Here are some photos of Kim Kardashian on her way to the Time 100 gala last night in NYC. This is why Kim and Kanye flew out of LA a few nights ago – they came to NYC just to attend the Time 100 gala, which makes sense because Time included both of them on the Most Influential People list (Yeezus even got a cover). Kim wore this surprisingly appropriate Sophie Theallet gown. I mean… she looks really nice, right? For her. Yes, it’s cleavage-y and her hair could be better, but overall… this is a nice look for Kim. It’s almost modest and conservative.
While on the red carpet, Kim and Kanye were “pranked” by Amy Schumer – Schumer threw herself, face-down, on the carpet in front of Kimye – go here to see the photos. Kanye does not look amused. Kim sort of gets it, but she’s not happy either. You know who is laughing her ass off? Laverne Cox. Hahaha.
More photos from the Time 100 red carpet… Ronan Farrow came with his mom, Mia Farrow. But who is his father?!
Karlie Kloss in a simple black gown. Very pretty. I like her hair sort of undone like this.
Faith Hill and Tim McGraw – they both look like they’ve been hitting the ‘Tox, right? Faith wore an elegant Armani Prive Spring 2015 look.
Julianne Moore in black sparkles, looking happy.
Laverne Cox in a stunning Marc Bouwer Fall 2015 gown. This is one of the best looks I’ve seen on Laverne in a long time. She stood out too, because most women wore black to this event.
Julianna Margulies in a black Michael Kors Fall 2015 gown. I think this is my favorite of all the black gowns!
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
People think we are cousins. ?????? @honeybunchz
A photo posted by Kylizzle (@kyliejenner) on Apr 15, 2015 at 5:27pm PDT
Here’s a photo of Kylie Jenner with a friend. They both have the same plumped lips, but Kylie’s the one on the right. I’ve talked a lot about Kylie’s lips, mostly because she wants us to talk about them. Kylie insists that her lips are so boring and not worthy of discussion, but she spends 40 minutes plumping them every day. She Instagrams the lips all the time to remind us that, yes, her lips are much bigger than they were last year.
Kylie’s lips are an internet trending topic. She’s influencing teens who want to live a life of lip-plumping luxury too, and there are pictures to prove it.
(WARNING: The following links contain very graphic photos.)
A disturbing new Twitter tag, #KylieJennerChallenge, has come out. The trend calls for sticking one’s lips into a shot glass or bottle, which causes lips to swell (because blood vessels burst). Teens are taking this asinine challenge, and they’re in a lot of pain as a result. USA Today gathered up a bunch of disturbing selfies of teens who did this. The results are just awful — these kids are achieving (temporarily) larger lips, but they’re unable to eat, and they’re experiencing some nasty bleeding and scarring. Seventeen spoke to a dermatologist who says the challenge can lead to “permanent disfigurement.” TMZ says some teens have been hospitalized after doing this.
Kylie’s lips say she wants no part of this challenge. She distanced herself on Twitter.
I’m not here to try & encourage people/young girls to look like me or to think this is the way they should look. (Cont…)
— Kylie Jenner (@KylieJenner) April 21, 2015
I want to encourage people/young girls like me to be YOURSELF & not be afraid to experiment w your look. ??????
— Kylie Jenner (@KylieJenner) April 21, 2015
This is so sad and horrifying. Teens are hurting themselves in an effort to be like Kylie, who has provided a tutorial on how she plumps her lips with liner and makeup. She never talks about the injections, of course. All of this risk, just to imitate a Jenner girl.
One more very important thing. Tyga’s ex, Blac Chyna, performed her own version of the #KylieJennerChallenge with wax lips! #shade
A photo posted by (@blacchyna) on Apr 21, 2015 at 4:34pm PDT
Hehe my sneak peak vid of my contact look they put on me got bigger than I intended. They let me keep the contacts ???? I’m obsessed. Also wanted to let u guys know I’ve been working on something new for the summer so I can start to connect with u guys more again. So excited x
A photo posted by Kylizzle (@kyliejenner) on Mar 20, 2015 at 9:30pm PDT
Photos courtesy of Kylie Jenner on Instagram, Fame/Flynet & WENN
Here are some photos of Scarlett Johansson at last night’s London premiere of The Avengers: Age of Ultron. Am I crazy for liking this? ScarJo isn’t giving me budget Elsa Pataky vibes anymore, and I’m sort of enjoying her crazy hair and this Balmain Fall 2015 jumpsuit. It reads like a gown but it actually is a jumpsuit with very wide legs. The multi-colored fabric could have gone either way, but the black border at the top and the black at the waist brings everything together and makes this look sophisticated rather than dated. There’s only one styling mistake here: the Bvlgari earrings. They don’t work with this jumpsuit.
While doing the big press conference for Ultron yesterday, ScarJo fielded some questions about why there isn’t a stand-alone Black Widow movie. While I appreciate the fact that there’s an appetite for female superhero films, those questions should be directed towards Joss Whedon and Kevin Feige, right? NOT ScarJo? Here’s Scarlett trying to say that yes, she would love a Black Widow movie but still, she’s a Company Woman.
Whenever anyone goes on and on about how Scarlett is super-brilliant, I’m always like “Really? Her?” Don’t get me wrong, she’s smarter than the average starlet and she’s managed to fashion an excellent career for herself. But you know she like you know says you know like a lot and I sometimes you know get the you know feeling that like people just want to like paint her as you know the bombshell with you know a brain.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
Kaiser covered last night’s Avengers: Age of Ultron UK premiere, but I’m covering Chris Evans by himself because he’s special. And I need to talk some stuff out. There’s a new Chris around town, and I’m not the only one who’s noticed. Lainey noted his newfound confidence and swagger on the Oscars red carpet. Remember, this is a guy who once panicked and ran out of a Fanastic Four press conference. Once he became Captain America, he went into therapy and flirted with a meltdown. He visibly struggled for years, and then he nailed the PR tour at TIFF when he sold his first directorial effort. Icing on the cake: Chris revealed himself as a really nice guy who loves children and Betty White.
Now Chris is acting strange during the Ultron tour. He’s not doing solo, in-depth interviews because he tends to whine and threaten to retire. Marvel just wants him to be himself. And Chris being himself turns out to be …. a drunkface. Searching for “Chris Evans drunk” on Twitter reveals many embarrassing photos from this tour.
— han barton (@CLlNTONBARTON) April 14, 2015
On a scale of “drunk” to “#YOLO” how drunk has Chris Evans been for the ENTIRE Age of Ultron junket.
— slashreport (@slashreport) April 22, 2015
During the past few weeks, Evans has swayed on the red carpet and petted a microphone. He couldn’t stop laughing during a visit to Jimmy Kimmel. Last night, he “honked” ScarJo’s nose (picture below). He and Chris Hemsworth were buddied up for taped segments. They did a cute bit where they ate Captain America Doritos (because Evans is a total Dorito). Then there was a very awkward interview where Evans told a journo he made out with his mom. Not cute or nice at all.
What I want to know is this — what is responsible for this newly brash and sassy Chris? Maybe he’s ignited by love for new girlfriend Lily Collins. Nah. There’s something else going on. Chris really, really loves Marvel now. He told Singapore’s Today that he can’t believe Marvel movies aren’t nominated for Oscars: “What is required to make these movies work is a mind blowing accomplishment of art! It really is! It’s everything the Academy should stand for. And I, for one, am disappointed more often than not when films like this aren’t acknowledged. It’s a shame.” Will the real Chris Evans please stand up?
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Photos courtesy of Getty, Pacific Coast News, Fame/Flynet & WENN
Sigh… seeing Aaron Taylor Johnson in velvet at the premiere of a Marvel film just makes me think of Tom Hiddleston. I miss Hiddles, you guys. I was hoping-against-hope that Hiddles would come out for a surprise appearance at the UK premiere of The Avengers: Age of Ultron last night, but it didn’t happen. I guess Tom is busy working on The Night Manager and he couldn’t break away to hang with his Marvel buds. Sad. So in lieu of Hiddles, we have an assortment of hot dudes and a few boring people. Aaron Taylor Johnson was joined on the red carpet by his wife, Sam Taylor Johnson. Surprisingly, I think Aaron was the only one to bring his significant other to the London premiere? That’s interesting.
Mark Ruffalo is the best. If you had asked me six years ago if Mark Ruffalo would ever be a part of a major studio comic-book franchise, I would have laughed and laughed. But look at him now – he wears it well. He manages to keep his indie cred and be a great part of this team.
Chris Hemsworth was without Elsa at the premiere. I don’t think she and the kids came to London at all. Just as well – Chris complained that the babies screamed their heads off on the flight from Australia to LA. Chris’s hair looks really good these days, right?
I will never understand Jeremy Renner’s affection for mobster-style. Seriously, he always looks like he’s the pit-boss at a casino.
Robert Downey Jr. needs to tone down the lift-wearing. Those lifts must add three inches to his height!!
I don’t care what anyone else thinks, Paul Bettany could still get it. He is the business.
And finally, here’s Elizabeth Olsen in Saint Laurent. I actually don’t mind the cape thing or the high collar. My problem? The shoes and the length of the dress. It feels like this should be knee-length or longer. The shoes are just awful though, those just need to be burned.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
True story: I loved New Girl’s first season and I hung in there about half-way through the third season. Then I gave up. The show went off the rails and at this point, I really don’t want to even deal with Zooey Deschanel or her adorkability. “Adorkable” was the branding word used for New Girl and Zooey during the first few years of New Girl. It was twee and grating and most people were over “adorkable” pretty quickly. Turns out, Zooey has been over it for a while too. Zooey’s promoting a new indie film, The Driftless Area, and she sat down with HuffPo to discuss the chains of adorkable.
Word to the wise: Stop referring to Zooey Deschanel as “adorkable.” The term has been used to describe the “New Girl” star ever since the show premiered in 2011, but Deschanel is over the expression. In an interview with The Huffington Post, the 35-year-old actress admits she’s sometimes misinterpreted by the public.
“I don’t always identify, perhaps, with the way that I’m portrayed in certain public contexts. I try to stay away from that sort of thing,” she explained, adding that the word “adorkable” was a successful “New Girl” marketing campaign. “That was something that was calculated, you know what I mean? That was our marketing department at Fox and they did a really good job with our first season, but that’s a word that describes the character that I play, not me. I don’t personally have identification with that word myself.”
“In addition, I don’t really care what people think of me,” she continued. “I know that sounds crazy because you’re supposed to care about what people think of you, I guess, as an actor, but I really don’t. Obviously I’m grateful for all of the opportunities that I’ve had thus far, including ‘New Girl,’ but I don’t think I’ve ever met a person who knows me use that word to describe me, so it’s not of any consequence to me.”
Deschanel tries to focus on what really matters in her career — nabbing roles she’s passionate about and interested in — rather than the characteristics she seemingly presents. “It’s dangerous to start worrying or pandering too much in either direction,” she said of identifying with a certain persona. “Some people get so caught up in one version of themselves and then, that blatant rejection of what people think of them — like the band who doesn’t want to play their No. 1 hit or something — isn’t healthy. It’s also not healthy to over-identify with it either,” Deschanel added. “I’m just kind of neutral — I’m an entertainer, and I do different types of things to entertain people, but ultimately when I make a choice, I’m making that choice to challenge myself and do something that seems like it would be interesting. That’s my philosophy.”
[From HuffPo]
That’s a lot of words to simply say “adorkable isn’t my jam, you guys.” So, do you believe her? Is “adorakable” a prison made by marketing teams? Sure, it totally was. But that was Zooey’s vibe for a while too and she played it up. I think what we’re seeing now is just a woman who has matured. Zooey isn’t so twee anymore – she’s happily knocked up and she’s with a more mature dude/partner. She’s even doing something different with those GD bangs. And yes, it does sound like Zooey cares a lot about what people think of her. Just my opinion. People who really don’t give a crap don’t give lengthy diatribes about how they’re not adorkable.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet, WENN.
Olivia Wilde is promoting a new movie, Meadowland, which premiered at Tribeca. She’s wearing a scarf-necked Dsquared dress that makes me believe (along with last week’s fringed Marchesa dress) that she needs a new stylist. Livvy recently told Deadline how she fought hard for this role (as a mother whose child goes missing). I understand why Olivia would pursue the role — playing a mother is different from the hot girl/saloon girl/cool girl roles that Olivia usually plays. This is also personal to Olivia. Ever since she gave birth to baby Otis Alexander a year ago, Olivia’s very much embraced her real-life mom role.
Olivia has always been very outspoken and witty, and I wasn’t surprised to see her extend those qualities to mom-oriented issues like breastfeeding. She has gotten a little preachy though. Livvy has talked about “the gift of motherhood” already. She said motherhood bestowed her with a “freeing selflessness.” I bristled when she talked about looking like a mother because she sounded judgy. Now Olivia talks about how motherhood has expanded her ability to empathize. People spoke to Livvy as she and Sudeikis sipped Bombay Sapphire at the Meadowland afterparty:
On relating as a parent: “I think anyone who becomes a parent, their heart expands, and you empathize on a different level, and that’s what I think was required to tell this story as it should have been told. I don’t know if I would have been able to play [my character] Sarah without being a mother. “It’s actually kind of a gift of motherhood: You’re in touch with different levels of emotions. I think it’s all very connected.”
On balancing motherhood & work: “I feel very supported and just very lucky to be working on such good things. There are people managing much more complicated lives than me.”
On celebs who distance themselves from feminism: “Is that even true? I didn’t even know! I’m so clueless. I think people have a hard time understanding exactly what it means. If people understand it simply means equality, then possibly they would have an easier time standing up for that.”
[From People & HuffPo]
Olivia says she never could have played this role without being a mother herself. She’s now able to empathize more than during her pre-mom days, which is fine. I just wish she didn’t make sweeping statements. The key to empathy is placing oneself in another person’s shoes, regardless of whether you’ve experienced the situation at hand. Perhaps Livvy is talking about sympathy, not empathy. It’s true that motherhood brings about new fuzzy feelings, but moms aren’t any more evolved than women who don’t have children (for whatever reason).
Olivia redeems herself by talking about feminism. She’s correct, a lot of people don’t know what the word means, and they don’t bother to educate themselves. I also like how Olivia recognizes that she has a less complicated working-mom life than a woman who works a traditional full-time job or stays at home with the kids and no outside help.
Here’s some more strange Trebeca fashion from Olivia. The diagonal-stripe dress is Tory Burch, and the sequin top and trousers are Christian Dior. Is she trying to pull off Jolie stying with the Dior?
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN
Someone in the Duggar family always has to be pregnant. That’s the rule. Just two weeks after Jill Duggar-Dillard welcomed her first child (son Israel) with husband Derick Dillard, Jessa Duggar-Seewald has announced her first pregnancy. Jessa and Ben Seewald married last November… and then nothing. I kept waiting for the pregnancy announcement, because that’s how the Duggars roll. They get knocked up right away, preferably on the honeymoon. But Jessa was the “wild child” and she didn’t get pregnant right away. Instead, she French kissed her husband in photos (like a wanton harlot) and was even rumored to be on the Pill. Well, I guess Ben finally put his foot down and demanded that Jessa get pregnant, because here we go.
“We’re expecting!” Jessa Duggar, 22, tells PEOPLE. “We are so excited. The due date is November first, our wedding anniversary.” Adds Ben, 19, “We are looking forward to being parents.”
The third daughter born to Jim Bob, 49, and Michelle Duggar, 48, and her husband, the oldest of seven Seewald children, revealed their happy news as Jessa enters her second trimester.
“I am feeling pretty good,” says Jessa. “The morning sickness was different every day. It’s getting better, but I’m still hanging on to the heartburn. And I don’t have any super-serious food cravings.”
Before church one Sunday morning, Jessa says she took a pregnancy test and brought it in to show Ben. “I said, ‘Hey Ben, guess what? Yeah, you’re a dad.’ We couldn’t believe it,” Jessa says. “We are so excited. We have started talking baby names. It is one of those things that is so special, picking a name for a baby.”
The couple revealed their plans to adopt in an exclusive at-home interview – and now say their plans haven’t changed just because they are expecting a child.
“Our hearts haven’t changed on adoption,” Jessa says. (The agency the couple has contacted requires prospective parents to be married for two years before adopting.) “We are still making plans.”
But Ben says that they are taking time to enjoy their happy news.
“We are trying to take it one day at a time,” he says. “We pray every night that God helps us be good parents. We are getting advice from other parents.”
Jessa’s older sister Jill Dillard, 23, and her husband, Derick, 26, welcomed son Israel David on April 6 after a 70-hour labor. Jill, a student midwife, “has all the knowledge and training,” Jessa says.
“I am not comparing, not worrying about what could happen, we are just getting prepared,” Jessa says. “I think having this first year together to share our lives, just the two of us, has been special. We are definitely excited to be parents.”
[From People]
So she’s about three months along already. So she did get knocked up about three months after her wedding. Which is no big deal, except in the Duggar family, where “waiting a few months to enjoy married life” is absolutely frowned upon. I also think it’s interesting that Jessa is still interested in adoption, and that she still believes that they’ll adopt once they’ve been married for two years. In any case, congrats to Jessa and Ben. And good luck, baby Duggar-Seewald (you’re going to need all the luck in the world).
Windy but beautiful evening on Tybee Island beach just before sunset! ??????
A photo posted by Jessa Seewald (@jessaseewald) on Mar 5, 2015 at 3:50pm PST
Photos courtesy of Jessa’s Instagram & Facebook.