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I’m trying not to freak out about all of the midterm polling and all of the reports about the Republicans taking back the House. Election Day is less than two weeks away (November 8th) and it’s important that everyone votes. Don’t let this be a low turnout election. Everything is on the line, like always. The only thing keeping me hopeful about the polling is that the polling numbers likely don’t reflect what I hope will be a wave of new voters turning out specifically for abortion rights and the protection of reproductive freedom. That is a huge f–king issue and the male-dominated media barely acknowledges the reality on the ground, that women are f–king terrified that our rights are being rolled back. Speaking of, there was a debate in Pennsylvania last night for the Senate seat. John Fetterman versus Mehmet Oz. When the topic of abortion came up, Oz made his position clear: abortion rights should be decided between women, doctors, governors, state senators, mayors, city council members and town sheriffs.

Asked whether he supports abortion aside from cases of rape, incest or a life-threatening situation to the mother, Oz said that it should be up to states to decide how they handle abortion access and that the federal government should stay out of it.

“As a physician, I’ve been in the room when there’s some difficult conversations happening. I don’t want the federal government involved with that at all,” he added. “I want women, doctors, local political leaders letting the democracy that’s always allowed our nation to thrive to put the best ideas forward so states can decide for themselves.”

Oz said that as a senator, he would vote against any federal bill that tried to make abortion either legal or illegal nationwide, including one from Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.

[From NBC News]

Fetterman’s campaign jumped on Oz’s statement and they’ve already cut some ads about it. Keep in mind, the GOP’s official position has always been some variation of “there shouldn’t be a federal protection OR ban for abortion.” They’ve always wanted states to determine reproductive rights, so in that sense, Oz’s position isn’t radical at all – he’s just saying the GOP position rather plainly, that a state or locality can impose itself on a person’s medical choices. The problem is that Lindsey Graham let the cat out of the bag last month – if the Republicans get any kind of majority in the House or Senate, they’re going for a federal abortion ban. Which was always the ultimate endgame. So vote accordingly.

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Photos courtesy of Getty, Avalon Red.

Matthew Perry’s memoir Friends, Lovers and the Big Terrible Thing comes out next week. The book is a raw look at Matthew’s drug and alcohol addiction and his struggle to get sober. Last week, we learned that the GI perforation that almost killed him was caused by ingesting too many Oxycontin. Matthew also admitted to going to rehab about 15 times. In his interview with The New York Times, he revealed that those rehab stays and all his other efforts to get sober have cost him something to the tune of $9M.

Matthew Perry says in a recent interview with The New York Times that he spent a literal fortune to get sober.

The Friends alum, 53, noted the estimated seven-figure sum he’s shelled out on his path to sobriety in the Sunday interview while promoting the upcoming release of his memoir Friends, Lovers and the Big Terrible Thing.

“I’ve probably spent $9 million or something trying to get sober,” Perry said. The actor also revealed that he recently celebrated 18 months of sobriety, which would indicate he was newly sober for the popular Friends reunion special, which aired in May 2021.

Perry previously opened up to PEOPLE about the new book and his decades-spanning journey to getting off drugs and alcohol, explaining that “everything starts with sobriety.”

“Because if you don’t have sobriety, you’re going to lose everything that you put in front of it, so my sobriety is right up there,” Perry said. “I’m an extremely grateful guy. I’m grateful to be alive, that’s for sure. And that gives me the possibility to do anything.”

[From People]

Not to over-simplify it but that’s a lot of money. Matthew’s vague about the amount, “I’ve probably spent $9 million or something trying to get sober,” but I’ll bet his manager or accountant has given him an idea of what his addiction cost him. A stay at Passages runs between $80,000 – $111,000, so 15 stays there would be close to $2M. Maybe he went out of state or overseas for anonymity. Plus, therapy, legal and medical bills, I’m sure he could get to $9M pretty quickly. It breaks my heart to think of what happens to all the addicts who don’t have Friends money to see it through to get fully sober like Matthew did. But I’m glad Matthew did see it through because lord knows even those with money don’t make it either. And I applaud him for being so honest about all of this. I don’t think it was easy for him to so and he’ll probably receive criticism, but I’m sure he’ll help someone out there as well. Since that’s his goal, it’ll be worth it, I imagine.

Matthew said that in addition to money, he relied heavily on his both lower and capital “f” Friends. He said the famously tight-knit cast rallied around him, propping him up when he needed it. And while they were patient, his issues didn’t go unnoticed. When Matthew talked to Diane Sawyer, he said that Jennifer Aniston was the first Friend to confront him on his problems. But he said that Jennifer was the one who reached out to him the most during his recovery and that’s he’s, “really grateful to her for that.”

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Photo credit: People, NBC News and Getty Images

I have a little conspiracy theory about this week’s Archetypes podcast, “Upending the ‘Angry Black Woman’ Myth with Issa Rae and Ziwe.” This week’s episode was one of the best ones I’ve listened to, right up there with the Mindy Kaling/singleton episode as “the best.” Meghan was especially chatty and funny with Ziwe and Issa Rae, and when she talked to Ziwe, Meghan spoke about how she took a genealogy test and discovered that she was 43% Nigerian. My conspiracy theory is that Meghan “coming out” as Nigerian has spooked the British media. In previous weeks, for previous pod episodes, the Salt Island media has nitpicked Meghan and tried to delegitimize everything she says. So far, they really haven’t done that with this episode. It’s almost like Salt Island knows that Nigerian Twitter is waiting to pounce.

Ziwe knew how big it was for the Nigerian community too, she was so excited on the pod. Ziwe also posted this great photo with Meg, as seen above. The only thing the Mail wrote about this was that Meghan wore leather pants from Anine Bing which retail for £975. There’s some insidious “how dare Meghan wear expensive clothes” sh-t but otherwise… the Mail is being shockingly quiet about this week’s episode. Nigerian Twitter is WAITING.

My other theory is that the Salt Island media doesn’t want to talk about this week’s pod because Meghan effortlessly subtweeted their years-long campaign to make her sound like an “angry Black woman” and a “bully.” When Meghan spoke to Issa, this is what she said about being in those rooms full of white people and trying not to come across a certain way:

“I also know that I will find myself cowering and tiptoeing into a room where – and I don’t know if you ever do it, the thing I find the most embarrassing – is when you’re saying a sentence with the intonation goes up like it’s a question. And you’re like – oh my God, stop, stop whispering and tiptoeing and say what it is that you need. You’re allowed to set a boundary. You’re allowed to be clear, does not make you demanding, it does not make you difficult, it makes you clear.”

[From The Sun]

Remember when Kensington Palace staffers told everyone that they nicknamed her Duchess Difficult? Yeah.

Photos courtesy of Instar and Instagram.

House of the Dragon had its first season finale this week. The first season of the prequel was paced quite differently from its predecessor, Game of Thrones. There were frequent time jumps and it spanned two decades in just 10 episodes, with some characters being recast multiple times to keep up and some characters showing nary a sign of aging (based on Crison Cole, evil doesn’t age). And despite extensive source material and some pretty potent foreshadowing throughout the episode, the last scene was somehow still shocking and sets the stage for the wars to come. Ryan Condal, one of the creators and showrunners, did an interview with the New York Times about following GoT, the complexities of the characters, and all those time jumps.

He’s whisked the characters of “House of the Dragon” through a sweeping pseudo-historical narrative, in which entire decades speed by from one episode to the next. Now Ryan Condal, a creator and showrunner of the series, is experiencing a time jump all his own.

“It’s so weird, after spending so long making the show, that the finale is airing already,” Condal said in a phone call from London, just hours before the show’s first season concluded. “It felt like it took years and years just to get that first episode aired. Then, very quickly, everything airs, and that’s it.”

On the overall reception to HotD: “I was surprised in a happy way about how quickly everybody embraced it. I really thought it was going to be more of a hill to climb because we were following the Beatles, and how do you do that? You don’t. You just try to do your own thing, and hope it connects with people. But I was shocked that people came right out the gate and accepted it, generally — this massive fandom, and tens of millions of people watching the show, and writing about it and talking about it.”

On the thirst for Prince Daemon: “I’m having trouble understanding it. We established right out of the gate, in the pilot, that Daemon is a fascinating guy, but he’s not Ned Stark. So I didn’t see it coming. To me, Daemon is the antihero of this story. He’s a character with a real darkness to him, who’s dangerous and charming in equal parts. I knew people would be fascinated by him and latch onto him, but I figured they’d do it in the way they did with Jaime Lannister or Bronn or the Red Viper. I did not think they would oddly apply this sort of super-fandom to him and try to justify every single thing he’s done as being intrinsically heroic. It simply isn’t. It’s not the case. Nor will it be in the future.”

On the time jumps and recasting: “There really is no way to tell the story of a generational conflict without spending time with each generation and understanding what happened to make things go bad. But it was very risky. As complex as the original “Game of Thrones” was, they did not do anything like this, so it was a bold choice. But we were standing on the shoulders of a giant that had done a lot of the legwork before us, which allowed us to make that bold choice, knowing we had an audience that was going to lean forward and do the hard work of paying attention to the show. They weren’t just signing up for empty-calories, popcorn entertainment. I’m really glad and proud of and grateful for the audience, who buckled up and came along for the ride. The reward for everybody is that the story from here forward happens in real time.

[From The New York Times]

It’s not surprising that the series has been a hit despite fans’ (correct) dissatisfaction with the truly terrible final season of GoT. The content is compelling and there’s a lot of talent involved. And it truly seems like Ryan and Miguel Sapochnik were mindful of the flaws and downfall of the first series and they’re trying to do their own thing, honor/interpret the source material, and not make the same mistakes as the D-bros who made the first series. I’m not surprised at the thirst for Matt Smith’s Daemon since people also think Joe from You is the pinnacle of romance. Daemon is clearly an antihero, but Criston Cole is a straight-up villain cop and he must be stopped.

I’m glad to hear that we’re done with the time jumps and the story will be happening in real time from here on out. The recasting worked, especially for the two lead actors, but there was no need to have three sets of actors for the Velaryon twins and I don’t think they needed to swap Aegon at all. The platinum blonde wigs distract from some aging nuances. And while I appreciate that they didn’t dilly-dally for multiple seasons like GoT, I do think there was a way to split the difference. Like many critics, I agree that the storyline needed to breathe a bit more and we should have spent more time with the characters. It’s Westeros so of course there were a number of sudden deaths, but they’re less impactful when the characters/actors in question have gotten less than an hour of combined screentime throughout the episodes. Things happened so quickly that I’d say there were only two deaths that warranted more than a shrug and “oh damn.”

The only bummer about this job is I get practically every movie spoiled for me. I haven’t gotten out to see Black Adam yet. Not that I was in a rush to do so, but I was going to see it. And now I know what would have been such an incredibly cool moment. So – and this kills me to say this – stop reading this post now if you plan to see the film.

***SPOILERS for Black Adam***

In the post credit scene of Black Adam, Superman crashes through the ceiling and tells Dwayne Johnson’s Black Adam they need to talk before the scene fades to black. Audiences hoped this meant Black Adam and Superman are going to battle it out in another film. Which it does, unofficially. But what was also gasp-worthy is that it was none other than Henry Cavill once again wearing the Big S emblazoned on his delicious chest. Much like the question who’s got the keys to the Batmobile this week?, we didn’t know if Henry was coming back to the role. Between the shifting directors at DC and Henry’s many other projects, most of us thought he’d pulled his red boots off for the last time (and nobody really blamed him). But Dwayne Johnson was teasing all kinds of ways during the promo and people who guessed a Superman cameo was in the works kept poking Henry if he was reprising his role anytime soon. He didn’t make a peep prior so as not to spoil anything. However, after Black Adam pulled in $140M globally, Henry felt enough people had seen the film that he could officially announce to everyone that he’s back, baby.

Henry said the clip above and the cameo in BA “are just a very small taste of things to come,” which has sent fans into overdrive trying to figure what’s coming next. DC has a lot of issues currently. The biggest is Ezra Miller because DC had a franchise tied to them. And now that they are looking at a potential 26 years behind bars, DC needs to pretend they were never The Flash. I swear, if Henry can resurrect DC’s PR by coming back, I might suspect he actually is Superman.

Henry ended his IG by thanking the fans for all their support and love. I’ll bet they lost their minds over that cameo. Like I said, I would pay money to go back to a time I didn’t know about it just to see that scene. I love Henry as Superman. Granted I think he is knee-buckling handsome, but I also think he’s good in the role so I’m game for however long he wants the cape. And I hope Amy Adams keeps coming back as his Lois, they’re darling together (on and offscreen). Henry also said in his IG that he was sorry to keep us in suspense, but he promises it will be rewarded. So I guess he intends to make out with me in the theater during his next film? Awesome.

Equally sexy to Superman Henry is Nerd Hank:

Photo credit: Cover Images, James Warren/Avalon Red and Instagram

Serena Williams keeps saying that she’s not really retired. While I would love it if she came back to tennis, I don’t think she will. [JustJared]
Leslie Jordan appeared in Pee Wee’s Playhouse 2. [Seriously OMG]
Blue Ivy Carter bid $80K on an auction for her mom’s earrings. [Dlisted]
Olivia Wilde and the story about rehoming her family’s dog. [LaineyGossip]
I love Queen Latifah but this outfit is amazingly, devastatingly bad. [Tom & Lorenzo]
People are still enjoying the Liz Truss memes. [Pajiba]
Nicole Kidman looked great at an Omega event. [GFY]
Here’s Adidas’s statement cutting ties with Kanye West. [Buzzfeed]
Sister Wives’ Kody Brown was “unhinged” at a wedding. [Starcasm]
Early voting has started in Texas! GOTV!!! [Towleroad]
Hailey Bieber wore lingerie to Doja Cat’s party. [Egotastic]
My guess is that Rishi Sunak is about 5’6”. [Gawker]

Iconic actor Leslie Jordan has passed away at the young and sassy age of 67. He died yesterday following a car accident in which he was the driver and only person injured. It’s thought that he had a medical emergency which caused the crash. He was a prolific Emmy-winning character actor, theater performer, playwright and beloved personality. He gained millions of fans with his hilarious and heartwarming social media posts early in lockdown. Leslie was incomparable, joyful, lovely and raucously funny and he will be so missed. Here’s some of People’s writeup on Leslie.

Leslie Jordan has died, PEOPLE has confirmed. He was 67.

“The world is definitely a much darker place today without the love and light of Leslie Jordan,” his agent David Shaul shared in a statement to PEOPLE. “Not only was he a mega talent and joy to work with, but he provided an emotional sanctuary to the nation at one of its most difficult times. What he lacked in height he made up for in generosity and greatness as a son, brother, artist, comedian, partner and human being. Knowing that he has left the world at the height of both his professional and personal life is the only solace one can have today.”

Jordan died in a car crash in Hollywood, California, after an apparent medical emergency, TMZ first reported. The LAPD confirmed to PEOPLE that the accident occurred at around 9:30 a.m. local time on Monday morning.

Jordan’s death was also confirmed via his official Instagram on Monday afternoon, with a brief statement teasing that Jordan was still working in final days.

“The love and light that Leslie shared will never go out and we invite you to share their memories and comfort each other during this time,” the post read. “In the coming days we will be giving a glimpse of a project Leslie was really proud of and was looking forward to sharing with the world.”

[From People]

Leslie was starring in the Fox sitcom Call Me Kat, the third season of which is airing now. He filmed 9 episodes for this season and production has halted following his death. People points out that Leslie was sober for over 20 years. He faced so much adversity as a gay man growing up in the south and yet he came out at 12 and was unapologetically himself. This is an incredibly hard story to write and we’re all gutted that we lost Leslie. I know him best from Will and Grace and he won me over on Instagram with his humor, light and laughter. The world will never have another Leslie Jordan and we are all greater for having known him.

This is making me both laugh and cry at the same time. We love you Leslie and we’ll miss you.

Leslie had just bought his first property.

photos credit: Cover Images and Avalon.red

One of the first “gigs” that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex signed up for was a paid speaking service, where they would obviously be paid keynote speakers for hire at various conferences, summits and conferences. The pandemic kind of ruined that, but before the pandemic, the British media was beside itself with glee/drama – just the idea of Harry being paid to, like, travel to Kansas and talk to a convention of dentists, I guess. Anyway, if Harry and Meghan have been making paid speeches constantly, we haven’t heard of it (and I think we would have). I assume that Meghan got this new gig from the paid-speaking service though: she’ll travel to Indiana after Thanksgiving to make a speech a women’s group:

Meghan, Duchess of Sussex and wife of Prince Harry, will be the featured guest at a Women’s Fund of Central Indiana event Nov. 29 at the Indianapolis Marriott Downtown.

“The Power of Women: An Evening with Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex” will include an interview conducted by Rabbi Sandy Sasso, the first woman rabbi ordained by the Reconstructionist Judiasm movement. She previously led Congregation Beth-El Zedeck in Indianapolis.

Tables of 10 are available through womensfund.org for $5,000, half of which is tax deductible. A Women’s Fund news release notes proceeds from the event, running from 5-8:30 p.m., will support its mission “to create equitable and sustainable change for all women and girls no matter of their race, place or identity.”

Women’s Fund of Central Indiana is a special interest fund of Central Indiana Community Foundation. Previous guests at Women’s Fund events include Michelle Obama and Soledad O’Brien.

“Women’s Fund is proud to welcome Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex, to Indianapolis – a mother, feminist, and champion of human rights,” a Women’s Fund spokesperson said. “She is a lifelong advocate for women and girls, a constant thread she weaves through humanitarian and business ventures.”

[From Yahoo]

As you can imagine, the usual suspects are trying to make Meghan sound like an out-of-touch elitists bilking the Indiana billionaires for the pleasure of her company. When really, Meghan likely agreed to do a speaking engagement because this aligns perfectly with the issues she cares about. The $5000 per table is part of the fundraising scheme for this non-profit, the Women’s Fund of Central Indiana. And I suspect that Meghan probably isn’t even getting paid that much.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Misan Harriman/the Sussexes.

Ever since Queen Elizabeth II passed away, the vibe has been off/different with the new queen consort, Camilla. The first weeks were obviously all about King Charles – and bizarrely also about Prince Harry – and I thought Camilla was making an effort to tread lightly on purpose, to slink into the background, to not draw attention to herself. After all, she “won,” but at what cost? She’s still very unpopular and people are not jazzed about calling her “Queen Camilla.” But as the weeks went on, it does feel notable that Camilla isn’t doing much of anything. She’s not part of the coronation committee, she’s not taking on any of QEII’s old patronages (yet, I suppose), she’s not pushing some big “love me, I’m your queen” agenda. And then this: as it turns out, Camilla traveled to India by herself to go to a wellness center for what I can only assume is some holistic cosmetic work.

Queen Camilla has traveled across the world for some rejuvenation. The wife of King Charles is staying at a holistic health center near Bangalore, India, where she and some friends are reportedly taking in a bit of wellness therapy.

The Queen Consort, 75, headed to the Soukya center after landing in Bangalore on Friday with some friends and protection officers, the Times of India reported.

Meditation, homeopathy, yoga, therapy and an ancient traditional system of medicine known as Ayurveda are available at Soukya, headed by Dr. Isaac Mathai. The residential medical institute bills itself as the world’s first integrative health destination and focuses on “healing, prevention or rejuvenation,” according to its website.

Camilla has been a regular attendee over the years, sometimes heading there en route to an overseas tour with King Charles. That is not the case this time, but she likely factored in the vacation a long time ago. Buckingham Palace had no comment when contacted about the break.

Camilla is staying at the retreat for ten days, according to the Times of India. Meanwhile, Charles was staying at the royal family’s Sandringham estate over the weekend. He will likely head back to London early this week to appoint the new prime minister after Liz Truss announced her resignation after being appointed on Sept. 6 by the late Queen Elizabeth.

[From People]

It’s more than possible that Camilla genuinely felt like a two-week rejuvenation holiday and nothing shady is going on. She did have a broken toe in September, and she has a family history of osteoporosis (and osteoarthritis, I would imagine). Maybe she truly needed some rest and relaxation. But it definitely feels weird that she just disappeared from England, flew all the way to India and checked into a wellness center just to…get some holistic treatment?

The idea that Camilla would get some pre-Christmas cosmetic surgery is kind of weird too – clearly, she’s fine with her age and she’s fine with looking her age. I guess we’ll know in a few weeks if and when Camilla returns and she suddenly looks as tucked and sucked as Brad Pitt. Another possibility is that the old winebag needed to be dried out??

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images and TOBY MELVILLE/Avalon..

For years now, there have been all kinds of royal “insiders,” Tory elders and completely random royal friends, all coming out to bash The Crown. While there was some criticism of the first three seasons, starting with Season 4 – the introduction of Princess Diana – and continuing to the current flurry of bullsh-t around Season 5, I have assumed that Charles is behind everything. Charles is the one who is furious about a prestige drama, he’s the one organizing this unhinged campaign, and it’s all about his history, his behavior, his actions. But what if other people have their own separate agendas? Here we have Judi Dench, who wrote a hilarious screed against The Crown last week. The crux of her argument was that Americans are too dumb to know that The Crown is a dramatization and that there should be a disclaimer on the show for dumb Americans. Considering Dench’s friendship with Charles and Camilla, I thought they put her up to writing that asinine letter. Turns out, she had her own reasons for whining about The Crown.

Dame Judi Dench reportedly seriously considered joining the cast of Netflix’s The Crown for its fifth season. The esteemed actress, 87, is said to have been sent a script while talking to the royal drama’s producers about taking the role of the Queen Mother – a character which was eventually taken on by actress Marcia Warren. And the revelation comes after Dame Judi branded the series’ plotlines ‘cruelly unjust’ as she slammed the show, blaming it for crude sensationalism.

According to The Times, sources alleged that both The Crown and Dame Judi were ‘taking it seriously’ when in talks for her to join season five.

But the publication noted that there was conflict between the actress and producers over the Queen Mother being a relatively small role for the star, alongside disputes on the size of fee she would get for the role.

The Crown ensures that whichever actress is playing Queen Elizabeth II in the show, currently Imelda Staunton, receives the highest level of pay.

Dame Judi, who has played Elizabeth I and Queen Victoria in past roles, also has a close relationship with the royal family and often fronts events – such as this year’s Jubilee celebrations – leading to worries she could damage their friendship.

[From The Daily Mail]

I’m a bit surprised that the Mail and the Times reported on this and did some digging. Perhaps it was Netflix leaking it too, but whoever put this information out there did it to make Dench look like a petty, unprofessional a–hole. Dench clearly wanted a part on The Crown but she wanted the Queen Mum to have a bigger role and she wanted to get paid more. Netflix turned her down. So Dench’s letter last week looks like sour grapes. Yeah… it was most likely Netflix leaking this, right? LMAO, Netflix is not playing with these fools. Charles and his people better sleep with one eye open, the Netflix boogeymen are coming.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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