Academy Award-winning actress Charlize Theron stepped out with son Jackson, 3, in Los Angeles, Calif. on Wednesday (April 15).
Sporting his favorite Minnie Mouse Crocs, the adorable preschooler walked hand-in-hand with his famous mama after karate class.
The single mom, 39, recently opened up about the possibility of marrying her “hot” beau, fellow actor Sean Penn.
“The marriage thing is always so strange to me. I love the possibility of anything, but I’m really enjoying myself and the everyday moment and how that coincides with my son and my life and my friends,” she shared.
She went on to gush about her love life.
“I’m a very, very, very lucky girl. Very lucky. He’s hot. He is hot,” she gushed of Penn. “How do you say that in an interview? You’re a 40-year-old woman sounding like a 16-year-old. There’s something beautiful about that, but you lack the articulation of really saying what it’s like when somebody walks into your life and makes you see something that you really never thought you’d be able to see. If somebody had said to me, ‘This is what it will be,’ I would’ve said, ‘F–k off.’ As you can see, it makes me smile.”
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Yesterday, Wikileaks published a searchable compendium of hacked Sony Entertainment documents. The Sony Hack dominated the news last December and January, and there were even some high-profile casualities, like when Sony corporate tied the entire catastrophe around Amy Pascal’s neck and pushed her out. Anyway, now that Wikileaks has made the entire Sony Hack super-accessible, we’re getting some additional stories. Nothing like the Angelina Jolie stuff, of course, but some of it is interesting.
Bradley Cooper is an odd bird. Salon breaks down an exchange between Pascal and Cameron Crowe, regarding his long-awaited film Aloha, starring Emma Stone, Bradley Cooper and Bill Murray. Crowe refers to B-Coop as “such an odd bird” (AN EMU, PERCHANCE?) and refers to Emma as “our girl…And her nuances … Little moves on her are huge as u know.” Crowe compares this film to his film Say Anything, which is some BS. Crowe also makes a “joke” about Bruce Jenner “wanting boobs.”
Bill Murray isn’t that beloved. In another email exchange between Pascal and Crowe, Crowe writed: “But our acting is better here all around, so we can hopefully get everything. Frankly, we have great options on all the performances except Bill Murray… who is pretty much what you saw.” BURN.
David Fincher is a witch. Fincher understood that Sony had a “leak” problem before it even had a leak problem. He was pissed that information about the Jobs film kept ending up in Variety and THR and he bitched about it to Pascal.
Rooney Mara is sad. She emailed Pascal about her desire to see a sequel to The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo made. Too bad, Rooney.
George Clooney is sorry. He apologized to Pascal about the failure of Monuments Men.
Adam Sandler is an a–hole. Amy Pascal said that.
No one knows who Rita Ora is. Not even Amy Pascal.
Publicist Peggy Siegal worried about 12 Years a Slave. She emailed Pascal about the Best Picture campaign for 12 Years, claiming that “American cultural bell ringers” worried about a British director’s vision of American slavery. Siegal warns that Oscar voters were looking for an excuse to vote for another film.
Sony planned out One Direction’s personalities. Hilariously, the executives wanted to push Harry as “adorably slow” and Zayn as “the dark horse.”
Photos courtesy of WENN.
It’s official… Chris Brown is a father.
In a new Instagram image, the pop superstar, 25, finally confirms that he has a daughter named Royalty. “God has blessed me with my twin. #ROYALTY,” the Forever hitmaker captioned the sweet snapshot with his baby girl.
In early March, news broke that the bad boy rapper and former model Nia, 31, welcomed a daughter 9 months ago.
Brown has finally broken his silence on the matter in the form of two adorable photographs.
In another Instagram image, the singer simply captioned the curly-haired cutie with a crown emoji.
Prior to introducing his daughter, Brown shared a selfie on the basketball court with a heartfelt message.
“Every step I take will only be to greatness,” he wrote. “Learning myself everyday and striving to make a difference. Thriving not surviving. I can’t make anyone love me or like me but for the people who do, you are highly appreciated and valued. I wanna grow into a great man and take care of my family. In order for me to change the world I have to change my mentality.”
God has blessed me with my twin. #ROYALTY
A photo posted by @chrisbrownofficial on Apr 16, 2015 at 7:46pm PDT
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This is a little checkup with Zoe Saldana’s quest to get back in fighting shape after giving birth to twin boys. She’s invited us into the process, which is unusual and (to me) preferable than seeing her bragging on a magazine cover about how chasing kids around made her snap back. Zoe’s intense film schedule will start back up in less than two months. She’s nervous about her baby weight even though those few lingering pounds look really fantastic on her. Zoe already talked about her “frustrating, painful” struggle to get her old body back. If she wasn’t an action movie star, I wouldn’t understand her rush. But I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that movie studios are breathing down her neck. Marvel famously visited Chris Pratt at home when he was losing weight, so it’s not beyond the realm of possibility here.
Zoe’s probably being really hard on herself too. She took to her Facebook page as an update. She promised to do this last week with a “Let’s do it together. Let’s talk about it, hear each other out, and seek advice when we need it.” So Zoe’s talking it out. She’s a little upset about her busy week, but she resolves to prioritize herself:
“I made it! After a week of postponing my workout due to life & meetings & work, I prioritized it. I prioritized myself. A good friend once told me that being self-focussed doesn’t necessarily mean you are being selfish. Be self-focussed!”
[Zoe Saldana on Facebook]
There’s also a post-workout selfie video at the link (and FYI, Guardians director James Gunn “liked” this post). This is just a tiny update, yet it reveals a lot about Zoe’s state of mind. She has baby twins, a husband, and multiple movies on the way. She has a nanny to help, but Zoe is so busy. I do sense the mommy-guilt complex in her words. Zoe is correct, it’s okay to focus on yourself even as a new mom. I would argue that some “alone” time for mom is healthy for the whole family. Zoe will work it out.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN
Gwyneth Paltrow devoted her weekly Goop-letter to her efforts with the Food Stamp Challenge this week. Even though this comes after several days of abuse hurled at Gwyneth for “poverty tourism” and peasant-lies, I kind of think this was probably her goal from the start. She didn’t dedicate herself to the challenge of trying to live on $29 a week (for food) but she always planned on writing about it for Goop. You could even say that she half-assed it for a greater purpose: to make a larger statement about how we eat, the food we buy and how women need equal pay. You can read her whole Goop-post here.
Last week, chef (and great man) Mario Batali challenged me to raise awareness and money for the NYC Food Bank by trying to live on $29 dollars for the week (what low income families on SNAP are trying to survive on). Dubious that I could complete the week, I donated to the Food Bank at the outset, and all of us at the goop office began the challenge.
As I suspected, we only made it through about four days, when I personally broke and had some chicken and fresh vegetables (and in full transparency, half a bag of black licorice). My perspective has been forever altered by how difficult it was to eat wholesome, nutritious food on that budget, even for just a few days—a challenge that 47 million Americans face every day, week, and year. A few takeaways from the week were that vegetarian staples liked dried beans and rice go a long way—and we were able to come up with a few recipes on a super tight budget.
After trying to complete this challenge (I would give myself a C-), I am even more outraged that there is still not equal pay in the workplace. Sorry to go on a tangent, but many hardworking mothers are being asked to do the impossible: Feed their families on a budget which can only support food businesses that provide low-quality food. The food system in our beautiful country needs to be subjected to a heavy revision—it is a cyclical problem, with repercussions that we all feel. I’m not suggesting everyone eat organic food from some high horse in the sky. I’m saying everyone should be able to afford fresh, real food. And if women were paid an equal wage, families might have more of a choice in the grocery aisles, not to mention in the rest of their lives.
…I know hunger doesn’t always touch us all directly—but it does touch us all indirectly. After this week, I am even more grateful that I am able to provide high-quality food for my kids. Let’s all do what we can to make this a basic human right and not a privilege.
[From Goop]
A C-minus? I guess the only thing Gwyneth can NOT do well is pretend to be poor.
Gwyneth also cites statistics about equal pay and she literally types “hats off to Patricia Arquette” for drawing attention to the issue. Real question: do some people think that Arquette was, like, the first person arguing for equal pay? As for the correlation Gwyneth draws between equal pay and food insecurity, as much as I want to nitpick her to death, if we’re looking at the realpolitik, she’s right. Food insecurity is linked to women’s pay and more often than not, it falls on mothers to care about food and what their children eat. Is that the way it SHOULD be? Of course not. In a perfect world, women and men would have equal pay for equal work and men and women would have equal interest in ensuring food security for their children.
But yes, Gwyneth did half-ass this challenge. She only stuck with it long enough to have her Goop staff come up with some recipes involving eggs and rice. Guess what she used all those limes for? Zest and garnish. Classic.
Photos courtesy of Goop, WENN.
As we discussed on Wednesday, Nick Loeb has sued his ex-girlfriend Sofia Vergara over her desire to destroy the frozen embryos they created while together. Sofia and Nick were actually engaged for a time, and he wanted a kid, so Sofia donated some eggs to the cause and apparently “insisted” on using her 44-year-old assistant as the surrogate, despite a doctor’s warning. They actually went so far as to have some of the embryos implanted into a gestational carrier TWICE, but it didn’t take either time. Now that Nick and Sofia are over (they broke up last year), Sofia wants the remaining embryos destroyed. Nick, who claims to be ultra-“pro-life,” says that he wants custody of the embryos because he’s totally going to have them implanted and possibly raise the child (and sue Sofia for child support, I bet).
The whole lawsuit is being done through aliases, John Doe and Jane Doe. As such, neither Nick or Sofia has gone on the record about these legal shenanigans yet. Instead, unnamed “sources” are sniping back and forth in Radar and Page Six. Here’s what Page Six had:
A source tells Page Six: “This is a complaint filed by Nick to stop Sofia from destroying the two female embryos. Nick filed as John Doe because he wanted to do it anonymously. They had agreed to freeze the embryos when they were together because Sofia didn’t want to carry another child, she wanted to do it via surrogate. But two attempts failed.”
The source continued: “If either of them dies, the other has the right to destroy the embryos. But Nick believes life begins at conception, that life is life, it is horrible to keep them frozen, these are his babies. He hopes the filing will be a test case for how frozen embryos should be handled.”
Another source defended Vergara, who’s now engaged to “True Blood” actor Joe Manganiello, telling us: “This is a desperate attempt for attention. Why would he claim that she was abusive to him and still want to have children with her? She is engaged to someone else. He is perfectly fertile and could go and start a family with another woman. This is a sad attempt to stay relevant and hold onto the past and her.”
[From Page Six]
“This is a sad attempt to stay relevant and hold onto the past and her.” I hope Nick Loeb gets some ice for that BURN. And yes, the “why doesn’t he have a baby with someone else?” argument stands up, but only if you ignore the whole “Nick is super-pro-life and every life is precious” thing. But now all I can think about is how Nick allegedly loves blow and hookers. Classic conservative politics.
What else? In the John Doe filing, Loeb also claimed that Sofia had physically and emotionally abused him, calling him a “loser” and hitting him on four occasions. A source told Radar:
“Sofia never got physical with Nick, it just didn’t happen. Did they fight? Yes, and a lot, which is why they broke up. But to portray it as Sofia being mentally abusive towards Nick is reckless, and just not true. At this point, Sofia is saddened that Nick decided to let this play out in the media, but not surprised. Nick obviously wants to be a part of Sofia’s life, even though she is engaged to be married to another man. Sofia wants the embryos destroyed, and is also ready to fight for her rights in court. If these embryos were implanted into a surrogate, Nick would almost certainly go after Sofia for child support. As the highest paid actress on television, the financial incentive needs to also be considered.”
[From Radar]
I enjoy how these sources are really going after Nick as an ex who just can’t let go. We already know Nick Loeb is the kind of ex-boyfriend who says douchey things about Sofia, like how she needs to dress “classier.” So, painting him as pining away for her… that’s a smart way to play it from a PR angle. From a legal angle? I don’t even know. This is a lot like an episode of Law & Order, and I think the solution at the end of that episode was… no one got to use the embryos? Something like that.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
Last week, we talked about the Star Magazine story about Jon Hamm’s college days at UT-Austin. Apparently, he was a total douchebag in college. Seriously. He was in a frat (Sigma Nu) and he was one of several older frat bros who “hazed” (tortured) pledges in hyper-aggressive, violent and disturbing ways. The Daily Mail got their hands on the court documents from 1990, where the victim, Mark Allen Sanders, pressed charges against Hamm and the other frat bros. Beware: in the court documents, Sanders goes into a lot of detail about exactly what happened to him during the hazing, and many of the details are profoundly disturbing.
Mark Allen Sanders was beaten with a paddle, dragged around a room by his genitals and had his pants set on fire. Jon Hamm was one of seven Sigma Nu brothers who tormented and humiliated Sanders when he was a young pledge at the University of Texas at Austin. The young man was hit so hard during the warped 1990 initiation that he suffered a fractured spine and nearly lost a kidney. Sanders subsequently withdrew from the university and sought counselling to cope with the shameful episode which resulted in a police inquiry and the fraternity chapter being disbanded. Hamm, a sophomore, was identified as a ringleader and arrested in 1993. An assault charge was dismissed, however, and he completed a period of probation instead of receiving a conviction for hazing.
In a 1991 interview transcript obtained by Daily Mail Online, Sanders tells investigators with the Travis County’s Attorney’s Office how he suffered ‘repeated beatings and assaults’ at the hands of Sigma Nu ‘actives’. He also alleged that he and his fellow pledges were subjected to ‘repeated confinements’ in a series of tiny compartments carved into the frat building’s foundations – including ‘the pit’, ‘the hole’ and ‘the grave’.
Sanders told officials the worst of the hazing happened in the early hours of November 10, 1990 when he was summoned to the house and warned by Hamm: ‘It’s going to be a long night.’ He was then allegedly subjected to two hours of brutal physical attacks as part of his fiery baptism into the fraternity. He listed Hamm as one of his chief tormentors, recalling how the future star ordered him to recite a six-page list of phrases pledges are told to memorize called the ‘bulls*** list’. When he forgot the last of Hamm’s nicknames, which included MC Hammer and Young Bobby, he recalled how Hamm got “mad, I mean really mad’.
Hamm and his frat cohorts’ retribution was to spank Sanders repeatedly with a paddle.
‘I’m hurting bad, I mean being hit right where the kidney is, it’s killing me,’ Sanders told his interviewers.
Hamm and another fraternity member then lifted Sanders up by his underwear, pulling it back and forth in a sawing motion.
‘I don’t know how far underwear stretches, I don’t know how far I was off the ground,’ he recalled. ‘I was hurting really bad and I remember I was looking up at the ceiling and I was gritting my teeth and squinting my eyes … it was sawing and it was hurting.’
Sanders told investigators how Hamm then led him to ‘the pit’ where he ordered him to do press-ups and pushed his face into the ground. The distraught pledge felt someone, possibly Hamm, standing on his back. Hamm is then supposed to have set fire to Sanders’ pants and refused to let him pat the flames down, instead making him blow them out. Finally he was led upstairs to the ‘party room’ when Hamm hooked the claw of a hammer underneath his testicles and pulled him around the room ‘for at least a minute’.
[From The Daily Mail]
It’s one thing to hear that Hamm was part of a group of frat-bros who were brutally hazing a young pledge. It’s quite another to hear that Hamm was pretty much the ringleader and the one taking it WAY too far. I asked in the previous post if this makes you think differently about Hamm today, but now I’m just saying it – I’m not sure if this is forgivable. I’m not sure I can say “well, he’s grown a lot since then.”
As mentioned in the previous post, Sigma Nu was shut down following the investigation and Sanders sued the national fraternity too. Hamm was arrested and by 1995, he received “deferred adjudication” which meant that a criminal conviction didn’t go onto his record. Which is crazy, right? How was this not a FELONY? How does Jon Hamm not have a felony assault conviction on his record?
Photos courtesy of WENN.
Kim Richards, 50, of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills was arrested early Thursday morning at the Beverly Hills Hotel for public drunkenness. When law enforcement arrived at the scene, Richards refused to come out of the bathroom. She also swore at and kicked at the officer who attempted to arrest her, so they added a few additional charges for good measure.
Richards went to rehab in 2011, which was reportedly at least her third try. In the early seasons of RHOBH, she was a total mess. She admitted to being on multiple prescription medications (Topamax, Lexapro and Trazodone), drank heavily and slurred her speech, even during the day. I haven’t been keeping up with RHOBH, but there was at least one episode this season where her co-stars questioned whether she was sober, and she admitted to taking a pain pill. She’s also been fighting with her sister, Kyle, as is typical. Late last year she had to send her pit bull away after he attacked multiple people. Here are the details on Richards’ arrest, from People:
According to a statement from the Beverly Hills Police Department, officers responded to “a report of a possible fight” at the Beverly Hills Hotel on Thursday morning at 1:30 a.m. and took Richards into custody at 2:04 a.m.
Richards, 50, “was displaying symptoms of alcohol intoxication including slurred speech and belligerent insolent behavior cursing at the officers and passively resisted arrest,” says the statement.
Additionally, Richards fled to the bathroom and refused to come out and, once at the station, kicked a police officer in the leg, though he was not injured.
Richards was released at 10:36 a.m. Thursday and was issued a citation charging her with public intoxication, trespassing, resisting an officer and battery on a police officer. She is scheduled to appear at LAX Superior Court on May 10.
The Beverly Hills Hotel had no comment when reached by PEOPLE for a statement about the incident.
A source tells PEOPLE, “She’s always acting kooky, but that’s her personality, so it wasn’t necessarily obvious if she was drinking or anything again.”
In 2011, Richards spent time in rehab to address her issues with substance abuse. During the RHOBH reunion, Richards insisted that she was still sober despite having admittedly used a pain pill during the most recent season. “It is not a slip, and it is not a relapse,” she said, adding that her sobriety was the most important thing to her.
[From People]
Yeah, that sounds like Kim. People also has details on the Tweets that the RHOBH stars have sent in support of Kim. Brandi Glanville was only vague, tweeting “Real friends are their [sic] in the good times,the bad times &especially the worst times.” She also posted a blog entry on the finale, promoting her wine while trying to remain diplomatic toward the other housewives. You could smell the subtle shade she threw on the women she feuds with, though. It’s unclear if she wrote it before or after Richards’ arrest, but she had the nicest things to say about Kim, calling her a BFF and writing that she was “always here for you.” Lisa Rinna, Lisa Vanderpump and Eileen Davidson also tweeted words of support for Kim.
As for Kim’s sister, Kyle, she hasn’t said a thing except to tweet a rebuttal to Radar’s report that Kyle is “still refusing to speak” to Kim following her arrest. Kyle tweeted this:
. @radar_online please stop with the invented , inaccurate stories
— Kyle Richards (@KyleRichards) April 16, 2015
Ok, well if Radar made that story up why didn’t Kyle tweet any kind of statement for her sister, even one asking for “privacy at this difficult time”? Just yesterday, prior to Kim’s arrest, Kyle told US that “nothing was resolved at the reunion” in regard to her relationship with Kim and that “I’m sad that it has come to this.” She did say that she loved her sister and nieces and nephew, but then a “source” told US “[Kim feels Kyle] cares more about doing a scene for the show and creating drama more than their actual relationship.” Kim is an addict and her dog attacked Kyle’s daughter, so despite how cold she can come across I’m starting to understand Kyle’s stance.
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Photos are credit Bravo and Getty Images
Kylie Jenner and her sister Kendall are on nearly every magazine cover this month. It sure feels that way. Kylie takes the Teen Vogue May honors with another “makeup” transformation. In part of the editorial, Kylie sports the dreadlocks that I talked about when covering the Zendaya dread story after the Oscars. Kylie’s dreads were seen as “edgy” by the media.
In the interview, Kylie discusses the importance of family. She’s only 17 but knows she wants tons of children (perhaps to repeat Kardashian history). Teen Vogue’s editor-in-chief Amy Astley writes that “baby sister is clever and in control.” We’ll see. I don’t think any 17-year-old can be in control, especially when she’s dating a 25-year-old guy. Does Kylie think she’s in control? Sure. All teens feel like they know best.
The most interesting part of this interview is about Kylie’s exhaustive hair and makeup routine. Beyond the 40-minute lips and 2-hour showers, Kylie says it takes at least 2 hours to prepare herself for leaving the house. Teenagers spend a lot of time staring into the mirror, but this is beyond normal, right? Some excerpts:
She wants to be a mom: “Having sisters is the best. I have a different relationship with each of them. I go to Kim for fashion advice, Khloe is always boy and family advice, and Kourtney is like another mother to me. It’s so fun being an aunt. When I look to the far future and decide to have kids, I need to have a million girls. Ten years from now–in 2025–I hope I have a kid.”
Her prep time: “I never really wear makeup unless I need to, because when I do my makeup I like to really do my makeup. So I’m never going to spend just 20 minutes, you know? A good night out is, like, two and a half hours for full makeup, curling hair, whatever. I love false lashes — individuals, strips, extensions. … [but ] I’ve realized people really like my no-makeup selfies.”
On her new $2.5 million home: “I’m moving out when I turn 18. I’m ready to live on my own. It’s a really big step, but I’m ready. I wanted a house near my family in a quiet neighborhood with a front yard and a backyard that my dog will like. Also, I have so many shoes, and none of them fit in my old closet.”
She reads comments: “Today I posted my Instagram picture three different times. I kept deleting it and re-posting it because I kept looking at the comments and they were bad comments. And I was like, ‘Ahhh!’ and I kept re-posting it. The people who take the time to write these comments are so mean and hateful, like they just want to come at you and hurt you. You can read 1,000 nice comments but remember the mean one. I think you should only really listen to what your family and your close friends say. I try to let it go in one ear and out the other and just stay positive.”
[From Teen Vogue]
Kylie also reveals how she wants to go blonde (like big sister Kim did?) this summer. So get ready for that one. I chuckle at Kylie’s mention of “no-makeup selfies.” Anytime a Kardashian-Jenner claims to have a bare face, they’re always lying. Maybe they think foundation, contouring, and nude lips don’t count as real makeup. With all the time Kylie spends getting ready, I’m amazed that she has time for anything else. But she’s been busy. She went shopping in a tiny dress. She showed off some blue contacts “for fun” on Instagram. She also went grocery shopping with Tyga.
For fun
A photo posted by Kylizzle (@kyliejenner) on Apr 15, 2015 at 5:54pm PDT
Photos courtesy of Giampaolo Sgura/Teen Vogue, Fame/Flynet & Kylie Jenner on Instagram
Shortly after Time Magazine’s Most Influential list (Time 100) came out yesterday, they released some video interviews of some of the artists/influential people that were profiled. As you can imagine, Kanye West’s videos are particularly notable. He’s dropping some Kanye Truth Bombs, but here’s the thing – you know how I’m sort of Kanye Apologist? Yeah, these videos show why. I think when we’re reading some crazy interview with Kanye, we imagine him ranting like a crazy person, yelling ALL CAPS to some poor journalist. When in reality, Kanye takes himself seriously (too seriously) and he’s a narcissistic monster, for sure, but he’s soft-spoken and thoughtful, even funny. Is he as profound as he thinks he is? Not really. But when you actually get to see him in an interview, the experience is a lot different.
Video #1. This one is generating the most headlines. Kanye talks about how “Every time I crash the Internet, it’s like this little drop of truth…Every time I say something that’s extremely truthful out loud, it literally breaks the Internet. So what are we getting the rest of the time?” He also says he doesn’t care about his legacy. He also talks about his “mission” and claims “I think there are schoolteachers with the exact same mission as me. I think there are police officers with the exact same mission as me.” O RLY?
Video #2. Kanye talks about being the “Robin Hood of Fashion” as in, the current fashion equation is all about expense, exclusivity and luxury and he wants to bring great, dope style to the masses. He’s very grandiose here, but it’s cute.
Video #3. Kanye claims he’s not in competition with anyone. Except Kendrick Lamar?! NO! No, he’s not competing with Kendrick or Drake or anyone else. This week.
Here are some photos of Kanye and Kim leaving Paris yesterday:
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet, Time Magazine.