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“To Sarah on her birthday (umm, belated bday-whoops!):

We hope the tiny dictator shook her fists and used her considerable powers for good to make sure you had a wonderful day! You have so much wisdom to pass on to her, most importantly that “Team Nobody is better than Team Piz”, Jordan Catal…      


To recap: Nick Loeb sued his ex-fiancee Sofia Vergara over the embryos they created while together. He wanted a baby and Sofia gave up some of her eggs, and they even implants some embryos into a 44-year-old gestational carrier a few times although the implantation didn’t “take.” There are still some girl-embryos left and Nick wants custody of them so that he can implant them in another woman and presumably raise those daughters himself. At first, all of the legal shenanigans and press coverage was done as John and Jane Doe, and with unnamed sources throwing massive amounts of shade. Then over the weekend, Sofia’s lawyer came out and confirmed what we already knew, that Nick was suing Sofia over her alleged desire to destroy the embryos. Sofia’s lawyer said Sofia does not want to destroy them… or implant them. She’s fine with just keeping them frozen indefinitely. Now Nick is speaking directly to the media.

Nick Loeb is speaking out about the lawsuit he filed over his frozen embryos created with then-fianceé Sofia Vergara in 2013. The businessman’s lawyer, Abram Moore, said in a statement to PEOPLE Monday that Loeb “has made every effort to arrive at a private resolution” with the Modern Family star, but was “forced” to file a lawsuit when they couldn’t come to an agreement.

Loeb claims that Vergara, 42, who is now engaged to Joe Manganiello, wants to destroy the two female embryos they created – a charge that Vergara has strenuously denied. In his statement, Loeb, 39 – who wants “to bring his daughters to term” – said that he wasn’t seeking to hold Vergara to “any parental or financial responsibilities or obligations” and would “give her the opportunity to be involved with the child in the future, should she change her mind.”

“I have always strongly believed that life begins at fertilization and that every embryo is a life on a journey towards birth,” Loeb said. “I created these two female embryos with the purpose of taking them to term and not destruction, because I have always dreamed of being a father. I take the responsibility and obligation of being a parent very seriously. Creating an embryo in the natural way can lead to parenthood obligations, even where a man doesn’t want to become a father. Where a man does want to become a father, and wants to impose no obligations on the other party, he should have that corresponding right. However life comes to be created, it should have no determination on either the rights of wanting to be or the requirements of having to be a parent.”

[From People]

Sigh…I think it’s tacky to fight this out in the press, and it feels like Nick has ulterior (political) motives, like he’s trying to get the anti-choice crowd to take up his cause. If this really is decided by a court somewhere, it will be interesting to see what case law is used and what case law is made for this kind of situation. I think Sofia is smart to take the position of “don’t destroy the embryos but don’t implant them either.” That way Nick can’t say the embryos are in any “danger.” And seriously, if he wants to be a father so badly, why doesn’t he move on, date a lady and get her knocked up the old-fashioned way?

Photos courtesy of WENN.



She’s got that glow!

Expectant mama Tiffani Thiessen hit the red carpet with husband Brady Smith and their 4-year-old daughter Harper at the Milk+Bookies Sixth Annual Story Time Celebration in Los Angeles, Calif. on Sunday (April 19).

The Saved by the Bell alum, 41, and her husband are expecting their second child – a boy – within weeks.

“It’s amazing to me to think that in just a short amount of time our family will have the sounds of a little baby in our home again,” she recently said. “We couldn’t be more excited. And Harper… is she ever.”

We can’t wait to hear their exciting baby news soon!

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Milk+Bookies Sixth Annual Story Time Celebration in LA
Milk+Bookies Sixth Annual Story Time Celebration in LA
Milk+Bookies Sixth Annual Story Time Celebration in LA
Milk+Bookies Sixth Annual Story Time Celebration in LA

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We only recently dealt with Stefano Gabbana and Domenico Dolce saying ridiculous, offensive things about gay parents and children born from IVF, so obviously it’s time for another well-regarded fashion designer to give an interview which will no doubt offend a great many people. This time it’s Giorgio Armani and he has many, many (ridiculous) thoughts. You know what? All of these offensive interviews just make me like Karl Lagerfeld more. Ugh. Some highlights from Armani’s recent interview with The Sunday Times:

Gay men shouldn’t “dress homosexual”: “A homosexual man is a man 100%. He does not need to dress homosexual. When homosexuality is exhibited to the extreme—to say, ‘Ah, you know I’m homosexual’—that has nothing to do with me. A man has to be a man.”

Men shouldn’t be too ripped: “I don’t like muscle boy. Not too much gym! I like somebody healthy, somebody solid, who looks after his body but doesn’t use his muscles too much.”

No breast implants: “A small breast does not have to become big. I prefer to look at a natural woman. A woman should be courageous to become older, not desperate to look younger than her age. With time, a woman’s body is better. As a woman goes to work, has babies, she is strong. She has character. Look at Cate Blanchett.”

[From E! News]

I don’t believe women should feel the “need” to get implants, but I also feel like many women do it for themselves, not because some old gay dude told them that big boobs are in or out of style. Perhaps Armani is just stating a general preference and he’s not “judging”. Or whatever. But with the “dress homosexual” comment, it does come across as super-judgy. What does it mean to “dress homosexual” in 2015? Does it look like Aaron Schock’s turquoise belt? Does it look like Neil Patrick Harris in his Hedwig drag? What bugs me is that Armani was on the forefront of the whole metrosexual “look” – getting straight men to really care about their suits, care about their grooming, care about their bodies. Armani wanted every dude to look like Richard Gere in the 1980s. And now he’s saying it’s gone too far because too many men are dressing homosexually. I GIVE UP, ARMANI!

PS… Double-breasted velvet coats look homosexual.

Photos courtesy of WENN.


Intro for April 21, 2015

Author: | Filed under: Celebrities

Dear Gossips,

There’s a book coming out this week. It’s called We Oughta Know by Andrea Warner, considered to be one of the “strongest young voices in music journalism”. I previously highlighted Warner’s work last year when she wrote about the 25th anniversary of Milli Vanilli. Click here for…      


Bobbi Kristina Brown‘s grandmother Cissy Houston is setting the record straight.

The 22-year-old daughter of the late pop icon Whitney Houston and singer Bobby Brown has “irreversible” brain damage and is unresponsive, her grandmother said in a statement Monday.

On Saturday, Brown announced that his daughter is “awake.” As well, Brown’s sister Tina said, “Yes, she woke up and is no longer on life support.”

But Cissy says her granddaughter’s condition is grim.

“While she is no longer in a medically induced coma she has a tracheotomy and according to the doctors she has global and irreversible brain damage and remains unresponsive,” Cissy said in a statement. “Meeting with the doctors and understanding that she can live in this condition for a lifetime truly saddens me. We can only trust in God for a miracle at this time.”

Our thoughts go out to the Houston-Brown family during this difficult time.



Okay, now I’m obsessed with figuring out what’s going on with Charlize Theron’s bust. Go back and look at her Esquire cover – they Photoshopped the crap out of her cleavage/bust on that cover, and now here she is on the cover of W Magazine, looking surprisingly… busty. Did she get some modest implants? Because I don’t remember these. At all. As for this W Mag cover feature… she’s promoting Mad Max: Fury Road. I would have loved to have seen Charlize and Tom Hardy together for this shoot, but they’ve both said that they didn’t really get along so well, so no joint editorials for us! You can read the full interview here. Some highlights:

Her first time watching Mad Max: “I saw Mad Max, and I remember certain images: the road, the cars going really fast. But I didn’t know who Mel Gibson was. I thought he was just some dude who had a really cool job. In South Africa, we didn’t have the whole celebrity thing—I had no idea that people knew actors’ names.”

Shooting Mad Max in Namibia, close to South Africa: “I was conflicted. Everybody knows that feeling of going home and being giddy and then, at the same time, wanting to projectile vomit. [Laughs] The shoot lasted an eternity—we were there for seven months.”

Shaving her head for the role: “At first, my character was going to be ghostlike and albino. And then I thought it would be stronger to shave my head. I called George [Miller] and told him my plan. He went silent, which I thought was a good sign. So I borrowed some clippers and buzzed it all off…. yes, it was really fun to shower with my bald head. You have not showered until you’ve showered hairless. That’s all I have to say.”

Her dogs and her son: “They’re all my children. I know people get weirded out when people talk that way about their animals, but love is love and care is care, and just because one needs a diaper and the other does not doesn’t mean you don’t have a deep feeling for them. The loss of some of my dogs has been just as devastating as the loss of a family member.”

Judgy about aging: “I do know that choosing to be a mom in my late 30s has been really great for me. It’s given me perspective… I think, like many women, I was judgmental toward women as they aged. Women, in our society, are compartmentalized so that we start to feel like we’re cut flowers and after a while we will wilt. I realize now that’s not the case—we can celebrate every age. That’s my encouragement to 20-year-olds who are terrified of getting older: Don’t have a nervous breakdown and don’t hit the Chardonnay too hard. Getting older is not that bad.”

[From W Magazine]

Oh, I wonder if Charlize’s dogs-and-children-are-the-same comments are going to rile people up? I don’t think my dog is my child… he’s my fur-baby and I would be really devastated if something happens to him (right now I think he’s immortal), but no, he’s not my child. (He’s better, hahaha.)

Charlize also talks about dancing at the Oscars a few years ago and how Channing Tatum is lovely and she only did it so Seth MacFarlane would hire her for A Million Ways to Die in the West, because she wanted to get hired for a comedy. A film which bombed, right? Oh well… at least she got to do a comedy.

Photos courtesy of W Magazine.



Yesterday we heard that Kim Richards was in danger of being cut from the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills as a result of her arrest late last week for being drunk, disorderly and abusive. The issue is reportedly that Kim’s arrest might make her uninsurable, not that her addiction doesn’t make for good, conflict-filled television. Enter Dr. Phil, the pseudo-psychologist bottom feeder who capitalizes on D-list scandals. Kim will appear on Dr. Phil in an episode to air next week. People has some of the details and allegedly Kim admits that she shouldn’t be drinking. That’s somewhat of a step forward for her, because she’s been mired in defensiveness and denial on RHOBH. According to sources, she’s still refusing to go to rehab again, though. Here are some segments from People’s recent stories on Kim:

Dr. Phil has snagged Richards for an interview following her arrest Thursday morning at the Beverly Hills Hotel.

“I was angry and frightened and I was scared. I knew what I had done,” Richards told Dr. Phil, according to an early transcript. “The whole night is my fault. None of this would have happened if I didn’t drink.”

“As of now, she is saying no to rehab,” says the friend. “People are trying to get her to go. A lot of people are worried about her.”

Rchards has “calmed down” since the arrest, says the friend. “When it first happened, she was upset and didn’t want to talk about it. Now she does.”

The friend adds: “She is very embarrassed.”

On the night of the arrest, the former child star was “distraught” after watching the RHOBH reunion, which showed her arguing with her sister Kyle Richards, says the friend.

“But a big part of all of this is that she is just stressed out,” says the friend.

Richards’s ex-husband, Monty Brinson, the father of her daughter, Brooke, is battling Stage IV cancer.

“She is under a lot of pressure, especially because of Monty.”

[From two stories on People]

The reasons People lists for Kim drinking are all the things that TMZ reported earlier. This is Kim’s official line, that she drinks because of problems in her life. Kim drinks because she’s an alcoholic. Judging from the clip I saw from the epic fight she had with Lisa Rinna on RHOBH, I would be very surprised if she takes responsibility for her addiction and admits that she needs help again. However, she has owned up to being an alcoholic. In 2013, about a year after her last stint in rehab, Kim admitted to Andy Cohen in an on-air interview that she was an alcoholic.

Radar has a related story which claims that Kim is broke and is supporting her cancer-striken ex husband, whom she’s been caring for at her home. Again, these are all excuses. She should know from what she learned in rehab that she should not be drinking full stop. For all you can say about Dr. Phil, and there’s a lot, he does tell hard truths to people. Kim just doesn’t seem ready to hear it however.

NBC/Universal's 72nd Annual Golden Globes After Party - Arrivals

Celebrities leaving Craig's

photo credit: WENN.com and Bravo



Prince William began his new job as a commercial ambulance pilot the last week of March. And when I say “began his new job,” I mean that he still has months of training to officially be flight-ready. But that training is going to have to wait, y’all. Of course it is! Kensington Palace confirms that William has started his unpaid paternity leave today, and he won’t be going back to Bond Air Services until June.

Kate Middleton was expecting to spend the last days of her pregnancy at Kensington Palace while Prince William worked 115 miles away in Norfolk – but she’s been given a happy surprise. The Duke of Cambridge, 32, has started his paternity leave early after completing the first phase of his air ambulance training ahead of time, meaning he can be by The Duchess of Cambridge’s side as she prepares to give birth to her second child.

The Prince, who is training to become an air ambulance helicopter pilot with Bond Air Services in Norfolk, was due to remain at his and the Duchess of Cambridge’s country residence, Amner Hall, in the run up to the birth of their second child. The distance apart meant that if the Duchess went into labor while William was at work, he faced a two hour drive to London.

Originally, the Duchess, 33, who is currently residing at Kensington Palace to be near to St Mary’s Hospital, was expected to remain at the couple’s London home with their first son, Prince George, in the days leading up to her due date. But thanks to some hard work, and some unseasonably pleasant British weather, the future King of England has completed the first phase of his training early, and has embarked on his unpaid paternity leave ahead of schedule.

“The Duke of Cambridge has completed the first phase of his in-work air ambulance helicopter pilot training with Bond Air Services earlier than anticipated,” a Kensington Palace spokesperson tells Us Weekly. “This is due to a combination of The Duke performing well in the various modules and having very good flying conditions that allowed flight training and assessment to progress more quickly than had been planned,” they added.

William will not have to return to Norfolk for the final part of his training until 1st June, as was always planned, following a “period of official royal engagements in late May, details of which will be announced in due course,” the rep continues.

[From Us Weekly]

Part of me thinks it’s nice that England encourages such generous paternity leave to all men, even princes. Another part of me thinks that William could have planned out his whole scheme-to-avoid-royal-duty a lot better. After all, William is “donating” his salary to charity, which is difficult to do when you’re on unpaid paternity leave. And it must suck to be in such intensive training for such a difficult job and have to skip out for six weeks. It probably doesn’t matter though – I still say that by this time next year, William will already be “bored” with this job and looking for the next scheme to avoid royal work.

Oh, and Harry is probably going to be around for the birth of his new niece or nephew too – Harry is flying back to England (from Australia) in a few days. Harry is coming back to attend an event for the London Marathon. So… Harry might not be in London for the birth, but he’ll definitely get to meet his niece or nephew if Kate gives birth by the weekend.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.


John Travolta

I apologize (sort of) for these photos from last year’s TIFF festival. John Travolta attended the premiere of The Forger, which he’s promoting now. I thought Travolta couldn’t get any creepier, but the beard makes things worse. Just like this new interview that John did with GMA. Scientology knows that it’s in the cult’s best interest not to disrupt the Tom Cruise box office potential. Yet a little John Travolta movie won’t make much money, so who cares? John’s already called Scientology “brilliant,” and he’s back for more cheerleading.

This time, Travolta would like all Scientology critics to go “read a book,” which is hilarious. John’s using a more civilized tactic to attack CO$ opponents than Danny Masterson (who came out with E-meters blazing and told everyone to “go f*** yourselves“). John is simply accusing the public being too lazy to properly research his cult. Instead of watching HBO’s Going Clear, he’d like everyone to pick up a copy of L. Ron Hubbard’s Dianetics. John believes that Scientology is simply “misunderstood” and deserves the old college try:

John’s advice for everyone: “You know, people really need to take time and read a book … that’s my advice. You can read A New Slant on Life. You can read Dianetics. I think if you really read it, you understand it. But unless you do, you’ll speculate — and I think that’s a mistake to do that.”

John knows why you’re picking on CO$: “Sometimes, when something really works well it becomes a target.”

[From GMA on Yahoo]

Oh, that wacky Travolta. The man thinks he can talk people into digesting the so-called scripture of Hubbard. This is a desperate move and a sneaky way of trying to recruit a few gullible people into the cult. Nice try. Everyone should read Going Clear instead.

P.S. Paul Haggis told the Hollywood Reporter about what happened to him after Going Clear aired. He was contacted for an in-person interview about the “golden age of film” by someone claiming to be a “Mark Webber” from Time magazine. Haggis’ team did some legwork and found nobody by that name at Time. The creepy thing is that Scientology runs a “Golden Era Productions” studio. Haggis believes the CO$ was trying to troll him. Hopefully, they weren’t also trying to harm him.

John Travolta

John Travolta

Photos courtesy of WENN



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