spooks: The Greater Good star said: “When people focus too much on people’s looks or appearance for a role, it can sometimes feel like that is all that’s being focused on. Sometimes you want to try and get away from that.”

Kit, 28, did say he doesn’t get offended when someone says he is gorgeous, in fact he thinks it’s “lovely”. But he added: “It can distract at times … I don’t consider myself that beautiful.”

[From Channel 24]

Kit has complained about the focus on his looks before, even going so far as to say that it’s “demeaning” when people put him on a “pedestal” for being a “hunk.” Of course, after that, Kit had to take it back and say “I’ve kind of decided I’m going to be a good little hunk and shut up.” To be fair to him, I think there’s a lot of focus on his looks and his hair and all that. But I do think he should just deal with it because… for goodness sake, it’s the exact same thing as an actress whining about being too beautiful to get good roles. And to be fair to us, he was the one who spent the Game of Thrones promotional tour for the first season talking about his hair and how he doesn’t wash it when he plays Jon Snow. Of course we’re going to ask him about it! PS… Lena Headey constantly teases him about his hair too.


Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.



I was trying to be good. I was trying to avoid this story this week, just because Stacy Dash is such a professional troll and yelling at her is like yelling at clouds. Stacey Dash is famous in many circles for playing Dionne in Clueless. She became famous in other circles a few years when she came out as a hardcore conservative troll. I don’t doubt that she has deeply held conservative beliefs, but she got hired by Fox News a while back and now she just parrots the worst of the right-wing nutball crap (like when she said rape victims just “bad girls” who “blame the alcohol”). This week, Dash appeared on Meredith Vieira’s talk show and they ended up discussing wage equality and Hillary Clinton. Here’s a clip:

Dash basically says that complaining about the wage gap is “an excuse… It’s the same thing with race, it’s an excuse. Stop making excuses.” Dash says that by complaining about it makes women “victims.” Also, she thinks that if women want to make the same kind of money that men make, they need to be “the best” and “be extraordinary.” Yeah… she’s an idiot.

Dash received a lot of backlash and hate online, because the internet thrives on yelling at stupid people. If you go to Dash’s Twitter page, she’s been retweeting some of the “hate” she’s gotten, as well as some of the support. She also defended Meredith for having her on the show. Some assorted tweets by Dash in the past few days:

I’m for equality of OPPORTUNITY. NOT equality of OUTCOME. That is the FALSE PROMISE of Liberalism. It is a con on society.

Hey @meredithvieira, look what we did! I love you and I respect you. Thank you for having me on the @MeredithShow! #FriendsCanDisagree

I am not ANTI-WOMAN! I just don’t believe that my gender needs a bunch of men in Congress to ‘save us’ from the big bad world.

The 77 cents vs a dollar is based on B.S. statistics. STOP USING IT. CELEBRATE that EDUCATED women in their 20’s now make more than men!


[From Stacey Dash’s Twitter]

At some point, I think her brain malfunctioned, much like Sarah Palin’s brain shorted out at the Iowa Summit a few months back, and she just started spewing out a random assortment of conservative catchphrases. You betcha entitlement class moose hunting liberalism elitist socialist real MURICA gotcha journalism appalled patriot. Anyway, if you want to get mad about Stacey Dash, go ahead. Have at it. I find her ignorance exhausting.

Photos courtesy of WENN.



Another day, another… day without a royal baby. Do you think Kate would go into labor on a Friday? I kind of doubt it. I mean, I know she really doesn’t have any control over it, but I would think a Sunday birth would be more her style, with maybe a Monday debut? IF she can control it, I’d just like to tell Kate that I have dinner plans tonight and I’d really appreciate it if she kept that baby inside for another couple of days.

The rumor mill went into overdrive when the Telegraph’s royal correspondent tweeted about seeing Carol and Michael Middleton on the way to the Lindo Wing – he tweeted: “A two-car convoy with police motorcycle escort has been seen leaving the Bucklebury area heading for M4. I should stress that the Middletons don’t usually get a police escort, so I’m not ramping this up, but who knows? #RoyalBaby.” But it seems like it was maybe a false alarm? Why would Carole Middleton get a police escort again? I mean, I don’t doubt that Carole has tried to get a police escort before, but has she?

So how has Kate spent her Great Kate Wait 2.0? Sources told OK! Magazine (eyeroll) that Kate had her hair done earlier this week, “plus a mani-pedi, her legs waxed and a nice relaxing facial.” She’s also been thinking about what she wants to wear for the big baby debut outside the hospital – she’s thinking about doing something yellow.

Last thing – Prince Charles was doing an event at Windsor Castle and he mentioned to a 100-year-old veteran, “We’re hoping for a granddaughter!” It’s been said often that Charles always wanted a daughter (he apparently hoped Harry was going to be a girl) and I guess he thinks that if it’s a granddaughter, he’ll get to see her more than he gets to see Prince George. Poor sad Charles!

As always, I’ll update if there’s any news. Last thing – Kensington Palace tweeted this yesterday and I almost jumped out of my skin. World class trolling, KP. People were really mad about it too!

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge introduce their son Prince George to the world for the 1st time #ThrowbackThursday pic.twitter.com/MtGAZWKpr3

— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) April 30, 2015

Photos courtesy of WENN.



If Sofia Vergara seemed a little distracted in these photos from her big premiere last night, that’s on purpose. Sofia and Reese Witherspoon celebrated their new lady-centric comedy, Hot Pursuit, with a star-studded LA premiere last night. Sofia brought her fiance, Joe Manganiello, who also seemed a bit distracted. Why so distracted? As we discussed yesterday (and the past two weeks), Sofia’s ex Nick Loeb is a creepy, manipulative, religious-right-baiting jackass. Loeb’s most recent douche move was to involve the New York Times op-ed page in his attempt to publicly manipulate and humiliate Sofia because she A) didn’t want to have children with him and B) moved on so quickly with Joe Manganiello. That’s not even me saying it at this point (although I wholeheartedly agree with that interpretation): Page Six’s “sources” basically say that Loeb is a douchebag and he planned out his op-ed just in time to hijack Sofia’s big starring role:

Sofía Vergara’s ex-fiancé Nick Loeb’s bombshell op-ed column outlining his argument that their frozen embryos have a right to live was timed for maximum embarrassment for the actress as she debuted her new film. Vergara, who has stayed silent on the contentious subject, walked the red carpet on Thursday for the LA premiere of her movie “Hot Pursuit,” with Reese Witherspoon, hours after the New York Times published his piece.

A source told us: “Wednesday is the most important day of Sofía’s career. She is opening her first movie [as a leading actress], co-starring an Oscar-winner — a movie that she executive produced — and Nick is trying to ruin it.”

While Loeb insists the issue is “a parent’s right to protect the life of his or her unborn child,” the source said, “This comes from his anger over the end of their relationship and her subsequent engagement to Joe Manganiello. He is using his anger to emotionally extort her.”

Despite Loeb’s war over the frozen embryos, which are stored in a California clinic, Vergara is focusing on her movie and her upcoming wedding to Manganiello, which Page Six can reveal will be in November.

Our source added, “Sofía does not want to destroy the embryos, she wishes them to remain stored at the clinic. She is focused on her film, moving into her new home, and the most important day of her life — her wedding.”

[From Page Six]

I kind of wish Sofia hadn’t avoided making any comment about Loeb on last night’s red carpet. Yes, the way she and Joe look loved up is probably a good enough “comment,” but it would have been great if every time Sofia got a question about Loeb, she would have started talking about her wedding plans with Joe, or how Hot Pursuit is tracking, or how proud she was to executive produce the film. Just deflect and throw it all back in the jackass’s face.

PS… Sofia’s dress is Georges Chakra. Her heels are Louboutin and her earrings are (shockingly) Neil Lane. I’m surprised she’s not wearing her Kmart jewelry line!


Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.



Oh, hello Michael Fassbender. Fassy was out and about in NYC yesterday – these are photos of him leaving a hotel, where I suspect he was doing press for Slow West. God, I’ve been thinking about him so much lately. I have HBO these days (Game of Thrones) and they’ve been playing X-Men: Days of Future Past on a loop. Even though it’s kind of a terrible movie that makes no sense, I still get stuck watching it because of Fassy’s Magneto. I preferred him in X-Men: First Class, where he was basically Mutant James Bond, but God… Fassy is so watchable. Even when the film is terrible, I’ll watch him.

Anyway, there are some random Fassy stories/business to attend to:

*He’s still developing Assassin’s Creed, to star in and produce. Go here to read more about that.

*Fassy’s first feature producing venture, Slow West, debuted at Sundance this year to widespread acclaim. It will get some kind of limited theatrical release, and it’s also getting a DirectTV release, something something, whatever. To promote the movie, Vulture posted a scene from the film where Fassbender is damp and in dirty white long johns. It is an absolute SIN for a man to look that sexy in long johns. And yes, you can totally gawk at his cute butt and his barely-contained thunder – go here to watch the scene.

*Fassy spoke to MTV about his future in the X-Men films. He says that he, Jennifer Lawrence and Nicholas Hoult all signed three-film deals and so after X-Men: Apocalypse, J-Law and Hoult are probably done. But will he be done? He kind of leaves it open, but it feels like he might be done. There’s a video too – he sounds really hoarse here. Too many ciggies. I wish I was a throat lozenge. Let that percolate for a second.


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.


Cameron Diaz

A new story in this week’s issue of Star seems largely based upon these paparazzi photos from 4/22. Cameron Diaz and Benji Madden visited United Talent Agency in LA. They didn’t hold hands (like they used to do) but walked apart from each other. Star says jaws were clenched and tension was rife. They exited the building separately. Cameron flipped off the paps (although I didn’t include those pics), and she and Benji departed in separate cars. Trouble?

When Cam and Benji married in January after an 8-month courtship, I was charmed. Cameron gave a sweet speech about how she waited to marry because she “didn’t want to settle.“ ‘Tis true that girlfriend dated an army of douches. The pregnancy rumors began immediately, but we haven’t seen a bump yet. In March, we heard that the couple was already in marriage counseling as a preventative measure.

Now Star has a 4-page roundup of what’s (supposedly) going wrong in this marriage. The gist is that Benji has turned into a nitpicky, jealous killjoy over Cam’s career. He thinks Cameron is capable of doing more serious acting instead of a bunch of forgettable romcoms. He wants her to do indie movies and also not to make out with other dudes for work. Cameron doesn’t want to stop making romcom money. She wants a baby, he doesn’t, and so on. Some highlights:

* When Cam & Benji left UTA, “They were not happy. An upset-looking Cameron walked out of the building before Benji and gave photographers the finger. Benji also looked angry when he exited after her. But he didn’t try and follow her; he got into his car and left.

* Trouble is brewing. “All of a sudden, they can’t seem to agree on anything. And they’re both wondering why they were in such a hurry to get married.”

* “Benji has been nagging Cam to get her career back on track and focus on more serious roles, instead of her typical romantic comedies, so he pushed her to set up a meeting at a new agency that day. But at the meeting, Benji was basically trying to run the show. He kept talking to the agents about were he saw Cam’s career going, instead of letting her do the talking on her own.”

* Cameron was upset. She told Benji that he knows nothing about the movie biz and should focus on his music. They didn’t speak again that day. “She used to think it was cute that he was taking an interest in her work, but now she’s finding it increasingly annoying.

* Benji always compares himself to Cameron’s past lovers, and he worries that “she’s out of his league.”

* Cameron desperately wants a baby (of course). Benji doesn’t want one yet, and Cameron feels like he pulled a bait and switch with her. Because before they married, Benji said that being a dad is “what every man wants.” But “with all the concerns she’s had about being a parent, she finally feels like she’s in the right place. But now Benji’s done a 180, and it’s killing her. She thinks he lied about wanting a baby.”

* Both parties believed they met The One, but now they feel dumb for rushing into marriage.”They were so smitten, and now their relationship is unraveling just as fast as it started.”

[From Star, print edition, May 11, 2015]

One unusual thing about this story — it features a man doing the “nagging” a woman instead of the usual equation. If this story is true, Benji needs to back off on Cameron’s career. She’s been doing her own thing for two decades of adult life. She doesn’t need a man stepping in to micromanage her career. As far as a baby goes, Cameron always said she wasn’t drawn to motherhood, but she also used to say that about marriage. So who knows if she really wants a kiddo. Did these two rush into marriage? Perhaps, but that doesn’t necessarily forecast disaster. This story may not be true at all. They could have exited the building separately and angry for a variety of reasons. Or maybe they’re on different pages for more reasons than one.

I do hope that Cameron and Benji make it work … because that dreadful tattoo would be the ultimate regret.

Benji Madden

Cameron Diaz

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN



Demi Lovato

Bye bye ???? and hello ????.. Thank you SO MUCH to my brother @GEESPOTAT2… It looks beaaauutiful and I LOVE it!! ???????????? #RIPvaginatattoo #kidsdontdodrugs

A photo posted by Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) on Apr 7, 2015 at 12:09am PDT

Demi Lovato has been pretty vocal lately. She gave an odd interview about how her gyno asked for her autograph after an appointment. She dedicated her “Warrior” song to Bruce Jenner. And now she’s in a social media war with her former tattoo artist. Demi has several tattoos, but the one in question (a set of pink lips) happened when she was drunk (at age 18). Demi hated the tattoo (you can see it here), which looked like a vadge drawing. Now Demi’s covered the tattoo with this one ^^^^, a lovely rose. Demi is thrilled with the new art and dropped a #RIPvaginatattoo hashtag. You can still see the vadge shape if you squint, but this is a vast improvement.

Ashley McMullen, the original artist from yesteryear, is angry, and she started a huge social media war. You can see the interaction here. Ashley left a comment on Instagram about how Demi was ungrateful for the free tattoo, never gave credit, and peed on the toilet seat at the tattoo studio. She called Demi a “drunk a**” and “a goon” before adding a #drunkallthebeer hashtag. Demi tweeted and deleted a response that E! preserved:

“Dear Ashley McMullen, I wasn’t going to acknowledge your bitter Instagram comments but since your side of the story has picked up some headlines, I would like to share my thoughts and send you a proper apology. First, I would like to say I’m really sorry I don’t remember you or getting tattooed by you, but as you know I was f***ed up and sometimes people act like ‘#turds’ when they’re loaded. Second, I apologize for my ‘#peepeetoiletseat’… That wasn’t on purpose, I was simply a drunken teenage girl. Lastly, I apologize for making fun of your work.. But… if I were you, I wouldn’t claim that one because it looked more like an open vagina (or even a butt hole as my 8 year old little sister called it at the time.)

“I also wouldn’t be admitting to the fact that you tattooed a very intoxicated 18 year old on a tour bus without the proper judgment that most legit tattoo artists have of saying ‘Hmm… This underage kid is wasted, maybe I shouldn’t permanently ink a hot pink kiss mark on this girl’s wrist….? Oh well… F*** it, she’s famous.

“I can’t blame you for getting the tattoo, I take full responsibility for that but if the issue here is you wanting credit, maybe next time you should wait for the person to get your tattoo sober so they would actually remember getting the tattoo in the first place, or perhaps you could’ve thought about all of this as a blessing that I forgot everything about you — that was until you outted yourself for the now internationally infamous ‘vagina tattoo.; But you’re right, I should give credit where credit is due, and you Ashley, surely deserve credit for this one. #justputitonmytab.”

[From E! Online]

All that mud-slinging over a fugly tattoo. Is it normal for an artist to act offended when a customer covers up a bad tattoo? Please enlighten me on the proper protocol. This all seems so petty, and I can’t believe an artist would ink someone who was so obviously drunk that she’d miss the toilet seat. Then again, this Ashley McMullen once appeared on the Ink Master show, and god, she’s dramatic.

One more thing. Demi Instagrammed this 4/20 masterpiece and tagged Joe Jonas, who once accused Demi and Miley Cyrus of forcing him to smoke pot.

In honor of our former escapades, I thought you’d like this to remember your first blaze.. Happy #420 @joejonas. #disneyhighclassof09??????????????????????

A photo posted by Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) on Apr 20, 2015 at 1:55am PDT

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN



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